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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 How to keep girls in high school in India Why do more girls in India drop out of higher education, despite having similar skills to boys? Cath Porter, Renu Singh 23 Jan 2024
2 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Sir Patrick Vallance Sir Andrew Pollard & Sir Patrick Vallance discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares insights into his medical career and vital work during the pandemic as Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK government. Patrick Vallance, Andrew Pollard 20 Jul 2023
3 Value & Benefits SPECIAL CONFERENCE EPISODE getting the inside scoop on UK Cyber Strategy. Arianna Schuler Scott, Chris Ensor, Bernard Parsons, Harmonie Toros 04 Jul 2022
4 Raising the Bar Surprising social media harms and the Online Safety Bill. This week we're talking about Claudine's research into long term harms of social media content and managing the 'mundane'. Arianna Schuler Scott, Claudine Tinsman 24 Jun 2022
5 Book talk: 'Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning' with Claire Craig & Sarah Dillon Claire Craig and Sarah Dillon discuss their new book. Claire Craig, Sarah Dillon 15 Jun 2022
6 How to realise the zero carbon transition Nagadarsan Suresh and Andreas Finzel discuss how we can slow climate change by achieving net zero carbon emissions. Nagadarsan Suresh, Andreas Finzel 26 Apr 2022
7 Dr. Laura van Broekhoven on Accreditation and the Impacts of Policy Jip and Bessie are joined by the Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Dr. Laura van Broekhoven. In this episode, we discuss the impacts of the policy, museum accreditation, and Laura's work at the museum and beyond. Laura van Broekhoven 04 Jan 2022
8 Mission Statements and Decolonial Practice with Dr. Cara Krmpotich Bessie and Megan are joined by Dr. Cara Krmpotich, museum anthropologist and Associate Professor of Museum Studies at the University of Toronto to delve into the role of mission statements and how to approach applying decolonial practice in museums. Bessie Woodhouse, Megan Mahon 04 Jan 2022
9 Policy and Practice with Faye Belsey ‘The future of collection doesn’t have to be the past.’ Jip and Alexis are joined by Faye Belsey, Deputy Head of Object Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum, to discuss the relationship between collections policy and everyday practice in the museum. Jip Borm, Faye Belsey, Alexis Forer 04 Jan 2022
10 The Great Health Dilemma: Is Prevention Better than Cure? Join Professor Chris Dye, author of The Great Health Dilemma, and Professor Salim Abdool Karim, Director of CAPRISA, as they discuss ways to invest more money and effort in health promotion and prevention around the world today. Chris Dye, Salim Abdool Karim 16 Jun 2021
11 The Economics of Biodiversity Review Join us for a conversation between the author of the Economics of Biodiversity Review, Sir Partha Dasgupta, and Professor Cameron Hepburn, where they will discuss the important messages from the review and the road ahead. Partha Dasgupta, Cameron Hepburn 15 Jun 2021
12 Roadmap to the Sustainable Development Goals Ian Goldin, Kristalina Georgieva discuss how we can bring the Sustainable Development Goals in reach by 2030 Ian Goldin, Kristalina Georgieva 07 Jun 2021
13 The race to zero: action by cities, business and investors Net zero targets are proliferating across the world, covering not only countries but also business, investors, cities, states and provinces, universities, and many others. But are these targets credible? And how can we ensure they lead to change? Tom Hale, Aoife Brophy 24 May 2021
14 Strachey Lecture: How Innovation Works - Serendipity, Energy and the Saving of Time Innovation is the main event of the modern age, the reason we experience both dramatic improvements in our living standards and unsettling changes in our society. Matt Ridley 12 May 2021
15 Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: an industry and occupation perspective In this recorded talk, Professor Doyne Farmer and Maria del Rio-Chanona talk about their new paper on supply and demand shocks, and the impacts on society, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic Doyne Farmer, Maria del Rio-Chanona, Ian Goldin 17 Nov 2020
16 The Saudi Arabia of Muhammad bin Salman: How Much Change? Professor Gregory Gause (Head of International Affairs Department, The Bush School of Government and Public Service) gives a talk on Saudi Arabia crown prince Muhammad bin Salman. Introduced by Dr Toby Matthiesen (St. Antony's College, Oxford. Gregory Gause 25 Feb 2020
17 Plant genetics from Mendel to Monsanto Ottoline Leyser discusses the ability to target and/or select specific genetic changes in plant genomes, and the impact of this on the governance of our food system. Ottoline Leyser 06 Dec 2019
18 Creative Commons Diet, obesity and health: from science to policy Susan Jebb discusses how science and policy can help us make wiser choices for our health. Susan Jebb 04 Dec 2019
19 Creative Commons From pollution to solution: will China save the planet? Barbara Finamore discusses whether China will take the lead in saving our planet from environmental catastrophe. Barbara Finamore, Radhika Khosla 24 Jun 2019
