101 |
Encoding and Encoded Texts |
Panel chaired by Pip Wilcox, with Barbara McGillivray, Megan Senseney and Nicholas Cole. |
Pip Wilcox, Barbara McGillivray, Megan Senseney, Nicholas Cole. |
04 Jul 2017 |
102 |
How open should open data be? |
Open data impacts everybody. Through it we can access healthcare services, understand our governments better and, of course, travel to places more easily. But, how open should open data be? |
Sir Nigel Shadbolt |
02 Jun 2017 |
103 |
Photo Archives VI: The Place of Photography and the Phases of Digitisation |
Nina Lager Vestberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) discusses the digital condition of photography through a phase model of digitisation. |
Nina Lager Vestberg |
09 May 2017 |
104 |
Photo Archives VI: Saving Space, Mediating Place: Photography and the Reproduction of Collections and Archives |
Estelle Blaschke (University of Lausanne) discusses the development and growth in use of microfilm during the 1920s and 1930s. |
Estelle Blaschke |
09 May 2017 |
105 |
How open should open data be? |
Open data impacts everybody. Through it we can access healthcare services, understand our governments better and, of course, travel to places more easily. But, how open should open data be? |
Sir Nigel Shadbolt |
04 May 2017 |
106 |
Creative Commons |
Leading businesswoman Grace Sai describes how disruptive technology, including virtual and augmented reality, are changing how consumers interact with products. |
Leading businesswoman Grace Sai describes how disruptive technology, including virtual and augmented reality, are changing how consumers interact with products. |
Grace Sai |
25 Apr 2017 |
107 |
A Changing World: The Future of the Energy Industry |
The Annual Hands Lecture is a very important moment in Mansfield's calendar, held to honour Guy and Julia Hands and their generous and continued support of Mansfield College. |
John Browne |
22 Mar 2017 |
108 |
SPQR and Computer Archaeology: the early years |
Gary Lock and Paul Reilly talk about how Sebastian helped British CAA school of practitioners be more international. |
Gary Lock, Paul Reilly |
16 Nov 2016 |
109 |
Linked Open Data |
Dr. Leif Isaksen and Alex Dutton talk about Sebastian's inspiring leadership in the Linked Open Data movement in cultural heritage. |
Alex Dutton, Leif Isaksen |
16 Nov 2016 |
110 |
Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School |
Pip Wilcox from the Bodleian Libraries talks about Sebastian's long standing contribution to teaching at the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS). |
Pip Willcox |
16 Nov 2016 |
111 |
Digital Humanities |
Dave De Roure talks about Sebastian's contributions to the digital humanities community in Oxford and the wider world. |
Dave De Roure |
16 Nov 2016 |
112 |
What Sebastian Taught Us |
Joe Talbot talks about Sebastian's many achievements, his work and shares some personal reflections and video footage of the man. |
Joe Talbot |
16 Nov 2016 |
113 |
Linked Cultural Heritage |
Donna Kurtz talks about working with Sebastian over a number of years on various Linked Cultural Heritage projects. |
Donna Kurtz |
16 Nov 2016 |
114 |
The Open Source Advisory Service - OSS Watch |
Rowan Wilson gives a talk about working with Sebastian on setting up the national service - OSS Watch, the Open Source Software advisory service. |
Rowan Wilson |
16 Nov 2016 |
115 |
The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names |
Robert Parker, Wykeham Professor of Ancient History, Oxford, talks about Sebastian's work with Oxford Classics in developing the lexicon of greek names. |
Robert Parker |
16 Nov 2016 |
116 |
TeX Live - Don Knuth remembers SPQR |
Anne Trefethen reads a special statement from founder Donald Knuth on Sebastian's contribution to TeX Live. |
Anne Trefethen |
16 Nov 2016 |
117 |
TeX and LaTeX software |
Phillip Taylor talks about Sebastian's contribution to the TeX and LaTeX software community. |
Phillip Taylor |
16 Nov 2016 |
118 |
Humanities Computing at Southampton, and The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome |
Wendy Hall and Les Carr share their memories of work at Southampton University. Nicholas Stanley-Price and Amanda Thursfield, (The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome) share their experiences with working with Sebastian Rahtz. |
Wendy Hall, Les Carr, Nicholas Stanley-Price, Amanda Thursfield |
16 Nov 2016 |
119 |
Research business and the shortwave beam: Marconi and the uses of wireless in postwar years |
