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A series of talks and lectures from Oxford Mathematicians exploring the power and beauty of their subject. These talks would appeal to anyone interested in mathematics and its ever-growing range of applications from medicine to economics and beyond.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
94 | Mathemalchemy: a mathematical and artistic adventure | This lecture is a visual treat as Ingrid Daubechies celebrates the joy, creativity and beauty of mathematics. | Ingrid Daubechies | 19 Jul 2021 | |
93 | I is a Strange Loop - written and performed by Marcus du Sautoy and Victoria Gould | From the creative ensemble behind Complicité’s sensational A Disappearing Number, this two-hander unfolds to reveal an intriguing take on mortality, consciousness and artificial life. | Marcus du Sautoy, Victoria Gould, Simon McBurney | 19 Jul 2021 | |
92 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture. Jon Keating: From one extreme to another: the statistics of extreme events | Oxford University's Sedleian Professorship of Natural Philosophy is 400 years old in 2021. | Jon Keating | 28 Apr 2021 | |
91 | Spacetime Singularities - Roger Penrose, Dennis Lehmkuhl and Melvyn Bragg | We are on board the Oxford Mathematics Space Probe for this Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture as we explore Black Holes with a Nobel Laureate, a Professor of the History and Philosophy of Physics & a broadcasting legend. | Roger Penrose, Melvyn Bragg, Dennis Lehmkuhl | 28 Apr 2021 | |
90 | Ideas for a Complex World - Anna Seigal | Science and maths are full of smart tools for explaining the world around us. Those tools can feel far removed from the way the rest of us understand that world. Can we reconcile the two approaches? Oxford Mathematician Anna Seigal provides some answers. | Anna Seigal | 07 Dec 2020 | |
89 | Mathematics Public Lecture: How Learning Ten Equations Can Improve Your Life - David Sumpter | Mathematics has a lot going for it, but David Sumpter argues that it can not only provide you with endless YouTube recommendations, and even make you rich, but it can make you a better person. | David Sumpter | 02 Nov 2020 | |
88 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: How to Make the World Add Up - Tim Harford | You have to sympathise with statistics. Misunderstood and misused when all they want to do is accumulate. What they need is a little human understanding. Tim Harford's Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture does just that. | Tim Harford | 02 Nov 2020 | |
87 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Can maths tell us how to win at Fantasy Football? - Joshua Bull | Oxford Mathematician Josh Bull won the 2019-2020 Premier League Fantasy Football competition from nearly 8 million entrants. So how did he do it? Did he by any chance use mathematics? | Joshua Bull | 02 Nov 2020 | |
86 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Squirrels, Turing and Excitability - Mathematical Modelling in Biology, Ecology and Medicine | The Grey Squirrel invasion explaining tumour cell proliferation? Alan Turing explaining football shirt patterns? The close relationship between slugs and the human heart? What is the common link? Mathematics of course. And Philip Maini. | Philip Maini | 08 Jun 2020 | |
85 | Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture - Number Theory: Primitive Roots | In this, the second online lecture we are making widely available, Ben Green introduces and delivers a short lecture on Primitive Roots, part of the Number Theory Lecture course for Second Year Undergraduates. | Ben Green | 27 May 2020 | |
84 | Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture - Graph Theory: Shortest Paths | Oxford has gone online for lockdown. So how do our student lectures look? Let Marc Lackenby show you as he looks at paths between vertices in a graph with a view to finding the shortest route between any two vertices. Works for your Satnav for example. | Marc Lackenby | 27 May 2020 | |
83 | Smartphones v COVID 19 | Smartphones will help save lives. Smartphones' value is exaggerated. What is the reality? And, as ever, what is the Maths behind it all? Leading Network Scientist Renaud Lambiotte downloads the facts in this Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture. | Renaud Lambiotte | 19 May 2020 | |
82 | How do mathematicians model infectious disease outbreaks? | Models. They are dominating our Lockdown lives. But what is a mathematical model? We hear a lot about the end result, but how is it put together? What are the assumptions? And how accurate can they be? | Robin Thompson | 15 Apr 2020 | |
