School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
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The School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography is a dynamic and stimulating department, the largest and arguably the most diverse in the UK, with an ethos of openness and tolerance at its heart. Its mission is to be a world leader in all forms of anthropological research and to train the next generations of anthropologists, whether working in the academy or outside it, through research-driven teaching programmes that produce future leaders in their fields. The School produces internationally recognised research and delivers teaching on a wide range of intellectually challenging and socially pressing issues. The School prides itself on its interdisciplinary and wide-ranging approaches to solving real world problems that contribute to the promotion of intercultural understanding and tolerance.
Series associated with School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
465 | The Artist and the Stone: Ethnography of an Artistic Process | This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was given by Roger Sansi-Roca (Goldsmiths, University of London) on 18 November 2016. | Roger Sansi-Roca | 31 Jul 2017 | |
464 | A Brilliant Jewel: Celibacy and its Malcontents in the Brazilian Catholic Church | In this Departmental Seminar, Maya Mayblin (University of Edinburgh) discusses the relatively late and most challenged rule in the Brazilian Catholic Church - celibacy. 4 November 2016. | Maya Mayblin | 31 Jul 2017 | |
463 | Formalization as Development: Accounting for the Proliferation of Village Savings Associations | In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Maia Green (University of Manchester) discusses village savings associations and small-scale credit in Sub-Saharan Africa. 28 October 2016. | Maia Green | 31 Jul 2017 | |
462 | ‘I Can Feel the Mafia but I Can’t See it’: Investigatory Dilemma in Present-day Trapani | The opening Evans-Pritchard Lecture for 2017 given by Dr Naor Ben-Yehoyada (Columbia University) on 1 May. The theme of the series was: 'Getting Cosa Nostra: Knowledge and Criminal Justice in Southwestern Sicily'. | Naor Ben-Yehoyada | 31 Jul 2017 | |
461 | Gifts, entitlements, benefits and surplus: interrogating food poverty and food aid in the UK | The 2017 Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture was given in Oxford on 24 May by Prof. Pat Caplan of Goldsmiths, London. | Pat Caplan | 26 Jul 2017 | |
460 | The concept of culture in cultural evolution | In his keynote speech for the Cultural Evolution Workshop (held in the Pitt Rivers Museum on 28 February 2017), Prof. Tim Lewens of Cambridge examines the concept of culture in cultural evolution. | Tim Lewens | 26 Jul 2017 | |
459 | Why do children doubt magic, but believe in the miraculous? | Prof. Paul Harris (Harvard Graduate School of Education) examines why children are skeptical about magical phenomena but are willing to believe in supposedly miraculous violations of everyday causal constraints. 12 May 2017. | Paul Harris | 26 Jul 2017 | |
458 | Transformation through Ritual: Bodies as Sacred Space | A seminar of the Anthropology Research Group at Oxford on Eastern Medicines and Religions. Dr Ann R. David (University of Roehampton) focuses on Tamil worshippers in the UK to discuss the role of ritual in religion and dance. 18 January 2017. | Ann R. David | 26 Jul 2017 | |
457 | Climate, weather, culture | In this Departmental Seminar, Prof. Steve Rayner examines the blossoming of anthropological attention to climate change over the last ten years. 17 February 2017. | Steve Rayner | 26 Jul 2017 | |
456 | The great migration of summer 2015: trajectories, journeys and hubs | In this Departmental Seminar, Dr Franck Düvell (COMPAS) focuses on the great migration of 2015 when it is estimated that 12 million people were newly displaced. 20 January 2017. | Franck Düvell | 26 Jul 2017 | |
455 | Exhibiting violence and social change in Brazil | Prof. Elizabeth B. Silva (The Open University) discusses the role of staged events in remembering the establishment of dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. 19 May 2017. | Elizabeth B. Silva | 26 Jul 2017 | |
454 | Women in India’s waste economy | In this Departmental Seminar, Prof. Barbara Harriss-Whiten draws on anthropology, economics and politics to examine the role of women in Indian society. 12 May 2017. | Barbara Harriss-White | 26 Jul 2017 | |
