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Extraordinary Bodies, Disability Justice, and Metamorphosis |
All of our bodies are gradually undergoing metamorphosis. Yet, many people with extraordinary bodies and minds experience discrimination in everyday life. Our speakers imagine metamorphosis and transformations on a grand societal scale. |
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Anna Landre, Benedict Ipgrave, Stuart Murray |
12 Aug 2024 |
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Creative Commons |
The Aftermath of Forced Return |
With the help of our panel, we discuss forced return migration and the different power dynamics at play. What are the difficulties of forced returnees to home countries and what are the differences between the wealth and influence of certain states? |
Matthew Gibney, Guadalupe Chavez, Maggie Loredo |
27 Jun 2023 |
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Creative Commons |
Evidence in Women's Health: Evaluating a community singing intervention for postnatal depression |
Dr Alexandra Burton reports on the SHAPER-PND study exploring singing's effect on postnatal depression in new mothers |
Alexandra Burton |
10 Feb 2023 |
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Assimilation or change? Normans at Winchester |
The fifth lecture in the Lyell Lecture 2022 series delivered by Professor Susan Rankin (University of Cambridge) |
Susan Rankin |
24 May 2022 |
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From Neumes in campo aperto to Neumes on Lines (at Christchurch, Canterbury) |
The forth lecture in the Lyell Lecture 2022 series delivered by Professor Susan Rankin (University of Cambridge) |
Susan Rankin |
16 May 2022 |
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St Augustine’s and Christchurch, 950–1091 |
The third lecture in the Lyell Lecture 2022 series delivered by Professor Susan Rankin (University of Cambridge) |
Susan Rankin |
16 May 2022 |
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A Community of Scribes at Worcester |
The second lecture in the Lyell Lecture 2022 series delivered by Professor Susan Rankin (University of Cambridge) |
Susan Rankin |
09 May 2022 |
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How has COVID-19 influenced domestic life? |
The Disobedient Buildings team reflect on both the positive and negative implications of spending more time in the home and within the community during Covid-19 lockdowns across their field sites. |
Inge Daniels, Gabriela Nicolescu, Anna Ulrikke Andersen |
04 May 2022 |
9 |
David Nicholls Memorial Trust Annual Lecture 2019, Apocalypse now? Climate violence and sacrifice in and for the Caribbean |
Apocalypse now? Climate violence and sacrifice in and for the Caribbean by Dr Leon-Sealey Huggins (YPCCS and Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick) |
Leon-Sealey Huggins |
23 Oct 2019 |
10 |
Veteran Poetics |
Book at Lunchtime: Veteran Poetics: British Literature in the Age of Mass Warfare, 1790–2015 |
Suzan Kalayci, Kate McLoughlin, Santanu Das, Elleke Boehmer |
12 Jun 2019 |
11 |
Episode 4: storytelling |
In this podcast, we trace the ways that storytelling threads through the discussions held throughout the conference. |
Ayona Datta, Philippa Tipper and Clare Walton, Alice Watson |
29 May 2019 |
12 |
OxPeace 2018: Equality and Business in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Building shared space and community |
Tina McKenzie discusses ‘Equality and Business in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Building shared space and community’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. |
Tina McKenzie |
16 Nov 2018 |
13 |
Interview with Harvey Whitehouse |
Harvey Whitehouse, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford, talks to Alex Donnelly and Johana Musalkova about shared responses to experiences of suffering and the potential role of commemoration in achieving social cohesion. |
Harvey Whitehouse, Alex Donnelly, Johana Musalkova |
12 Dec 2017 |
14 |
Autonomy, Community, Destiny: Re-Imagining Disability |
The second seminar in the Disability and Curriculum Diversity series at TORCH |
Elizabeth Frood, Dom Hyams, Marie Tidball |
07 Dec 2017 |
15 |
Education and the new Conservatism: Social wellbeing, national character and British values |
Professor Gary McCulloch, UCL Institute of Education, gives a talk for the Education Public seminar series on 27th February 2017. |
Gary McCulloch |
28 Feb 2017 |
16 |
Celebrating Diversity: An LGBTQ+ Tour of Oxford University’s Museums and Collections |
Beth Asbury, Assistant to the Director and Administration Team, Pitt Rivers Museum, gives a short talk for Oxford University Museums Staff Conference. |
Beth Asbury |
31 Oct 2016 |
17 |
