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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The Future of War and Peace Professor Jean-Marie Guéhenno explores how societal changes, globalisation, technology and power dynamics are shaping the landscape of conflict and peace to a packed Rhodes House auditorium. Jean-Marie Guéhenno 28 Jun 2024
2 Creative Commons Russia and Christian nationalism: the background of a conflict How the global resurgence of traditionalist, religion-based nationalism relates to the specifics of the present conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Rowan Williams 12 May 2023
3 Creative Commons Components for Sustainable Peace in Ukraine What are the necessary components of a peace process for Ukraine? Carne addresses that any such process must involve groups on the ground, such as those from the Donbass or Crimea, if it is to be effective and sustained in the long term. Carne Ross 04 May 2023
4 Violent environments? Towards a political ecology of international law Dr Eliana Cusato, postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, presents an overview of the key arguments in her book, 'The Ecology of War and Peace: Marginalising Slow and Structural Violence in International Law'. Eliana Cusato 20 Jan 2023
5 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 4: Part 2 Professor Cedric de Coning presents "Adaptive Peace: Coping with Complex Systems in Transition." Cedric de Coning 10 Jun 2022
6 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 4: Part 1 Professor Phil Clark presents "Multi-Level Peacebuilding in the Covid-19 Era." Phil Clark 10 Jun 2022
7 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 3: Part 4 Graeme Simpson presents "‘Countering the Violence of Exclusion’: From Policy to Delivery of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda." Graeme Simpson 10 Jun 2022
8 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 3: Part 3 Ufra Mir presents "Peace-psychology: a Frontline Practitioner Perspective from Kashmir, South Asia." Ufra Mir 10 Jun 2022
9 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 3: Part 2 Professor Julia Paulson presents "Tensions and opportunities in peace education." Julia Paulson 10 Jun 2022
10 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 3: Part 1 Jonathan Cohen presents "A Practitioner Perspective: International Support to Local Peacebuilding." Jonathan Cohen 10 Jun 2022
11 OxPeace 2022 Session 2: Part 4 Raja Karthikeya presents "Afghanistan & Iraq: Empirical approaches to Community-level Peacebuilding." Raja Karthikeya 10 Jun 2022
12 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 2: Part 3 Professor Brandon Hamber presents "Tripping, falling, yapping: How the Northern Ireland peace process never reached its potential?" Brandon Hamber 10 Jun 2022
13 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 2: Part 2 Andrei Gomez-Suarez presents "Multilevel Infrastructures for Peace: The Case of Colombia." Andrei Gomez-Suarez 10 Jun 2022
14 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 2: Part 1 Dr Liz Carmichael presents "Implementing peace: South Africa’s Peace Structures 1991-1994." Liz Carmichael 10 Jun 2022
15 Creative Commons OxPeace 2022 Session 1 Opening plenary and keynote addresses. Richard Caplan, John Paul Lederach, Thania Paffenholz 10 Jun 2022
16 The UN and the changing character of peacemaking: new tools and new thinking A discussion on the need for the UN to refocus its mission and retool itself to address increased incidence of intra-State conflict. Raja Karthikeya 16 Feb 2022
17 OxPeace 2021: Dilemmas for education and peace: the Japanese experience Dr Isabella Bunn introduces Professor Koji Nakamura, who presents “Japan: dilemmas for education and peace” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Final responses from panel. Dr Liz Carmichael closes the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Isabella Bunn, Koji Nakamura, Liz Carmichael 02 Jul 2021
18 OxPeace 2021: Understanding public opinion polls Dr Isabella Bunn introduces Ms Jamie Kwong, who presents “Understanding Public Opinion about Nuclear Weapons Issues” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Isabella Bunn, Jamie Kwong 02 Jul 2021