453 | The Gorongosa Restoration Project, Mozambique | Greg Carr, the President of the Gorongosa Restoration Project in Mozambique, gives an overview of how the Gorongosa National Park has evolved since Mozambique's civil conflict ended in 1992. 5 May 2017. | Greg Carr | 26 Jul 2017 | |
452 | The obesity epidemic and how bodies come to be through the pedagogies of digital health | Emma Rich gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 16th February 2017. | Emma Rich | 28 Feb 2017 | |
451 | Inequality, Obesity and Oxford: how to reduce car dependence | Danny Dorling gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 2nd February 2017. | Danny Dorling | 28 Feb 2017 | |
450 | Creative Commons | Social Mobility: Can family policy make a difference? | Naomi Eisenstadt gives a talk for the UBVO seminar seires on 1st December 2016. Please note, there were technical difficulties during the recording of this episode so it will stop at 12:34. We apologise for this. | Naomi Eisenstadt | 28 Feb 2017 |
449 | Creative Commons | Epigenetics: Environment, embodiment and equality | Rebecca Richmond gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 13th October 2016. | Rebecca Richmond | 28 Feb 2017 |
448 | Familial homeostasis and negotiations of children's eating and physical activity: An analysis of intergenerational conversations in low income US families | Paulina Nowicka gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on November 17th 2016, | Paulina Nowicka | 18 Jan 2017 | |
447 | Creative Commons | The influence of school on eating disorders in girls - evidence from Sweden and the UK | Helen Bould gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 27th October 2016. | Helen Bould | 18 Jan 2017 |
446 | Creative Commons | The Great Gatsby curve in 3D: Inequality of outcomes, inequality of opportunities, and social mobility across countries | Gaston Yalonetzky gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 10th November 2016. | Gaston Yalonetzky | 18 Jan 2017 |
445 | Advancing a model of inequalities, stress, and obesity | Emily Henderson, Durham University, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. | Emily Henderson | 22 Jun 2016 | |
444 | Exploring the city's 'sutures' | Filip De Boeck (KU Leiden) explores 'urban life between want and wish', drawing on examples from the DRCongo (4 March 2016) | Filip De Boeck | 15 Jun 2016 | |
443 | Plantain island sirens | Jennifer Diggins (Oxford Brookes) discusses 'tales of poverty, fish, and seduction from maritime Sierra Leone' (26 February 2016) | Jennifer Diggins | 15 Jun 2016 | |
442 | Science, stories and indigenous wisdom: is the wider world waking up at last? | Joy Hendry (Oxford Brookes) examines indigenous knowledge and specific projects across the world, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand (13 May 2016) | Joy Hendry | 15 Jun 2016 | |
441 | The charm of 'things': ethnography and performance | Marta Rosa Jardim (UNIFESP, Brazil) examines the role of sculptures of Hindu gods in Mozambique and the influence of art history on her anthropological research (20 May 2016) | Marta Rosa Jardim | 15 Jun 2016 | |
440 | The certainty of futures lost | Lucy Lowe (Edinburgh) discusses motherhood, Caesarean sections and migration in 'Little Mogadishu', Mairobi (3 Fecember 2015) | Lucy Lowe | 15 Jun 2016 | |
439 | The fragility of conviction | Mathijs Pelkmans (LSE)'s seminar is based on 'walking with the Tablighi Jammat in Kyrgyzstan (12 February 2016) | Mathijs Pelkmans | 15 Jun 2016 | |
438 | Profane relations: the irony of offensive jokes in India | Andrew Sanchez (Kent) discusses why a multi-ethnic workforce in eastern India exchanges jokes about each other's religion and cultures as a form of irony (19 February 2016) | Andrew Sanchez | 15 Jun 2016 | |
437 | Brown adipose tissue, energy balance, and obesity - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Michael Symonds, Karolinska Institutet, gives a talk for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews series. | Michael Symonds | 14 Jun 2016 | |
436 | Bariatric surgery in childhood and adolescence - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Claude Marcus, Karolinska Institutet, gives a talk for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews. | Claude Marcus | 14 Jun 2016 | |
435 | Familial interventions for childhood obesity - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Paulina Nowicka, Karolinska Institutet, gives a talk for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews series. | Paulina Nowicka | 14 Jun 2016 | |
