101 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation for equity in Lebanon |
Innovative approaches in Lebanon aim to address, in two very different ways, the particular needs of the most vulnerable among the refugee and host populations. |
Luciano Calestini |
12 Jan 2015 |
102 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation and refugee livelihoods: a historical perspective |
It is difficult to speak convincingly of ‘new’ or innovative practices towards refugees, especially in refugee livelihoods assistance, while there remains a significant gap in historical knowledge and institutional memory. |
Evan Elise Easton-Calabria |
12 Jan 2015 |
103 |
An afternoon on Syrian displacement, and protection in Europe (Part 2) |
This event marked the launch of the RSC Policy Briefing 'Protection in Europe for refugees from Syria' and Forced Migration Review issue 47 on 'The Syria crisis, displacement and protection' |
Dawn Chatty, Cynthia Orchard, Andrew Miller |
08 Dec 2014 |
104 |
An afternoon on Syrian displacement, and protection in Europe (Part 1) |
This event marked the launch of the RSC Policy Briefing 'Protection in Europe for refugees from Syria' and Forced Migration Review issue 47 on 'The Syria crisis, displacement and protection' |
Dawn Chatty, Maurice Herson, Roger Zetter |
08 Dec 2014 |
105 |
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration studies [Book launch] |
Launch of the Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Seminar given on 15 October 2014 as part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series |
Gil Loescher, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Guy S Goodwin-Gill, Kirsten McConnachie |
08 Dec 2014 |
106 |
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The Ideal Refugees: Gender, Islam and the Sahwari Politics of Survivial [Book event] |
Seminar given on 22 October 2014 by Dr Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (University College London and the Refugee Studies Centre), part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series. |
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh |
08 Dec 2014 |
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Governing Refugees: Justice, Order, and Legal Plauralism on the Thai-Burma Border [Book event] |
Seminar given on 29 October 2014 by Dr Kirsten McConnachie (Refugee Studies Centre), part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series. |
Kirsten McConnachie |
08 Dec 2014 |
108 |
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Forced Migration to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Burden or Boon |
The Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture, given by Her Royal Highness Princess Basma bint Talal on 5 November 2014 at the University of Oxford Examination Schools. |
Her Royal Highness Princess Basma bint Talal |
08 Dec 2014 |
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Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Young Undocumented Migrants |
Seminar given on 19 November 2014 by Dr Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham) and Professor Roger Zetter (Refugee Studies Centre), part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series. |
Nando Sigona, Roger Zetter |
08 Dec 2014 |
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Citizenship revocation and the privilege to have rights |
Seminar given on 3 December 2014 by Professor Audrey Macklin (University of Toronto), part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series. |
Audrey Macklin |
08 Dec 2014 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Entrepreneurship and innovation by refugees in Uganda |
In order to make a living, refugees have to be innovative, and refugees in Uganda have contributed tremendously to entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. |
Robert Hakiza |
08 Dec 2014 |
112 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Resettlement and livelihoods innovation in the US |
Conversations with multiple stakeholders in the US help to highlight barriers to economic self-sufficiency for resettled refugees and opportunities for innovative approaches. |
Faith Nibbs |
08 Dec 2014 |
113 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - UNHCR Ideas: an online platform for change |
‘UNHCR Ideas’ aims to enable collaborative problem solving and idea generation among an online community. |
Alice Bosley |
08 Dec 2014 |
114 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Technology, production and partnership innovation in Uganda |
Since 2007 a partnership between UNHCR, the Government of Uganda and ‘MakaPads’ inventor Moses Musaazi has helped provide affordable sanitary pads for thousands of refugee girls and women. |
Moses Musaazi |
08 Dec 2014 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Learning curves and collaboration in reconceiving refugee settlements |
A collaboration between UNHCR, Ennead Architects and Stanford University uses settlement design to promote innovation and further development in the refugee protection model but collaborators initially face a steep learning curve. |
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Aparna Surendra |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation: what, why and how for a UN organisation |
The purpose of innovation is to make humanitarian work more effective and more reflective. We do innovation to improve human lives by doing things better. Innovation, for UNHCR, is a humanitarian imperative to be carried out with partners. |
T Alexander Aleinikoff |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Introduction: refugees and innovation |
