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# Episode Title Description People Date
201 Creative Commons FMR 38 Sharing sensitive data on forced migrants Can a collaborative web-platform for sharing critical demographic information about displaced people improve delivery and response? Prisca Benelli, Alessandro Guarino, Jen Ziemke 08 May 2013
202 Creative Commons FMR 38 Technology and engineering to support work with refugees New partnerships are being forged to encourage young engineers to use their skills in the service of refugees. Stephanie Hunt, Geoffrey C Orsak 08 May 2013
203 Creative Commons FMR 38 The role of technology in family tracing in Kenya Capitalising on the spread of mobile phones and the internet, new digital tools can help refugees trace missing family members. Security of data is a vital aspect of any such tools. Lucy Kiama, Christopher Mikkelsen, Caroline Njeri, Mikkel Hansen 08 May 2013
204 Creative Commons FMR 38 Making online connections Internet-based technologies are changing the way refugees are able to remain connected to their origins while adjusting to life in a new country. Jennifer Flemming 08 May 2013
205 Creative Commons FMR 38 The networking Tibetan diaspora The networking Tibetan diaspora. Emma Tobin 08 May 2013
206 Creative Commons FMR 38 Satellite phones help rescue of refugees Satellite phones help rescue of refugees. Virginia Signorini 08 May 2013
207 Creative Commons FMR 38 Refugees enjoy freedom to surf in Uganda Refugees enjoy freedom to surf in Uganda. Angella Nabwowe-Kasule 08 May 2013
208 Creative Commons FMR 38 Android phones for mosquito net surveys Android phones for mosquito net surveys. Sarah Hoibak, Marian Schilperoord 08 May 2013
209 Creative Commons FMR 38 Community Technology Access project Community Technology Access project. Daniela Ionita 08 May 2013
210 Creative Commons FMR 38 Mobile phones used for public health surveillance in Darfur Mobile phones used for public health surveillance in Darfur. Kbede Deribe 08 May 2013
211 Creative Commons FMR 38 From the local community in Colombia into cyberspace From the local community in Colombia into cyberspace. Juan David Gómez-Quintero 08 May 2013
212 Creative Commons Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 Dr Thompson addresses some of the opportunities and contradictions presented by ICT4D and considers some emerging ways in which ICT4D researchers may contribute to the field. Mark Thompson 30 Apr 2013
213 Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut Networks In a development context, the ways in which new media objects (eg ICTs) are defined in relation to other objects, people and institutions map out new figurations of power and connection, that revalue and recombine political agency. Don Slater 30 Apr 2013
214 Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a polymedia event An assessment of the optimism surrounding the opportunities that social media offer for humanitarian action, drawing on analysis of the phenomenally popular and controversial Kony 2012 campaign. Mirca Madianou 30 Apr 2013
215 ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories A seminar exploring technology and regulation in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Abdirashid Duale 30 Apr 2013
216 The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems Discussion of dominant approaches by intergovernmental agencies to information society policy and the prospects for introducing critical perspectives that acknowledge the power relations which inform information society strategies and actions. Robin Mansell 30 Apr 2013
217 Creative Commons FMR 38 Disabled persons database after Pakistan floods Disabled persons database after Pakistan floods. Niaz Ullah Khan 23 Apr 2013
218 Digital Heritage Technologies and Issues of Community Engagement and Cultural Restitution in 'New Style' Ethnographic Museums This Anthropology Departmental Seminar (2 November 2012) is by Professor Mike Rowlands (University College London), in collaboration with Graeme Were (Brisbane). Its theme is material anthropology. Mike Rowlands 18 Apr 2013
219 Creative Commons FMR 38 GBV data collection and sharing GBV data collection and sharing. Kristy Crabtree 16 Apr 2013
220 Creative Commons FMR 38 How displaced communities use technology to access financial services As drought forces hundreds of thousands of Somalis to flee to Kenya and Ethiopia or to displaced camps within Somali territories, providing financial services might not seem an immediate priority. Abdirashid Duale 16 Apr 2013
221 Creative Commons FMR 38 Online connection for remittances nternet cafés in refugee camps allow refugees to maintain and create networks for overseas remittances. For many displaced people, maintaining these ties is vital. Naohiko Omata 16 Apr 2013
222 Creative Commons FMR 38 What Ushahidi can do to track displacement Ushahidi is an interactive mapping tool for use in crisis situations, which humanitarian workers can use to help them target assistance. Galya Ruffer 16 Apr 2013