81 | Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture - Differential Equations 2 | Oxford Mathematician Peter Howell starts the second part of the 2nd year Differential Equations course which focuses on boundary problems. | Peter Howell | 09 Apr 2020 | |
80 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Alan Champneys - Why pedestrian bridges wobble: Synchronisation and the wisdom of the crowd | So much noise, so many opinions. Perhaps time for Occam's Razor to start its scientific shaving? | Alan Champneys | 31 Mar 2020 | |
79 | Oxford Mathematics 3rd Year Student Lecture - Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives | Our latest student lecture features the first lecture in the third year course on Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives from Sam Cohen where we hear that the role of derivatives is not to make money but to avoid being exploited. | Sam Cohen | 02 Mar 2020 | |
78 | Oxford Mathematics 1st Year Student Lecture - Linear Algebra II | Our latest student lecture features the first lecture in the second term introductory course on Linear Algebra from leading Oxford Mathematician James Maynard. | James Maynard | 02 Mar 2020 | |
77 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Ian Griffiths - Cheerios, iPhones and Dysons: going backwards in time with fluid mechanics | How do you make a star-shaped Cheerio? How do they make the glass on your smartphone screen so flat? And how can you make a vacuum filter that removes the most dust before it blocks? | Ian Griffiths | 26 Feb 2020 | |
76 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Henry Segerman - Artistic Mathematics: truth and beauty | Mathematicians get up to all sorts. Geometers and Topologists in particular occupy a world of inconceivable shapes, concepts and dimensions. But how do you visualise such ideas? Sure, there's computer graphics, but what about over here, in the real world? | Henry Segerman | 02 Nov 2020 | |
75 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Carlo Rovelli - Spin networks: the quantum structure of spacetime from Penrose's intuition to Loop Quantum Gravity | Carlo Rovelli delivers The Roger Penrose Lecture on the Quantum structure of Spacetime. | Carlo Rovelli | 16 Jan 2020 | |
74 | Oxford Mathematics Christmas Public Lecture: Chris Budd - Why does Rudolf have a shiny nose? | From the unfairness of voting on TV shows to how Santa gets down so many narrow chimneys. Chris Budd take a mathematical look at the traditions of Christmas. | Chris Budd | 19 Dec 2019 | |
73 | Jon Chapman - Waves and resonance: from musical instruments to vacuum cleaners, via metamaterials and invisibility cloaks | Via guitars, clarinets and a musical saw to the noise reduction in a vaccum cleaner, Jon Chapman explains the role of waves in the sounds we hear and don't hear. | Jon Chapman | 02 Dec 2019 | |
72 | Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture - Quantum Theory | Our latest student lecture is the first in the Quantum Theory course for second year students. Fernando Alday reflects on the breakdown of the deterministic world and describes some of the experiments that defined the new Quantum Reality. | Fernando Alday | 02 Dec 2019 | |
71 | Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture: Timothy Gowers - Productive generalization: one reason we will never run out of interesting mathematical questions | In our Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture Tim Gowers uses the principle of generalization to show how mathematics progresses in its relentless pursuit of problems. | Tim Gowers, Hannah Fry | 27 Nov 2019 | |
70 | Oxford Mathematics Newcastle Public Lecture: Vicky Neale - in Maths | Mathematics has no place for emotion, its practitioners are positively unemotional. True? Well, no. In fact 10 out of 10 untrue. Mathematics and mathematicians are also on the emotional rollercoaster. Vicky Neale is one of them. | Vicky Neale | 27 Nov 2019 | |
69 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: David Sumpter - Soccermatics: could a Premier League team one day be managed by a mathematician? | What do you need to win the Premier League? Money? Sure. Good players? Yup. A great manager? It helps. Mathematics? Really? 100%. | David Sumpter | 04 Nov 2019 | |
68 | Oxford Mathematics 1st year Student Lecture - Introductory Calculus | In our latest student lecture we would like to give you a taste of the Oxford Mathematics Student experience as it begins in its very first week. | Dan Ciubotaru | 04 Nov 2019 | |
67 | Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture - Differential Equations 1 | We continue with our series of Student Lectures with this first lecture in the 2nd year Course on Differential Equations. | Philip Maini | 04 Nov 2019 | |