434 | UK Food Network Responsibility Deal - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Susan Jebb, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews series. | Susan Jebb | 14 Jun 2016 | |
433 | The Body Mass Index in Obesity Reporting - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Philip James, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, gives a talk for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews series. | Philip James | 14 Jun 2016 | |
432 | Sugar, Metabolisms, and Taxation - UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews | Michael Goran, University of Southern California, gives an interview for the UBVO Instrument and Institutions Interviews series. | Michael Goran | 14 Jun 2016 | |
431 | Obesity, responsibility and ethics | Julian Savulescu, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. | Julian Savuelscu | 14 Jun 2016 | |
430 | Creative Commons | The developmental origins of health and disease: adaptation reconsidered | Ian Rickard (Durham) places the origins of the science of health and disease within a framework of evolutionary theory and a medical anthropology perspective (18 January 2016) | Ian Rickard | 08 Jun 2016 |
429 | Creative Commons | Obstructed labour: the classic obstetric dilemma and beyond | Emma Pomeroy (Cambridge) places obstructed labour within an evolutionary perspective. A medical anthropology seminar given on 15 February 2016. | Emma Pomeroy | 08 Jun 2016 |
428 | Inflammaging and its role in ageing and age-related diseases | Cristina Giuliani (Bologna) places inflammaging, and genetics, within an evolutionary perspective. A medical anthropology seminar given on 1 February 2016. | Cristina Giuliani | 08 Jun 2016 | |
427 | Creative Commons | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | Charlotte K. Russell (Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, Durham) looks at how evolutionary anthropology and cross-cultural perspectives can have a huge impact on specific healthcare issues such as SIDS (22 February 2016) | Charlotte K. Russell | 08 Jun 2016 |
426 | The dawn of Darwinian critical care medicine | James G. Morgan (Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Leeds General Infirmary) discusses how an evolutionary approach can help one understand medicine, such as adaptive defence mechanisms in the body (8 February 2016) | James G. Morgan | 08 Jun 2016 | |
425 | Creative Commons | Maternal capital and offspring development | Jonathan Wells (UCL Institute of Child Health) presents an intergenerational perspective on the development origins of health and disease. A medical anthropology seminar given on 29 February 2016. | Jonathan Wells | 08 Jun 2016 |
424 | Creative Commons | Tracing the origins of the HIV/AIDS pandemic | Nuno Fario (Oxford) investigates the development of HIV since the discovery of its first, and diverse, genomes in 1959 and 1960. A medical anthropology seminar given on 7 March 2016. | Nuno Faria | 08 Jun 2016 |
423 | Governing Plastic Biology: Biopolitics in Epigenetic Times. | Maurizio Meloni, University of Sheffield, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. | Maurizio Meloni | 02 Jun 2016 | |
422 | Agrarian change, climate stress and shifting class relations in the Nepal-Bihar borderlands | A special lecture by Dr Fraser Sugden, a Kathmandu-based social scientist at the International Water Management Institute (19 May 2016) | Fraser Sugden | 01 Jun 2016 | |
421 | Marett Memorial Lecture 2016: The Creole world between inequality and difference | Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen (Oslo) delivered 2016's Marett Memorial Lecture on 29 April at Exeter College. The lecture examined controversies over Creole identity which are related to fundamental questions in anthropology. | Thomas Hylland Eriksen | 01 Jun 2016 | |
420 | Creative Commons | The dynamics in the details: An ethnography of food aid, weights and measures in South Sudan. | Darryl Stellmach, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. | Darryl Stellmach | 18 May 2016 |
419 | Creative Commons | Paying attention to the journey | In this Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group seminar, Ginny Mounce (Oxford) discusses couples' experiences of investigating and starting infertility treatments, 19 October 2015 | Ginny Mounce | 14 Mar 2016 |
418 | Creative Commons | Does 21st-century technology change the experience of early pregnancy and miscarriage? | In this Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group seminar, Ingrid Gramme (Oxford) discusses how our basic understanding of pregnancy and miscarriage has changed enormously over the last eighty years, 9 November 2015 | Ingrid Gramme | 14 Mar 2016 |