19 OxPeace 2021 Session 3: Prospects for greater public education and understanding Dr Isabella Bunn introduces Session 3, Dr Jeremy Cunningham presents on education, information and “Public awareness of nuclear weapons” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Jeremy Cunningham 02 Jul 2021
20 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: Further threats Dr Christopher Watson presents “Further threats: proliferation, space, terrorism” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Christopher Watson 02 Jul 2021
21 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: Nuclear-weapon-free zones and nuclear containment Dr Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh presents “Obedient rebellion: nuclear-weapon-free zones in the global south” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh 23 Jun 2021
22 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: A responsibilities-based approach to reducing strategic risks Sebastian Brixey-Williams presents “A responsibilities-based approach to the reduction of strategic risks” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Sebastian Brixey-Williams 23 Jun 2021
23 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: Emerging technologies, implications and counter-measures Marina Favaro presents “Emerging Technologies, and their impact on crisis stability”, at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Marina Favaro 23 Jun 2021
24 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: Selected high risk areas (2) Edward Howell presents “North Korea and East Asia” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Edward Howell 23 Jun 2021
25 OxPeace 2021 Session 2: Selected high risk areas (1) Dr Christopher Watson introduces Session 2, Ambassador Peter Jenkins presents “Iran, Israel and West Asia” at the OxPeace 2021 Conference. Peter Jenkins, Christopher Watson 23 Jun 2021
26 OxPeace 2021 Session 1: Opening and keynote addresses: ‘Current Threats and Challenges’ Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael MBE, Convener of OxPeace, opens the 2021 OxPeace Conference. Liz Carmichael, Lord John Alderdice, Nick Ritchie 23 Jun 2021
27 What the Communities Say: Ex-Combatant Integration and Reconciliation in Sierra Leone Breakout session on ‘Post-conflict reconstruction and Peacebuilding’, third talk: Johanna Boersch-Supan, D.Phil. Candidate, Politics and International relations, Oxford University. Johanna Boersch-Supan 18 Jan 2021
28 Evaluating Stability: An Impossible dream?’ The challenges of evaluation in Afghanistan Breakout session on ‘Post-conflict reconstruction and Peacebuilding’, second talk: Bjorn Muller-Wille, Royal Military Academy , Sandhurst. Bjorn Muller-Wille 18 Jan 2021
29 The Stabilisation Discourse and ending War.’ British experience in Helmand, Afghanistan Breakout session on ‘Post-conflict reconstruction and Peacebuilding’, first talk: Dr Stuart Gordon, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Stuart Gordon 18 Jan 2021
30 The Politics and Peace and Justice: the Role of the ICC in Uganda Breakout session on ‘Peace and Transitional Justice’, third talk: Lydiah Kemunto Bosire, D.Phil. Candidate, Politics and International Relations, Oxford University. Lydiah Kemunto Bosire 18 Jan 2021
31 Sierra Leone’s transition: A Road to Peace in the Short Term Breakout session on ‘Peace and Transitional Justice’, second talk: Chris Mahony, D.Phil Candidate, Politics and International Relations, Oxford University. Chris Mahony 18 Jan 2021
32 Reconciliation’s Citizen: Insights from the Peace Process in Bosnia-Herzegovina Breakout session on ‘Peace and Transitional Justice’, first talk: Briony Jones, Ph.D. Candidate, Manchester University; Student Chair, Oxford Transitional Justice Research. Briony Jones 18 Jan 2021
33 To Heal and to Create: Healing Violent Conflict and re-creating Peace with Equity, Inclusion and Art Breakout session on ‘Grassroots Peacebuilding – and linking it to national and international levels’, second talk: Dr Rama Mani, Centre for International Studies, Oxford University. Rama Mani 18 Jan 2021
34 NGO Peacebuilding in Complex Emergencies: the case of Eastern Africa Breakout session on ‘Grassroots Peacebuilding – and linking it to national and international levels’, first talk: Fr Elias Omondi Opongo, Ph.D. candidate, Dept of Peace Studies, Bradford University. Fr Elias Omondi Opongo 18 Jan 2021
