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An annual conference to explore 'Building Peace' from multidisciplinary perspectives held in Oxford. The 2012 conference was entitled, ‘Disciplines of Peace’. The 2012 conference themes included exploring different aspects of the field of peace studies: the relationship between academic research and the practice of peacemaking, peacebuilding and peacekeeping; the skills needed for these practices; the way in which established academic disciplines feed into our understanding of peace and peacebuilding; and the emerging discipline of peace studies itself. How can this area of study be further developed at Oxford?
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
122 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Final plenary: Where to from here? | Dr Noele Crossley chairs the final plenary 'Where to from here?' with Steve Killelea AM, Founder & Executive Chair at the Institute for Economics and Peace. | Steve Killelea | 08 Jul 2019 | |
121 | OxPeace 2019, Peace in the Anthropocene: Welcome | Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael MBE and Reverend Professor Andy Gosler, Co-conveners of OxPeace, open the 2019 OxPeace conference. | Liz Carmichael, Andy Gosler | 08 Jul 2019 | |
120 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: A kaleidoscope of problems and responses | Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael chairs 'Building peace in the anthropocene? A kaleidoscope of problems and responses' with Prof. Heather Bouman (Oxford), Prof. Romola Davenport (Cambridge), Dr Coline Covington, Dr Daniel Ruiz and Oluwasolape Onafowora. | Liz Carmichael, Heather Bouman, Romola Davenport, Coline Covington | 08 Jul 2019 | |
119 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Feeding the World, Happily, Equitably and Sustainably | Federica d'Allessandra chairs a plenary session on 'Feeding the World, Happily, Equitably and Sustainably', featuring Professor Sir Charles Godfray (Oxford Martin School), Brian Lander (Deputy Director, WFP, Geneva) and Professor Mark Maslin (UCL). | Federica d'Allessandra, Charles Godfray, Brian Lander, Mark Maslin | 08 Jul 2019 | |
118 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Opening Plenary: The situation we are in | Dr Isabella Bunn (Human Rights law, Regent's Park College) chairs the opening plenary with Professor Franz Baumann (NYU) and Professor Henry Shue (Oxford). | Isabella Bunn, Franz Baumann, Henry Shue | 08 Jul 2019 | |
117 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Conference Dinner remarks: Brian Lander, Deputy Director at the World Food Programme (WFP) in Geneva | Brian Lander opens the annual OxPeace Conference with his remarks at the Conference dinner. | Brian Lander | 08 Jul 2019 | |
116 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Global Heating: too big for politics? | Professor Franz Baumann (NYU) presents 'Global Heating: too big for politics?' at OxPeace 2019. | Franz Baumann | 08 Jul 2019 | |
115 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: How to exacerbate conflict by your response to climate change | Professor Henry Shue (Oxford) presents 'How to exacerbate conflict by your response to climate change' at OxPeace 2019. | Henry Shue | 08 Jul 2019 | |
114 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Options for a Global Food System | Professor Sir Charles Godfray (Oxford Martin School) presents 'Options for a Global Food System' at OxPeace 2019. | Charles Godfray | 08 Jul 2019 | |
113 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Challenges of Addressing Food Insecurity | Brian Lander, Deputy Director, World Food Programme (WFP) presents the 'Challenges of Addressing Food Insecurity' at OxPeace 2019. | Brian Lander | 08 Jul 2019 | |
112 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: New politics for surviving the Anthropocene | Professor Mark Maslin (UCL) presents 'New politics for surviving the Anthropocene' at OxPeace 2019. | Mark Maslin | 08 Jul 2019 | |
111 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Climate change, ice, and the oceans' invisible forest | Professor Heather Bouman (Oxford) presents 'Climate change, ice, and the oceans' invisible forest' at the OxPeace 2019 conference. | Heather Bouman | 08 Jul 2019 | |
110 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Population, urbanisation and health | Professor Romola Davenport (Cambridge) presents 'Population, urbanisation and health' at the OxPeace 2019 conference. | Romola Davenport | 08 Jul 2019 | |
109 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Taking back control - 'existential threat' and large group anxiety | Dr Coline Covington presents 'Taking back control - 'existential threat' and large group anxiety' at the OxPeace 2019 conference. | Coline Covington | 08 Jul 2019 | |
108 | OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Human fatalities and the question of sustainability in Nigeria's ranching schemes | Oluwasolape Onafowora presents 'Human fatalities and the question of sustainability in Nigeria's ranching schemes' at the 2019 OxPeace conference. | Oluwasolape Onafowora | 08 Jul 2019 | |
