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Oxford Martin School

The Oxford Martin School was founded as the James Martin 21st Century School at the University of Oxford in 2005 through the vision and generosity of Dr James Martin. The School is a unique, interdisciplinary research initiative addressing key global future challenges. In 2009, a $50 million matched funding challenge was initiated by Dr James Martin. The Challenge was an unprecedented success, matching the donations of 30 different donors (individual philanthropists, charities, corporations and research bodies) and creating 19 new research programmes to join membership of the School. As a result of this expansion, the School relaunched under the new name of Oxford Martin School in Autumn 2010.
A key aim of the School is to mitigate the most pressing risks and realise exciting new opportunities of the 21st century. With interdisciplinary teams of researchers from across the university, the School is working on the frontiers of knowledge in four broad areas: health and medicine; energy and environment; technology and society; and ethics and governance. Aiming to have an impact beyond academia, the School also develops wide-ranging initiatives, intellectual programmes and public events to engage with national and international policymakers, business, students and the general public.

Series associated with Oxford Martin School

Big Questions For The Future
Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine
Can emerging technologies save the world? Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012
Certification and Sustainability
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010
Getting to Zero: Michaelmas Term Seminar Series 2009
Global Catastrophic Risks Conference 2008
Global Shocks
Human Rights and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Challenges and prospects
Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations?: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2011
Is the planet full? Seminar Series 2011
Oxford Food Governance Group: The Politics and Practices of Food
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Cooling
Oxford Martin School Series: Food Futures
Oxford Martin School: Interviews and Commentaries
Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars
Science - Post-Normal Perspectives - Jerry Ravetz at 90
Wildlife Trade Symposium: Evolving Perspectives on the demand for illegal wildlife products
# Episode Title Description People Date
75 Creative Commons How can 9-10 billion people be fed sustainably and equitably by 2050? Talk by Professor Charles Godfray, Director, Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food. Charles Godfray 09 Nov 2011
74 Creative Commons Water Scarcity: a shortage of water or a shortage of ideas? 'Water Crises', 'Water Wars', 'Peak Water' and many more phrases have been used in recent years to suggest that a growing population and increased per capita water use are leading inexorably to critical levels of water scarcity. Professor 21 Oct 2011
73 Creative Commons Overpopulation or underpopulation? It is common to hear about the problems of overpopulation, but do we really have too many people? Do we have an acceptable number? Or might we even have too few? Dr Toby Ord 14 Oct 2011
72 Creative Commons Can Generations be Treated Equally? Professor Asheim, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, gives a talk for the Oxford Martin School Hilary Term Seminar Series 2011 Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations? Geir Asheim 24 Aug 2011
71 A Global Community Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technologies Dr Jill Tarter, Director, Center for SETI Research, SETI Institute gives a talk for the Oxford Martin School Seminar Series. Jill Tarter 24 Aug 2011
70 Creative Commons Fiscal Policy, Fairness between Generations and National Saving Dr Martin Weale, of the Bank of England Monetary Policy, gives a talk for the Oxford Martin School 2011 Hilary Term Seminar Series; Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations? Martin Weale 24 Aug 2011
69 Creative Commons Rethinking Geoengineering and the Meaning of the Climate Crisis Professor Clive Hamilton delivers a critique of the consequentialist approach to the ethics of geoengineering, the approach that deploys assessment of costs and benefits in a risk framework to justify climatic intervention. Clive Hamilton 02 Aug 2011
68 Creative Commons Who speaks for climate? Mass media serve vital roles in communication processes between science, policy and the public, and often stitch together perceptions, intentions, considerations, and actions regarding climate change. Maxwell T. Boykoff 28 Jul 2011
67 Climate change investment - what is it worth for future generations? The worthiness of a social investment project is a balance between the cost of the project, and the value of the benefits to society/ how long those benefits may apply. Ben Groom 10 Mar 2011
66 Demographic balance and human capital from an intergenerational perspective Our world is demographically divided - some populations continue to grow rapidly, while others are already on a shrinking trajectory. Wolfgang Lutz 18 Feb 2011