35 Misplaced Analogies: 'Coordination' and 'Learning' in the Building of Peace Breakout session on 'The Role of International and Regional Organizations in Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping', third talk: Dr Jochen Prantl, Oxford University, reflects on a lack of effective learning from peacebuilding experience. Jochen Prantl 18 Jan 2021
36 Building Peace in Georgia: International Organizations and Conflict Resolution in South Ossetia and Abkhazi Breakout session on 'The Role of International and regional Organizations in Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping,' second talk: Professor Neil MacFarlane, Lester Pearson Professor of International Relations, Oxford University. Neil MacFarlane 15 Jan 2021
37 SADC and the Zimbabwe Crisis Breakout session on 'The Role of International and Regional Organizations in Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping’, first talk: Miles Tendi, D.Phil. candidate, Dept of Overseas Development, Oxford University. Miles Tendi 15 Jan 2021
38 Different Approaches to Institutionalizing the Study of peace Breakout session on 'The Study of Peace in Schools and Higher Education’, third talk: Professor Mary King, Fellow, Rothermere Institute, Oxford University. Mary King 15 Jan 2021
39 Building Peace into the UK HE Curriculum Breakout session on 'The Study of Peace in Schools and Higher Education’, second talk: Dr Neil Ferguson, Director, Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies, Associate Professor of Political Psychology, Liverpool Hope University. Neil Ferguson 15 Jan 2021
40 Constructing the defences of peace in the 'minds of man' Professor David Johnson, Dept of Comparative Education, Oxford University, on 'Constructing the defences of peace in the "minds of man."' On improving peace education curricula in schools in conflict-affected countries. David Johnson 11 Jan 2021
41 Christianity, Peace and Conflict in Northern Ireland Breakout session on 'Religion, Peace and Conflict.' Second talk: Dr David Tombs, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College, Dublin. on 'Christianity, Peace and Conflict in Northern Ireland'. David Tombs 11 Jan 2021
42 Security and Development Dr Anke Hoeffler, Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, gives the second plenary address. Anke Hoeffler 11 Jan 2021
43 Strategic Peacebuilding for the 21st Century Professor Scott Appleby, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame Scott Appleby 08 Jan 2021
44 Oxpeace 2009: The Serious Study of Peace Introduction At the morning plenary, Saturday 2 May, Revd Dr Liz Carmichael MBE (Oxford University, Theology) introduces the Conference. Liz Carmichael 08 Jan 2021
45 Oxpeace 2009: The Serious Study of Peace Keynote Professor Neil MacFarlane, Lester Pearson Professor of International Relations (Oxford) introduces Jonathan Powell to give the keynote address at the Conference dinner, on his experience of peacemaking and implementing peace in Northern Ireland. Neil MacFarlane 08 Jan 2021
46 OxPeace 2020: Take-aways from the ‘Women, Peace and Security’ Conference Frances Guy and Liz Carmichael sum up the 2020 Oxpeace Conference. Frances Guy, Liz Carmichael 02 Nov 2020
47 OxPeace 2020: Combating Sexual and Gender-based Violence Dr Henri Myrttinen, Gender Associations, gives a talk for the 2020 Oxpeace Conference Henri Myrttinen 02 Nov 2020
48 OxPeace 2020: Opening and keynote address on 'Feminine Peace, Human Security' Dr Liz Carmichael MBE opens the OxPeace 2020 Conference; Teohna Williams gives keynote on “Feminine Peace, Human Security” Liz Carmichael, Teohna Williams 06 Sep 2020
49 Journaling Advice on how journaling can help you to improve your mental health & wellbeing, by Femke Stokes. Oxford University Counselling Service 27 May 2020
50 Creative Commons Documenting Crimes in Syria and Iraq: ISIS and the Crimes Against the Yazidis This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. Sareta Ashraph 11 Nov 2019
51 Creative Commons Measuring Peace: Local Participation and Perspectives in Peacebuilding This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. Anupah Makoond 11 Nov 2019
52 Creative Commons Colombia's Special Jurisdiction for Peace: Are There Reasons for Hope? This talk was the keynote seminar given as part of the Oxford Translational Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series Julieta Lemaitre 11 Nov 2019