107 | OxPeace 2018: How Business affects the chance of peace: the upside – jobs; the downside – crooks; and what to do about them | Professor Sir Paul Collier delivers the 2018 OxPeace Conference Keynote lecture, discussing ‘How Business affects the chance of peace: the upside – jobs; the downside – crooks; and what to do about them.’ | Paul Collier | 16 Nov 2018 | |
106 | OxPeace 2018: The economics of conflict versus the economics of peacebuilding and sustainable peace | Marcel Smits, Institute of Economics and Peace, discusses ‘The economics of conflict versus the economics of peacebuilding and sustainable peace’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Marcel Smits | 16 Nov 2018 | |
105 | OxPeace 2018: Private Sector and Peacebuilding: Lessons from Colombia | Andres Ucros presents his talk on ‘Private Sector and Peacebuilding: Lessons from Colombia’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Andres Ucros | 16 Nov 2018 | |
104 | OxPeace 2018: Progressive roles of business in the South African transition | Dr Liz Carmichael discusses the ‘Progressive roles of business in the South African transition’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Liz Carmichael | 16 Nov 2018 | |
103 | OxPeace 2018: The Role of Commercial Banks in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Anecdotal Evidence from the DRC | Dr Sarah von Billerbeck presents her talk titled the ‘The Role of Commercial Banks in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Anecdotal Evidence from the DRC’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Sarah von Billerbeck | 16 Nov 2018 | |
102 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015 Introduction | Dr Liz Carmichael opens the 2015 OxPeace Conference, held in St John's College on 10th May 2015. | Liz Carmichael | 16 Jun 2015 |
101 | OxPeace 2018: Strategy, Innovation and Peacebuilding: lessons from Northern Ireland | Eva Grosman gives a talk on ‘Strategy, Innovation and Peacebuilding: lessons from Northern Ireland’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Eva Grosman | 16 Nov 2018 | |
100 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015: Opening Plenary Peace and the UN at 70 | Edward Mortimer CMG gives the opening talk for the OxPeace 2015 conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. | Edward Mortimer | 16 Jun 2015 |
99 | OxPeace 2018: How to maximize business contributions to peace? Insights from a practitioner-researcher | Josie Lianna Kaye gives a talk titled ‘How to maximize business contributions to peace? Insights from a practitioner-researcher’ at the 2018 OxPeace Conference. | Josie Lianna Kaye | 16 Nov 2018 | |
98 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015: UN Protection of Civilians, with special emphasis on South Sudan | Hilde Johnson gives a talk at OxPeace 2015 Conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. | Hilde Johnson | 16 Jun 2015 |
97 | OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 1 | Professor Margaret MacMillan gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts | Margaret MacMillan | 02 Jun 2014 | |
96 | OxPeace 2018: Equality and Business in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Building shared space and community | Tina McKenzie discusses ‘Equality and Business in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: Building shared space and community’ at the 2018 Oxpeace Conference. | Tina McKenzie | 16 Nov 2018 | |
95 | OxPeace 2017: Extremists' - and Others' - Conceptions of Peace | This talk uses first person interviews to present the on-the-ground attitudes to peace in post-ISIS Iraq. | Lydia Wilson | 12 Jun 2017 | |
94 | OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 3 | Dr. Heather Jones gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts. | Heather Jones | 02 Jun 2014 | |
93 | OxPeace 2017: The role of formal and non-formal education for youth agency for peace: A synthesis report on findings from Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda | Empirical insights from four country studies (Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda) on the topic of youth agency for peacebuilding. | Mieke Lopes Cardozo | 12 Jun 2017 | |
92 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015: Of Mandates and Majors: Exploring The United Nations' Role in Disarmament Demobilisation and Reinsertion, the Case of Timor Leste | Dr Kate Roll gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. | Kate Roll | 16 Jun 2015 |
91 | OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 2 | Professor Sir Hew Strachan gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts | Sir Hew Strachen | 02 Jun 2014 | |
90 | OxPeace 2017: How can world peace be organised? | Tangible steps that can be taken to better organise the world for peace. | Alex Bellamy | 13 Jun 2017 | |
89 | OxPeace 2017: Peace Education in Central Africa: A public health intervention | Increasing resilience against violence is the aim of Aegis Trust’s peace education programme in Rwanda. | James Smith | 12 Jun 2017 | |