223 Creative Commons FMR 38 Phoning home Simply having access to technology does not resolve the problem of communication between displaced people and their families. Linda Leung 16 Apr 2013
224 Creative Commons FMR 38 Web-based monitoring in an insecure environment UNHCR has developed Project Tracking and IDP databases for its work in Iraq in order to facilitate its operations at a lower risk to all stakeholders and to improve financial accountability, oversight and transparency. Andrew Harper 16 Apr 2013
225 Creative Commons FMR 38 Remote visual evidence of displacement Geospatial technologies such as satellite imagery provide a means of 'reaching' a conflict zone when on-the-ground reporting may be too dangerous, a region too remote, or access denied. Susan Wolfinbarger, Jessica Wyndham 16 Apr 2013
226 Creative Commons FMR 38 Open access to scholarly research Forced migration authors hold the key to enabling free and unfettered access to the full text of research articles. Elisa Mason 16 Apr 2013
227 Creative Commons FMR 38 Luxembourg-UNHCR-Skype synergies A recent strategic partnership between UNHCR, the Government of Luxembourg and communications software provider Skype is keeping UNHCR staff in hardship locations in touch with their families and friends. Antoine Bertout, Marc de Bourcy, Mohammad Faisal 16 Apr 2013
228 Creative Commons FMR 38 Access to information - inclusive or exclusive? Do new technologies increase access to information and knowledge for all, or are they deepening a technological divide? Sandra Krause, Diana Quick 16 Apr 2013
229 Creative Commons FMR 38 Early warning of mass atrocity crimes The use of new technologies for early warning systems can help reduce people's vulnerability to mass violence. Phoebe Wynn-Pope 16 Apr 2013
230 Creative Commons FMR 38 Technology in aid of learning for isolated refugees The lack of higher education opportunities for refugees, many of whom flee before being able to complete their education, is a widely acknowledged problem. Petra Dankova, Clotilde Giner 16 Apr 2013
231 Creative Commons FMR 38 The only constant is change Advances in information and communications technology are offering new solutions to a range of operational challenges experienced in the field. Can the humanitarian community's providers of telecommunications services keep up with the pace of change? Mariko Hall 16 Apr 2013
232 Creative Commons FMR 38 Disaster Response 2.0 The traditional disaster response community is only now beginning to assimilate the vast changes that new technologies could bring for information management in their field. Jeffrey Villaveces 16 Apr 2013
233 Creative Commons FMR 38 Citizen initiatives in Haiti The 2010 earthquake in Haiti ushered in a new era for the role and power of technology and communication systems in disaster response, especially for how local responders used them. Imogen Wall 09 Apr 2013
234 Creative Commons FMR 38 Foreword Foreword to issue 37 of Forced Migration Review. T Alexander Aleinikoff 09 Apr 2013
235 Creative Commons Building a Business 2012/13: Taking the First Steps: Company Basics Martin Chilcott, founder and CEO of 2 degrees, specialises in the environment and education. 2 degrees is the largest community for sustainable business globally. Martin Chilcott 15 Mar 2013
236 Creative Commons Opening the Black Box: Examining the Deliberation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the UK and US; Second St Cross Special Ethics Seminar HT13 How best to govern the field of assisted reproductive technologies? As UK and US authorities utilise different approaches, will the disparate structures and missions of these two bodies result in significantly different answers? Kyle Edwards 05 Mar 2013
237 Internationalisation and Innovation by Chinese Multinational Companies On 7 February the Technology and Management for Development (TMD) Centre and the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) co-hosted the Distinguished Guest Lecture delivered by Victor Zhang, the CEO of Huawei Technologies (华为) UK. Victor Zhang 27 Feb 2013
238 Creative Commons 3.5 Libraries Don't Have to Change, Do They? Dr Wolfram Horstmann (Associate Director for Digital Library Programmes and Information Technology, Bodleian Libraries) talks about cultural heritage and libraries. Wolfram Horstmann 18 Feb 2013
239 Creative Commons 3.4 The Ashmolean: Eastern Art Online Digitisation Paul Groves talks about Cultural Heritage and his role as project manager for the Ashmolean Eastern Art Online Website in part 4/6 of the lecture "How has technology transformed access and dissemination?". Paul Groves 18 Feb 2013
240 Creative Commons 3.3 Cultural Heritage and the Oxford e-Research Centre Professor David de Roure (Director, Oxford e-­Research Centre) delivers part 3/7 of the lecture "How has technology transformed access and dissemination?". David De Roure 18 Feb 2013
241 Creative Commons 3.2 Cultural Heritage and Information Technology Professor Anne Trefethen (Chief Information Officer) delivers part 2/7 of the lecture "How has technology transformed access and dissemination?". Anne Trefethen 18 Feb 2013
