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The chaos (fawḍà) Bashshar al-Asad warned against – Damascus University 10th November 2005 – and present-day Syria |
On Friday 21 February 2025, Professor Johannes Waardenburg gave the Middle East Centre’s Friday seminar |
Johannes Waardenburg, Walter Armbrust |
06 Mar 2025 |
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The Axis of Resistance |
A panel with Kamran Matin (University of Sussex), Yasmeen al-Eryani (Tampere Peace Research Institute) and Neil Ketchley (University of Oxford). Chaired by Raihan Ismail (University of Oxford). |
Kamran Matin, Yasmeen al-Eryani, Neil Ketchley, Raihan Ismail |
11 Feb 2025 |
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Responsible Stakeholder or Challenger? Assessing India’s Foreign Policy Orientation via Leadership Travel |
Dr Walter Ladwig III presents on his excellent research project which seeks to explain India's foreign policy orientation by analysing the foreign travel patterns of Indian government leaders. |
Walter Ladwig III |
17 May 2022 |
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Technospheres |
Political influence and the trading power of surveillance and censorship technologies. |
Arianna Schuler Scott, Claudine Tinsman, Valentin Weber |
20 Apr 2022 |
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The Strategies of Small States: Safeguarding Autonomy and Influencing Great Powers |
Dr Hillary Briffa looks at what characterises small states, their challenges, and the strategies they utilise to overcome these. She argues that small states can very successfully protect their autonomy and security, and exert considerable influence. |
Hillary Briffa |
12 Apr 2022 |
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Russian Perceptions of Conflict with Discussion of War in Ukraine |
Mark Galeotti discusses Russian perceptions of war and conflict. The differences between what is considered "war" vs "conflict" and how this changes between the military and civilian security establishments. In addition, the war in Ukraine is discussed. |
Mark Galeotti |
16 Mar 2022 |
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The UN and the changing character of peacemaking: new tools and new thinking |
A discussion on the need for the UN to refocus its mission and retool itself to address increased incidence of intra-State conflict. |
Raja Karthikeya |
16 Feb 2022 |
8 |
Illusions of Autonomy: why Europe cannot provide for its security if the United States pulls back |
How would Europe fare if the United States completely withdrew its security assurances and assistance? Dr Hugo Meijer argues that Europe would struggle to mount a collective, autonomous defence capacity vis-a-vis a resurgent Russia. |
Hugo Meijer |
08 Feb 2022 |
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Afghanistan and the Middle East |
This is a recording of a live webinar held on Thursday 25th November 2021 for the Middle East centre. |
Ibrahim al-Marashi, Michael Willis, Kate Clark |
06 Dec 2021 |
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The Politics of Water Scarcity in the Case of Jordan |
Dr Hussam Hussein investigates the construction of the discourse of water scarcity in Jordan, and the political economy of the water sector. |
Hussam Hussein, Neil Ketchley, Michael Willis |
11 Nov 2021 |
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Ashmolean Museum - Middle East Centre: Owning the Past: A troubled century of Anglo-Iraqi relations |
A webinar that explores the complex history binding Iraq and the U.K. from the First World War through the mandate and creation of the Hashemite monarchy, and Britain’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and its aftermath. |
Eugene Rogan, Dina Rizk Khoury, Charles Tripp, Myfanwy Lloyd |
24 Mar 2021 |
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The IR thought of Susan Strange: Prof Cornelia Navari |
Cornelia Navari, of the University of Buckingham, gives an expert talk on Prof Susan Strange. |
Cornelia Navari |
21 Apr 2020 |
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Dr Merze Tate on International Relations: Prof Cecelia Lynch |
Prof Cecelia Lynch, of the University of California, Irvine, discusses the academic career of US foreign policy and disarmament expert Dr Merze Tate. |
Cecelia Lynch, Louise Richardson |
21 Apr 2020 |
14 |
Gilberto Freyre - International Intellectual, Ancestor of Southern Theory: Professor Peter Burke and Dr Maria Lúcia Garcia Pallares-Burke |
Prof Peter Burke and Dr Maria Lúcia Garcia Pallares-Burke of the University of Cambridge speak on Gilberto Freyre. |
Peter Burke, Maria Lúcia Garcia Pallares-Burke |
21 Apr 2020 |
15 |
International Thought of Joaquim Nabuco: Prof Leslie Bethell |
Professor Leslie Bethell of the University of Oxford traces the life and internationalist thought of Joaquim Nabuco. |
Leslie Bethell |
21 Apr 2020 |
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Diplomacy for the 21st Century: Twenty-first century diplomacy: a new rule book |
In the third 'Diplomacy for the 21st Century' Lecture, Sir Tim Hitchens concentrates on 21st-century diplomacy, and how it differs from 20th-century diplomacy |
Tim Hitchens |
13 Nov 2019 |