66 | Oxford Mathematics Open Days Part 2. Pure Mathematics at Oxford | In this talk Vicky Neale gives a glimpse of the undergraduate Pure Maths courses through the lens of elliptic curves. | Vicky Neale | 10 Jul 2019 | |
65 | Oxford Mathematics Open Days Part 1. Introduction to Mathematics | In this talk, Admissions Guru James Munro explains how we teach, how you can apply and what your Oxford mathematical life might be like. | James Munro | 10 Jul 2019 | |
64 | Oxford Mathematics Open Days Part 3. Applied Mathematics at Oxford | Our Open Days are intended to give an insight in to Maths at Oxford, whether you are a potential applicant or are just curious. | Dominic Vella | 10 Jul 2019 | |
63 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: John Bush - Walking on water: from biolocomotion to quantum foundations | In this Public Lecture, which contains more technical content than our norm, John Bush presents seemingly disparate topics which are in fact united by a common theme and underlaid by a common mathematical framework. | John Bush | 28 Jun 2019 | |
62 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Marcus du Sautoy - The Creativity Code: how AI is learning to write, paint and think | In this fascinating and provocative lecture, Marcus du Sautoy both tests our ability to distinguish between human and machine creativity, and suggests that our creativity may even benefit from that of the machines. | Marcus du Sautoy | 03 Jun 2019 | |
61 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Graham Farmelo - The Universe Speaks in Numbers | An old-fashioned tale of tale of romance and estrangement, of hope and despair. | Graham Farmelo | 21 May 2019 | |
60 | Oxford Mathematics 1st Year Student Lecture: Analysis III - Integration | The third in our popular series of filmed student lectures takes us to Integration. This is the opening lecture in the 1st Year course. | Ben Green | 09 May 2019 | |
59 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Marc Lackenby - Knotty Problems | Knots are a familiar part of everyday life, for example tying your tie or doing up your shoe laces. They play a role in numerous physical and biological phenomena, such as the untangling of DNA when it replicates. | Marc Lackenby | 20 Mar 2019 | |
58 | Oxford Mathematics First Year Student Tutorial on Dynamics | The Oxford Mathematics educational experience is a journey, a journey like any other educational experience. | Ian Hewitt, Kate Adams, Farid Manzoor | 22 Feb 2019 | |
57 | Oxford Mathematics 1st Year Undergraduate Lecture James Sparks - Dynamics | For the first time ever, Oxford Mathematics has live streamed a student lecture. It took 800 years but now you can see what it is really like. We hope you find it familiar and intriguing and challenging. | James Sparks | 15 Feb 2019 | |
56 | James Maynard - Prime Time: How simple questions about prime numbers affect us all | Prime Numbers are fascinating, crucial and ubiquitous. The trouble is, we don't know that much about them. James Maynard, one of the leading researchers in the field explains all (at least as far as he can). | James Maynard | 15 Feb 2019 | |
55 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Hooke Lecture - Michael Berry - Chasing the dragon: tidal bores in the UK and elsewhere | In some of the world’s rivers, an incoming high tide can arrive as a smooth jump decorated by undulations, or as a breaking wave. The river reverses direction and flows upstream. | Michael Berry | 28 Jan 2019 | |
54 | Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures: An Introduction to Complex Numbers - Vicky Neale | Much is written about life as an undergraduate at Oxford but what is it really like? | Vicky Neale | 22 Jan 2019 | |
53 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures: Marcus du Sautoy - The Num8er My5teries | With topics ranging from prime numbers to the lottery, from lemmings to bending balls like Beckham, Professor Marcus du Sautoy provides an entertaining and, perhaps, unexpected approach to explain how mathematics can be used to predict the future. | Marcus du Sautoy | 14 Jan 2019 | |
52 | Can we build AI with Emotional Intelligence? The 2018 Annual Charles Simonyi Lecture | Marcus du Sautoy and Professor Rosalind Picard for 2018's annual Simonyi Lecture: Can we build AI with Emotional Intelligence? | Marcus du Sautoy, Rosalind Picard | 09 Nov 2018 | |
51 | Closing the Gap: the quest to understand prime numbers - Vicky Neale | Prime numbers have intrigued, inspired and infuriated mathematicians for millennia and yet mathematicians' difficulty with answering simple questions about them reveals their depth and subtlety. | Vicky Neale | 24 Oct 2017 | |