242 Creative Commons 3.1 Introduction: How has Technology Transformed Access and Dissemination? Donna Kurtz introduces the subject 'How has technology transformed access and dissemination?'. Donna Kurtz 18 Feb 2013
243 Creative Commons Open Journalism, Social Media and the England Riots Paul Lewis, Special Projects Editor, Guardian, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series on ope journalism, social media and the England Riots. Paul Lewis 04 Feb 2013
244 Delete: Forgetting in the Digital Age Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute Viktor Mayer-Schönberger gives the Keble London lecture 2012. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger 11 Jan 2013
245 IPP 2012 (Big Data): Welcome and Plenary Panel Panellists discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making at the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Lance Bennett, Theo Bertram, Helen Margetts, Patrick McSharry 02 Jan 2013
246 IPP 2012 (Big Data) Keynote: Nigel Shadbolt Nigel Shadbolt discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making during his opening keynote of the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Nigel Shadbolt 02 Jan 2013
247 Creative Commons IPP 2012 (Big Data) Keynote: Duncan Watts Duncan Watts discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by big data for research and public policy-making during his opening keynote of the conference "IPP2012: Big Data: Big Challenges". Duncan Watts 02 Jan 2013
248 OII Internet and Society Awards: Raspberry Pi Victoria Nash, talks to Pete Lomas, Founder and Trustee at Raspberry Pi, recipients of an Internet and Society Award in 2012 from OII, in recognition of their exemplary efforts in using the Internet for the public good in Britain. Victoria Nash, Pete Lomas 02 Jan 2013
249 The Life Story of a Pioneer: From Hi-tech to Philanthropy The OII's Founding Donor Dame Stephanie Shirley speaks about the sources of her innovation, the software house she founded back in 1962 and why she has already given away £65M to IT and autism projects. Stephanie Shirley 02 Jan 2013
250 Creative Commons Communicating Risk and Uncertainty in Climate Science part two Peter Scott, Met Office, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Peter Scott 21 Dec 2012
251 Creative Commons Communicating Risk and Uncertainty in Climate Science part one Professor Chris Rapley, UCL, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Introduced by Richard Black, former BBC Correspondent. Chris Rapley, Richard Black 21 Dec 2012
252 Creative Commons Public Understanding of Risk and Uncertainy - part two Dr Emily Shuckburgh, BAS/DECC, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Emily Shuckburgh 21 Dec 2012
253 Creative Commons Public Understanding of Risk and Uncertainy - part one Dr Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templeton College, Oxford on 15th November 2012. Nick Pidgeon 21 Dec 2012
254 Creative Commons Communicating Risk and Uncertainty Opening Address Opening Address by Professor Speigelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, Cambridge University. David Speigelhalter 20 Dec 2012
255 Creative Commons The Experience of Different Sectors in Communicating Risk and Uncertainty part one Wendy Jarrett, Associate Director, Media Relations, National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templeton College, Oxford. Wendy Jarrett 20 Dec 2012
256 Creative Commons Legacy media and technology transitions - what went wrong? Lucy Küng, Professor of Media Management at Jönköping International Business School. Lucy Küng 19 Dec 2012
257 The Media's Reporting of Risk and Uncertainty Panel Discussion Panel discussion with Roger Harrabin, BBC Environment Analyst, Fiona Harvey, Guardian Environmental Correspondent, Kate Kelland, Health and Science Corespondent, Thompson Reuters, chaired by Tom Sheldon, Science Media Centre. Roger Harrabin, Fiona Harvey, Kate Kelland, Tom Sheldon 10 Dec 2012
258 The IPCC's Communication of Risk and Uncertainty part two Professor Arthur Petersen (Chief Scientist at the PBL Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency) gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templeton College, Oxford on 15th November 2012. Arthur Petersen 10 Dec 2012
259 The IPCC's Communication of Risk and Uncertainty Professor Myles Allen, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Myles Allen 10 Dec 2012
260 Communicating Risk and Uncertainty in Climate Science part three Professor Rob Wilby, (Loughborough), gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templeton College, Oxford on 15th November 2012. Rob Wilby 10 Dec 2012
261 Communicating Risk and Uncertainty in Climate Science part two Peter Scott, Met Office, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Peter Scott 10 Dec 2012
262 Communicating Risk and Uncertainty in Climate Science part one Professor Chris Rapley, UCL, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Introduced by Richard Black, former BBC Correspondent. Chris Rapley, Richard Black 10 Dec 2012
263 The Experience of Different Sectors in Communicating Risk and Uncertainty part three Dr Roger Street, Green Templeton College, Oxford, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th November 2012. Roger Street 10 Dec 2012
