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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Morality and Personality Professor Predrag uses a comparison of money and morality to explore the mutual relationship between morality and personality. Predrag Cicovacki 09 Nov 2023
2 Episode 8: Liberatory orientations in African(a) and South Asian philosophies In this episode, Aamir Kaderbhai (Mst Study of Religions), Heeyoung Tae (BA Philosophy, Politics, & Economics), and alicehank winham (MPhil Buddhist Studies) converse with Dr. Anatanand Rambachan (Professor of Religion at St. Olaf College), Aamir Kaderbhai, Heeyoung Tae, alicehank winham, Anatanand Rambachan 08 Dec 2021
3 Episode 5: A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor and cross-cultural philosophy with Dr. Roy Tzohar In this episode, MPhil Buddhist Studies students Cody Fuller and alicehankwinham interview Professor Tzohar (associate professor in the East and South Asian Studies Department at Tel Aviv University). Cody Fuller, alicehankwinham, Roy Tzohar 04 Nov 2021
4 Episode 4: Academic, Moral, and Spiritual Philosophy from the Ramakrishna Order Dylan Watts (UG physics and philosophy) and Aamir Kaderbhai (MSt study of religion) interview Swami Medhananda, ordained monk of the Ramakrishna Order and Senior Research Fellow at the Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, Mysore, India Dylan Watts, Aamir Kaderbha, Swami Medhananda 04 Nov 2021
5 Is Moral Status Good for You? Thomas Douglas, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Thomas Douglas 07 Feb 2020
6 The Tenuous Connection between Moral Status and Proper Political-Legal Status Benjamin Sachs, University of St Andrews, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Benjamin Sachs 07 Feb 2020
7 Moral Status: A Convenient Label Udo Schuklenk, Queen's University, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Udo Schuklenk 07 Feb 2020
8 The Ever Conscious View and the Contingency of Moral Status Elizabeth Harman, Princeton University, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Elizabeth Harman 07 Feb 2020
9 The Moral Status of Conscious Subjects Joshua Shepherd, Carlton University and the University de Barcelona, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Joshua Shepherd 07 Feb 2020
10 The Moral Status of So-called Moral Machines John Harris, University of Manchester, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. John Harris 07 Feb 2020
11 Moral Status and Moral Significance Ingmar Persson, University of Gothenburg and University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Ingmar Persson 07 Feb 2020
12 Chimeras, Superchimps and Post-persons; Specie Boundaries and Moral Status Enhancements Sarah Chan, Univesity of Edinburgh, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Sarah Chan 07 Feb 2020
13 Variable Moral Status Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Duke University, gives a talk for the Conference on Rethinking Moral Status, held in 13th and 14th June 2019. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 07 Feb 2020
14 Creative Commons New economic and moral foundations for the Anthropocene Prof Beinhocker will argue that by changing the ideologies, narratives, and memes that govern our economic system, we can create the political space required to rapidly transform to a sustainable and just economic system. Eric Beinhocker 24 Jun 2019
15 The seven moral rules found all around the world This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was delivered by Oliver Scott Curry (Oxford) on 18 May 2018 Oliver Scott Curry 31 Jul 2018
16 Conscience and The Rule of Law: Is Breaking The Law Ever Justified? Panel discussion examining the question of whether it is ever justified to break the law. Sir Nicholas Stadlen, Lord Joel Joffe, Kate O'Regan, Sir Sydney Kentridge 27 Jan 2017
17 The New Problem of Personal Force in Morality Paper presented by Emilian Mihailov at the MT16 Oxford-Valencia Neuroethics Workshop. Emilian Mihailov 23 Nov 2016
18 Creative Commons The Morality of Unconventional Force Tom Simpson gives a talk for the Changing Character of War programme seminar series. Tom Simpson 05 Jul 2016
19 Too Valuable to Die? Silke Ackermann, Nigel Biggar and Liz Bruton debate the ethics of science and scientists going to war Silke Ackermann, Nigel Biggar, Liz Bruton 14 Oct 2015
20 Creative Commons Moral Conformity Sinnott-Armstrong is the Chauncey Stillman Professor of Ethics at Duke University. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 14 Jul 2015
21 The ethics of sexuality Professor Janet Radcliffe Richards argues that homosexuality is natural, and that what is natural can be neither good nor bad. Janet Radcliffe Richards, Nigel Warburton, David Edmonds 04 Nov 2014
22 Creative Commons Quidditism and Modal Methodology Alastair Wilson, Birmingham, gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies series Alastair Wilson 18 Feb 2014
23 Creative Commons Inclination and the Modality of Dispositions Mark Sinclair (Manchester Metropolitan) gives a talk for the Power Structualism in Ancient Ontologies series Mark Sinclair 18 Feb 2014
24 Creative Commons Moral Development and Self-Knowledge in Aristotle Steve Makin, (Sheffield) gives a talk for the Power Structualism in Ancient Ontologies podcast series Steve Makin 13 Feb 2014
25 Creative Commons 1914–1918: Was Britain Right to Fight? The Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, Canon of Christ Church, and author of In Defence of War (2013) analyses Britain's belligerency in terms of Christian just war reasoning, and concludes that it was justified. Nigel Biggar 13 Feb 2014
26 Creative Commons Uehiro Seminar: Is Networking Immoral? If networking is considered to be either cultivating non-merit-based favouritism or demonstrating one’s merit in advance of formal selection processes, then I argue that it is an attempt to gain illegitimate advantage over competitors and is thus immoral. Ned Dobos 05 Dec 2013
27 Creative Commons The Morality of Private War The Challenge of Private Military and Security Companies. James Pattison 05 Nov 2013
