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Dr Stuart Lee is currently Director, Computing Systems and Services, at Oxford University's Computing Services, but formerly Head of the University’s Learning Technologies Group which he set up in 2001. He is a member of several senior University ICT committees, has led major research projects in the fields of digitisation, humanities computing, and e-learning; and is also a lecturer and researcher at Oxford’s English Faculty. In 2008 he was made Oxford’s Reader in E-learning and Digital Libraries and received a University Teaching Award.
Series featuring Stuart Lee
Medieval English
Safer Internet Day 2014
First World War Poetry Digital Archive
Merton College
Running a Community Collection Online
"British" World War One Poetry: An Introduction
The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts)
RunCoCo - Beyond Collections: Crowdsourcing for public engagement
Tolkien at Oxford
TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
Fantasy Literature
Their Finest Hour
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
39 | How to write 'The Lord of the Rings' | A lecture by Dr S Lee as part of the Tolkien 50th Commemoration seminar series. | Stuart Lee | 08 Dec 2023 | |
38 | A Postcard from Hitler | The Project Lead, Dr Stuart Lee, discusses his most memorable finds on previous crowdsourcing projects | Stuart Lee | 08 Feb 2023 | |
37 | Introducing 'Their Finest Hour' | A brief introduction by the project team to 'Their Finest Hour' | Stuart Lee, Matthew Kidd, Joseph Quinn | 23 Jan 2023 | |
36 | Creative Commons | William Morris and E. R. Eddison Collections at the Bodleian | An interview with Rachael Marsay about the William Morris and E. R. Eddison collections at the Bodleian Library | Rchael Marsay, Stuart Lee | 23 Jul 2021 |
35 | Tolkien Archive and Exhibition at Bodleian (Part 2) | An interview with Catherine McIlwaine on the Tolkien archive at Bodley and the exhibition of 2018 - Part 2 | Catherine McIlwaine, Stuart Lee | 18 Jun 2021 | |
34 | Tolkien Archive and Exhibition at Bodleian (Part 1) | An interview with Catherine McIlwaine on the Tolkien archive at Bodley and the exhibition of 2018 - Part 1. | Catherine McIlwaine, Stuart Lee | 17 Jun 2021 | |
33 | Approaching Fantasy Literature | A short introduction to reading and studying fantasy literature. | Stuart Lee | 12 May 2020 | |
32 | H. P. Lovecraft | A brief introduction to the writer, H. P. Lovecraft. | Stuart Lee | 12 May 2020 | |
31 | Creative Commons | Middle Earth and Tolkien's Digital Afterlives | Stuart Lee traces how Tolkien's Middle-earth and especially 'The Lord of the Rings' have been reimagined through a range of digital technologies, from games to films | Stuart Lee | 04 Mar 2016 |
30 | Creative Commons | The Stories of Lewis Carroll, J.R.R. Tolkien and Philip Pullman | Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Stuart Lee and Margaret Kean explore the digital afterlives of these celebrated storytellers | Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Stuart Lee, Margaret Kean | 04 Mar 2016 |
29 | The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien's Legacy | 60 years since the publication of the series' final volume, a distinguished panel explore Tolkien's literary legacy. | Elleke Boehmer, Stuart Lee, Patrick Curry, Dimitra Fimi | 16 Nov 2015 | |
28 | The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien's Legacy | 60 years since the publication of the series' final volume, a distinguished panel explore Tolkien's literary legacy | Elleke Boehmer, Stuart Lee, Patrick Curry, Dimitra Fimi | 09 Nov 2015 | |
27 | Creative Commons | Writing The Hobbit: a perilous quest | In this talk Stuart Lee will look at the various texts we may call The Hobbit. Starting with the 1937 edition (on display) he will look at the changes enforced on Tolkien after he had finished The Lord of the Rings and how he coped with these. | Stuart Lee | 03 Jun 2015 |
26 | 'Tolkien in Oxford', BBC 1968 | A discussion between Dr Stuart Lee and film & TV director Leslie Megahey on the BBC's 1968 documentary, 'Tolkien in Oxford', given at a day-long symposium that focused on different aspects of Tolkien's academic and literary work and life in Oxford. | Stuart Lee, Leslie Megahey | 01 Dec 2014 | |
25 | Creative Commons | RunCoCo: how to run a community collection online | Find out about “the Oxford Community Collection Model” used for successful crowdsourcing since 2007. The RunCoCo service at the University of Oxford University shows how you can run a community collection online and engage with your community. | Patrick Penzo, Alun Edwards, Ylva Berglund Prytz, Stuart Lee | 13 Oct 2014 |
24 | Creative Commons | David Jones | Often overlooked, Dr Stuart Lee introduces David Jones and his seminal work 'In Parenthesis'. | Stuart Lee | 22 Sep 2014 |
23 | Creative Commons | Manuscripts | In this short talk Dr Stuart Lee introduces some of the primary sources of World War One poetry: manuscripts. | Stuart Lee | 20 Sep 2014 |
22 | Creative Commons | Poetry vs. History | What place do the poets and their work have in the historical analysis of the War? Dr Stuart Lee takes a look at the debate. | Stuart Lee | 20 Sep 2014 |