20 Creative Commons The Connections and Disconnections in Teacher Education Policy, Research and Practice Future Research Directions This seminar examines the alignments and tensions between teacher education research, policy and practice. This is the sixth seminar in a series of eight public seminars on 'Future directions in teacher education research, practice and policy'. Diane Mayer 03 Jun 2019
21 Words Matter: The Politics of Identity in Increasingly Harsh Migration and Crime Control Policies Yolanda Vazquez, University of Cincinnati - 24 Nov 2016 Yolanda Vazquez 12 Apr 2017
22 Creative Commons Britain, Europe and Social Policy For the 2016 Sidney Ball Memorial Lecture, Professor Colin Crouch, Vice-President for Social Sciences, gives a talk on European social policies. Colin Crouch 11 Nov 2016
23 Creative Commons Using IDEAL within commissioning in the UK Regulation, Commissioning, HTA and Policy daphne austin 21 Jun 2016
24 Creative Commons Ethnicity, socialization, policy preferences or social structure? Disentangling and comparing the sources of migrants' political preferences across Europe Laura Morales compares the political party preferences of migrants across Europe Laura Morales 09 Mar 2016
25 Creative Commons The Neoliberal Construction of Modern Slavery: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers Judy Fudge, Professor of Law, Kent Law School, University of Kent examines Modern Slavery as a causal effect of the emphasis on human trafficking, anti-immigration and criminal law rather than employment law for migrant domestic workers. Judy Fudge 11 Dec 2015
26 Creative Commons Neoliberalism Workshop: Contradictions in liberal reforms: The regulation of labour subcontracting Guy Mundlak, Professor at The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, gives a talk for the Neoliberalism workshop. Guy Mundlak 11 Dec 2015
27 Session 4 - What has our experience taught us? Lesson for future policy Michael Keating and Dr Randolf Kent (BAFUNCS members) give presentations on thier experiences at the UN. Followed by a discussion moderated by Sir Adam Roberts. Sir Adam Roberts, Michael Keating, Randolf Kent 05 Nov 2015
28 Creative Commons Policy challenges in population ageing Dr Laurel Hixon, Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, gives the first talk for the Oxford Conference on Ageing and Psychiatry. Laurel Hixon 08 Oct 2015
29 What Kind of Learning do we want? 21st Century Learning, the Standards Agenda and Expert Learners How can we help students move from being novices to proficient apprentices to experts in the domain? Gordon Stobart 08 Jun 2015
30 Creative Commons Excision, Exclusion and Exile: Australia's Refugee Policy and Responsibility Shifting in the Asia-Pacific Dr Michelle Foster, Melbourne Law School Michelle Foster 16 May 2014
31 Creative Commons If I knew then what I know now. Being resourceful and strategic in traversing the science career landscape An inspirational careers talk given to young female science students as part of the 3rd Annual OxFest Symposium 2014 - "WHY SO SLOW? Closing the gender gap in STEM". Elizabeth Pollitzer 18 Mar 2014
32 Creative Commons Roads of separation: infrastructure politics, "creeping migration" and de facto delimitation in rural Central Asia Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2013: Rebordering: reflections in relation to (post)socialism Madeleine Reeves 11 Mar 2014
33 Creative Commons Postsocialist subject as a new other: global coloniality, border thinking and decolonial option Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2013: Rebordering: reflections in relation to (post)socialism Madina Tlostanova 11 Mar 2014
34 Creative Commons Thoughts Towards a History of ICT4D - And Its Future Role David Souter uses the history and development of ICT4D as a framework to critique ICT4D approaches and consider the relevance of ICTs and ICT4D to the post-2015 development agenda. David Souter 27 Feb 2014
35 Thoughts Towards a History of ICT4D - And Its Future Role David Souter uses the history and development of ICT4D as a framework to critique ICT4D approaches and consider the relevance of ICTs and ICT4D to the post-2015 development agenda. David Souter 27 Feb 2014
36 Creative Commons A brief history of randomised controlled trails in education (over the last 100 years) Professor Carole Torgerson, Durham University, gives a talk as part of the Centenary seminar series in Michaelmas Term 2013, celebrating 100 years of social enquiry at Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Carole Torgerson 26 Feb 2014
37 Creative Commons THEMIS: Stuck in transit: the Dublin regulation, national discrepancies, and secondary migration of asylum seekers in Europe Jan-Paul Brekke presents his paper 'Stuck in transit: the Dublin regulation, national discrepancies & secondary migration of asylum seekers' co-authored by Grete Brochmann in Parallel session III(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics Jan-Paul Brekke 20 Jan 2014