65 Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice: What are our obligations to future generations? Climate change raises profound questions of intergenerational justice. It is widely recognized that there is a powerful case for mitigation in virtue of obligations we have to future generations. But how much mitigation is required? Simon Caney 11 Feb 2011
64 Creative Commons A legacy of dangers: Climate failure and future generations The principles that ought to guide our one-way relations with future generations depend profoundly on the precise nature of what is being provided to or - in this case, inflicted on - them. Henry Shue 09 Feb 2011
63 Creative Commons A new capitalism for a big society Bishop and Green led a discussion based on their recent book, "The Road From Ruin: A New Capitalism for a Big Society". Matthew Bishop, Michael Green 03 Feb 2011
62 Creative Commons Assessing the economic rise of China and India The recent economic rise of China and India has attracted a great deal of attention--and justifiably so. Pranab Bardhan 03 Feb 2011
61 Dealing with The New Normal: Resilience in systems that must cope with uncertainty Part of the School's intergrative seminar series. Delivered by Professor Patricia Hirl Longstaff, James Martin Senior Visiting Fellow, Professor, Syracuse University, Research Associate, Harvard Program on Information Resources Policy. Patricia Hirl Longstaff 03 Feb 2011
60 Creative Commons Sustainability: How can each generation live well within limits? Well-being, Time and Sustainability: Epicurus or Aristotle? This seminar addresses two key questions about sustainability. John O'Neill 28 Jan 2011
59 Creative Commons Is the fiscal crisis forcing a rethink of our intergenerational compact with the elderly? Professor Peter Heller (John Hopkins University) on 'Is the fiscal crisis forcing a rethink of our intergenerational compact with the elderly?'. Peter Heller 21 Jan 2011
58 Creative Commons Fair Trade Certification Dr Alex Nicholls (Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship) examines how over the past ten years the market for Fair Trade products has grown at double digit rates across many countries in the North. Alex Nicholls 08 Dec 2010
57 Creative Commons Problems With Credit Rating Agencies Professor Timothy Sinclair (University of Warwick) looks at why getting credit ratings 'right' seems vitally important to many professional observers and politicians. Timothy Sinclair 01 Dec 2010
56 Creative Commons Integrating Technology, Science, Law, Economics, and Politics: Development of Practical Policy for Carbon Capture and Storage Dr Kenneth Richards, James Martin Senior Visiting Fellow on how carbon capture and storage (CCS) provides a potentially promising approach to mitigating carbon dioxide emissions. Kenneth Richards 24 Nov 2010
55 Creative Commons Standards for sweatshops: voluntary labour standards programs in global supply chains Increased attention to sweatshops, child labour, and the suppression of labour rights has led to a range of voluntary initiatives that set, monitor, and certify labour standards in global supply chains. Tim Bartley 19 Nov 2010
54 Conflict diamonds and the governance of resources Professor Ian Taylor (University of St. Andrews) discusses conflict diamonds and the governance of resources. Part of the Michaelmas Term Seminar series 2010. Ian Taylor 10 Nov 2010
53 Creative Commons Driven to Drive Markets: The contradictions of forest certification in the promotion of sustainability Professor Dan Klooster (University of Redlands) summarizes the formation and growth of forest certification and illustrates how it qualifies sustainability and leverages meaningful changes in forest management. Dan Klooster 04 Nov 2010
52 Creative Commons Working with the crowd : 21st century citizen science Galaxy Zoo PI and James Martin Fellow Chris Lintott will review the technologies available to researchers seeking to rescue themselves from drowning in data by recruiting the help of tens or even hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Chris Lintott 27 Oct 2010
51 Creative Commons Enacting the Ethical Consumer Dr Clive Barnett (Open University) asks how do consumers know when they are acting responsibly? Are they making a difference when they buy "Fairtrade" or "certified organic"? Can consumers trust these kinds of accreditations? Clive Barnett 22 Oct 2010
50 Creative Commons Introduction to and Overview of Third Party Certification Michaelmas Term Seminar Series 2010 - Dr Lars Gulbrandsen, 'Introduction to and Overview of Third Party Certification'. Lars Gulbrandsen 20 Oct 2010
49 Creative Commons Climate Shocks: Turning Crisis into Opportunity Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, CIGI Chair of Global Systems, Balsillie School of International Affairs; full Professor, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo on Climate Shocks: Turning Crisis into Opportunity. Thomas Homer-Dixon 15 Oct 2010
48 Creative Commons Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? Special seminar from the James Martin 21st Century School: Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? Ove Hoegh-Guldberg 07 Sep 2010
47 Creative Commons The Plundered Planet Paul Collier, Oxford Professor and author of The Bottom Billion, launched a discussion based on his latest publication, The Plundered Planet. Paul Collier, Charles Badenoch, Jamie Drummond, Gideon Rachman 17 Jun 2010