53 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Final plenary: Where to from here? Dr Noele Crossley chairs the final plenary 'Where to from here?' with Steve Killelea AM, Founder & Executive Chair at the Institute for Economics and Peace. Steve Killelea 08 Jul 2019
54 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Human fatalities and the question of sustainability in Nigeria's ranching schemes Oluwasolape Onafowora presents 'Human fatalities and the question of sustainability in Nigeria's ranching schemes' at the 2019 OxPeace conference. Oluwasolape Onafowora 08 Jul 2019
55 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Population, urbanisation and health Professor Romola Davenport (Cambridge) presents 'Population, urbanisation and health' at the OxPeace 2019 conference. Romola Davenport 08 Jul 2019
56 OxPeace 2019, Peace in the Anthropocene: Welcome Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael MBE and Reverend Professor Andy Gosler, Co-conveners of OxPeace, open the 2019 OxPeace conference. Liz Carmichael, Andy Gosler 08 Jul 2019
57 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: New politics for surviving the Anthropocene Professor Mark Maslin (UCL) presents 'New politics for surviving the Anthropocene' at OxPeace 2019. Mark Maslin 08 Jul 2019
58 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Challenges of Addressing Food Insecurity Brian Lander, Deputy Director, World Food Programme (WFP) presents the 'Challenges of Addressing Food Insecurity' at OxPeace 2019. Brian Lander 08 Jul 2019
59 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: A kaleidoscope of problems and responses Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael chairs 'Building peace in the anthropocene? A kaleidoscope of problems and responses' with Prof. Heather Bouman (Oxford), Prof. Romola Davenport (Cambridge), Dr Coline Covington, Dr Daniel Ruiz and Oluwasolape Onafowora. Liz Carmichael, Heather Bouman, Romola Davenport, Coline Covington 08 Jul 2019
60 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Opening Plenary: The situation we are in Dr Isabella Bunn (Human Rights law, Regent's Park College) chairs the opening plenary with Professor Franz Baumann (NYU) and Professor Henry Shue (Oxford). Isabella Bunn, Franz Baumann, Henry Shue 08 Jul 2019
61 Colombian Outcast Youths and the Broken Promises of Transformative Justice The peacebuilding literature has long emphasised that youth involvement is key to ensuring long-term peace. In the aftermath of the 'no' victory in the Colombian peace plebiscite, great emphasis has been placed on youth movements' push for peace. Elena Butti 14 Jan 2019
62 OxPeace 2018: How Business affects the chance of peace: the upside – jobs; the downside – crooks; and what to do about them Professor Sir Paul Collier delivers the 2018 OxPeace Conference Keynote lecture, discussing ‘How Business affects the chance of peace: the upside – jobs; the downside – crooks; and what to do about them.’ Paul Collier 16 Nov 2018
63 Victims’ Narratives in the Colombian Peace Process This paper analyses how victims’ voices were heard during the peace negotiations and in the implementation of the 2016 peace accord between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian government. Annelen Micus 03 Sep 2018
64 Rami Ginat - Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958) Rami Ginat discusses the Egyptian Communist Party's stance on Israel in its formative first decade of statehood. Rami Ginat, Yaacov Yadgar 30 May 2018
65 War crimes, crimes against humanity and territorial fragmentation: are peace and reconstruction possible in Syria? Ziad Majed discusses his research on the political situation in Syria, which is the focus of his latest publication. Dr Ziad Majed 22 Dec 2017
66 OxPeace 2017: ‘Peace doesn’t exist’: Marginalised youths’ disengagement from Colombia’s peace process threatens the achievement of a lasting peace Young participants from a conflict-affected town express their ideas about peace, which contrast starkly with the country’s dominant optimism. Elena Butti 12 Jun 2017
67 OxPeace 2017: Chocolate, Politics and Peace-Building: An Ethnography of the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado On peace-building in The Peace Community of San Joseì de Apartadó Gwen Burnyeat 12 Jun 2017