417 | Birds in heaven: social positioning of lost babies and their mothers in Qatar | In this Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group seminar, Susie Kilshaw (UCL), discusses the impact of pregnancy and loss on mothers and fathers, and other family members, in Qatar, 2 November 2015 | Susie Kilshaw | 14 Mar 2016 | |
416 | Creative Commons | Microbes and other spirits | In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, César Enrique Giraldo Herrera (Oxford) discusses the role of hallucinogenics in interpreting reality and the role of visions in Lowland South America, 23 October 2015 (the opening few seconds are missing) | César Enrique Giraldo Herrera | 14 Mar 2016 |
415 | Creative Commons | Revisiting uncertainty: provisional electricity infrastructure and livelihoods in an African city | In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Idalina Baptista (Oxford), discusses the governance of electricity in urban sub-Saharan Africa, drawing on a case study focused on Maputo, Mozambique, 13 November 2015 | Idalina Baptista | 14 Mar 2016 |
414 | Creative Commons | Negotiating enemy lines | In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Lauren Greenwood (University of Sussex) discusses the complexities of collaboration with the British military, 29 May 2015 | Lauren Greenwood | 14 Mar 2016 |
413 | Medical and psychological issues in the treatment of recurrent miscarriage | In this Fertility and Reproduction Seminar, Raj Rai (Imperial College and St Mary's Hospital) discusses the role of clinical trials and ways of addressing the potential exploitation of vulnerable couples, 26 October 2015 | Raj Rai | 14 Mar 2016 | |
412 | Creative Commons | Crossing religious borders: Jewish Cabo Verdeans | In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Alma Gottlieb (Illinois) discusses the blend of religious traditions that have developed on the Cape Verde islands, particularly early Jewish settlers, 6 November 2015 | Alma Gottlieb | 14 Mar 2016 |
411 | 'Fat knowledge', epigenetics and the enchantment of relational biology | An Anthropology Departmental Seminar presented by Megan Warin (Adelaide) on the ways in which obesity is understood, embodied and enacted, 16 October 2015 | Megan Warin | 14 Mar 2016 | |
410 | Evolutionary origins of technological behaviour: a primate archaeology approach to chimpanzees | An Anthropology Departmental seminar presented by Susana Carvalha (Oxford) on the archaeological sites of non-humans, 27 November 2015 | Susana Carvalho | 14 Mar 2016 | |
409 | Creative Commons | The 'Unfortunate Mesopotamian Foetus' | Pregnancy loss and miscarriage in the ancient Near East - a Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group seminar, 30 November 2015 given by Marie-Françoise Besnier (University of Cambridge) | Marie-Françoise Besnier | 14 Mar 2016 |
408 | Migrant subjectivities and crisis narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region | Michael Collyer, University of Sussex, gives a talk for the COMPAS Hilary 2016 term Seminar Series entitled: Open the Way: Understanding the Refugee Crisis on 4th February 2016. | Michael Collyer | 22 Feb 2016 | |
407 | The fat(tened) American: Between consumption, disgust, and animality | Chris Forth gives a talk for the UBVO Seminar series on 26th October 2015. | Chris Forth | 22 Feb 2016 | |
406 | What's next? The National Obesity Observatory | Harry Rutter is interviewed about the National Obesity Observatory. | Harry Rutter | 22 Feb 2016 | |
405 | Creative Commons | Hacking the Food System: Technologies of Justice and Inequality | Melissa Caldwell gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 3rd December 2015. | Melissa Caldwell | 08 Feb 2016 |
404 | Creative Commons | Food as Media | Eva Giraud gives a talk for the UBVO seminar seires on December 2nd 2015. | Eva Giraud | 08 Feb 2016 |
403 | Celebrity Chefs as Political Activists: Audiences, Moments and Affect | Michael Goodman gives a talk for the UBVO seminar seires on 1st December 2015. | Michael Goodman | 08 Feb 2016 | |
402 | Keynote: When Food Goes Digital: From a Mundane Point of View | Steve Woolgar gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 30th November 2015. | Steve Woolgar | 08 Feb 2016 | |
401 | Creative Commons | Digital Food Activism | Karin Eli and Tanja Schneider gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 29th November 2015. | Karin Eli, Tanja Schneider | 08 Feb 2016 |
