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Richard Allan

Series featuring Richard Allan

  • Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Free Speech Debate
# Episode Title Description People Date
4 Creative Commons Facebook, Privacy and You Is the age of privacy over? Lord (Richard) Allan from Facebook and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, author of Delete, go head to head on privacy and the right to be forgotten in the internet era. Richard Allan, Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, Timothy Garton Ash 30 Mar 2012
3 Blogging at 20? The Future and Potential of Social Media If social media are the defining advance of Web 2.0, whereby the network-as-platform enabled users not just to download content but to create it, tag it and share it ... what will the next decade hold? Will we continue to Tweet? William Dutton, Nigel Shadbolt, Dave Sifry, Richard Allan 09 Nov 2009
2 Social Media, So What? Assessing the Impact of Blogs and Social Media Panel discussion during the Oxford Social Media Convention 2009 on the socially egalitarian and politically democratic potential of social media. Have they lived up to the promises? Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Stefan Niggemeier, Evgeny Morozov, Richard Allan 30 Oct 2009
1 Social Media, So What? Assessing the Impact of Blogs and Social Media Can Web 2.0 tools (eg blogs, social networking and wikis) enhance our democratic freedoms? Or can we dismiss the socially egalitarian and politically democratic potential of these social media? Have any significant social impacts been ignored so far? Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Stefan Niggemeier, Evgeny Morozov, Richard Allan 07 Oct 2009