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# Episode Title Description People Date
101 'Martin Ceadel and the Study of Peace and War' Session 3: Pacifism, Peace Movements and War Prevention A research colloquium to mark the retirement of Professor Martin Ceadel, preeminent historian of the British peace movement and one of the world’s foremost experts on the politics of war prevention and its impact on international relations. Jonathan Wright, Holger Nehring, Thomas Davies, Cheyney Ryan 01 Sep 2015
102 'Martin Ceadel and the Study of Peace and War' Session 2: British Foreign Policy in War and Peace A research colloquium to mark the retirement of Professor Martin Ceadel, preeminent historian of the British peace movement and one of the world’s foremost experts on the politics of war prevention and its impact on international relations. George Giannakopoulos, Anne Deighton, John Dunbabin, Gillian Peele 01 Sep 2015
103 'Martin Ceadel and the Study of Peace and War' Session 1: Thinking About Peace and War A research colloquium to mark the retirement of Professor Martin Ceadel, preeminent historian of the British peace movement and one of the world’s foremost experts on the politics of war prevention and its impact on international relations. Amitabh Mattoo, Elizabeth Frazer, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Adam Roberts 01 Sep 2015
104 Power and Order, Peace and War: lessons for Asia from 1914-1918 How might a new regional order in Asia look, and how could it be built? Hugh White 01 Sep 2015
105 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015: Closing Remarks Dr Liz Carmichael closes the 2015 OxPeace Conference. Liz Carmichael 16 Jun 2015
106 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015: Key concerns in peace and security: building more peaceful and inclusive societies Sunil Suri gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sunil Suri 16 Jun 2015
107 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015: Themes in the relationship between development and peace Jonathan Granoff gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. Jonathan Granoff 16 Jun 2015
108 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015: ISIL and Islamic responses to extremism Imam Monwar Hussain give a talk for Session B of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Religion in peace and conflict: extreme war-making, didcated peacebuilding. Monawar Hussain 16 Jun 2015
109 OxPeace 2015: In the name of religion: the untold story of faith-based conflict prevention Professor Alpaslan Ozerdem and Laura Payne give a talk for Session B of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Religion in peace and conflict: extreme war-making, didcated peacebuilding Alpaslan Ozerdem, Laura Payne 16 Jun 2015
110 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015: 'A Force for Peace': The UN Secretary-General and the Cold War, 1946-1953 Ellen Jenny Ravndal gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. Ellen Jenny Ravndal 16 Jun 2015
111 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015: Partnering to Make Peace: The Effectiveness of UN-African Joint Mediation Efforts in Civil Wars in Africa Allard Duursma gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. Allard Duursma 16 Jun 2015
112 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015: UN Peacebuilding and the pursuit of multi-Ethnicity in Kosovo Dana Landau gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. Dana Landau 16 Jun 2015
113 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015: Of Mandates and Majors: Exploring The United Nations' Role in Disarmament Demobilisation and Reinsertion, the Case of Timor Leste Dr Kate Roll gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. Kate Roll 16 Jun 2015
114 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015: UN Protection of Civilians, with special emphasis on South Sudan Hilde Johnson gives a talk at OxPeace 2015 Conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. Hilde Johnson 16 Jun 2015
115 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015: Opening Plenary Peace and the UN at 70 Edward Mortimer CMG gives the opening talk for the OxPeace 2015 conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. Edward Mortimer 16 Jun 2015
116 Creative Commons Oxpeace 2015 Introduction Dr Liz Carmichael opens the 2015 OxPeace Conference, held in St John's College on 10th May 2015. Liz Carmichael 16 Jun 2015
117 Creative Commons OxPeace 2015 Keynote: Peace and the UN at 70 Mark Maloch-Brown gives the keynote address at the 2015 OxPeace conference. Mark Maloch-Brown 16 Jun 2015
118 Conscription and Conscientious Objection In this short talk Professor Martin Ceadel, Fellow and Tutor in Politics, New College, Oxford discusses the issue of military conscription and conscientious objection during the first world war. Martin Ceadel 12 Nov 2014
119 Creative Commons Collective Memory and Conflict Representation: War and Peace in Colombian Museums This paper studies some Colombian museums that are reflecting upon war. Andrés Pardo Rodriguez 30 Sep 2014