Giovanni Paoloni discusses the influence of the development of the shortwave beam technology on Marconi and the Marconi Company |
Giovanni Paoloni |
03 Nov 2016 |
120 |
Marconi's early Latin projects over the South-Atlantic |
Ines Queiroz explores how technical constraints have shaped strategies for wireless networks development |
Inês Queiroz |
03 Nov 2016 |
121 |
Data Publication; Discover, Explore, Visualise |
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran ( Research Lecturer, Oxford e-Research Centre) gives the seventh talk in the conference. |
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran |
02 Nov 2016 |
122 |
Visualising 150 Years of Correspondence between the US and Germany |
Felix Krawatzek (Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford) gives the fourth talk in the conference. |
Félix Krawatzek |
02 Nov 2016 |
123 |
Data Visualisation |
Mark Hahnel (Founder of figshare), gives the second presentation in the conference. |
Mark Hahnel |
02 Nov 2016 |
124 |
Data Visualisation, a publisher's point of view |
Richard O’Beirne (Digital Strategy Group, OUP) gives the first talk in the conference. |
Richard O’Beirne |
02 Nov 2016 |
125 |
How the BBC reaches digital audiences in South Asia |
Roopa Suchak, South Asia workstream lead, BBC gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Roopa Suchak |
31 Oct 2016 |
126 |
From Afghanistan to a more dangerous world |
Christina Lamb, Foreign affairs correspondent, Sunday Times, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Christina Lamb |
31 Oct 2016 |
127 |
Mobile in Museums |
Theodore Koterwas, Mobile Development Team Lead, IT Services, gives a short talk for Oxford University Museums Staff Conference |
Theodore Koterwas |
31 Oct 2016 |
128 |
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How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour |
Part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series by Nic Newman, digital media strategist and research associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. |
Nic Newman |
14 Oct 2016 |
129 |
The Jenkin Lecture - Engineering Tomorrow's Therapies |
Professor Constantin Coussios (Magdalen), Professor of Biomedical Engineering, gives the 2016 annual Jenkin Lecture, on 17th September 2016. |
Constantin Coussios |
21 Sep 2016 |
130 |
Digital health |
Professor Lionel Tarassenko CBE FREng FMedSci (St John’s), Head of the Department of Engineering Science, gives a lecture for the department of Engineering Science Alumni Weekend on September 17th 2016. |
Lionel Tarassenko |
21 Sep 2016 |
131 |
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HIP2015, Session: Ethics for Technology and Big Data in Humanitarian Innovation |
Parallel session: Ethics for Technology and Big Data in Humanitarian Innovation 17 July 2015, 14:00-15:30, 1st Panel Room. |
Nathaniel Raymond, Stefan Voigt, Josh Lyons, Anaïs Rességuier |
12 Jul 2016 |
132 |
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Strachey Lecture: Quantum Supremacy |
Dr Scott Aaronson (MIT, UT Austin) gives the 2016 Strachey lecture. |
Scott Aaronson |
14 Jun 2016 |
133 |
'Learning' part 2 - Stimulating learning |
Can a little electrical stimulation help people learn quicker? And how would technology that does this be used? And why would you want to use this over medicines? |
Roi Cohen Kadosh |
13 May 2016 |
134 |
Run for Your Light |
You may have heard the word “quantum” bandied around a lot. But what does it mean? In this animation we take a look at how the photon – the quantum particle of light – is being harnessed to help create new technologies like quantum computers. |
Robert Taylor, Steven Kolthammer, Josh Nunn |
12 Apr 2016 |
135 |
Shedding Light on the Situation |
Light is more than just light bulbs and sunshine! Researchers at the University of Oxford use different types of light to learn more about all sorts of interesting things. |
Jena Meinecke, Chris Rennick, Brianna Heazlewood, Clarence Yapp |
12 Apr 2016 |
136 |
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Smart Technologies and Public Participation in Transport Planning |
Dr Richard Kingston and Dr Bryan Marshall provide a critical view on smart cities and discuss some of its implications to rethink the role of citizen engagement in urban and transport planning. |
Richard Kingston, Bryan Marshall |
01 Apr 2016 |
137 |
Evolutionary origins of technological behaviour: a primate archaeology approach to chimpanzees |
An Anthropology Departmental seminar presented by Susana Carvalha (Oxford) on the archaeological sites of non-humans, 27 November 2015 |