68 OxPeace 2017: Measuring Positive Peace On the Global Peace Index, developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) - the world's leading measurement of country peacefulness. Murray Ackman 12 Jun 2017
69 Creative Commons The Peace Process in Colombia: the Constitutional Dimension Judge Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 10th May 2017. Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa 15 May 2017
70 America and the Treaty of Versailles A public lecture for a series on the United States and World War One. Margaret MacMillan 15 May 2017
71 Creative Commons Transforming Memory: Community Recollections of Inter-Religious Peace and Conflict in Myanmar Phyu Phyu Thi and Matthew J. Walton speak at the Southeast Asia Seminar on 1 March 2017. Phyu Phyu Thi, Matthew J. Walton 10 Apr 2017
72 Creative Commons Twenty-five Years in the Search for Peace: Reflections on the Nobel Peace Prize Geir Lundestad, a Norwegian historian, who until 2014 served as the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, delivered the 2016 Cyril Foster Lecture, 'Twenty-five Years in the Search for Peace: Reflections on the Nobel Peace Prize', on 3rd March 2016. Geir Lundestad 22 Aug 2016
73 War in the Time of Terror This talk attempts to set out what IS aims are, whether there are negotiating possibilities and what the West's response to this new phenomenon should be. Ivor Roberts 05 Jul 2016
74 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Reconciliation and Scale Dr Denisa Kostovicova (LSE) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. Denisa Kostovicova 30 Jun 2016
75 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Measuring Peace Professor Richard Caplan (Oxford) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. Richard Caplan 30 Jun 2016
76 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: What is Peace? Professor Peter Wallensteen (Uppsala, Notre Dame) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. Peter Wallensteen 30 Jun 2016
77 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Ecocide Law: the missing Crime against Peace Polly Higgins gives a talk in parallel session D - Environmental Peace and Conflict. Part of the 2016 Oxpeace conference. Polly Higgins 30 Jun 2016
78 OxPeace 2016: Faith, Environment and Development: From Conflict to Cooperation Dr Shonil Bhagwat gives a talk in parallel session D - Environmental Peace and Conflict. Part of the 2016 Oxpeace conference. Shonil Bhagwat 30 Jun 2016
79 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: State Building in the midst of conflict: lessons from Syria’ on evaluating DFID’s programme for capacity-building during conflict Jon Bennett gives a talk in parallel session C - Syria: governance, conflict and peace – two practical perspectives. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Jon Bennett 30 Jun 2016
80 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Talks, negotiations and efforts to end Syria’s conflict: missed opportunities? Richard Barltrop gives a talk in parallel session C - Syria: governance, conflict and peace – two practical perspectives. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Richard Barltrop 30 Jun 2016
81 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: The Production of Verification Rupert Burridge (DPhil student, Lincoln College, Oxford) gives a talk parallel session B 'Verification in arms control; Issue-linkage in peace missions; Winning control after civil wars'. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Rupert Burridge 30 Jun 2016
82 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016:Violent Non-state Groups as Peace Spoilers: Designing A Post-conflict Strategy for Colombia Dr Annette Idler (Oxford) gives a talk for the first breakout session - Studying Conflict to Build Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Annette Idler 30 Jun 2016
83 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: The study of war in Afghanistan: understanding the routes to peace in an era of 'perpetual war' Dr Robert Johnson (Oxford) gives a talk for the first breakout session - Studying Conflict to Build Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Robert Johnson 30 Jun 2016
84 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Conflict within Peace Studies? A Bibliometric Survey of the Field of Peace and Conflict Studies Prof John Gledhill (Oxford) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. John Gledhill 30 Jun 2016
