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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Using the Web to do Social Science Duncan Watts discusses how the Internet is beginning to lift a long-time constraint of social science research on emergent collective behaviour: the difficulty of measuring interactions between people, at scale, over time, while also observing behaviour. Duncan Watts 09 Nov 2009
2 The Growth of the Corporate Blog: 'Letting go' of Information Control or Maintaining the Official Line? What do companies expect to gain from maintaining an online 'social media' presence? What are the implications of these trends for the development of traditional public relations strategies and business journalism? Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb, Kara Swisher, Simon Hampton, Mark Rogers 09 Nov 2009
3 Blogging at 20? The Future and Potential of Social Media If social media are the defining advance of Web 2.0, whereby the network-as-platform enabled users not just to download content but to create it, tag it and share it ... what will the next decade hold? Will we continue to Tweet? William Dutton, Nigel Shadbolt, Dave Sifry, Richard Allan 09 Nov 2009