VERVE: Connecting the public with displays at the Pitt Rivers Museum |
Beth McDougall and Madeleine Ding, VERVE Team, Pitt Rivers Museum give a short talk for the Oxford University Museums Staff Conference. |
Beth McDougall, Madeleine Ding |
21 Oct 2016 |
18 |
FMR 53 - The role of community in refugee journeys to Europe |
For Eritreans and Syrians coming to Europe, community networks both encourage the initial decision to go and provide elements of support along the way. |
Richard Mallett, Jessica Hagen-Zanker |
11 Oct 2016 |
19 |
Standing for the Whole - 2015 University College Clement Attlee Memorial Lecture |
Arnie Graf of the Industrial Areas Foundation, gives the 2015 Clement Atlee Memorial Lecture. |
Arnie Graf |
27 Oct 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
The ethics of research |
Identifying and addressing ethical issues are key to the success of any clinical trials, particularly when working with vulnerable populations. |
Phaik Yeong Cheah |
05 Oct 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
The ethics of research |
Identifying and addressing ethical issues are key to the success of any clinical trials, particularly when working with vulnerable populations. |
Phaik Yeong Cheah |
05 Oct 2015 |
22 |
What can the lived experiences of white working class communities tell us about social cohesion? |
This briefing explores the lived experiences and concerns of segments of the majority population in Higher Blackley, a ward in the north of Manchester. Part of the COMPAS Breakfast Breifing Series. |
Daniel Silver |
21 May 2015 |
23 |
Working in partnership, community engagement at the Museum of Oxford |
Helen Fountain and Antonia Harland-Lang give a talk on the ways in which the Museum of Oxford reaches out to the local community |
Helen Fountain, Antonia Harland-Lang |
21 Oct 2014 |
24 |
Crowdsourcing and community groups |
Alison Roberts, Ashmolean museum, gives a talk on how the museums are crowdsourcing ideas from community groups to improve collections and exhibitions |
Alison Roberts |
21 Oct 2014 |
25 |
Future |
The presentations focus on the impact of the concept of future in changing debate, and how, in specific instances, concerns about the future affect behaviours in the present. |
David Howard, Jill Hind |
07 Apr 2014 |
26 |
Creative Commons |
FMR 38 Preventing partner violence in refugee and immigrant communities |
For many refugees and other forced migrants, sexual and gender-based violence does not necessarily stop after resettlement; for some, that may be when it starts. |
Greta Uehling, Alberto Bouroncle, Carter Roeber, Nathaniel Tashima |
08 May 2013 |
27 |
Automated Analysis of Information and Social Networks from Social Media Data |
Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University, gives a talk for the Oxford Internet Institute. |
Anatoliy Gruzd |
06 Nov 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Europeana 1914-1918: Community Collection |
Alun Edwards, Manager for RunCoCo, University of Oxford, discusses the value of crowd-sourcing and public engagement in the Europeana 1914-1918 project to digitise First World War memorabilia. |
Alun Edwards |
24 Aug 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
What is the relationship between new migration and community change? |
Migration is presumed to be a major driver of change at the neighborhood level. What is the evidence? This briefing explores current understanding and evidence about the neighborhood changes associated with new migration. |
David Robinson |
20 Aug 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
What is the impact of new migration on cohesion and integration? |
The government and the media regularly make the case that migration must be restricted in order to ensure community cohesion and encourage integration. |
Robert Ford, Will Somerville, Shamit Saggar |
16 Apr 2012 |
31 |
Creative Commons |
Jimmy Wales on Global free speech in the internet age |
Professor Timothy Garton Ash (Director of Free Speech Debate) interviews Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia) on the topic of global free speech and the internet. This was the launch event of Free Speech Debate and took place in Oxford on 19 Jan 2012. |
Jimmy Wales, Timothy Garton Ash |
27 Jan 2012 |
32 |
Dept Seminar: The Oil Company, 'Partnership' and the Moralities of Giving and Receiving |
In this Anthropology Dept Seminar, Katy Gardner of the University of Sussex examines the impact of oil companies on 'corporate community engagement' in Bangladesh. 21 October 2011. |
Katy Gardner |
29 Nov 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Pause - Reflection on the August Riots |
Martin Glynn, Birmingham City University, gives a talk for the Oxford Symposium on the August 2011 Riots. |