264 The Experience of Different Sectors in Communicating Risk and Uncertainty part two Elliot Varnell, Consulting Actuary, Milliman, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th November 2012. Elliot Varnell 10 Dec 2012
265 The Experience of Different Sectors in Communicating Risk and Uncertainty part one Wendy Jarrett, Associate Director, Media Relations, National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford. Wendy Jarrett 10 Dec 2012
266 Public Understanding of Risk and Uncertainy - part two Dr Emily Shuckburgh, BAS-DECC, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Emily Shuckburgh 10 Dec 2012
267 Public Understanding of Risk and Uncertainy - part one Dr Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University, gives a talk for the Communicating Risk and Uncertainty conference, held at Green Templton College, Oxford on 15th Novemeber 2012. Nick Pidgeon 10 Dec 2012
268 Communicating Risk and Uncertainty Opening Address Opening Address by Professor Speigelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, Cambridge University. David Speigelhalter 10 Dec 2012
269 Creative Commons Humanitarian Innovation Project: launch event Special seminar by Dr Alexander Betts, Louise Bloom and Dr Naohiko Omata (University College Dublin) recorded on 15 November 2012 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. Alexander Betts, Louise Bloom, Naohiko Omata 22 Nov 2012
270 Zooniverse: what to do with half a million scientists? Dr Chris Lintott and Dr Rob Simpson explain using 'citizen power' to expand our knowledge of the Universe. Chris Lintott, Rob Simpson 14 Nov 2012
271 Creative Commons Pandemics - Can we eliminate major worldwide epidemics? Larry Brilliant, President of the Skoll Global Threats Fund, gives a talk for the Oxford Martin School. Larry Brilliant 06 Nov 2012
272 Revolutionising 21st Century Healthcare Through Technology A panel discussion on new techniques and applications in the emerging field exploring the boundaries between man and machine in medical imaging, drug delivery and taking healthcare from the hospital to the home. Constantin Coussios, Lionel Tarassenko, Alison Noble, Andrew Hamilton 04 Oct 2012
273 Creative Commons How can we deal with the challenge of 'data overload'? We are reaching a point where computers can no longer cope with the quantity of data collected from cosmological simulations - a problem that will grow, not only in cosmology. Pedro Ferreira 20 Aug 2012
274 Creative Commons Why do we need 'citizen science'? Harnessing the general public to help analyse complex data sets is not only helping scientists with galaxy classification. Pedro Ferreira 20 Aug 2012
275 Creative Commons How can nanotechnology address medical problems? Microscopes with nanometer resolution can test the mechanical properties of cells. Nanoscale 'scaffolds' that mimic the cellular matrix of cells in the body can help regenerate tissue, improve healing mechanisms, and even train the immune system. Sonia Contera 20 Aug 2012
276 Creative Commons How can stem cells help in the treatment of cancer? One of the flipsides of ageing is cancer, characterised by cells that do not age. What can stem cell research learn from cancer cells to help prevent the degenerative illnesses associated with ageing? Colin Goding 20 Aug 2012
277 Creative Commons What are stem cells and why are they important for the future of medicine? An explanation of how stem cells could transform medical practice, from treating the diseases of ageing to finding a cure for cancer by Professor Colin Goding, Co-Director, Oxford Stem Cell Institute. Colin Goding 20 Aug 2012
278 Creative Commons The Tizard Mission Stephen Phelps, Brasenose Alumnus, introduces his book about the top-secret operation that changed the course of World War II. Available now through Amazon or Pen and Sword. Stephen Phelps, Georgina Edwards 24 Apr 2012
279 Creative Commons Webometrics: The Evolution of a Digital Social Science Research Field Mike Thelwall's Keynote talk from the OII Symposium "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", March 2012. Mike Thelwall 28 Mar 2012
280 Creative Commons Visioning Studies: A Socio-technical Approach to Designing the Future Diane H. Sonnenwald's Keynote talk from the OII Symposium "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", March 2012. Diane H. Sonnenwald 28 Mar 2012
281 Facebook Resistance? Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Arab Revolutions Revolutions are currently sweeping the Arab world, from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya to Bahrain. The Internet has been reported as a key factor, but we in fact know little of its role in these revolutions. Miriyam Aouragh, Noha Atef, Khaled Hroub, George Weyman 12 Mar 2012
282 Visualisation in the Age of Computerisation Professor Steve Woolgar introduces and discusses the main themes of the Visualisation in the Age of Computerisation conference, by reflecting on recent changes in visualisation media and considering some of the implications of these changes for research. Steve Woolgar 28 Feb 2012
