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The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School is the University of Oxford's annual training event for the Digital Humanities. Each delegate follows a week-long workshop and supplements this with additional parallel lectures, which have been filmed as part of this series.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
42 | 2017 Closing Keynote: What Happens When the Internet of Things Meets the Humanities? | Andrew Prescott, University of Glasgow and AHRC Theme Leader Fellow for Digital Transformations, gives the closing keynote for the 2017 DHOXSS. | Andrew Prescott | 07 Jul 2017 | |
41 | Wikimedia: Wikipedia's sister projects as platforms for Digital Humanities | Martin Poulter, Oxford's Wikimedian in Reseidence, gives a masterclass in using Wikimedia for digital research. | Martin Poulter | 07 Jul 2017 | |
40 | Working with very large corpora: Building your worksets in the HathiTrust | Kevin Page, Iain Emsley and David Weigl talk about using The HathiTrust Digital Library to conduct research in this interstice workshop. | Kevin Page, Iain Emsley, David Weigl | 07 Jul 2017 | |
39 | Ada Lovelace: Creative computing and an experimental humanities | Pip Willcox and David De Roure give a presentation on Ada Lovelace, one of the early pioneers in computing. | Pip Wilcox, David De Roure | 07 Jul 2017 | |
38 | Big Data and the Humanities: How digital research, computational techniques and big data contribute to knowledge | Professor Ralph Schroeder, Senior Research Fellow with the Oxford Internet Institute and Laird Barrett, Senior Digital Product Manager for the Taylor and Francis Group, give a talk for DHOXSS 2017. | Ralph Schroede, Laird Barrett | 06 Jul 2017 | |
37 | The Quill Project: Modelling and Visualizing the Creation of the American Constitution | Dr Nicholas Cole and Dr Alfie Abdul-Rahman discuss the Quill Project, a software platform developed to aid research and teaching of the history of Parliamentary-style negotiations, and particularuarly the creation of the Constitution of the United States. | Nicholas Cole, Alfie Abdul-Rahman | 05 Jul 2017 | |
36 | Seeing is Believing: Computer vision and machine learning for image collections | Giles Bergel gives a talk on using new technologies to understand the history of books and printing. | Giles Bergel | 05 Jul 2017 | |
35 | 15cBOOKTRADE: The visualization of the circulation of books over time and space and image-searching tool: how we got there | Cristina Dondi and Matilde Malaspina of the 15C BOOKTRADE project, give a talk for the 2017 DHOXSS. | Cristina Dondi, Matilde Malaspina | 04 Jul 2017 | |
34 | Bringing order to chaos: Using Face and Pattern Recognition on Photo Archives | This talk explains how David has been using Face and Pattern Recognition on an otherwise undocumented photographic archive from Cameroon to identify patterns and connections between images. Similar approaches are possible online. | David Zeitlyn | 04 Jul 2017 | |
33 | Encoding and Encoded Texts | Panel chaired by Pip Wilcox, with Barbara McGillivray, Megan Senseney and Nicholas Cole. | Pip Wilcox, Barbara McGillivray, Megan Senseney, Nicholas Cole. | 04 Jul 2017 | |
32 | 2017 Opening Keynote: Jack of all Trades, Master of One: the Promise of Intermethodological Collaboration | Dr Diane Jakacki, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Faculty Teaching Associate in Comparative Humanities, Bucknell University , gives the opening keynote to the 2017 Digital Humanities at Oxford Seminar School. | Diane Jakacki | 04 Jul 2017 | |
31 | Creative Commons | Closing Keynote: Open Access and Digital Humanities – Opening up to the World | Isabel Galina, (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) gives the closing keynote for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Isabel Galina | 08 Jul 2016 |
30 | Tales of the Bodleian's First Folio | Pip Wilcox, Curator of Digital Special Collections, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the 2016 DHOXSS on Shakespeare's First Folio, held by the Bodleian. | Pip Wilcox | 08 Jul 2016 | |
29 | Creative Commons | Building and Analyzing a Semantic Network | Maria Telegina, (Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Maria Telegina | 08 Jul 2016 |
28 | Creative Commons | An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance | Cristina Dondi, (Modern Languages, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Cristina Dondi | 08 Jul 2016 |
27 | Creative Commons | Graphic Motifs as an Aid to Handwritten Archive Transcription and Searching | Chris Powell, (The Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Chris Powell | 07 Jul 2016 |
26 | Creative Commons | Linked Data and Leitmotifs – Digitally Researching the Reception of Richard Wagner’s Music-Dramas | Carolin Rindfleisch, (Faculty of Music, University of Oxford), gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Carolin Rindfleisch | 07 Jul 2016 |
25 | Creative Commons | Imaging Beyond the Institution: How DIY Digitization Impacts Research | Judith Siefring, (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Judith Siefring | 06 Jul 2016 |
24 | Creative Commons | Big Data and the Humanities | Ralph Schroeder, (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford) and Laird Barrett (Taylor & Francis) give a talk for the DHOXSS 2016. | Ralph Schroeder, Laird Barrett | 06 Jul 2016 |