50 | Roger Penrose in conversation with Hannah Fry - Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures | In our Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture Roger Penrose in conversation with Hannah Fry reveals his latest research, a veritable chain reaction of universes, which he says has been backed by evidence of events that took place before the Big Bang. | Roger Penrose, Hannah Fry | 06 Nov 2018 | |
49 | The Law of the Few - Sanjeev Goyal | The study of networks offers a fruitful approach to understanding human behaviour. Sanjeev Goyal is one of its pioneers. In this lecture Sanjeev presents a puzzle: | Sanjeev Goyal | 04 Jul 2017 | |
48 | Oxford Mathematics and the Clay Mathematics Institute Public Lectures: Roger Penrose - Eschermatics | In this lecture Roger Penrose uses M.C Escher's work to illustrate and explain important mathematical ideas and their connections to the visual arts. | Roger Penrose | 01 Oct 2018 | |
47 | The Sound of Symmetry - Marcus du Sautoy | Symmetry has played a role both for composers and in the creation of musical instruments. | Marcus du Sautoy | 24 May 2017 | |
46 | John Ball in conversation with Alain Goriely | John Ball is retiring as Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy, Oxford oldest Scientific Chair. In this interview he charts the journey of the Applied Mathematician.as the subject has developed over the last 50 years. | John Ball, Alain Goriely | 27 Jul 2018 | |
45 | The Butterfly Effect - What Does it Really Signify? - Tim Palmer | Tim Palmer discusses Ed Lorenz the man and his work, and compares and contrasts the meaning of the 'Butterfly Effect' as most people understand it today, and as Lorenz himself intended it to mean. | Tim Palmer | 18 May 2017 | |
44 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Richard James - Atomistically inspired origami | The World population is growing at about 80 million per year. As time goes by, there is necessarily less space per person. Perhaps this is why the scientific community seems to be obsessed with folding things. | Richard James | 06 Jul 2018 | |
43 | Statistics: Why the Truth Matters - Tim Harford | Tim Harford, Financial Times columnist and presenter of Radio 4's "More or Less", argues that politicians, businesses and even charities have been poisoning the value of statistics and data. | Tim Harford | 14 Feb 2017 | |
42 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Numbers are Serious but they are also Fun - Michael Atiyah | Archimedes, who famously jumped out of his bath shouting "Eureka", also 'invented' the number pi. Euler invented e and had fun with his formula e^(2 pi i) = 1. The world is full of important numbers waiting to be invented. Why not have a go? | Michael Atiyah | 23 May 2018 | |
41 | Creative Commons | The Mathematics of Visual Illusions - Ian Stewart | Puzzling things happen in human perception when ambiguous or incomplete information is presented to the eyes. | Ian Stewart | 05 Jan 2017 |
40 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Can Mathematics Understand the Brain?' - Alain Goriely | The human brain is the object of the ultimate intellectual egocentrism. It is also a source of endless scientific problems and an organ of such complexity that it is not clear that a mathematical approach is even possible, despite many attempts. | Alain Goriely | 16 Mar 2018 | |
39 | How can we understand our complex economy? - J. Doyne Farmer | We are getting better at predicting things about our environment - the impact of climate change for example. But what about predicting our collective effect on ourselves? | J Doyne Farmer | 10 Nov 2016 | |
38 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Euler’s pioneering equation: "the most beautiful theorem in mathematics" - Robin Wilson | Euler’s equation, the ‘most beautiful equation in mathematics’, startlingly connects the five most important constants in the subject: 1, 0, π, e and i. Central to both mathematics and physics. So what is this equation – and why is it pioneering? | Robin Wilson | 07 Mar 2018 | |
37 | Autism and Minds Wired for Science | Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Cambridge, and Director of the Autism Research Centre, gives the 2016 Charles Simonyi Lecture on new research into autism. | Simon Baron-Cohen, Marcus du Sautoy | 31 Oct 2016 | |
36 | Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Scaling the Maths of Life - Michael Bonsall | Michael Bonsall explores how we can use mathematics to link between scales of organisation in biology, delving in to developmental biology, ecology and neurosciences. | Michael Bonsall | 12 Feb 2018 | |