Doing innovation well presents challenges for how we can work better together as organisations and with displaced people, and how we can break down traditional barriers between actors – all while upholding ethical principles and protection standards. |
Alexander Betts |
02 Dec 2014 |
118 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - From the editors |
From the editors |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Mobility as a solution |
Not all those who have gone to Syria's neighbours are registered, nor do all of these people regard themselves as refugees |
Lucas Oesch |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 How the crisis is altering women’s roles in Syria |
The significance of women as both distributors and recipients has been pivotal to the implementation of humanitarian assistance but also points to the burgeoning of a new social dynamic that has come about as a result of the upheaval caused by the war. |
Zerene Haddad |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The inside story: internal displacement in Syria |
With IDPs currently constituting two-thirds of those uprooted by the conflict, the ‘inside story’ of displacement in Syria requires much greater attention. |
Erin Mooney |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The mental health of Syrian refugee children and adolescents |
Mental health services can be key to restoring basic psychological functioning and to supporting resilience and positive coping strategies for children, adolescents and adults. |
Leah James, Annie Sovcik, Ferdinand Garoff, Reem Abbasi |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The vulnerability of Palestinian refugees from Syria |
While Syrian nationals may eventually return to their home country, the future for Palestinians from Syria is increasingly uncertain. Meanwhile they are more vulnerable, and treated worse, than most other refugees from the Syrian conflict. |
Leah Morrison |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The impact of displacement on disabled, injured and older Syrian refugees |
In contexts of displacement it is critical to recognise that some groups in the population may require specific attention. Awareness of these needs has major consequences for the types of services required, and the way they are delivered. |
Marcus Skinner |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Gender, conscription and protection, and the war in Syria |
The struggles endured by men who remain inside Syria and the obstacles faced by others who choose to remove themselves from the fighting by fleeing the country demonstrate a need to redefine classic conceptions of vulnerability. |
Rochelle Davis, Abbie Taylor, Emma Murphy |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 If Israel accepted Syrian refugees and IDPs in the Golan Heights |
Could re-opening the Golan Heights to Syrians displaced by the conflict be a beneficial option for those fleeing the Syrian conflict and for Israel’s relations with its north-eastern neighbour? |
Crystal Plotner |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 For beneficiary-led protection programming in Jordan |
Despite the humanitarian community’s clear focus on addressing the protection concerns of displaced Syrians, in Jordan the beneficiaries of many protection programmes have had limited influence on the shape of the protection response to date. |
Sinead McGrath |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 A duty and a burden on Jordan |
It is important to Jordan both that it protects its national identity and maintains its cultural obligations, and that it faces up to its humanitarian obligations. |
Saleh Al-Kilani |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Protection challenges of mobility |
It is easy to say that people fleeing Syria should stay in camps or satellite cities but people move on for a variety of reasons, and programmes and services must adapt to assist them. |
Melissa Phillips, Kathrine Starup |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Refugee by association |
Many Syrians, even when they have not been individually singled out, meet the refugee criteria on the grounds of being at risk of persecution because of a perceived association, in the broadest sense, with one of the parties to the conflict. |
Blanche Tax |
02 Dec 2014 |
131 |
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FMR 47 Limited legal status for refugees from Syria in Lebanon |
Having limited legal status has direct negative consequences for Syrian refugees’ access to protection and assistance during their stay in Lebanon. Limited legal status also increases the risks of abuse and exploitation. |
Dalia Aranki, Olivia Kalis |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Coping strategies among self-settled Syrians in Lebanon |
Refugees in Lebanon prefer living outside camps, where they can influence their situation. |
Cathrine Thorleifsson |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Refugee activists’ involvement in relief effort in Lebanon |
A cadre of educated middle-class Syrian refugees dedicated to improving conditions for Syrians at home and in Lebanon are building a civil society in exile but face obstacles to consolidating their presence and becoming more effective. |
Frances Topham Smallwood |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The role of host communities in north Lebanon |