400 | Creative Commons | The Who and What of Diabetes on Twitter | Mariano Berguerisse Diaz, Amy McLennan and Stanley Ulijaszek give a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 28th November 2015. | Mariano Berguerisse Díaz, Amy McLennan, Stanley Ulijaszek | 08 Feb 2016 |
399 | Creative Commons | Political Food Served Digitally All Day? An Online/Offline Perspective on Food- Related Political Consumerism | Katharina Witterhold gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 27th November 2015. | Katharina Witterhold | 08 Feb 2016 |
398 | Marketing Conscious Consumption | Ryan Foley gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 26th November 2015. | Ryan Foley | 08 Feb 2016 | |
397 | Unravelling the Mediterranean migration crisis: Reflections from the field | Heaven Crawley, Coventry University, gives a talk for the COMPAS Hilary term 2016 seminar seires; 'Open the Way: Understanding the Refugee Crisis' on 21st January 2016. | Heaven Crawley | 04 Feb 2016 | |
396 | Creative Commons | The time of our lives: Migration and slow pain | Yasmin Gunaratnam, Goldsmiths College, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Yasmin Gunaratnam | 27 Jan 2016 |
395 | Creative Commons | Love and Legality: questions of wellbeing for irregular migrants and their citizen partners | Melanie Griffiths, University of Bristol, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Melanie Griffiths | 27 Jan 2016 |
394 | Creative Commons | Migrants, conditionality and welfare in the UK | Peter Dwyer, University of York, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Peter Dwyer | 27 Jan 2016 |
393 | Creative Commons | Beyond the 'asylum-seeking market': spaces of responsibility and moments of care within the privatisation of asylum accommodation | Jonathan Darling, University of Manchester, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Jonathan Dwyer | 27 Jan 2016 |
392 | Creative Commons | Migration and the health trajectories of immigrants and host country nationals | Osea Giuntella, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Osea Giuntella | 27 Jan 2016 |
391 | Intergenerational and inter-ethnic wellbeing of migrants: an analysis for the UK | This paper uses a UK nationally representative data set to examine the extent to which family migration history helps explains inter-ethnic variations in subjective well-being. By Cinzia Rienzo, National Institute of Economic and Social Research [NIESR]. | Cinzia Rienzo | 09 Nov 2015 | |
390 | The Limits of collaboration: attempting a reciprocal Gypsy/Roman life story | In this Anthropology departmental seminar, Paloma Gay y Blasco (St Andrews) evaluates a twenty-year collaborative project she has undertaken with her Gypsy informer (15 May 2015) | Paloma Gay y Blasco | 04 Aug 2015 | |
389 | Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture 2015: The Societalization of Social Problems | Professor Jeffrey C. Alexander (Yale University) delivered the Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture on 3 June 2014 at Oxford. The lecture was 'The societalization of social problems: recent social crises and the civil sphere' | Jeffrey Alexander | 04 Aug 2015 | |
388 | Creative Commons | Migration in the Media | Rob McNeil, COMPAS, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Seminar Series. | Rob McNeil | 27 Jul 2015 |
387 | Creative Commons | The cage of freedom: Mobility and labour in contemporary Bangkok | Claudio Sopranzetti, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Claudio Sopranzetti | 27 Jul 2015 |
386 | Creative Commons | Immigration and the NHS | Carlos Vargas Silva, COMPAS, University of Oxford, gives a talk for Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Seminar Series. | Carlos Vargas Silva | 27 Jul 2015 |
385 | Creative Commons | Damaged trust and a changing electorate?: Migration as a contemporary political issue in the UK | Scott Blinder, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, gives a talk for the Immigration and democracy in the UK COMPAS Seminar Series. | Scott Blinder | 27 Jul 2015 |
384 | Creative Commons | The border is everywhere: Refugee journeys in Europe | Daniel Trilling, New Humanist Magazine, gives a talk for Shifting Powers, Shifting Mobilites COMPAS Seminar Series | Daniel Trilling | 27 Jul 2015 |
383 | Creative Commons | The Urban Outlaw as Rights Broker | Nicholas Simcik Arese, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Nicholas Simcik Arese | 27 Jul 2015 |
382 | Creative Commons | How informalities and diversification make an arrival neighborhood: International migrants in Kumkapi, Istanbul | Kristen Biehl, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Kristen Biehl | 27 Jul 2015 |