28 Creative Commons 3. Art and Morality Sos Eltis gives the third lecture in the series on Oscar Wilde, focussing on Wilde's concept of morality shown in his works including the Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and The Devoted Friend. Sos Eltis 29 Oct 2013
29 Creative Commons Uehiro Seminar: Psychopaths and responsibility Neil Levy explores some of the previous debates about whether psychopaths are fully responsible for their wrongdoing, especially work on the moral/conventional distinction. Neil Levy 26 Feb 2013
30 Creative Commons Morality in Wartime Britain Dr Edward Madigan from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission considers the issue of morality and the role of the British clergy during the First World War. Edward Madigan 10 Dec 2012
31 Creative Commons The Possibility of Religious-Secular Ethical Engagement Debate 1: Abortion The Possibility of Religious-Secular Ethical Engagement: Abortion. Charles Camosy, Julian Savulescu 24 Oct 2012
32 Creative Commons The Possibility of Religious-Secular Ethical Engagement Debate 2: Euthanasia The Possibility of Religious-Secular Ethical Engagement: Euthanasia. Charles Camosy, Julian Savulescu 23 Oct 2012
33 Creative Commons Reading List for Bioethics: An Introduction Reading List to accompany the Bioethics: An Introduction podcast series. Marianne Talbot 30 May 2012
34 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'morality? It's all a matter of opinion' Final of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
35 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'it's too risky' (the Precautionary Principle) Eighth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
36 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'it's not natural' and 'it's disgusting' Seventh of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
37 Creative Commons Induction Sixth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
38 Creative Commons Deduction Fifth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
39 Creative Commons Arguments Fourth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
40 Creative Commons Utilitarianism Third of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
41 Creative Commons Deontology Second of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
42 Creative Commons Virtue Ethics First of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
43 Creative Commons The public and private ethics of climate change This first lecture of a series entitled 'Climate Connections' is presented by John Broome, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. John Broome 02 May 2012
44 Creative Commons Neuroscience Can Tell Us About Morality What can science tell us about morality? Many philosophers would say, 'nothing at all'. Facts don't imply values, they say. you need further argument to move from facts about us and about the world to conclusions about what we ought to do. Patricia Churchland 03 Feb 2012
45 Creative Commons Brain Chemistry and Moral Decision-Making Answers to moral questions, it seems, depend on how much serotonin there is flowing through your brain. In the future might we be able to alter people's moral behaviour with concoctions of chemicals? Molly Crocket 04 Jan 2012
46 Creative Commons Making Up Your Mind Part 7 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". This final episode is a time to take stock and bring together all the strands we've considered. Marianne Talbot 08 Aug 2011
47 Creative Commons 2nd St Cross Special Ethics Seminar TT11: Museum Ethics Museum Ethics. Nick Mayhew 29 Jun 2011
48 Creative Commons Utilitarianism: Mill and the utility calculus Part 6 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". A reflection on Mill's account of morality, and the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Marianne Talbot 27 Jun 2011
49 Morality and Law in War Dr Seth Lazar (Research Associate, ELAC, Oxford) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 7th June 2011. Seth Lazar 13 Jun 2011
50 Creative Commons Deontology: Kant, duty and the moral law Part 5 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". In this episode we reflect on Kant's account of morality, including the categorical imperative. Marianne Talbot 03 Jun 2011
51 Creative Commons Humean Ethics: Non-Cognitivism, the passions and moral motivation Part 4 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". In this episode we reflect on Hume's account of morality and his rejection of reason as the source of morality. Marianne Talbot 02 Jun 2011
52 Creative Commons Moral Status A stone on the beach, we assume, has no moral status. We can kick or hammer the stone, and we have done the stone no harm. Typical adult human beings do have moral status. We shouldn't, without a very good reason, kick a man or woman. Jeff McMahan 31 May 2011
53 Creative Commons Virtue Ethics: virtue, values and character Part 3 of 7 in Marianne Talbot's "A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners". In this episode we will reflect on Aristotle's account of morality and the centrality of the virtues in this account. Marianne Talbot 24 May 2011
54 Creative Commons New Imaging Evidence for the Neural Bases of Moral Sentiments: Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour 2nd Annual Wellcome Lecture in Neuroethics, given by Professor Jorge Moll on 18th January 2011 on the subject of new evidence for Neural bases for moral sentiments. Jorge Moll 28 Mar 2011
55 Creative Commons The Battlefield from Afar: Independently Operating Systems and their Compatibility with the laws of Armed Conflict Markus Wagner, Associate Professor of Law, University of Miami Law School, gives a talk for the 2011 Hilary term ELAC/CCW seminar series. Markus Wagner 21 Feb 2011
56 Creative Commons Being Humanitarian: Personal Morality and Political Project in Today's Wars Dr Hugo Slim, Visiting Fellow in the department of politics and international relations, gives a talk for the 2011 Hilary term ELAC/CCW seminar series on armed conflict. Hugo Slim 21 Feb 2011
57 Creative Commons The relation between the neurobiology of morality and religion Professor Patricia Churchland (University of California San Diego) gives a talk for the Science and Religious Conflict Conference.The commentator is Professor Julian Savulescu (Oxford). Patricia Churchland, Julian Savulescu 07 Jun 2010