21 | Creative Commons | Popular Poetry | Dr Stuart Lee discusses the popular poetry of the War years and the formation of the canon in the years that followed. | Stuart Lee | 15 Sep 2014 |
20 | Creative Commons | Georgians and Others | Dr Stuart Lee gives a short introduction to the poetry movements that led up to the War. | Stuart Lee | 15 Sep 2014 |
19 | Creative Commons | New Perspectives 1: Georgians and Others | Short presentation as part of the Oxford 'British Poetry of the First World War' Spring School | Stuart Lee | 06 Sep 2014 |
18 | Creative Commons | University of Oxford summit for Safer Internet Day 2014 | Dr Stuart Lee, introduces the University of Oxford's summit for Safer Internet Day 2014 about the challenges of online harassment and bullying. | Stuart Lee | 18 Feb 2014 |
17 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - The Sequel | Debate and discussion about academic crowdsourcing and community content in the UK and beyond, with highlights and interesting ideas from the day. | Alastair Dunning, Stuart Lee, Chris Batt | 27 May 2011 |
16 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - A Road Movie | Alun Edwards and Stuart Lee (Oxford University Computing Services) present their experiences of running public participation days in Germany to gather everyday objects from World War I. | Alun Edwards, Stuart Lee | 26 May 2011 |
15 | J R R Tolkien 'Beyond the Shoreless Sea' | These lectures cover an introduction to J R R Tolkien's career, show how medieval literature influenced his fiction, and consider the wider scheme Tolkien worked on linking his mythology to historical and other mythical events. | Stuart Lee | 21 Mar 2011 | |
14 | J R R Tolkien: Medievalist and Mythmaker | These lectures cover an introduction to J R R Tolkien's career, show how medieval literature influenced his fiction, and consider the wider scheme Tolkien worked on linking his mythology to historical and other mythical events. | Stuart Lee | 21 Mar 2011 | |
13 | Talking Tolkien: The influences of Medieval Literature on the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien | Stuart Lee and Elizabeth Solopova discuss the influences of medieval literature on the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien. | Stuart Lee, Elizabeth Solopova, Tara Mulholland | 25 Mar 2010 | |
12 | Tolkien and Languages: Ancient and Invented | Interview with Dr Elizabeth Solopova from the Bodlian Library on the influence of medieval language on Tolkien's fiction. | Stuart Lee, Elizabeth Solopova | 01 Dec 2008 | |
11 | Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary: 'The Ring of Words' | A discussion with the authors of 'The Ring of Words', an exploration into Tolkien's work as a lexicographer for the Oxford English Dictionary. | Stuart Lee, Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, Edmund Weiner | 23 Oct 2008 | |
10 | Poetry Tour - London (2) | A second enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the Trench Experience and the end of the war, linking to some of the poets and poetry of the period. | Stuart Lee | 29 May 2008 | |
9 | Creative Commons | Old English in Context Lecture 4 - Manuscripts | Fourth and final lecture by Dr S D Lee, University of Oxford, on Old English in Context. 7/2/08. | Stuart Lee | 08 Feb 2008 |
8 | Creative Commons | Old English in Context Lecture 3 - Religion and Magic | Lecture 3 in a series on placing Old English in Context, Religion and magic. Delivered by Dr S D Lee, Faculty of English, University of Oxford - 31/1/08. | Stuart Lee | 31 Jan 2008 |
7 | Poetry Tour - London (1) | An enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the displays on the First World War but links them to some of the poets and poetry of the period. | Stuart Lee | 28 Jan 2008 | |
6 | Creative Commons | Old English in Context Lecture 2 - Society | Lecture delivered by Dr Stuart D Lee, 24/1/08, English Faculty, University of Oxford on Anglo-Saxon society in relation to the literature. | Stuart Lee | 24 Jan 2008 |
5 | Creative Commons | Old English in Context Lecture 1 - Historical texts | Lecture by Dr S. D. Lee, Faculty of English, Oxford University - placing Old English literature in its historical and social context. | Stuart Lee | 17 Jan 2008 |
4 | Creative Commons | Anglo-Saxon Tour - British Museum | Enhanced Podcast Tour of the Anglo-Saxon exhibits on display at the British Museum by Dr S. D. Lee, Faculty of English, University of Oxford, 27th April 2007. | Stuart Lee | 26 Apr 2007 |
3 | Creative Commons | Beowulf reading, ll. 26-52 | Reading from Beowulf ll. 26-52 by Stuart D Lee, University of Oxford. Recorded March 2007. | Stuart Lee | 29 Mar 2007 |
2 | Creative Commons | Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reading | Reading from an entry in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by Stuart D Lee, University of Oxford. Recorded March 2007. | Stuart Lee | 28 Mar 2007 |
1 | Creative Commons | Old English Tour - British Library | Audio Only Tour of the Old English Manuscripts on display at the British Library by Dr S. D. Lee, Faculty of English, University of Oxford, 21st March 2007. | Stuart Lee | 21 Mar 2007 |