120 Creative Commons Designed to Kill : The Difficult Study of Military Design Design is perceived by most as a positive concept meant to improve people lives. But it is first a means to answer efficiently a specific purpose. How can we morally accept that the act of killing led to the development of an important design industry? Marie-Anne Michaux 30 Sep 2014
121 Creative Commons Prints of Peace: Elihu Burritt and the graphics of reform This talk examines the propaganda campaign conducted by mid-nineteenth century American reformer Elihu Burritt and a group of engravers and artists who used the graphic potential of postal items, such as envelopes, to pressure politicians for peace. Peter Gilderdale 30 Sep 2014
122 The Peace that Ended the War The first in our lecture series for Trinity Term 2014, given in the JCR at Mansfield College by Professor Margaret MacMillan -- Warden of St Antony's College and a Professor of International History at the University of Oxford. Margaret MacMillan 03 Sep 2014
123 OxPeace 2014: Closing plenary Dr Monica Toft gives the final talk for the 2014 OxPeace Conference Monica Toft 02 Jun 2014
124 OxPeace 2014: Session 2b: Role of media in fragile states: some trends and implications James Deane gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 2b; Peace, Conflict and New Media: Current Examples, Old Practices? Jmes Deane 02 Jun 2014
125 OxPeace 2014: Session 2b: Beyond war: Peace journalism approaches to conflict issues in wider society Dr Jake Lynch gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 2b; Peace, Conflict and New Media: Current Examples, Old Practices? Jake Lynch 02 Jun 2014
126 OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 4 Dr Rami Mani gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace Rami Mani 02 Jun 2014
127 OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 3 Chipo Chung gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace Chipo Chung 02 Jun 2014
128 OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 2 Taghreed Elsanhouri gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace Taghreed Elsanhouri 02 Jun 2014
129 OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 1 William Kelly gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace William Kelly 02 Jun 2014
130 OxPeace 2014: Sesion 1b: Peace without Separation Albin Kurti MP gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 1b; Inclusive peace, reconciliation and justice in the Western Balkans Albin Kurti 02 Jun 2014
131 OxPeace 2014: Session 1b: Asymmetric warfare and civil war: Is reconciliation easier with a foreign enemy than inside the nation? Professor Uros Svete gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 1b; Inclusive peace, reconciliation and justice in the Western Balkans Uros Svete 02 Jun 2014
132 OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: The continuation of war by other means? Ceasefire, conflict and state-building in Shan State under Myanmar's democratic Patrick Meehan gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar'. Patrick Meehan 02 Jun 2014
133 OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: Religion as a vehicle for peace?: Anti-Muslim Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar and local responses Dr Matthew J Walton gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar'. Matthew Walton 02 Jun 2014
134 OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: Challenges and Opportunities for women as peace-builders in Myanmar's transistion Dr Ma Khin Mar Mar Kyi gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar Ma Khin Mar Mar Kyi 02 Jun 2014
135 OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 3 Dr. Heather Jones gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts. Heather Jones 02 Jun 2014
136 OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 2 Professor Sir Hew Strachan gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts Sir Hew Strachen 02 Jun 2014
137 OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 1 Professor Margaret MacMillan gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts Margaret MacMillan 02 Jun 2014
138 Are freedom, peace, and justice incompatible agendas? The Inaugural Berger Lecture in Human Rights and Human Dignity was given by Mme Justice Louise Arbour. President and CEO of the International Crisis Group (Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and Chief Pro louise arbour, Nick Rawlins, roland berger, Adam Roberts 24 Mar 2014
139 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Peacebuilding through Biodiversity: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding Chris Naylor, A Rocha, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Chris Naylor 21 May 2013
140 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Tigris and Euphrates as intruments of peace: the Marshes, Iraq: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding Azzam Alwash, Iraq, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Azzam Alwash 21 May 2013