Martin Glynn |
25 Oct 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Black Youth, Social Progression and Community |
Professor Cecile Wright, Nottingham Trent University and Jamaican Diaspora UK, gives a talk for the Oxford Symposium on the August 2011 Riots. |
Cecile Wright |
25 Oct 2011 |
35 |
The Social Net(works?): Part 2: Friendship, Community and the Social Media Revolution |
Panel discussion on Social Media networks asking how are traditional understandings of community and friendship affected by new mediums for communication, especially within the context of Christianity. Presented by the Veritas Forum at Oxford. |
Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward, Joel Harrison |
19 Jul 2011 |
36 |
The Social Net(works?) Friendship, Community and the Social Media Revolution |
Panel discussion on Social Media networks asking how are traditional understandings of community and friendship affected by new mediums for communication, especially within the context of Christianity. Presented by the Veritas Forum at Oxford. |
Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward, Joel Harrison |
19 Jul 2011 |
37 |
The Social Net(works?): Part 1: Friendship, Community and the Social Media Revolution |
Panel discussion on Social Media networks asking how are traditional understandings of community and friendship affected by new mediums for communication, especially within the context of Christianity. Presented by the Veritas Forum at Oxford. |
Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward, Joel Harrison |
19 Jul 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - The Sequel |
Debate and discussion about academic crowdsourcing and community content in the UK and beyond, with highlights and interesting ideas from the day. |
Alastair Dunning, Stuart Lee, Chris Batt |
27 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - A Nursery Rhyme |
Melissa Highton (Oxford University Computing Services) examines how Oxford's crowdsourced and community collections of open educational resources are supported and embedded in practice for sustainability. |
Melissa Highton |
26 May 2011 |
40 |
Beyond 2011 - A Saga of Creativity |
Gail Durbin (Victoria and Albert Museum) examines how a nationally focused museum can use its web presence to foster the interest and expertise of users, as well as sharing its own authoritative information? |
Gail Durbin |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - A Cautionary Tale |
Arfon Smith (University of Oxford) presents the experience of the Zooniverse team with their citizen science and crowdsourcing efforts and the changing role of the citizen scientist. |
Arfon Smith |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - A Road Movie |
Alun Edwards and Stuart Lee (Oxford University Computing Services) present their experiences of running public participation days in Germany to gather everyday objects from World War I. |
Alun Edwards, Stuart Lee |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - Choose Your Own Adventure |
'Time Travels' from the creator of How To Be A Retronaut and inventor of the Retroscope, and a leader of Museumpreneurs. |
Chris Wild |
26 May 2011 |
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Beyond 2011 - Character Journey |
The story of the super-transcribers involved in the project to understand the thousands of manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham. |
Valerie Wallace, Tim Causer |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - "...apart from that he was completely naked" and other stories of the amazing everyday in the community |
Chris Morgan 'Mog' (University of Glamorgan, GEECS) presents on the Communities 2.0 digital inclusion project and the collection of digital stories that community members make. |
Chris Morgan |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - Keynote: Tales of Big Society |
Beyond 2011 Keynote presentation from Robert Ashton, author of The Barefoot Entrepreneur. |
Robert Ashton |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - Introduction: Once Upon a Time... |
Melissa Highton, Head of the Learning Technologies group at Oxford University Computing Services opens the conference. She referred to the themes of earlier Beyond conferences, and introduced today's theme "Beyond Collections". |
Melissa Highton |
26 May 2011 |
48 |
Collaboration as the future of news generation and distribution |
Turi Munthe, CEO of Demotix, a citizen journalism website, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism Hilary term 2011 seminar series on 2nd March 2011. |
Turi Munthe |
19 Apr 2011 |
49 |
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Internet Games, Social Inequality and Racist Talk as Griefing |