381 | Creative Commons | Arrival cities under occupation? Political economies of urban consolidation and rural migration in the contemporary West Bank | Kareem Rabie, CUNY Graduate Center, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Kareem Rabie | 27 Jul 2015 |
380 | Creative Commons | The xenophobic city: Security, neoliberalisation and violence from the bottom of Aegean Sea to the centre of Athens | Dimitris Dalakoglou, University of Sussex, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Dimitris Dalakoglou | 27 Jul 2015 |
379 | Creative Commons | The scale and scope of citizenship in early modern Europe: Preliminary estimates | Chris Minns, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the Arrival Cities COMPAS Seminar Series. | Chris Minns | 27 Jul 2015 |
378 | Safeguarding children from destitution: How do local authorities respond to families with ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’? | Sarah Spencer and Jonathan Price, COMPAS, Oxford, give a talk for the COMPAS series. | Sarah Spencer, Jonathan Price | 14 Jul 2015 | |
377 | Stacking Ontologies: Mundane Technoscience in the Silk Mill | Dimitris Papadopoulos (University of Leicester) discusses different ways to think about technoscience beyond its core institutions (13 March 2015) | Dimitris Papdopoulos | 27 May 2015 | |
376 | Obsessed by Love: Erotic Magic, Delirious Love and Female Power in Mozambique | Christian Groes-Green (Roskilde University Copenhagen) discusses the nature of being in love and how this is seen and discussed in Mozambique and written about in other African nations (6 March 2015) | Christian Groes-Green | 27 May 2015 | |
375 | Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, the Anthropology of Dance: Same Difference? | Andrée Grau (University of Roehampton) discusses the anthropology of dance and its development as a discipline of anthropology. The talk also reflects on the discipline's neglected figures (27 February 2015) | Andrée Grau | 27 May 2015 | |
374 | The Agency of Eating: Mediation, Food and the Body in Highland Ecuador | This Anthropology departmental seminar by Emma-Jayne Abbots (University of Wales Trinity St David) aims to define and extend the theoretical boundaries of food studies | Emma-Jayne Abbots | 27 May 2015 | |
373 | What can the lived experiences of white working class communities tell us about social cohesion? | This briefing explores the lived experiences and concerns of segments of the majority population in Higher Blackley, a ward in the north of Manchester. Part of the COMPAS Breakfast Breifing Series. | Daniel Silver | 21 May 2015 | |
372 | Lost objects, imaginary assemblages and the mass graves of the Spanish Civil War | Layla Renshaw (Kingston University London) discusses objects recovered during the exhumation of Civil War victims and considers their imaginative power and life cycle (6 February 2015) | Layla Renshaw | 07 May 2015 | |
371 | On representation and power: portrait of a Vodun leader in present-day Benin | An Anthropology Departmental Seminar by Emmanuelle Kadya Tall of IRD, Paris (30 January 2015) | Emmanuelle Kadya Tall | 07 May 2015 | |
370 | Moving the cracks: motorcycle taxis, politics and the fragility of power in Bangkok | Claudio Sopranzetti (Oxford) discusses the Red Shirts, the motorcycle taxi drivers whose protests in 2010 brought Bangkok to a standstill (23 January 2015) | Claudio Sopranzetti | 07 May 2015 | |
369 | Ecology of undernutrition and infection | Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford) presents a lecture on undernutrition and infection (14 November 2014) | Stanley Ulijaszek | 07 May 2015 | |
368 | Biocultural approaches to Type 2 diabetes | Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford) presents a lecture on Type 2 diabetes from the Disease Ecology Lecture series (28 November 2014) | Stanley Ulijaszek | 07 May 2015 | |
367 | Obesity: epidemiology and biocultural factors | Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford) presents a lecture on obesity from the Disease Ecology Lecture series (21 November 2014) | Stanley Ulijaszek | 07 May 2015 | |
366 | From Amazonian couvade to neo-couvade in cosmopolitan trends of co-parenting: a comparative analysis | In this Fertility and Reproduction Seminar Françoise Barbira-Freedman (Cambridge) examines ideas and behaviour that intimately associates a man with the birth of his child (1 Dec 2014) | Françoise Barbira-Freedman | 13 Apr 2015 |
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