46 Cooperation, Norms and Conflict: Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society In order to understand social systems, it is essential to identify the circumstances under which individuals spontaneously start cooperating or developing shared behaviors, norms, and culture. Dirk Helbing 05 Mar 2010
45 Creative Commons Predicting the Behaviour of Techno-Social Systems: How Informatics and Computing Help to Fight Off Global Pandemics We live in an increasingly interconnected world of 'techno-social' systems, where infrastructures composed of different technological layers are interoperating within the social component that drives their use and development. Alessandro Vespignani 25 Feb 2010
44 Creative Commons Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean The oceans are a critical component of the climate system, storing roughly 1000 times as much heat, and 50 times as much carbon, as the atmosphere. David Marshall 18 Feb 2010
43 Creative Commons Anticipating Future Complexity: Are Systems Such as Cities Getting More Complex? Cities are getting more complex as their residents acquire more and more ways in which they can interact with one another. Mike Batty 17 Feb 2010
42 Creative Commons Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? Geoffrey West 05 Feb 2010
41 Creative Commons Stability and Complexity in Model Banking Systems The recent banking crises have made it clear that increasingly complex strategies for managing risk in individual banks and investment funds (pension funds, etc) has not been matched by corresponding attention to overall systemic risks. Robert May 22 Jan 2010
40 Creative Commons A Panel Discussion with George Soros Lessons from Financial Crises: Paradigm Failure and the Future of Financial Regulation. Paul Beaudry, Ian Goldin, Roger Goodman, Anatole Kaletsky 17 Dec 2009
39 Creative Commons Global Eradication of Infectious Diseases: Can 'Not Very Much' undermine the goal of 'None at All'? Despite the well-publicised success of global smallpox eradication, 'zero' remains an elusive goal for the majority of vaccine-preventable diseases, making reduced pathogen circulation, or direct protection of the vulnerable more achievable strategies. Jodie McVernon 27 Nov 2009
38 Creative Commons A New Approach to Nuclear Disarmament: Learning from International Humanitarian Law Success Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. Patricia Lewis 25 Nov 2009
37 Creative Commons Dealing with doctrines: time to outlaw nuclear weapon use? Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. Rebecca Johnson 24 Nov 2009
36 Creative Commons Geoengineering the climate Geoengineering the climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty: The Royal Society Study - John Shepherd (NOCS). John Shepherd 19 Nov 2009
35 Creative Commons The End of Business as Usual Distinguished Public Lecture: The end of business as usual by Dr Mohamed El-Erian, Co-CIO of PIMCO. Mohamed El-Erian 18 Nov 2009
34 Creative Commons Dealing with doctrines: time to outlaw nuclear weapon use? Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. Rebecca Johnson 11 Nov 2009
33 Creative Commons Bottom billion or bottom zero? Policies for international poverty reduction Some developing countries have achieved rapid economic growth and poverty reduction while others have stagnated. This talk will review the determinants of success and the prospects for lagging regions to improve performance and eliminate poverty. Tony Venables 30 Oct 2009
32 Creative Commons Eliminating Nuclear Weapons The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP on how, in the 21st century, nuclear weapons pose a greater danger than ever before and their possession is less necessary. The time has come to forge agreement on a process of multilateral disarmament. Malcolm Rifkind 28 Oct 2009
31 Creative Commons Repairing Economic Governance Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and internationally renowned economic advisor, talks about the need to take a systematic long view in repairing international economic governance structures. Jeffrey Sachs 23 Oct 2009
30 Creative Commons Zero chance? Aiming for zero in weapons control These seminars were run by the Oxford Martin School (formerly the James Martin 21st Century School) in association with the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. Richard Price 21 Oct 2009
29 Biotechnology and Biosecurity Lecture on Biotechnology; its applications, its implications, risks and the challenges this new technology brings. Ali Nouri 17 Aug 2009
28 Introduction to the Global Catastrophes Risk Conference 2008 Nick Bostrom provides an introduction to the Global Catastrophic Risks Conference and briefly addressing some of the key themes running through it. Nick Bostrom 17 Aug 2009
27 Probing the Improbable In this lecture, Toby Ord discusses the philosophical questions surrounding the risk of a global catastophe as well as the implications of a larger Hadron Collider. Toby Ord 17 Aug 2009
26 Blueprint for a Safer Planet Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, a world renowned economist and leading authority on climate change, came to the 21st Century School on Thursday 7 May to give a lecture about his "Blueprint for a Safer Planet". Nicholas Stern 08 May 2009