38 The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems Discussion of dominant approaches by intergovernmental agencies to information society policy and the prospects for introducing critical perspectives that acknowledge the power relations which inform information society strategies and actions. Robin Mansell 16 Jan 2014
39 ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories A seminar exploring technology and regulation in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Despite weak or non-existent government institutions, innovation has flourished with local solutions to local challenges. Abdirashid Duale 16 Jan 2014
40 Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a polymedia event An assessment of the optimism surrounding the opportunities that social media offer for humanitarian action, drawing on analysis of the phenomenally popular and controversial Kony 2012 campaign. Mirca Madianou 16 Jan 2014
41 Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut Networks In a development context, the ways in which new media objects (eg ICTs) are defined in relation to other objects, people and institutions map out new figurations of power and connection, that revalue and recombine political agency. Don Slater 16 Jan 2014
42 Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 Dr Thompson addresses some of the opportunities and contradictions presented by ICT4D and considers some emerging ways in which ICT4D researchers may contribute to the field. Mark Thompson 16 Jan 2014
43 Creative Commons Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Jose M. Roche and Dr Suman Seth Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Jose M. Roche and Dr Suman Seth - OPHI. Jose M Roche, Suman Seth 15 Aug 2013
44 Creative Commons Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Professor Abhijit Sen Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Professor Abhijit Sen, India. Abhijit Sen 15 Aug 2013
45 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Brazil. Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi 10 Jul 2013
46 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Mr Ayache Khellaf Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Mr Ayache Khellaf, Morocco. Ayache Khellaf 10 Jul 2013
47 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Soledad Arellano Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Soledad Arellano, Chile. Soledad Arellano 10 Jul 2013
48 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Amal Shlash Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Amal Shlash, Iraq. Amal Shlash 10 Jul 2013
49 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Mr Ronaldo Araújo Pedron Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Mr Ronaldo Araújo Pedron, Minas Gerais. Ronaldo Araújo Pedron 10 Jul 2013
50 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Ms Leslie Quiñones, El Salvadore Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Ms Leslie Quiñones, El Salvador. Leslie Quiñones 10 Jul 2013
51 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Wang Xiaolin Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Wang Xiaolin, China. Wang Xiaolin 10 Jul 2013
52 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Professor James Foster and Dr Sabina Alkire Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Implementing a MD poverty measure. James Foster, Sabina Alkire 10 Jul 2013
53 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Ms Leslie Quiñones Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Ms Leslie Quiñones, El Salvador. Leslie Quiñones 10 Jul 2013
54 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Bt.Yusoff Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Bt.Yusoff, Malaysia. Rahamat Bivi Bt.Yusoff 10 Jul 2013
55 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Brazil Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Brazil. Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi 10 Jul 2013
56 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Rachid Benmokhtar Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Rachid Benmokhtar, Morocco. Rachid Benmokhtar 10 Jul 2013
57 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Mr Enrique González Tiburcio Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Mr Enrique González Tiburcio, Mexico. Enrique González Tiburcio 10 Jul 2013
58 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Mr Zheng Wenkai Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Mr Zheng Wenkai, China. Zheng Wenkai 10 Jul 2013
59 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Mr Bruce Mac Master Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Mr Bruce Mac Master, Colombia. Bruce Mac Master 10 Jul 2013
60 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Gonzalo Hernández Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Dr Gonzalo Hernández, Mexico. Gonzalo Hernández 10 Jul 2013
61 Launch of Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network: Dr Sabina Alkire Ministers and distinguished high-level representatives from around twenty countries formally launched a new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network in Oxford on 6 June. Introduction by Dr Sabina Alkire. Sabina Alkire 10 Jul 2013