Susana Carvalho |
14 Mar 2016 |
138 |
The Future of the Professions |
In an era when machines can out-perform human beings at most tasks what are the prospects for employment? |
Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind, Joshua Hordern, Vili Lehdonvirta |
16 Feb 2016 |
139 |
Clever Classrooms: Evidence for the impacts of classroom design on learning |
Professor Peter Barrett, University of Salford, gies a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series on 25th January 2016. |
Peter Barrett |
27 Jan 2016 |
140 |
What Does it Mean to be Human in the Digital Age? |
A librarian, literary scholar, museum director and digital commentator explore how the digital age has shaped, and will continue to shape, the human experience and the humanities |
Lynne Brindley, Tom Chatfield, Chris Fletcher, Diane Lees |
22 Jan 2016 |
141 |
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The limits of human performance and artificial intelligence |
In this new Oxford talk, Garry Kasparov, Senior Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin School, turns his attention to the rapidly evolving relationship between humans and technology. |
Garry Kasparov |
18 Aug 2015 |
142 |
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Campaigner for women’s participation in technology, Ruthe Farmer (St Cross, 2007) |
Ruthe Farmer explains how her award-winning work to encourage women and girls to embrace technology can be traced back to her student days at Oxford. |
Ruthe Farmer |
06 Aug 2015 |
143 |
Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett |
An interdisciplinary discussion of Kirsten Shepherd-Barr's book |
Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Michael Billington, Morten Kringlebach, Laura Marcus |
20 May 2015 |
144 |
Innovation, learning and sensing: The case of the Supermarine Spitfire |
Matthias Holweg explained his research on innovation in the context of comparing patterns of innovation in industry today, ranging from smartphones to automotive, with the patterns of innovation in fighter aircraft during World War II. |
Matthias Holweg |
14 May 2015 |
145 |
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Children and the Internet- Lecture 2 |
Second lecture in the Green Templeton College 2015 lecture series. |
Sonia Livingstone |
30 Mar 2015 |
146 |
Humanities and Science: Culture and Technology |
An interdisciplinary discussion exploring culture’s interaction with technology |
Maria Blanco, Fritz Vollrath, Andrew Wilson, Lionel Tarassenko |
16 Mar 2015 |
147 |
Artificial intelligence: examining the interface between brain and machine |
Dr Anders Sandberg, James Martin Fellow, Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology, gives a seminar as part of the Oxford Martin School Hilary Term seminar series: Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine. |
Anders Sandberg |
24 Feb 2015 |
148 |
mHealth: smartphones as saviours? |
Dr Fred Hersch and Dr Gari Clifford give a seminar is part of the Oxford Martin School Hilary Term seminar series: Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine |
Fred Hersch, Gari Clifford |
24 Feb 2015 |
149 |
Where next for citizen science? Innovative uses for crowd sourcing |
Dr Chris Lintott and Dr Brooke Simmons give a seminar as part of the Oxford Martin School Hilary Term seminar series: Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine. |
Chris Lintott, Brooke Simmons |
24 Feb 2015 |
150 |
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Oxford and the next-generation of mobile health |
David Clifton, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, gives a talk for Oxford Martin School. |
David Clifton |
17 Feb 2015 |
151 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Humanitarian innovation, humanitarian renewal? |
The continued evolution of the humanitarian innovation concept needs a critical engagement with how this agenda interacts with previous and contemporary attempts to improve humanitarian action. |
Kristin Bergtora Sandvik |
12 Jan 2015 |
152 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation and new ways of working across sectors |
Humanitarian actors will have to adapt to a changing world but it will not be easy or straightforward. Operations are changing as a result of innovations which bring many improvements but also throw up challenges. |
Erik Abild |
12 Jan 2015 |
153 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation for equity in Lebanon |
Innovative approaches in Lebanon aim to address, in two very different ways, the particular needs of the most vulnerable among the refugee and host populations. |