25 Ian Goldin at University of Cape Town Speaking at the Vice-Chancellor's Open Lecture, Dr Ian Goldin asked: Are the world's leading thinkers anticipating the risks and opportunities of the 21st century, or will humanity be overtaken by its own medical, technological and scientific successes? Ian Goldin 18 Mar 2009
24 Showcase: Oxford Stem cell Institute Showcase: Oxford Stem cell Institute. Paul Fairchild 15 Dec 2008
23 Showcase: Institute for Science and Civilization Showcase: Institute for Science and Civilization. Steve Rayner 15 Dec 2008
22 Showcase: 21st Century Ocean Institute Showcase: 21st Century Ocean Institute. Gideon Henderson, David Marshall 15 Dec 2008
21 Showcase: Institute of Nanoscience for Medicine Showcase: Institute of Nanoscience for Medicine. Mark Sansom 15 Dec 2008
20 Showcase: International Migration Institute Showcase: International Migration Institute. Stephen Castles 15 Dec 2008
19 Showcase: Carbon and Energy Reduction in Transport Showcase: Carbon and Energy Reduction in Transport. Malcolm McCulloch 15 Dec 2008
18 Showcase: Institute for the Future of the Mind Showcase: Institute for the Future of the Mind. Susan Greenfield 15 Dec 2008
17 Showcase: Future Humanity Institute Showcase: Future Humanity Institute. Nick Bostrom 15 Dec 2008
16 Showcase: Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict Showcase: Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. Jennifer Welsh 15 Dec 2008
15 Showcase: Environmental Change Institute Showcase: Environmental Change Institute. Diana Liverman 15 Dec 2008
14 Showcase: Ethics of the New Biosciences Showcase: Ethics of the New Biosciences. Julian Savulescu 15 Dec 2008
13 Showcase: Institute of Ageing Showcase: Institute of Ageing. Sarah Harper 15 Dec 2008
12 Expected and unexpected in the exploration of the fundamental laws of nature How does knowledge of the "known" allow scientists to anticipate consequences of the "unknown"? Possible outcomes of new high-energy experiments will be used to address this topic, covering both scientific and sociological aspects of the issue. Michelangelo Mangano 08 Dec 2008
11 Catastrophe, Social Collapse, and Human Extinction This lecture examines how, for many types of disasters, severity seems to follow a power law distribution, and how the level of resistance to such disruptions can affect the future of humanity. Robin Hanson 08 Dec 2008
10 Into the Dark: The Long Term Future of our Dying Universe This talk outlines astrophysical issues related to the long term fate of the cosmos. It considers the evolution of planets, stars, stellar populations, galaxies, and the universe itself over time scales that greatly exceed the current age of the universe. Fred Adams 08 Dec 2008
9 Avoiding Millennialist Cognitive Biases This lecture outlines a typology of the pancultural millennial phenomena, describes characteristic cognitive biases and suggests how contemporary forms of secular techno-utopian and techno-apocalyptic discourse reflect these types of millennial psychology James Hughes 08 Dec 2008
8 21st Century Challenges: Humanity at the Crossroads? Dr Ian Goldin provides an overview of the work of the James Martin 21st Century School and looks at the challenges facing humanity in the 21st Century. Ian Goldin 15 Oct 2008
7 What is Science for? What is science for, what good does it do and should it do good? John Sulston, John Harris, Richard Dawkins 10 Jun 2008
6 Stiglitz on Credit Crunch - Global Financial Debacle: Meeting the Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century The global financial crisis reflects a failure of global economic governance. The failure of America's regulatory system has not only ramifications for the American economy, but for the global economy. Joseph Stiglitz 10 Jun 2008
5 Target Earth: The Grand Scale Problems of the 21st Century At the start of the 21st century, humankind finds itself on a non-sustainable course - a course that, unless it is changed, will lead to catastrophes of awesome consequences. James Martin 10 Jun 2008
4 Freedom from Oil Based on his book, Freedom from Oil, Sandalow gives a public lecture which draws on both his government experience and energy expertise to explore options, shape solutions and create national policy to address the United States' oil addiction. David Sandalow 14 Apr 2008
3 The Bottom Billion Based on his book of the same name, in this lecture Paul Collier will point out how global poverty is actually falling quite rapidly for about eighty percent of the world. Paul Collier 14 Apr 2008
2 Craig Venter on Genomics: From humans to the environment In the second of the Distinguished Public Lecture Series run by the James Martin 21st Century School, Dr Craig Venter will discuss his work at the J Craig Venter Institute and its implications for the future of our culture, society and science. J Craig Venter 14 Apr 2008
1 Economics of Climate Change Professor Sir Nicholas Stern, HM Treasury: The economics of climate change Introduced by: Dr John Hood, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Chaired by: Dr Ian Goldin, Director of the James Martin 21st Century School. Nicholas Stern 14 Apr 2008