Research conducted in Akkar, north Lebanon, suggests that the role played by the host community demonstrates good local capacity which should be built on to encourage further civic engagement and empowerment. |
Helen Mackreath |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Syrians contributing to Kurdish economic growth |
The circumstances for both successful livelihoods programming for refugees and for contributing to the local economy are present in the Kurdish region of Iraq. |
Anubha Sood, Louisa Seferis |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The refugee crisis in Lebanon and Jordan: the need for economic development spending |
The most effective way to tackle the Syrian refugee crisis is for neighbouring states to assume a leading role in development spending, infrastructure upgrading and job creation, particularly in the most underdeveloped regions of those countries. |
Omar Dahi |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Development and protection challenges of the Syrian refugee crisisf |
The Syria Regional Response Plan 6 (RRP6) 2014 provides an increased focus on early recovery, social cohesion interventions and a transition from assistance to development-led interventions, alongside the continuing large-scale humanitarian assistance. |
Roger Zetter, Heloise Ruaudel |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Foreword: the inheritance of loss |
As the civil war in Syria drags on, the scale of displacement continues to increase. While the crisis may be prolonged, refugees and IDPs need support now for their protection, their recovery, and both their immediate and their long-term prospects. |
Nigel Fisher |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 From the Editors |
From the Editors |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
02 Dec 2014 |
140 |
Migration and revolution (The Arab Uprisings – Part 3) |
Part 3 of 3 of a series of podcasts from the special workshop 'The Arab Uprisings: Displacement and Migration', held at the Oxford Department of International Development on 16 May 2014 |
Nando Sigona, Nicholas Van Hear, Philip Marfleet, Marta Bellingreri |
14 Aug 2014 |
141 |
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Migration, transnationalism and social change (The Arab Uprisings – Part 2) |
Part 2 of 3 of a series of podcasts from the special workshop 'The Arab Uprisings: Displacement and Migration', held at the Oxford Department of International Development on 16 May 2014 |
Oliver Bakewell, Helene Thiollet, Nadia Bouras, Giulia Breda |
14 Aug 2014 |
142 |
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A lost generation? Education opportunities for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon |
Special seminar by Dr Maha Shuayb (Centre for Lebanese Studies), which took place at the Oxford Department of International Development on 19 May 2014. |
Maha Shuayb |
11 Aug 2014 |
143 |
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The Silent University Visible Award Ceremony 2013 |
The Silent University Visible Award Ceremony 2013 took place at the Oxford Department of International Development on 20 May 2014. Ahmet Öğüt, Silent University founder, was presented with the Visible Award, and various speakers contributed to the event. |
Dawn Chatty, Matteo Luchetti, Judith Wielander, Andrea Zegna |
11 Aug 2014 |
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The mental health of refugee and asylum seeking children |
An interview with Dr Mina Fazel, senior research fellow and consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, discussing her research developing school-based mental health services. |
Mina Fazel |
17 Jun 2014 |
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RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Panel 3 – Refugees from Burma/Myanmar |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lectures by Matthew Wilch; Zo Tum Hmung; Victoria Jack. Recorded on 24 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Matthew Wilch, Zo Tum Hmung, Victoria Jack |
04 Jun 2014 |
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The politics of nation-building: making co-nationals, refugees, and minorities |
RSC and Oxford Diasporas Programme special seminar. Professor Harris Mylonas (George Washington University). Recorded on 27 May 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Harris Mylonas |
02 Jun 2014 |
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Weapons of mass migration: forced displacement, coercion and foreign policy |
Public Seminar Series, Trinity term 2014. Seminar by Professor Kelly M. Greenhill (Tufts University). Recorded on 7 May 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Kelly M Greenhill |
22 May 2014 |
148 |
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Solidarity and responsibility-sharing for refugee protection in the EU’s Common European Asylum System |
Public Seminar Series Trinity term 2014. Madeline Garlick (Radboud University). Recorded on 14 May 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Madeline Garlick |
19 May 2014 |
149 |
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RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Panel 22 – Statelessness: the Rohingya |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lectures by Tun Khin; Amal de Chickera; Maung Zarni. Recorded on 25 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Tun Khin, Amal de Chickera, Maung Zarni |
19 May 2014 |