141 OxPeace 2013: Birds as Peacemakers in the Middle East: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding Yossi Leshem, Israel, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Yossi Leshem 21 May 2013
142 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: African Peacebuilding Network: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Cyril Obi gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Cyril Obi 21 May 2013
143 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Local Ownership of UN Peacebuilding in the DRC: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Sarah von Billerbeck gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Sarah von Billerbeck 21 May 2013
144 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: UN Peacekeeping Radio: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Sacha Meuter gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Sacha Meuter 21 May 2013
145 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Olive Tree Scholarship Program: Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding Yoav Bornstein and Elizabeth Jadon (Israel/Palestine) gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Yoav Bornstein, Elizabeth Jadon 21 May 2013
146 OxPeace 2013: Peace education for exchange students: Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding Koji Nakamura, Konan University, Japan, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Koji Nakamura 21 May 2013
147 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: University cooperation to promote reconciliation Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding Massimo Caneva, University of Rome, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Massimo Caneva 21 May 2013
148 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Illicitily Governed Spaces: drugs, conflict and peace in Columbia Session 1A: Counter-Terrorism and Peacebuilding Annette Idler, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Annette Idler 21 May 2013
149 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Peacebuilding and the 'unmanned' military drones Session 1A: Counter-Terrorism and Peacebuilding Alexander Leveringhaus gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Alexander Leveringhaus 21 May 2013
150 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: The Economic Dynamics of Conflict in Somalia 1993-2009 Session 1A: Counter Terrorism and Peacebuilding Anja Shortland, University of Rome, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. Anja Shortland 21 May 2013
151 Creative Commons OxPeace 2013: Evolving an Integrated Approach to Peacebuilding in the UN Dr Carolyn McAskie OC, University of Ottawa, first UN Asst SG for Peacebuilding and head of the UN Peacebuilding Commission gives the first keynote on how the UN has spent over a decade and a half realizing an integrated approach to peacebuilding. Carolyn McAskie 21 May 2013
152 Torture and Human Dignity 25 Jan 2013, ELAC/Oxford Martin HRFG Programme Discussion Event with Professors David J. Luban, Jeremy Waldron and Henry Shue, chaired by Dr David Rodin. David Lubin, David Rodin, Jeremy Waldron, Henry Shue 11 Mar 2013
153 Creative Commons 'Careful What you Wish For': Peace, Military Literacy, and the Future of the Use of Force in G-8 Countries Professor Ivan Arreguin-Toft, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University, gives a talk about the future of Military force in G-8 countries, organised by the Changing Character of War programme, Oxford University. Ivan Arreguin-Toft 04 Mar 2013
154 Creative Commons Religion, War and Peace This featured as the third talk in the 'Religion, Spirituality and Global Governance' interdisciplinary conference in May 2012. Richard Caplan, Ryan McKay, Tim Sisk, Fletcher Cox 17 Sep 2012
155 Creative Commons Imagining NATO: Past and Present Futures for the Western Alliance Dr Kristian Søby Kristensen (Copenhagen/ CCW Visiting Fellow) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 6 June 2012. Kristian Søby Kristensen 11 Jun 2012
156 Creative Commons Religion in War and Peace Professor Nigel Biggar (Oxford), Professor Tony Coady (CAPPE) and Dr Rama Mani (Oxford) discuss the issue of religion in war and peace as part of the ELAC/CCW lecture series. Moderated by Jennifer Welsh (Oxford). Nigel Biggar, Tony Coady, Rama Mani, Jennifer Welsh 21 May 2012
157 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Practical skills of Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping, Part 3 Dr Richard Barltrop, consultant and researcher, gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Richard Barltrop 21 May 2012
158 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Practical skills of Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping, Part 2 Mira Sovokar, Conciliation Resources gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Mira Sovokar 21 May 2012
159 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Practical skills of Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping, part 1 Dr Marcus Mayer, International Alert gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Marcus Mayer 21 May 2012