This talk recaps the history of racist griefing online and link the current crisis in racial discourse in the US with this practice, exploring the implications for digital games as a transnational public sphere. |
Lisa Nakamura |
20 Jul 2010 |
50 |
From Weblogs to Twitter: How Did We Get Where We Are Today and What Are the Main Impacts To Date? |
What are the most important milestones in the evolution of social media? What factors have shaped their successes and limitations? |
Kathryn Corrick, Dave Sifry, Bill Thompson, William Dutton |
13 Nov 2009 |
51 |
Social Media, So What? Assessing the Impact of Blogs and Social Media |
Panel discussion during the Oxford Social Media Convention 2009 on the socially egalitarian and politically democratic potential of social media. Have they lived up to the promises? |
Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Stefan Niggemeier, Evgeny Morozov, Richard Allan |
30 Oct 2009 |
52 |
Breaking News: The Changing Relationship Between Blogs and Mainstream Media |
Panel discussion during the Oxford Social Media Convention 2008 on whether social media necessarily threaten traditional news media, and what, if anything they may have to offer in return. |
David Levy, Richard Sambrook, John Kelly, Jonathan Ford |
30 Oct 2009 |
53 |
Making Science Public: Data-sharing, Dissemination and Public Engagement with Science |
Panel discussion on how social media have changed the nature of the scientific debate among scientists, and how they have impacted on engagement with the public understanding of science. |
Felix Reed-Tsochas, Maxine Clarke, Ben Goldacre, Cameron Neylon |
30 Oct 2009 |
54 |
Internet Governance and Regulation: The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop It |
What lies around the corner for the Internet .. and how do we avoid it? How can we study and affect the future of the Internet using the distributed power of the network itself? This is Jonathan Zittrain's inaugural lecture at the University of Oxford. |
Jonathan Zittrain |
09 Oct 2009 |
55 |
Internet Governance and Regulation: The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop It |
What lies around the corner for the Internet .. and how do we avoid it? How can we study and affect the future of the Internet using the distributed power of the network itself? This is Jonathan Zittrain's inaugural lecture at the University of Oxford. |
Jonathan Zittrain |
09 Oct 2009 |
56 |
Breaking News: The Changing Relationship Between Blogs and Mainstream Media |
Among the traditional media, blogs and other contributions to citizen journalism have for a long time been regarded as posing a significant threat to 'quality' news reporting ... is this a valid view? What (if anything) can social media offer? |
David Levy, Richard Sambrook, John Kelly, Jonathan Ford |
07 Oct 2009 |
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Social Media, So What? Assessing the Impact of Blogs and Social Media |
Can Web 2.0 tools (eg blogs, social networking and wikis) enhance our democratic freedoms? Or can we dismiss the socially egalitarian and politically democratic potential of these social media? Have any significant social impacts been ignored so far? |
Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Stefan Niggemeier, Evgeny Morozov, Richard Allan |
07 Oct 2009 |
58 |
Making Science Public: Data-sharing, Dissemination and Public Engagement with Science |
How have social media changed the nature of the scientific debate among scientists? Are they challenging the supremacy of editors, reviewers and science communicators? How have they impacted on engagement with the public understanding of science? |
Felix Reed-Tsochas, Maxine Clarke, Ben Goldacre, Cameron Neylon |
07 Oct 2009 |
59 |
IASFM 12 Conference: Boundaries of Community |
This podcast was recorded at the fourth plenary event of the 12th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) conference. |
Paula Banjerjee, Peter Schatzer, Helen Muggeridge, Anneliese Baldaccini |
19 Aug 2009 |
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Urban Informatics: The Internet, locative media and mobile technology for urbanites |
Marcus Foth overviews various urban informatics projects, exploring the communicative ecology of urban residents, community engagement using public history and digital storytelling, and social navigation for mobile urban information systems. |
Marcus Foth |
03 Jul 2009 |
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The Second Life of Urban Planning |
Marcus Foth demonstrates the value of various tools and services (eg Second Life) for engaging people in novel and participatory planning exercises, and for investigating how the public interpret and understand proposed urban designs and urban planning. |
Marcus Foth |
03 Jul 2009 |