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RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Panel 18 – Refugees from Syria |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lectures by Cathrine Thorleifsson; Dina Jane Kiwan; Ruba Al Akash and Karen Boswall; Veronica Ferreri. Recorded on 25 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Cathrine Thorleifsson, Dina Jane Kiwan, Ruba Al Akash, Karen Boswall |
19 May 2014 |
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RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Panel 14 – Detention and deportation |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lectures by Louise Newman; Julian Caruana and Alexia Rossi; Devorah Wainer; and Mollie Gerver. Recorded on 25 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Louise Newman, Julian Caruana, Alexia Rossi, Devorah Wainer |
19 May 2014 |
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RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Opening plenary – In search of solutions: refugees are doing it for themselves |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lecture by Dr Jeff Crisp (Refugees International) with an introduction by Professor Dawn Chatty, Director of the RSC. Recorded on 24 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Jeff Crisp |
19 May 2014 |
153 |
Making a Difference: Policy, Practice and Human Rights |
Jacqueline Bhabha gives a the centinary alumni lecture for the Department of Social Policy and Intervention on the challenges and successes of defending the human rights of refugees and immigrants |
Jacqueline Bhabha |
14 May 2014 |
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FMR 45 Dictatorships, refugees and reparation in the Southern Cone of Latin America |
Since the return of democracy to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay there has been particular recognition of forced displacement within the framework of reparations for the abuses suffered under dictatorial governments. |
Juan Pablo Terminiello |
07 Apr 2014 |
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FMR 45 Perspectives of refugees on returning to Somalia |
MSF recently asked Somali refugees in Dadaab’s Dagahaley camp about their living conditions and their thoughts about returning to Somalia in the near future. |
Caroline Abu Sa’Da, Sergio Bianchi |
07 Apr 2014 |
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FMR 45 Disaster Law |
The impetus for new disaster response laws lies in the gaps that exist in the scope and geographic coverage of existing international law. |
Stefanie Haumer |
07 Apr 2014 |
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FMR 45 Regionalism: a strategy for dealing with crisis migration |
Regional solutions are becoming a strategic tool in dealing with the lack of globally agreed protection for crisis migrants. |
Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Erika Pires Ramos |
07 Apr 2014 |
158 |
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The rise and decline of a global security actor: UNHCR, refugee protection and security |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2014. Seminar by Dr Anne Hammerstad (University of Kent), recorded on 12 March 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Anne Hammerstad |
26 Mar 2014 |
159 |
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Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement |
Alexander Betts, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series |
Alexander Betts |
03 Mar 2014 |
160 |
Restoring rights: forced displacement, protection and humanitarian action |
Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture 2010 by António Guterres (UN High Commisioner for Refugees) recorded on 13 October 2010 at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History |
António Guterres |
28 Jan 2014 |
161 |
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THEMIS: Remaining subjects despite structural constraints: migratory strategies among refugees hosted in Italy after their expulsion from Libya |
Gabriele Tomei presents his paper 'Remaining subjects despite structural constraints: migratory strategies among refugees hosted in Italy after their expulsion from Libya' in parallel session IV (C) of the Examining Migration Dynamics conference |
Gabriele Tomei |
23 Jan 2014 |
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THEMIS: Violence, surveillance and agency experiences of the women refugees in the Italian reception camps |
Barbara Pinelli presents her paper 'Violence, surveillance and agency experiences of the women refugees in the Italian reception camps' in Parallel session IV(C) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Barbara Pinelli |
20 Jan 2014 |
163 |
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Regional engagement and effective protection: the Australian way |
Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2013. Seminar by Professor Susan Kneebone (University of Oxford) recorded on 30 October 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Susan Kneebone |
01 Nov 2013 |
164 |
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Displacement from Syria: putting the Common European Asylum System to the test? |
Special lecture, Michaelmas term 2013. Lecture by Madeline V Garlick (UNHCR) recorded on 24 October 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Madeline V Garlick |
25 Oct 2013 |
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Survival migration: failed governance and the crisis of displacement |
Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2013. Seminar by Dr Alexander Betts (University of Oxford) recorded on 16 October 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Alexander Betts |
25 Oct 2013 |
166 |