62 Creative Commons Rigour and Openness in 21st Century Science Closing Keynote speech Closing Keynote speech by Rt Hon David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, at the Rigour and Openness in 21st Century Science conference held at Oxford on the 11th and 12th April 2013. David Willets 24 May 2013
63 Creative Commons Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 Dr Thompson addresses some of the opportunities and contradictions presented by ICT4D and considers some emerging ways in which ICT4D researchers may contribute to the field. Mark Thompson 30 Apr 2013
64 Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut Networks In a development context, the ways in which new media objects (eg ICTs) are defined in relation to other objects, people and institutions map out new figurations of power and connection, that revalue and recombine political agency. Don Slater 30 Apr 2013
65 Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a polymedia event An assessment of the optimism surrounding the opportunities that social media offer for humanitarian action, drawing on analysis of the phenomenally popular and controversial Kony 2012 campaign. Mirca Madianou 30 Apr 2013
66 ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories A seminar exploring technology and regulation in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Abdirashid Duale 30 Apr 2013
67 The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems Discussion of dominant approaches by intergovernmental agencies to information society policy and the prospects for introducing critical perspectives that acknowledge the power relations which inform information society strategies and actions. Robin Mansell 30 Apr 2013
68 Internationalisation and Innovation by Chinese Multinational Companies On 7 February the Technology and Management for Development (TMD) Centre and the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) co-hosted the Distinguished Guest Lecture delivered by Victor Zhang, the CEO of Huawei Technologies (华为) UK. Victor Zhang 27 Feb 2013
69 IPP 2012 (Big Data): Welcome and Plenary Panel Panellists discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making at the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Lance Bennett, Theo Bertram, Helen Margetts, Patrick McSharry 02 Jan 2013
70 IPP 2012 (Big Data) Keynote: Nigel Shadbolt Nigel Shadbolt discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making during his opening keynote of the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Nigel Shadbolt 02 Jan 2013
71 Creative Commons IPP 2012 (Big Data) Keynote: Duncan Watts Duncan Watts discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making during his opening keynote of the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Duncan Watts 02 Jan 2013
72 Creative Commons Use of Twitter in UK Local Government (Knowledge Exchange Seminar) Panos Panagiotopoulos discusses use of Twitter in UK local government during a seminar on quantitative methods in social media research held at the OII on 26 September 2012. Panos Panagiotopoulos 02 Jan 2013
73 Creative Commons Social Media Research for Policy Making (Knowledge Exchange Seminar) Carl Miller discusses development of effective social media research for policy making during a seminar on quantitative methods in social media research held at the OII on 26 September 2012. Carl Miller 02 Jan 2013
74 The Social Economy: Unleashing Value and Productivity through Social Technologies Over 70 percent of companies are using social technologies in some way, however very few come anywhere close to achieving the full potential benefit. Drummond Bone, Michael Chui, James Manyika, Marc Ventresca 02 Jan 2013
75 Creative Commons Transport Is Social Policy: Focus on higher education in the UK context Dr Susan Kenyon delivers a seminar as part of the 'Socio-spatial inequalities, transport and mobilities' seminar series held in the Transport Studies Unit during Hilary Term 2012. Susan Kenyon 11 Apr 2012
76 Creative Commons Facebook, Privacy and You Is the age of privacy over? Lord (Richard) Allan from Facebook and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, author of Delete, go head to head on privacy and the right to be forgotten in the internet era. Richard Allan, Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, Timothy Garton Ash 30 Mar 2012
77 Creative Commons Webometrics: The Evolution of a Digital Social Science Research Field Mike Thelwall's Keynote talk from the OII Symposium "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", March 2012. Mike Thelwall 28 Mar 2012
78 Creative Commons Visioning Studies: A Socio-technical Approach to Designing the Future Diane H. Sonnenwald's Keynote talk from the OII Symposium "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", March 2012. Diane H. Sonnenwald 28 Mar 2012
79 Creative Commons Reproducibility: Gold or Fool's Gold in Digital Social Research? Christine Borgman's Keynote talk from the OII Symposium "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", March 2012. Christine Borgman 28 Mar 2012
80 The Need for Achieving Appropriate Information Sharing and Information Protection David Bray describes the Information Sharing Environment, exploring post-9/11 information sharing in the United States, and the efforts being made towards information sharing and national security. David Bray 28 Feb 2012