35 | Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe - Roger Penrose | What can fashionable ideas, blind faith, or pure fantasy have to do with the scientific quest to understand the universe? Surely, scientists are immune to trends, dogmatic beliefs, or flights of fancy? | Roger Penrose | 19 Oct 2016 | |
34 | Can Yule Solve My Problems? - Alex Bellos | In our Oxford Mathematics Christmas Lecture Alex Bellos challenges you with some festive brainteasers as he tells the story of mathematical puzzles from the middle ages to modern day. | Alex Bellos | 13 Dec 2017 | |
33 | As he retires from the the Savilian Chair of Geometry, Oxford Mathematician Nigel Hitchin reflects | From early mathematical inspiration at school in Duffield, Derbyshire, Nigel recalls his often unplanned progress via Jesus College, Oxford, Princeton, Cambridge and Warwick, before his final return to Oxford. | Nigel Hitching, Martin Bridson | 19 Oct 2016 | |
32 | Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture - Andrew Wiles | In the first Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture, in partnership with the Science Museum, world-renowned mathematician Andrew Wiles lectured on his current work around Elliptic Curves followed by conversation with Hannah Fry. | Andrew Wiles, Martin Bridson, Mary Archer, Hannah Fry | 06 Dec 2017 | |
31 | Roger Heath-Brown a Life in Mathematics | Roger Heath-Brown is one of Oxford's foremost mathematicians. | Roger Heath-Brown, Ben Green | 17 Sep 2016 | |
30 | The Seduction of Curves: The Lines of Beauty That Connect Mathematics, Art and The Nude - Allan McRobie | Allan McRobie explains how the key to understanding the language of curves is Rene Thom’s Catastrophe Theory, and how remarkably the best place to learn that language is perhaps in the life drawing class. | Allan McRobie | 16 Nov 2017 | |
29 | Modelling genes: the backwards and forwards of mathematical population genetics - Alison Etheridge | In this lecture Professor Alison Etheridge explores some of the simple mathematical caricatures that underpin our understanding of modern genetic data. | Alison Etheridge | 06 Jul 2016 | |
28 | Maths v Disease - Julia Gog | Can mathematics really help us in our fight against infectious disease? Join Julia Gog as we explore exciting current research areas where mathematics is being used to study pandemics, viruses and everything in between. | Julia Gog | 13 Nov 2017 | |
27 | The Prime Number Theorem | Oxford Students discuss the Prime Number Theorem. | Aled Walker, Simon Myerson, Sofia Lindqvist, Jamie Beacom | 15 Jun 2016 | |
26 | What We Cannot Know - Marcus du Sautoy | Science is giving us unprecedented insight into the big questions that have challenged humanity. | Marcus du Sautoy | 16 May 2016 | |
25 | Creative Commons | The Travelling Santa Problem and Other Seasonal Challenges - Marcus du Sautoy | The Oxford Mathematics Christmas Public Lecture 2015 examined an aspect of Christmas not often considered: the mathematics. | Marcus du Sautoy | 18 Dec 2015 |
24 | Creative Commons | Symmetry, Spaces and Undecidability - Martin Bridson | The understanding of the possible geometries in dimension 3 is one of the triumphs of 20th century mathematics. In this talk Martin Bridson explains why such an understanding is impossible in higher dimensions. | Martin Bridson | 07 Dec 2015 |
23 | Putting the Higgs Boson in its Place | Professor Melissa Franklin talks about her experiences working towards the discovery of the Higgs Boson and her work today at the Large Hadron Collider | Melissa Franklin, Marcus du Sautoy | 16 Nov 2015 | |
22 | M. C. Escher - Artist, Mathematician, Man | M.C. Escher is known as the mathematician's (and hippie's) favourite artist. But why? And was Escher, a man who claimed he knew no mathematics, really a mathematical genius? | Roger Penrose, Jon Chapman, Alain Goriely, Clem Hitchcock | 28 Oct 2015 | |
21 | The Gomboc, the Turtle and the Evolution of Shape - Gabor Domokos | Gabor Domokos gives a talk on his mathematical journey that led to the creation of the Gomboc, the shape which has just one stable and one unstable point of equilibrium. | Gábor Domokos | 01 Jul 2015 | |
20 | Creative Commons | Birth of an Idea: A Mathematical Adventure - Cedric Villani | What goes on inside the mind of a mathematician? Where does inspiration come from? Cedric Villani, winner of the most prestigious prize in mathematics, the Fields Medal, explains the process. Inaugural Titchmarsh Lecture 2015. | Cedric Villani | 12 Mar 2015 |