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Family ties: remittances and support in Puntland and Somaliland |
Public Seminar Series, Trinity term 2013. Seminar by Dr Laura Hammond (School of Oriental and African Studies) recorded on 29 May 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Laura Hammond |
25 Oct 2013 |
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FMR 44 Freedom of movement of Afghan refugees in Iran |
Although legally justifiable, increasing restrictions on movement and work for refugees in Iran have detrimental effects for the refugees. |
Farshid Farzin, Safinaz Jadali |
04 Oct 2013 |
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FMR 44 Insights from the refugee response in Cameroon |
The integration of Central African refugees into existing Cameroonian communities has had far-reaching development impacts on the region and the state as a whole. |
Angela Butel |
04 Oct 2013 |
169 |
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FMR 43 Understanding refugees' concepts of sexual and gender-based violence |
Sexual and gender-based violence prevention campaigns that incorporate culturally sensitive understanding will stand a better chance of breaking down barriers to accessing services. |
Carrie Hough |
09 Aug 2013 |
170 |
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FMR 43 Flight, fragility and furthering stability in Yemen |
Yemen is one of the world's most fragile states. Less well understood is how this context affects the vulnerability of refugees, IDPs and migrants themselves and what can be done to strengthen protection for them. |
Erin Mooney |
09 Aug 2013 |
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FMR 43 State fragility, refugee status and "survival migration" |
State fragility demands the protection of people fleeing the omissions of states, whether due to states' unwillingness or to their inability to provide for their citizens' fundamental rights. |
Alexander Betts |
09 Aug 2013 |
172 |
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Constitutionalism, ethnicity and minority rights in Africa: a legal appraisal from the Great Lakes region |
Public Seminar Series, Trinity term 2013. Seminar by Dr Jeremie Gilbert (University of East London) recorded on 22 May 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Jeremie Gilbert |
24 May 2013 |
173 |
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Evidence about torture in the UK asylum system |
Public Seminar Series, Trinity term 2013. Seminar by Dr Toby Kelly (University of Edinburgh) recorded on 15 May 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Toby Kelly |
24 May 2013 |
174 |
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Tracks Across Sand: the dispossession of the Khomani San of the southern Kalahari |
Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture 2013. Lecture by Hugh Brody (Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Studies, University of the Fraser Valley) recorded on 8 May 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Hugh Brody |
13 May 2013 |
175 |
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Opportunities and risk: enacting socio-cultural transformation in refugee camps in Uganda |
Public Seminar Series, Trinity term 2013. Seminar by Tania Kaiser (School of Oriental and African Studies) recorded on 24 April 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Tania Kaiser |
13 May 2013 |
176 |
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Here, man is nothing: Gendered tensions and male failed asylum seekers |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2013. Seminar by Melanie Griffiths (COMPAS) recorded on 6 March 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Melanie Griffiths |
13 May 2013 |
177 |
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FMR 41 Overseas cultural orientation programmes and resettled refugees' perceptions |
Resettled refugees often have misconceptions about their potential for self-sufficiency in the United States, and experience adjustment problems after their arrival. |
Julie M Kornfeld |
08 May 2013 |
178 |
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FMR 39 We are not all Egyptian |
For many refugees in Egypt the weeks of the revolution were marked by isolation, fear and brutality. In the aftermath of the revolution, the promise of greater freedom has not yet been extended to refugees. |
Martin Jones |
08 May 2013 |
179 |
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FMR 39 Resettlement is needed for refugees in Tunisia |
With Tunisia experiencing wide-ranging political, social and economic change, there is an imperative need to alleviate the burden of hosting people fleeing Libya who are unable to return to their countries of origin. |
Amaya Valcárcel |
08 May 2013 |
180 |
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FMr 38 Forgotten and unattended: refugees in post-earthquake Japan |
Refugees and asylum seekers suffered restrictions on movement, increased impoverishment and shortage of essential information. |
Katsunori Koike |
08 May 2013 |
181 |
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FMR 38 Technology and engineering to support work with refugees |
New partnerships are being forged to encourage young engineers to use their skills in the service of refugees. |
Stephanie Hunt, Geoffrey C Orsak |
08 May 2013 |
182 |
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FMR 38 Refugees enjoy freedom to surf in Uganda |
Refugees enjoy freedom to surf in Uganda. |
Angella Nabwowe-Kasule |
08 May 2013 |