160 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Law, Human Rights, Theology and Religion in Peacebuilding Part 3 Reverend Charlotte Bannister-Parker, University Church, Oxford gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Charlotte Bannister-Parker 21 May 2012
161 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Law, Human Rights, Theology and Religion in Peacebuilding Part 2 Professor Cheyney Ryan, Law and Philosophy, University of Oregon, gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Cheyney Ryan 21 May 2012
162 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Law, Human Rights, Theology and Religion in Peacebuilding Part 1 Professor Malcolm Evans OBE, Public International Law, Bristol, gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Malcolm Evans 21 May 2012
163 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Peace Making and Peace Building: What can research and practice learn from each other? Dan Smith OBE, Secretary General of International Alert, gives a keynote talk on the relationship between researchers and practitioners for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Dan Smith 21 May 2012
164 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Defining Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping Richard Caplan, Professor of International Relations, Oxford, gives a keynote talk at StnJohn's college for the 2012 Oxpeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. Richard Caplan 21 May 2012
165 Creative Commons OxPeace 2012: Challenging traditional attitudes in Parliament towards conflict Simon Hughes; MP and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues gives the keynote address at Rewley House for the start of the 2012 OxPeace Conference: Disciplines of Peace. Simon Hughes 21 May 2012
166 Creative Commons The War and Peace of the Nuclear Age Dr James Martin, Founder of the Oxford Martin School and founder of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. James Martin 21 Mar 2012
167 Creative Commons Challenges of peace talks and mediation - Does it address the question of justice?' Betty Bigombe, Ugandan MP, State Minister for Water Resources, and Ugandan Peace Negotiator gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 7th February. Part of the Oak series on Amnesty. Betty Bigombe 21 Feb 2012
168 Creative Commons Ending Wars in a Wilsonian World: Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 Professor Leonard Smith (Oberlin) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 24 Jan 2012. Leonard Smith 26 Jan 2012
169 Creative Commons Strategy for Action: Using Force Wisely in the 21st Century Commodore Steve Jermy (Royal Navy) gives a talk for the Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict seminar series. Steve Jermy 26 Oct 2011
170 Creative Commons Sovereign Equality and Moral Disagreement: Premises of a Pluralist International Legal Order Professor Brad Roth, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Wayne State, Detroit, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 17th May 2011. Introduced by Dr David Rodin. Brad Roth 18 May 2011
171 Memory in the Aftermath of War: Australian Responses to the Vietnamese Refugee Crisis of 1975-76 Dr. Nathalie Nguyen, Associate Professor of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, gives the first Oxford Transisiional Justice Research Seminar 2011 Trinity term on 3rd May 2011. Nathalie Nguyen 18 May 2011
172 Stabilisation, Security and Capacity Building - What the Business Schools and Sociologists might tell the Military Colonel Duncan Barley, British Army (Retired) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 10th May 2011. Duncan Barley 18 May 2011
173 Creative Commons The PAX Project (for a worldwide preventative network). OxPeace 2011 Brian Lapping gives the fourth and final presentation from session three of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Brian Lapping 17 May 2011
174 Creative Commons Re-framing peace building and controlling the state: The case if Ethiopia. OxPeace 2011 Iginio Gagliardone, Research Assistant, Centre for Government and Human Rights, Cambridge, gives the third talk in session three of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Iginio Gagliardone 17 May 2011
175 Creative Commons Drugs, Destabilisation and UN policy in Guinea-Bissau: The role of Investigative Journalism. OxPeace 2011 Daniel Ruiz, PhD Candidate, Instituto Gutierrez Mellado, Madrid, gives the first talk in session three in the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Daniel Ruiz 17 May 2011
176 Creative Commons What is Peace Journalism? OxPeace 2011 Professor Richard Keeble, School of Journalism, University of Lincoln, gives the fourth talk for the second session of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Richard Keeble 17 May 2011
177 Creative Commons The Arab Democracy Uprisings and the Prospects for Peace in the Middle East. OxPeace 2011 Did the Western Media (And Everyone Else) get it Wrong? Reflections from an American Journalist. Andrew Lee Butters, Reuters Institute Fellow, Oxford, gives the third talk in session two of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Andrew Lee Butters 17 May 2011