Luciano Calestini |
12 Jan 2015 |
154 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation and refugee livelihoods: a historical perspective |
It is difficult to speak convincingly of ‘new’ or innovative practices towards refugees, especially in refugee livelihoods assistance, while there remains a significant gap in historical knowledge and institutional memory. |
Evan Elise Easton-Calabria |
12 Jan 2015 |
155 |
Silicon Valley and Journalism: Make up or Break up?: Reuters Memorial Lecture 2014 |
Emily Bell, Director at the TOW Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, today delivered the Reuters Memorial Lecture 2014 for the Reuters Institute in Oxford. |
Emily Bell, Tim Gardam, Alun Rusbridger, Vivian Schiller |
10 Dec 2014 |
156 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Entrepreneurship and innovation by refugees in Uganda |
In order to make a living, refugees have to be innovative, and refugees in Uganda have contributed tremendously to entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. |
Robert Hakiza |
08 Dec 2014 |
157 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Resettlement and livelihoods innovation in the US |
Conversations with multiple stakeholders in the US help to highlight barriers to economic self-sufficiency for resettled refugees and opportunities for innovative approaches. |
Faith Nibbs |
08 Dec 2014 |
158 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - UNHCR Ideas: an online platform for change |
‘UNHCR Ideas’ aims to enable collaborative problem solving and idea generation among an online community. |
Alice Bosley |
08 Dec 2014 |
159 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Technology, production and partnership innovation in Uganda |
Since 2007 a partnership between UNHCR, the Government of Uganda and ‘MakaPads’ inventor Moses Musaazi has helped provide affordable sanitary pads for thousands of refugee girls and women. |
Moses Musaazi |
08 Dec 2014 |
160 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Learning curves and collaboration in reconceiving refugee settlements |
A collaboration between UNHCR, Ennead Architects and Stanford University uses settlement design to promote innovation and further development in the refugee protection model but collaborators initially face a steep learning curve. |
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Aparna Surendra |
02 Dec 2014 |
161 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - Innovation: what, why and how for a UN organisation |
The purpose of innovation is to make humanitarian work more effective and more reflective. We do innovation to improve human lives by doing things better. Innovation, for UNHCR, is a humanitarian imperative to be carried out with partners. |
T Alexander Aleinikoff |
02 Dec 2014 |
162 |
Creative Commons |
FMR Innovation and Refugees - Introduction: refugees and innovation |
Doing innovation well presents challenges for how we can work better together as organisations and with displaced people, and how we can break down traditional barriers between actors – all while upholding ethical principles and protection standards. |
Alexander Betts |
02 Dec 2014 |
163 |
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FMR Innovation and Refugees - From the editors |
From the editors |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
02 Dec 2014 |
164 |
Geek is Good - planning an exhibition programme |
Stephen Johnston, Museum of the History of Science, gives a short talk on the Geek is Good exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science |
Stephen Johnston |
21 Oct 2014 |
165 |
Creative Commons |
Designed to Kill : The Difficult Study of Military Design |
Design is perceived by most as a positive concept meant to improve people lives. But it is first a means to answer efficiently a specific purpose. How can we morally accept that the act of killing led to the development of an important design industry? |
Marie-Anne Michaux |
30 Sep 2014 |
166 |
Light out for the territory ahead of the rest |
An ebook that contains 5 years of e-learning blog posts from a leading practioner at Oxford University. |
Melissa Highton |
26 Jun 2014 |
167 |
Healthcare 2030: Oxford and the Value of Human Health |
Panel discussion looking at healthcare in the future as part of the inaugural Oxford Alumni Weekend in Asia held in in Hong Kong. |
Chas Bountra, Jonathan Flint, Nick Rawlins |
23 Jun 2014 |
168 |
Incredible Machines: Conclusion |