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FMR 38 Technology in aid of learning for isolated refugees |
The lack of higher education opportunities for refugees, many of whom flee before being able to complete their education, is a widely acknowledged problem. |
Petra Dankova, Clotilde Giner |
16 Apr 2013 |
184 |
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FMR 36 The pervertibility of refugee status |
The desire to categorise all those seeking refuge throws up continuing challenges to traditions of hospitality and to the realisation of migrants' rights. |
Ana Paula Penchaszadeh |
09 Apr 2013 |
185 |
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FMR 36 The Kampala Convention and protection from arbitrary displacement |
The Kampala Convention breaks new ground in elevating the right to be protected from arbitrary displacement to a binding legal norm. |
Maria Stavropoulou |
09 Apr 2013 |
186 |
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FMR 36 The displaced also protest |
Displaced people in Colombia are resorting to mass demonstrations to persuade their government to assume its responsibilities towards them. |
Freddy A Guerrero, Estefanía Vanegas |
09 Apr 2013 |
187 |
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FMR 35 Local integration of refugees in Brazil |
Local integration is a complex economic, political, social and cultural process. |
Julia Bertino Moreira, Rosana Baeninger |
08 Apr 2013 |
188 |
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FMR 35 Amnesty for clandestine refugees in Brazil |
The story of clandestine refugees in Brazil. |
Alex André Vargem |
08 Apr 2013 |
189 |
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FMR 35 Enhancing refugees' integration: new initiatives in Brazil |
Recent initiatives in Brazil have strengthened protection and enhanced integration opportunities for refugees. |
Liliana Lyra Jubilut |
08 Apr 2013 |
190 |
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FMR 35 To return or stay? |
The views of Sri Lankan refugees in India challenge some of the assumptions inherent in promoting repatriation as the most desirable durable solution to protracted displacement. |
John Giammatteo |
08 Apr 2013 |
191 |
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FMR 35 Resettlement for disabled refugees |
Over the past few decades there have been some positive (albeit inconsistent) changes in US refugee admissions policy as well as in UNHCR's guidelines for resettlement, especially relating to refugees with disabilities. |
Mansha Mirza |
29 Mar 2013 |
192 |
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FMR 35 Failing London's disabled refugees |
Small, refugee led community organisations are disproportionately taking the strain for supporting London's disabled asylum seekers and refugees. |
Neil Amas, Jacob Lagnado |
29 Mar 2013 |
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FMR 35 Kakuma's first raffle |
In the face of continuing funding cuts to programmes, residents and staff in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya have had to find new ways to support persons with disabilities. |
Menbere Dawit with the Kakuma Syndicate Disabled Group |
29 Mar 2013 |
194 |
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FMR 35 Second African Decade of Persons with Disabilities |
Forced Displacement and African Persons with Disabilities. |
Aïda Sarr, Kudakwashe Dube |
25 Mar 2013 |
195 |
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Access to protection and the limitations on extraterritorial border control: the case of refugees at sea |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2013. Seminar by Dr Roland Bank (University of Oxford) recorded on 27 February 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Roland Bank |
28 Feb 2013 |
196 |
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Protection and the ICRC |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2013. Seminar by Pierre Gentile (ICRC) recorded on 23 January 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Pierre Gentile |
24 Jan 2013 |
197 |
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Understanding Global Refugee Policy (Closing plenary) |
RSC 30th Anniversary Conference. Closing plenary by Filippo Grandi (UNRWA), Arafat Jamal (IASC) and James Milner (Carleton University) recorded on 7 December 2012 at St Anne's College, Oxford. |
Filippo Grandi, Arafat Jamal, James Milner |
14 Dec 2012 |
198 |
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Understanding Global Refugee Policy (Opening plenary) |
RSC 30th Anniversary Conference. Opening plenary by Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill (University of Oxford) recorded on 6 December 2012 at St Anne's College, Oxford. |
Guy S. Goodwin-Gill |
14 Dec 2012 |
199 |
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The architecture of refugee protection |
Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture 2012. Lecture by Professor Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar (Co-Director of the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation)recorded on 7 November 2012 at the Oxford Museum of Natural History. |
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar |
14 Dec 2012 |
200 |
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The migrant and the (good) citizen: exclusion, failure, tolerance |
Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2012. Seminar by Professor Bridget Anderson (University of Oxford) recorded on 21 November 2012 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Bridget Anderson |
22 Nov 2012 |