178 Creative Commons Marginal on the Map: Hidden Wars and Hidden Media in India's Noth-Eastern Frontier. OxPeace 2011 Arijit Sen, Gerda Henkel Fellow, Reuters Institute, Oxford, gives the second talk in the second session of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Arijit Sen 17 May 2011
179 Creative Commons Conflict and the Media in Somalia Nicole Stremlau, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford, gives the first talk in the second session in the 2011 OxPeace conference on 5th May 2011. Nicole Stremlau 17 May 2011
180 Creative Commons Reporting Northern Ireland. OxPeace 2011 John Seaton, Professor of Media Hstory, University of Westminster, gives the second talk in session 1 of the 2011 OxPeace Day Conference; Media in Conflict and Peacebuilding on 7th May 2011. John Seaton 17 May 2011
181 Reporting Conflict and Peace. OxPeace 2011 Mike Wooldridge OBE, BBC World Affairs Journalist, gives the first talk in session 1 of the 2011 OxPeace Day Conference; Media in Conflict and Peacebuilding on 7th May 2011. Mike Wooldridge 17 May 2011
182 Support Democracy Abroad: The Record in Africa Prof Thomas Carothers, Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nuffield College, gives a talk for the Rothmere American Institute on 2nd Feb 2011. Thomas Carothers 14 Mar 2011
183 World trade as the guarantee for perpetual peace? On the value and consistency of Kant's theory of 'fair trade'. Liesbet Vanhaute (University of Antwerp) gives a talk for the Kant ad Colonialism Conferece held at Nuffield college, Oxford. Introduced by Dr. Isaac Nakhimovsky. Liesbet Vanhaute 04 Mar 2011
184 Norms and Peace-Building in Georgia: Territorial Integrity, Sovereignty, Non-Intervention and National Self-Determination Neil MacFarlane, Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford gives the first in the 2011 Hilary Term seminars for the Oxford Transitional Justice Research seminar series. Neil MacFarlane 08 Feb 2011
185 Creative Commons Creating Power: Changing Character of War Program 2010 Annual Lecture Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman of King's College, London, gives the 2010 Changing Character of War lecture on the 29th November 2010 entitled 'Creating Power'. Lawrence Freedman 10 Jan 2011
186 Creative Commons After the Abolition of Slavery and Colonialism, War as a Social Institution: The Role of England A plenary session from the 'Building Peace' conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Johan Galtung 22 Dec 2010
187 Grappling with Peace: Reflections on Some Efforts to Deal with Violent Conflict in Africa A plenary session from the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Barney Afako 22 Dec 2010
188 Reflections on a Career of Peacebuilding A keynote address from the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Scilla Elworthy 22 Dec 2010
189 Creative Commons Defining Peace and Debating Peace in Relation to War. OxPeace 2010 A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Richard Caplan, CAJ Coady, Robert Harris 21 Dec 2010
190 Culture Conflict and the Building of Peace. OxPeace 2010 A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Rama Mani, Scilla Elworthy, Alex Danchev, Aviv Wasserman 21 Dec 2010
191 Religion in Peacebuilding and Conflict. OxPeace 2010 A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Liz Carmichael, Philip Lewis, William Headley, Suren Raghavan 21 Dec 2010
192 Justice and Transitional Justice in Peace building. OxPeace 2010 A breakout session of the 'Building Peace' conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. Phil Clark, Donald Ferencz, Wendy Lambourne, Phyllis Ferguson 21 Dec 2010
193 Managing Transition: the National Peace Accord, South Africa, 1991-94 Delivered by Rev. Dr. Liz Carmichael MBE, Chaplain and Tutor in Theology, St John's College, University of Oxford; and Facilitator and Trainer under the National Peace Accord. Part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminar Series, Trinity 2010. Liz Carmichael 21 Jun 2010
194 Understanding the Mind in Peace Negotiations Jeremy Lack (Lawyer and Mediator, Etude Altenburger Switzerland) / Professor Baroness Susan Greenfield (Institute for the Future of the Mind, Oxford) give a seminar for the Centre for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict with David Rodin. Jeremy Lack, Susan Greenfield, David Rodin 14 Jun 2010
195 FLJS part 6: Laws in times of peace and war Aharon Barak answers a question from Guardian Legal Affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch on the difference between protecting human rights and concerns of governments in power in war. Part 6 of the 2009 Foundation for Law Justice and Society Annual Lecture. Aharon Barak, Afua Hirsch 24 Jul 2009
196 IGS Kaberry Lecture: Peace and Reconstruction in the Middle East: Where are the Women? This podcast was recorded at the International Gender Studies Centre's Kaberry Commemorative Lecture which was on Thursday 27th May 2009 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. Maria Jaschok, Haleh Afshar 01 Jun 2009