23 | Creative Commons | Hidden Museum: Connecting Collections in Context | Scott Billings, (Oxford University Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford), Theodore Koterwas, (IT Services, University of Oxford), Jessica Suess, (Oxford University Museums, University of Oxford), give a talk for the DHOXSS 2016. | Scott Billings, Jessica Suess, Theodore Koterwas | 06 Jul 2016 |
22 | Creative Commons | ViTA: Visualization for Text Alignment | Alfie Abdul-Rahman, (Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Alfie Abdul-Rahman | 06 Jul 2016 |
21 | Opening Keynote: Identifying the point of it all: Towards a Model of "Digital Infrapuncture", | Deb Verhoeven, (Deakin University) gives the opening keynote talk for the 2016 Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. | Deb Verhoeven | 05 Jul 2016 | |
20 | Creative Commons | Uneasy Dreams: the Becoming of Digital Scholarship | James Loxley, University of Edinburgh, gives the final keynote in the DHOXSS 2015. | James Loxley | 10 Aug 2015 |
19 | The Online Corpus of Inscriptions from Ancient North Arabia | Daniel Burt, Khalili Research Centre, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | Daniel Burt | 10 Aug 2015 | |
18 | If a Picture is Worth 1000 Words, What's a Medium Quality Scan Worth? | David Zeitlyn, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | David Zeitlyn | 10 Aug 2015 | |
17 | Creative Commons | Crowdsourced Text Transcription | Victoria Van Hyning, Zooniverse, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | Victoria Van Hyning | 10 Aug 2015 |
16 | Creative Commons | Let Your Projects Shine: Lightweight Usability Testing for Digital Humanities Projects | Mia Ridge, Digital Humanities, Open University, gives a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | Mia Ridge | 10 Aug 2015 |
15 | Creative Commons | Networking⁴: Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500-1800 | Howard Hotson, Faculty of History, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | Howard Hotson | 10 Aug 2015 |
14 | Creative Commons | Mapping Digital Pathways to Enhance Visitor Experience | Jessica Suess, University of Oxford Museums and Anjanesh Babu, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, give a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. | Jessica Suess, Anjanesh Babu | 10 Aug 2015 |
13 | Creative Commons | Digital Image Corruption - Where It Comes From and How to Detect It | Chris Powell, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the 2015 DHOXSS. | Chris Powell | 10 Aug 2015 |
12 | Creative Commons | Digital Transformations | Panel discussion for th DHOXSS 2015. | David De Roure, Lucie Burgess, Tim Crawford, Jane Winters | 10 Aug 2015 |
11 | Creative Commons | How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Digital | Jane Winters, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, gives the opening keynote talk for the 2015 DHOXSS. | Jane Winters | 10 Aug 2015 |
10 | Ukiyo-e to Emoji: Museums in the Digital Age | Martin Roth, director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, delivers the annual TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities) open lecture at the DHOxSS 2014. | Martin Roth | 04 Aug 2014 | |
9 | Beyond Digital Humanities: Skills, Application and Collaboration | A thought-provoking closing keynote given by Melissa Terras, University College London, at DHOxSS 2014. | Melissa Terras | 24 Jul 2014 | |
8 | Electrifying the 'Via Lucis': communication technologies and republics of letters, past, present and future | A talk given by Howard Hotson, University of Oxford, at DHOxSS 2014. | Howard Hotson | 23 Jul 2014 | |
7 | Creating and Sustaining DH Teams: Scaling from the Smaller to the Larger, from the Individual to the Institution and Beyond | A talk given by Lynne Siemens, University of Victoria at DHOxSS 2014. | Lynne Siemens | 23 Jul 2014 | |
6 | Ancient Lives: Classics and Digital Humanities at Oxford | James Brusuelas from the Faculty of Classics, Oxford University, gives a talk at DHOxSS 2014, around the Ancient Lives project. | James Brusuelas | 23 Jul 2014 | |
5 | Panel - The Future of Data Access and Preservation | This panel discussion will bring together those working in the area of data access and preservation to discuss the numerous problems and future possibilities of data curation, preservation, and long-term access. | David De Roure, William Kilbride, Christine Madsen, Carole L. Palmer | 23 Jul 2014 | |
4 | Obtaining the Unobtainable: The Holy Grail of Seed Funding for Small-Scale Digital Projects | A talk given by Emma Goodwin, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Oxford, at DHOxSS 2014. | Emma Goodwin | 23 Jul 2014 | |
3 | If a picture is worth 1000 words what's a medium quality scan worth? | This presentation from DHOxSS 2014 is based on the practical experience of archiving 46 thousand (plus) images taken by a Cameroonian studio photographer over a 30 years period as part of the British Library ‘Endangered Archive Programme' (EAP). | David Zeitlyn | 23 Jul 2014 | |
2 | Panel - Scholarly Digital Editing | This panel discussion will bring together those working in the area of scholarly digital editing to examine how and why such editions should and are being made and what issues and assumptions we bring to the creation of scholarly digital editions. | Pip Wilcox, Lou Burnard, Eugene Giddens, Eleanor Lowe | 23 Jul 2014 | |
1 | Community, Community of Practice, and the Methodological Commons | This talk considers notions of community, community of practice, and the methodological commons as it applies to the digital humanities. A keynote by Ray Siemens, University of Victoria from DHOxSS 2014. | Ray Siemens | 23 Jul 2014 |