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Diplomacy for the 21st Century: An Asian Perspective |
Wolfson College was honoured to have Koji Tsuruoka, Ambassador of Japan, to present this year's Wolfson Lecture Series in Diplomacy for the 21st Century. The lecture was introduced by College President Sir Tim Hitchens. |
Koji Tsuruoka |
06 Dec 2018 |
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The Fate of Pakistan - three ways in which things could really go wrong, and reasons for hope they may not |
The 2018 Sarfraz Pakistan Lecture was delivered by nuclear physicist Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy on October 18th at Wolfson College, Oxford. The lecture was introduced by College President Sir Tim Hitchens. |
Pervez Hoodbhoy |
06 Dec 2018 |
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The Failure of South Asian Regionalism |
Lawrence Sáez speaks at the International Relations of India Seminar on 9 May 2018 |
Lawrence Sáez |
10 Jul 2018 |
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The Forgotten Histories of Indian International Relations |
Martin Bayly speaks at the International Relations of India Seminar Series |
Martin Bayly |
20 Jun 2018 |
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Thailand's Post-2014 Foreign Policy: Riding on the International Trend |
Pavin Chachavalpongpun speaks at the Southeast Asia Seminar on 8 November 2017. |
Pavin Chachavalpongpun |
29 Mar 2018 |
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My Enemy's Enemy: India in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to the US Withdrawal |
Avinash Paliwal speaks at the South Asia Seminar on 20 February 2018. |
Avinash Paliwal |
13 Mar 2018 |
23 |
How To Think About Limited War (Without Limiting Your Thinking) |
'Limited War' is one of the terms making a frequent appearance in the strategic studies, international relations, and military history realms over the last 70 years. |
Donald Stoker |
24 Jan 2018 |
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Creative Commons |
Contesting the Liberal Order? China Rising in a World Not of Its Own Making |
Yongjin Zhang speaks at St Antony's College on 8 November 2016 |
Yongjin Zhang |
08 Dec 2017 |
25 |
Avi Shlaim - A Jordanian Perspective on Israel |
Prof. Avi Shlaim reviews the history of the Jordanian-Israeli relations, and considers how Israel is viewed and understood from the Jordanian side |
Avi Shlaim, Yaacov Yadgar |
29 Nov 2017 |
26 |
Soft War: The Ethics on Unarmed Conflict |
Soft war tactics, including cyber-warfare and economic sanctions, propaganda and non-violent resistance are of increasing importance but largely unexplored in just war theory. This talk illuminates this neglected aspect of international conflict. |
Michael L. Gross |
26 Oct 2017 |
27 |
The End of Peace and Optimism: Assessing the Changing Character of War |
A 'deliberately provocative' assessment of contemporary conflict. |
Rob Johnson |
16 Oct 2017 |
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Creative Commons |
The Sino-Thais' Right Turn towards China |
Kasian Tejapira gives a keynote lecture at the 2017 EuroSEAS conference |
Kasian Tejapira |
04 Oct 2017 |
29 |
The Responsibility to Protect in a Time of Trump: Can Human Protection Weather the Storm? |
Professor Alex Bellamy (University of Queensland) discusses new challenges for implementing Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principles in the current age. |
Richard Caplan, Alex Bellamy |
09 Dec 2016 |
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Diplomacy: The First Line of Defence |
James Kidner gives a talk for the Changing Character of War programme seminar series. |
James Kidner |
05 Jul 2016 |
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'A Feminist Voyage Through International Relations' |
Professor Emerita J. Ann Tickner (University of Southern California) delivers a lecture on the role of feminist theory in the field of international relations. |
J. Ann Tickner, Andrew Hurrell |
22 Jun 2016 |
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'The Case for Offshore Balancing' with John Mearsheimer |
Professor John J. Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) presents the conclusions of his latest article published in 'Foreign Affairs' on offshore balancing. |
John J. Mearsheimer, Duncan Snidal, Ulrike Franke |
22 Jun 2016 |
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Creative Commons |
'Poland: Internationalism, Nationalism and Challenges of the International Environment' |
President of the Stefan Batory Foundation Aleksander Smolar discusses nationalism and internationalism in contemporary Poland |
Aleksander Smolar, Stephen Whitefield |
16 May 2016 |
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The Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula in the Global Cold War |
Dr Toby Matthiesen, Senior Research Fellow in International Relations of the Middle East, Middle East Centre, gives lecture at Middle East Centre, St Antony's College on 22nd January 2016. |
Toby Matthiesen |
26 Jan 2016 |
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Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China |
Sheila Smith (Council on Foreign Relations) gives a talk for the Asian Studies Centre on 24th November 2015. |
Sheila A Smith |