Dr Ashley Shepherd concludes the Incredible Machines series by explaining what makes her the most excited about working as a scientist in the Department of Chemistry. |
Ashley Shepherd |
19 Jun 2014 |
169 |
"How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life" Session 3 |
In this McDonald Centre conference, Robert and Edward Skidelsky debate their controversial book about work, wealth, and human well-being with Rowan Williams, Cecile Fabre, John Thanassoulis, and other theologians, philosophers, economists and journalists. |
Edwina Moreton, Diane Coyle, Donald Hay, Edmund Newell |
16 Apr 2014 |
170 |
"How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life" Session 1 |
In this McDonald Centre conference, Robert and Edward Skidelsky debate their controversial book about work, wealth, and human well-being with Rowan Williams, Cecile Fabre, John Thanassoulis, and other theologians, philosophers, economists and journalists. |
Robert Skidelsky, Edward Skidelsky, Cecile Fabre, John Hughes |
15 Apr 2014 |
171 |
Creative Commons |
FMR 45 Connecting and communicating after Typhoon Haiyan |
In the first month of the Typhoon Haiyan response, one of the priorities facing the international community was to re-establish internet connectivity in order to facilitate information sharing and the provision of assistance. |
Mariko Hall, Adam Ashcroft |
07 Apr 2014 |
172 |
Creative Commons |
How Mobile Phones are changing journalism practice in the 21st Century |
Dr Adrian Hadland, Director of Journalism, University of Stirling gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Adrian Hadland |
15 Feb 2014 |
173 |
The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems |
Discussion of dominant approaches by intergovernmental agencies to information society policy and the prospects for introducing critical perspectives that acknowledge the power relations which inform information society strategies and actions. |
Robin Mansell |
16 Jan 2014 |
174 |
ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories |
A seminar exploring technology and regulation in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Despite weak or non-existent government institutions, innovation has flourished with local solutions to local challenges. |
Abdirashid Duale |
16 Jan 2014 |
175 |
Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a polymedia event |
An assessment of the optimism surrounding the opportunities that social media offer for humanitarian action, drawing on analysis of the phenomenally popular and controversial Kony 2012 campaign. |
Mirca Madianou |
16 Jan 2014 |
176 |
Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut Networks |
In a development context, the ways in which new media objects (eg ICTs) are defined in relation to other objects, people and institutions map out new figurations of power and connection, that revalue and recombine political agency. |
Don Slater |
16 Jan 2014 |
177 |
Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 |
Dr Thompson addresses some of the opportunities and contradictions presented by ICT4D and considers some emerging ways in which ICT4D researchers may contribute to the field. |
Mark Thompson |
16 Jan 2014 |
178 |
Uehiro Seminar: Cyborg justice: human enhancement and punishment |
We explore some possible interactions between enhancement technology and punishment, reflect on ethical issues that arise as a result, and consider what our justice system must do in order to ensure that it keeps pace with developments in technology. |
Rebecca Roache, Anders Sandberg, Hannah Maslen |
19 Nov 2013 |
179 |
The Future of Education |
Professor Clay Christensen, Professor C Raj Kumar, Dr Max Price and Ms Dacia Toll discuss the future of education at the Rhodes House 110th Anniversary event. |
Clay Christensen, C Raj Kumar, Max Price, Dacia Toll |
29 Oct 2013 |
180 |
Mammo Muchie. NSI to IDS - From the National System of Innovation to an African National Innovation and Development System (IDS). |
Mammo Muchie, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. Special Panel Session: Innovation in Low Income Countries. Part of the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Mammo Muchie |
26 Sep 2013 |
181 |
Best Paper Award Ceremony, 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
The 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Best Paper Award Ceremony. Chaired by Professor Andrew Hamilton, Vice Chancellor, Oxford University. |
Andrew Hamilton, Xiaolan Fu, Jian Gao |
23 Sep 2013 |
182 |
Creative Commons |
Policy Dynamics and Institutional Dysfunctions in Public Agricultural Research and Innovation. |