81 Creative Commons RSC Public Seminars 2012: Migration as an Environmental Policy: pitfalls, opportunities and rhetorics RSC Public Seminar series of Hilary Term 2012. Francois Gemenne 24 Feb 2012
82 Creative Commons The People's Planet: Reconnecting climate science, climate policy and reality Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011. Myles Allen 07 Feb 2012
83 Creative Commons The People's Planet: Reconnecting climate science, climate policy and reality Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011. Myles Allen 07 Feb 2012
84 Creative Commons Health economics in the policy fray: insights from US healthcare reform Professor Richard G Frank, Margaret T Morris Professor of Health Economics, Harvard Medical School gives a lecture on health policy in the US. Richard G Frank 23 Nov 2011
85 Humanitarian Intervention in Africa: History, Theory, Policy and Practice Meanings, definitions, and problems with humanitarian intervention from international relations and historical perspectives from a British Academy funded workshop on Humanitarian Intervention at Nuffield College, Oxford 21 June 2011. Jennifer Welsh, Bronwen Everill, Josiah Kaplan, Nina Berman 09 Sep 2011
86 Creative Commons What are the latest trends in migration into and out of the UK? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing Sarah Croft (Office for National Statistics) gives a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series on December 10th, 2010. Sarah Croft 11 Mar 2011
87 Creative Commons Who Needs Migrant Workers? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing Martin Ruhs and Bridget Anderson (COMPAS, University of Oxford) give a COMPAS Breakfast Briefing on 11th November 2010. Martin Ruhs, Bridget Anderson 11 Mar 2011
88 Creative Commons What Could be the Impact of a cap on overseas Higher Education students? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing Ursula Kelly, University of Strathclyde delivers a COMPAS Breakfast Briefing on 8th October 2010. Ursula Kelly 11 Mar 2011
89 Creative Commons Protecting Palestinian children from political violence This podcast was recorded at a launch event for the fifth Refugee Studies Centre Policy Briefing which was held on Thursday 30th September 2010 at the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, London. Jason Hart, Claudia Lo Forte 12 Jan 2011
90 Creative Commons Integrating Technology, Science, Law, Economics, and Politics: Development of Practical Policy for Carbon Capture and Storage Dr Kenneth Richards, James Martin Senior Visiting Fellow on how carbon capture and storage (CCS) provides a potentially promising approach to mitigating carbon dioxide emissions. Kenneth Richards 24 Nov 2010
91 Creative Commons Climate Shocks: Turning Crisis into Opportunity Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, CIGI Chair of Global Systems, Balsillie School of International Affairs; full Professor, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo on Climate Shocks: Turning Crisis into Opportunity. Thomas Homer-Dixon 15 Oct 2010
92 Faith-based humanitarianism: Improving responses: distinctiveness, partnership and professionalism This podcast was recorded at the evening lecture of the Refugee Studies Centre's workshop on faith-based humanitarianism in the context of forced migration which was on Tuesday 22th September 2010 at The Vaults, University Church of St Marys, Oxford. Elizabeth Ferris 23 Sep 2010
93 Policy and Political Perspectives Nicola Blackwood. Member of Parliament for West Oxford and Abingdon, gives a talk on the Political aspects of female leadership and social entrepreneurship. Nicola Blackwood 31 Aug 2010
94 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 8 Financing Innovation: How can we utilise novel mechanisms to fund innovation? Rob James, Shelagh Wilson, Javier Guzman, Adrian Towse 02 Aug 2010
95 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 7 Evaluating Innovation: How do we evaluate innovation appropriately? Stephen Richards, Kalipso Chalkidou, Robyn Norton, Paul Glasziou 02 Aug 2010
96 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 6 Clinical Entrepreneurship. Oliver Bernath, Jake Arnold-Forster, Richard Darch, Mike Stein 02 Aug 2010
97 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 5 Entrepreneurship in the Community. Pamela Hartigan, Joop Tanis, Andrea Coleman, Deborah Szebeko 02 Aug 2010
98 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 4 Change and Innovation: What are the obstacles to change in complex health organisations in the UK? Sue Dopson, Keith Ruddle, Andrew Pettigrew, Allan Cole 02 Aug 2010
99 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 2 Healthcare Service Innovations: How do we provide high quality healthcare with decreased resources globally? Steve Fairman, Keith Willet, Thulsi Ravilla, Peter McCulloch 02 Aug 2010
100 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 1 Innovation to Practice: What are the challanges to bringing innovative drugs and devices into healthcare delivery and practice globally? Lionel Tarassenko, Constantin Coussios, Peter Dobson, Christopher Elias 02 Aug 2010