08 Dec 2015 |
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'How to Study Global IR?' Roundtable: Can the Study of IR be De-centred? |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Nora Fisher Onar, Basak Kale, Andrew Hurrell, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
16 Sep 2015 |
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'How to Study Global IR?' Session 3: Re-thinking the Research Agenda for East Asian IR |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Rosemary Foot, Mingde Wang |
16 Sep 2015 |
38 |
'How to Study Global IR?' Session 2: The Global Study of Political Ideas |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Rahul Rao, Martin Pioch, Laurence Whitehead |
16 Sep 2015 |
39 |
'How to Study Global IR?' Session 1: The Global Study of IR |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Amitav Acharya, Fleur Huijskens, Andrew Hurrell |
16 Sep 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
Arctic War or Arctic Peace? |
Are international relations in the Arctic really that different from those in other regions – and if so, why? |
Michael Byers |
01 Sep 2015 |
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'The Resurgence of Identity Politics' Session 3: The Role of Identity in International and Regional Relations |
The launch of the tenth edition of St Antony’s International Review includes panels and presentations on the theme of the resurgence of identity politics. |
Bettina Schorr, Erika Harris, Emily Tamkin, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
01 Sep 2015 |
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Anglo-American Relations - The Ambassador John J. Louis Jr. Lecture 2015 |
The Chancellor of Oxford University, Lord Patten of Barnes, CH, delivers the RAI’s inaugural Ambassador John J. Louis Jr. Lecture in Anglo-American Relations |
Chris Patten |
27 May 2015 |
43 |
The ICC and 'Non'-Sense Non-State Parties, Non-Interventions and Non-Targets |
Dr. Mark Kersten gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 9th February 2015 at 5pm |
Mark Kersten |
26 May 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
Unlike Minds: Ideology, Political Violence and Armed Conflict |
Dr. Jonathan Leader Maynard gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 26 January 2015 at 5pm |
Jonathan Leader Maynard |
26 May 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
The Downward Spiral of Japan's Relations with China since 2012 |
Dr Taku Tamaki, Loughborough University, gives a talk for the Nissan Centre for Japanese Studies seminar series. |
Taku Tamaki |
01 Dec 2014 |
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Barnett House Centenary Reunion Weekend Keynote Lecture |
Magdalena Sepulveda, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, gives the keynote lecture for the Department of Social Policy and intervention Barnet House Centenary Weekend. |
Magdalena Sepulveda |
14 Jul 2014 |
47 |
Towards modular regionalism in Latin America? |
Dr Gian Luca Gardini (University of Bath) gives a talk foe the Latin American Centre seminar series |
Gian Luca Gardini |
15 Feb 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Hassan Rohani's Strategy to Avoid War |
Thomas Flichy reflects on the current politics of Iran and its role in the wider region. |
Thomas Flichy de la Neuville |
13 Nov 2013 |
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Spain and Europe, Old Myths and New Realities |
W.H.Auden described Spain as "...that arid square, that fragment nipped off from hot Africa, soldered so crudely to inventive Europe". This discussion looks in more detail at Spain's place in Europe, as well as the image and reality of Spain today. |
Charles Powell, Esperanza Aguirre, Tom Burns |
22 May 2013 |
50 |
Exit Strategies and State Building |
Drawing on his current research and recent book, Richard Caplan addresses issues relating to exit strategies and state building. |
Richard Caplan |
19 Apr 2013 |
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Oxford at Said Seminar: Oxford and Oxfam working together on the ethics of war, weapons and humanitarian aid |
The practice of protecting unarmed civilians amidst the fierce violence of international and non-international war contends with extreme political realities and rapidly developing robotic weapons technology. Hear how Oxford and Oxfam are working together. |
Hugo Slim, Jane Cocking, Alexander Leveringhaus |
14 Mar 2013 |
52 |
Creative Commons |
Legitimate Targets? The Partial Effectiveness of International Law in US Air Warfare |
Dr Janina Dill, Department of International Relations, Oxford University, gives a talk about US Air Warfare and International Law, organised by the Changing Character of War programme, Oxford University. |
Janina Dill |
04 Mar 2013 |
53 |
Defining Moments in International Relations Since 1962 |
The world of our Founders was one in which the space race heated up, and the Cold War froze over. In October 1962, as the College's first cohort of undergraduates arrived, Cuba was bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war. |
Marshall Cloyd, Jens Tholstrup, Clark Ervin, James Rodgers |
05 Oct 2012 |
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The Decade Ahead: The US Role in the World (2012 Fulbright Lecture) |