George Owusu Essegbey, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Ghana. Special Panel Session: Innovation in Low Income Countries. Part of the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
George Owusu Essegbey |
23 Sep 2013 |
183 |
Creative Commons |
Innovation Under the Radar in Low Income Countries: Evidence from Ghana. |
Giacomo Zanello, Oxford University. Special Panel Session: Innovation in Low Income Countries. Part of the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Giacomo Zanello |
23 Sep 2013 |
184 |
Creative Commons |
Yves Doz. The Transformation from Imitation to Innovation in Emerging Economies |
Yves Doz, INSEAD, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Yves Doz |
23 Sep 2013 |
185 |
Ludovico Alcorta. The Transformation from Imitation to Innovation in Emerging Economies. |
Ludovico Alcorta, UNIDO, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Ludovico Alcorta |
23 Sep 2013 |
186 |
David Kaplan. The Transformation from Imitation to Innovation in Emerging Economies |
David Kaplan, University of Cape Town, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
David Kaplan |
23 Sep 2013 |
187 |
Xiaolan Fu. The Transformation from Imitation to Innovation in Emerging Economies. |
Xiaolan Fu, Oxford University, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Xiaolan Fu |
23 Sep 2013 |
188 |
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Anne Miroux. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. |
Anne Miroux, UNCTAD, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Anne Miroux |
23 Sep 2013 |
189 |
Luc Soete. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. |
Luc Soete, Maastricht University, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Luc Soete |
23 Sep 2013 |
190 |
Calestous Juma. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. |
Calestous Juma, Harvard University, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Calestous Juma |
23 Sep 2013 |
191 |
Creative Commons |
Influence Operations and Psyops: Information Warfare in the 21st Century |
Bob Seeley, MOD, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 13th November 2012. |
Bob Seeley |
09 Aug 2013 |
192 |
Conclusion: Inspired by Nature |
The current energy crisis is a time of intense challenges but also of opportunities for fantastic science and innovative ideas. |
Alex T. Vai |
19 Jul 2013 |
193 |
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Who Leads, Who Follows? A Multi-level Perspective of Energy Transitions in the Transport Sector |
Part of the Transitioning towards Electric Vehicles seminar series held at the Transport Studies Unit of the Oxford University Centre for the Environment. |
Greg Marsden |
15 Jul 2013 |
194 |
Creative Commons |
Innovation or stagnation - Oxford Union Debate |
The Innovation Enigma - Is the current growth crisis a result of decades of technological stagnation in a risk-averse society? |
Ian Goldin, Peter Thiel, Seung-yoon Lee, Mark Shuttleworth |
22 May 2013 |
195 |
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The Future of Energy and Transport |
With Elon Musk, CEO and Product Architect of Tesla Motors and the CEO/CTO of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). |
Elon Musk |
22 May 2013 |
196 |
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Ethics and plant science - improving food yields in a changing environment |
With Professor Liam Dolan and Professor Jane Langdale, Co-Directors, Plants for the 21st Century Institute. |
Liam Dolan, Jane Langdale, Julian Savulescu |
22 May 2013 |
197 |
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FMR 38 New technologies always an improvement? |
New technologies always an improvement? |
LIsbeth Pilegaard |
08 May 2013 |
198 |
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FMR 38 Sifting hype from reality |
Sifting hype from reality. |
Paul Currion |
08 May 2013 |
199 |
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FMR 38 Technology: bringing solutions or disruptions? |
The availability of information through new technologies is challenging existing power relations and current ways of working, and we may not be prepared for the consequences. |
Paul Currion |
08 May 2013 |
200 |
Creative Commons |
FMR 38 Country of Origin Information: old problems, modern solutions |
The current multitude of sources of information paradoxically renders access to good quality Country of Origin Information for refugee status determination procedures quite cumbersome. |
Marco Formisano |
08 May 2013 |