85 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: War and peace: two sides of the same coin? Prof David Keen (LSE) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. David Keen 30 Jun 2016
86 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Top-down, bottom-up and the missing middle: The nature of contemporary peace Prof Roger Mac Ginty (Manchester Univ) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. Roger Mac Ginty 30 Jun 2016
87 Creative Commons OxPeace 2016: Is the world a more dangerous place today? John Simpson CBE, World Affairs Editor, BBC News, gives the after dinner conference speech at the 2016 OxPeace Conference. John Simpson 30 Jun 2016
88 The Colombian Peace Process with the FARC and International (Criminal) Law Professor Kai Ambos gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series. Kai Ambos 20 May 2016
89 Creative Commons Timor-Leste, Challenges in Post-Independence: From Dream to Reality José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Former President of East Timor, speaks at St Antony's College. José Ramos-Horta 19 Apr 2016
90 Law Enforcement of Cultural Heritage Crime Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 3: What is being done or should be done? Exploring archaeological and military heritage protection initiatives. With Vernon Rapley (Victoria and Albert Museum). Vernon Rapley 19 Nov 2015
91 Creative Commons The Sites and Monuments Record for Syria, and the Shirin Project Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 3: What is being done or should be done? Exploring archaeological and military heritage protection initiatives. With Professor Graham Philip. Graham Phillip 19 Nov 2015
92 Creative Commons Politics with a focus on Yemen Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 2: Why is this happening? Understanding ISIL and other Islamist extremism. With Dr Noel Brehony (Chair of CBRL). Noel Brehony 19 Nov 2015
93 Creative Commons Cultural Heritage in the Islamic State’s Worldview Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 2: Why is this happening? Understanding ISIL and other Islamist extremism. With Dr Alia Brahimi (CCW; Contest Global). Alia Brahimi 19 Nov 2015
94 Creative Commons Syriac Christian communities: people, monuments and manuscripts in Syria, Turkey, and Iraq Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 1: What is happening? The significance of sites at risk, and the current situation. with Dr Sebastian Brock and Sebastien de Courtois. Sebastian Brock, Sebastien de Courtois 18 Nov 2015
95 Creative Commons When words fail. Iraq's lost heritage, and efforts to save it Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 1: What is happening? The significance of sites at risk, and the current situation. Dr Lamia al-Gailani ( UCL/SOAS). Lamia al-Gailani 18 Nov 2015
96 Creative Commons Monuments at War—the Syrian Conflict and the Changing Pattern of Destruction as Reflected in Aleppo and Palmyra Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 1: What is happening? The significance of sites at risk, and the current situation. With Dr Ross Burns. Ross Burns 18 Nov 2015
97 Creative Commons Overview of Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa Part of the Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference. Theme 1: What is happening? The significance of sites at risk, and the current situation. Robert Bewley 18 Nov 2015
98 Creative Commons Welcome and introduction Dr. Liz Carmichael (OxPeace) introduces the "Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference", held in St John's College on Saturday 31 October 2015. Liz Carmichael 18 Nov 2015
99 A Conversation on the Role of Women in Transforming Conflict in the 21st Century A panel discussion on Dr Scilla Elworthy's new book 'Pioneering the Possible: Awakened Leadership for a World That Works' and the Oxford launch of 'Rising Women Rising World.' Scilla Elworthy, Rama Mani, Richard Caplan, Kalypso Nicolaidis 16 Sep 2015
100 'Martin Ceadel and the Study of Peace and War' Session 4: Keynote Presentation A research colloquium to mark the retirement of Professor Martin Ceadel, preeminent historian of the British peace movement and one of the world’s foremost experts on the politics of war prevention and its impact on international relations. Martin Ceadel 01 Sep 2015