283 Does the Mind have a Future? Baroness Greenfield discusses how Information Technology is changing the way humans think and feel. Whilst there are clear benefits, she also highlights the less desirable consequences, and suggests how best to minimise these threats. Susan Greenfield 28 Feb 2012
284 The Need for Achieving Appropriate Information Sharing and Information Protection David Bray describes the Information Sharing Environment, exploring post-9/11 information sharing in the United States, and the efforts being made towards information sharing and national security. David Bray 28 Feb 2012
285 Innovations and Journalism: Finally Together? Turo Uskali argues that, thanks to the Internet, there has never been a better time for innovative journalism and innovations in journalism. Turo Uskali 28 Feb 2012
286 Next Generation Internet Users: Digital Divides, Choices, and Inequalities Grant Blank summarises his lecture on how a new pattern of Internet access is developing through the use of a growing variety of devices than enable increasing mobility: these people are "Next Generation Internet Users". Grant Blank 28 Feb 2012
287 Creative Commons Securing our cyber future - opportunities and risks when virtual meets reality Panel discussion as part of the Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012. Sadie Creese, Martin Sadler, Greg Williams 22 Feb 2012
288 Creative Commons Emerging healthcare technologies - how are they changing us? Panel discussion - Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012. Sonia Contera, Angela D Saini, Dianne Sullivan, Lionel Tarassenko 20 Jan 2012
289 Cruising through Uncertainty: Mobile Phone Practices and the Politics of Respect in Southern Mozambique Julie Archambault (African Studies/St Annes College), gives a talk for the African Studies Centre. Julie Archambault 27 Oct 2011
290 Creative Commons Simon Forman: astrology, Medicine and Quackery in Elizabethan England The third in a series of public lectures linked to the Museum's 'Eccentricity' exhibition. Lauren Kassell 26 Oct 2011
291 Why Robots Play Football Stephen Cameron gives a talk for the 2011 Oxford Alumni Weekend on robotics and new technological advances in the field. Stephen Cameron 03 Oct 2011
292 Creativity Lecture 2: Creative Selves, Creative Expression Professor Richard Harper (Microsoft Research, Cambridge) presents on how to design for 'being human' in an age when human-as-machine type metaphors, deriving from Turing and others, tend to dominate thinking in the area. Richard Harper 20 Jun 2011
293 Creative Commons Cistercian Monks as Metallurgists - Iron Technology at Rievalx Abbey c. 1130-1600 AD (24 Feb 2011) Gerry McDonnell gives a talk for the Ian Ramsay Seminar Series on 24th February 2011. Gerry McDonnell 18 Apr 2011
294 Creative Commons Interview: Peter Scott on Marconi and Radio Manufacturing Professor Peter Scott discusses his research into competitive advantage and innovation in the interwar British radio industry using the Marconi Archive, Britain's most extensive and important archive for the radio and related industries. Peter Scott, Jim Bennett 01 Apr 2011
295 Creative Commons Radio Manufacturing in the Interwar Years Professor Peter Scott (University of Reading) presents the inaugural Douglas Byrne Marconi Lecture based on his research on Marconi and radio manufacturing between the World Wars. Peter Scott 01 Apr 2011
296 Young People do a lot of things with technology - does that include learning? For many young people, being able to use ICTs for learning at home is essential for their educational success - or so, at any rate, the argument goes. Is this in fact turning out to be the case? Delivered by Dr Chris Davies. Chris Davies 16 Feb 2011
297 Creative Commons Inspiring Women - Inspiring Change Jane Butcher, Assistant Director of the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology gives a talk for the International Women's Leadership Symposium. Jane Butcher 31 Aug 2010
298 The Internet Turns 40: Midlife Crisis or Grand Challenge for Computer-Mediated Communication? This talk discusses research being undertaken at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago and its consequences for future forms of computer-mediated communication and for the Internet. Steve Jones 18 May 2010
299 Authentic Assessment in the era of Social Media: ideas and applications from Internet Communications The emergence of Web 2.0-enabled social media online provides a new opportunity to develop assessments that match with, and draw upon students' engagement with online knowledge networking, creating new possibilities for 'authenticity' in assessment. Matthew Allen 18 May 2010
300 The Global Information Technology Reports: Lessons in Technology, Development and Competitiveness Professor Soumitra Dutta discusses the Global Information Technology Reports: the world's most comprehensive and authoritative international assessment of the impact of ICTs on the development process and the competitiveness of nations. Soumitra Dutta 10 May 2010