Ambassador Thomas Pickering delivers the second Annual Oxford Fulbright Lecture on International Relations. This lecture took place on 18 May 2012. |
Thomas Pickering |
20 Jun 2012 |
55 |
Blogging to Engage: Politics in Spires |
Kate Candy, Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University, explains the cross-institutional blog, Politics in Spires, which aims to share thoughts on Politics and International Relations with the subject community. |
Kate Candy, A. Blake Ewing |
02 Mar 2012 |
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PPE Alumni in Conversation: April 2011 |
A conversation between Elizabeth Frazer (PPE, 1984; DPhil 1987), Matthew Powell (PPE, 2010) and Nick Alexander (PPE, 1976). Matthew and Nick discuss their learning experiences at Oxford across the internet divide, and find that they have much in common. |
Nicholas Alexander, Elizabeth Frazer, Matthew Powell |
19 Dec 2011 |
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The Responsibility to Protect in modern international relations |
Jennifer Welsh and Hugo Slim from the Oxford Centre for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict discuss "The Responsibility to Protect" in contemporary international relations, and its role in key cases such as Libya and the post-election violence in Kenya. |
Jennifer Welsh, Hugo Slim |
28 Sep 2011 |
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The Turn: American Foreign Policy 2009 to 2011 - Inaugural Fulbright Lecture in International Relations |
Inaugural Fulbright lecture in International Relations, given at St Antony's College to commemorate Senator J. William Fulbright, one of Oxford's most distinguished alumni and founder of the Fulbright Programme of Academic Exchanges. |
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Andrew Hurrell, Adam Roberts |
09 Aug 2011 |
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International Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect |
Professor Neil MacFarlane, Fellow in International Relations gives a talk on Humanitarian aid, the responsibility of the international community to protect individuals and groups on 18th June 2011. |
Neil MacFarlane |
28 Jun 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
International Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect |
Professor Neil MacFarlane, Fellow in International Relations gives a talk on Humanitarian aid, the responsibility of the international community to protect individuals and groups on 18th June 2011. |
Neil MacFarlane |
28 Jun 2011 |
61 |
Creative Commons |
After the Abolition of Slavery and Colonialism, War as a Social Institution: The Role of England |
A plenary session from the 'Building Peace' conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Johan Galtung |
22 Dec 2010 |
62 |
Grappling with Peace: Reflections on Some Efforts to Deal with Violent Conflict in Africa |
A plenary session from the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Barney Afako |
22 Dec 2010 |
63 |
Reflections on a Career of Peacebuilding |
A keynote address from the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Scilla Elworthy |
22 Dec 2010 |
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Defining Peace and Debating Peace in Relation to War. OxPeace 2010 |
A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Richard Caplan, CAJ Coady, Robert Harris |
21 Dec 2010 |
65 |
Culture Conflict and the Building of Peace. OxPeace 2010 |
A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Rama Mani, Scilla Elworthy, Alex Danchev, Aviv Wasserman |
21 Dec 2010 |
66 |
Religion in Peacebuilding and Conflict. OxPeace 2010 |
A breakout session of the Building Peace conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Liz Carmichael, Philip Lewis, William Headley, Suren Raghavan |
21 Dec 2010 |
67 |
Justice and Transitional Justice in Peace building. OxPeace 2010 |
A breakout session of the 'Building Peace' conference organized by the Oxford Network for Peace Studies and hosted by St John's College, Oxford on 15 May 2010. |
Phil Clark, Donald Ferencz, Wendy Lambourne, Phyllis Ferguson |
21 Dec 2010 |
68 |
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American-Sino Relations: Review |
In the third and final part of this series, Rosemary Foot reviews and critiques the four factors outlined in the previous episode which could hinder good relations between the two nations. |
Rosemary Foot |
07 Jan 2010 |
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The Enigma of Article 2(4): Interests and Norms in IR Theory |
Over 60 years ago the USA agreed to give up its autonomy over the use of force by signing the UN Charter. Prof. Hurd uses this case study to better understand how states use international rules and how that use remakes both the rules and the states. |
Ian Hurd, Alexander Betts |
01 Jun 2009 |
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Ethical Competence and Understanding War in International Relations |
Prof. Mervyn Frost (King's College, London) presents a seminar in which he explores the relationship between ethics and international relations within the context of armed conflict. The discussant is Dr. Christopher Bickerton (Oxford). |
Mervyn Frost, Christopher Bickerton |
17 Feb 2009 |