19 | What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate - Alain Goriely | How has mathematics emerged over recent decades as the engine behind 21st century science? Alain Goriely looks at this question and more. | Alain Goriely | 04 Dec 2014 | |
18 | Forbidden Crystal Symmetry: Mathematics and architecture - Roger Penrose | World-renowned mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford University, describes how crystalline symmetries are necessarily 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, or 6-fold. | Roger Penrose | 04 Dec 2014 | |
17 | Why climate change action is difficult and how we can make a difference - David MacKay | 2014 Charles Simonyi Lecture with David MacKay. | David MacKay | 04 Dec 2014 | |
16 | The History of Mathematics in 300 Stamps - Robin Wilson | The entire history of mathematics in one hour, as illustrated by around 300 postage stamps featuring mathematics and mathematicians from across the world. | Robin Wilson | 03 Dec 2014 | |
15 | Creative Commons | Big Data's Big Deal - Viktor Mayer-Schonberger | Big Data promises to change all sectors of our economy, and deeply affect our society. | Viktor Mayer-Schonberger | 20 Nov 2014 |
14 | Extra Time: Professor Sir Roger Penrose in conversation with Andrew Hodges - part two | These two video sessions explore the development of Sir Roger Penrose’s thought over more than 60 years, ending with his most recent theories and predictions. | Roger Penrose, Andrew Hodges | 18 Jun 2014 | |
13 | Extra Time: Professor Sir Roger Penrose in conversation with Andrew Hodges - part one | These two video sessions explore the development of Sir Roger Penrose's thought over more than 60 years, ending with his most recent theories and predictions. | Roger Penrose, Andrew Hodges | 18 Jun 2014 | |
12 | Sir Michael Atiyah, a Life in Mathematics | In conversation with Paul Tod on the occasion of Sir Michael's 85th birthday conference. | Paul, Tod, Michael Atiyah | 12 May 2014 | |
11 | Creative Commons | James D Murray, reflections of a life in academia, in conversation with Phillip Maini | Jim Murray is one of the leading mathematical biologists of our times. | James D Murray, Phillip Maini | 02 Apr 2014 |
10 | Why there are no three-headed monsters, resolving some problems with brain tumours, divorce prediction and how to save marriages - James D Murray | Professor James D Murray, Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford and Senior Scholar, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, gives the annual Hooke Lecture. | James D Murray | 21 Mar 2014 | |
9 | Bryce McLeod, a Life in Mathematics In conversation with John Ball | A portrait of the contribution that Bryce McLeod has made to mathematics over his career together with his recollections of formative people and events. | Bryce McLeod, John Ball | 11 Mar 2014 | |
8 | The Irrational, the chaotic and incomplete: the mathematical limits of knowledge - Marcus du Sautoy | Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about how much we can understand of the world through maths | Marcus du Sautoy | 15 Jan 2014 | |
7 | Prime Numbers - Richard Earl | Dr Richard Earl of the Mathematical Institute, Oxford presents a talk about prime numbers. What they are and their role in internet security. | Richard Earl | 15 Jan 2014 | |
6 | Partial Differential Equations: Origins, Developments and Roles in the Changing World - Gui-Qiang George Chen | Professor Gui-Qiang G. Chen presents in his inaugural lecture several examples to illustrate the origins, developments, and roles of partial differential equations in our changing world. | Gui-Qiang George Chen | 15 Jan 2014 | |
5 | Computation and the Future of Mathematics - Stephen Wolfram | Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha, gives a talk about the future of mathematics and computation. | Stephen Wolfram | 15 Jan 2014 | |
4 | The Secret Mathematicians: the connections between maths and the arts - Marcus du Sautoy | Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about the connections beween art and mathematics | Marcus du Sautoy | 15 Jan 2014 | |
3 | Maths in Music: The Secret Mathematicians - Marcus du Sautoy | Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk for the 2013 Oxford Alumni Weekend. | Marcus du Sautoy | 14 Jan 2014 | |
2 | The Music of the Primes: a talk about the Riemann Hypothesis and primes - Marcus du Sautoy | Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk on 5th September 2013. | Marcus du Sautoy | 14 Jan 2014 | |
1 | Symmetry: a talk based on his second book, Finding Moonshine - Marcus du Sautoy | Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about symmetry and how the rules of symmetry influences our lives and the choices we make. | Marcus du Sautoy | 14 Jan 2014 |