88 | OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: Religion as a vehicle for peace?: Anti-Muslim Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar and local responses | Dr Matthew J Walton gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar'. | Matthew Walton | 02 Jun 2014 | |
87 | OxPeace 2017: Measuring Positive Peace | On the Global Peace Index, developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) - the world's leading measurement of country peacefulness. | Murray Ackman | 12 Jun 2017 | |
86 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015: UN Peacebuilding and the pursuit of multi-Ethnicity in Kosovo | Dana Landau gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. | Dana Landau | 16 Jun 2015 |
85 | OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: The continuation of war by other means? Ceasefire, conflict and state-building in Shan State under Myanmar's democratic | Patrick Meehan gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar'. | Patrick Meehan | 02 Jun 2014 | |
84 | OxPeace 2017: Concepts and Practice of Positive Peace: Overview of the Conference | Overview of the 2017 OxPeace Conference | John Alderdice | 13 Jun 2017 | |
83 | OxPeace 2017: Sustainable Development Goals and Positive Peace | The evolution of thinking on peacebuilding in DFID, and the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. | Marcus Lenzen | 12 Jun 2017 | |
82 | OxPeace 2014: Session 1a: Challenges and Opportunities for women as peace-builders in Myanmar's transistion | Dr Ma Khin Mar Mar Kyi gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference, session 1a; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same: Challenges to peace in a transtioning Myanmar | Ma Khin Mar Mar Kyi | 02 Jun 2014 | |
81 | OxPeace 2017: Concepts of Positive Peace in Peacebuilding Programmes | Negative Peace is when violence has stopped, but the underlying issues remain unresolved. It is thus often seen as an unsustainable peace, since violence may erupt again. | Phil Vernon | 12 Jun 2017 | |
80 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015: Partnering to Make Peace: The Effectiveness of UN-African Joint Mediation Efforts in Civil Wars in Africa | Allard Duursma gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. | Allard Duursma | 16 Jun 2015 |
79 | OxPeace 2014: Session 1b: Asymmetric warfare and civil war: Is reconciliation easier with a foreign enemy than inside the nation? | Professor Uros Svete gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 1b; Inclusive peace, reconciliation and justice in the Western Balkans | Uros Svete | 02 Jun 2014 | |
78 | OxPeace 2017: The role of school curriculum in sustainable peace-building: A case study from Sri Lanka | How schools are contributing to truth-seeking, social cohesion and active citizenship in Sri Lanka. | Jeremy Cunningham, Suren Ladd | 13 Jun 2017 | |
77 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Is the world a more dangerous place today? | John Simpson CBE, World Affairs Editor, BBC News, gives the after dinner conference speech at the 2016 OxPeace Conference. | John Simpson | 30 Jun 2016 |
76 | OxPeace 2014: Sesion 1b: Peace without Separation | Albin Kurti MP gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 1b; Inclusive peace, reconciliation and justice in the Western Balkans | Albin Kurti | 02 Jun 2014 | |
75 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Conflict within Peace Studies? A Bibliometric Survey of the Field of Peace and Conflict Studies | Prof John Gledhill (Oxford) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | John Gledhill | 30 Jun 2016 |
74 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015: 'A Force for Peace': The UN Secretary-General and the Cold War, 1946-1953 | Ellen Jenny Ravndal gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. | Ellen Jenny Ravndal | 16 Jun 2015 |
73 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 1 | William Kelly gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace | William Kelly | 02 Jun 2014 | |
72 | OxPeace 2017: The Role of Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace | Cultural heritage in peacebuilding | John Curtis | 12 Jun 2017 | |
71 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: War and peace: two sides of the same coin? | Prof David Keen (LSE) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | David Keen | 30 Jun 2016 |
70 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 2 | Taghreed Elsanhouri gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace | Taghreed Elsanhouri | 02 Jun 2014 | |
69 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Top-down, bottom-up and the missing middle: The nature of contemporary peace | Prof Roger Mac Ginty (Manchester Univ) gives a talk for the first plenary session -Studying Peace and Studying Conflict: Complementary or Competing Paradigms? Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Roger Mac Ginty | 30 Jun 2016 |
68 | OxPeace 2015: In the name of religion: the untold story of faith-based conflict prevention | Professor Alpaslan Ozerdem and Laura Payne give a talk for Session B of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Religion in peace and conflict: extreme war-making, didcated peacebuilding | Alpaslan Ozerdem, Laura Payne | 16 Jun 2015 | |
67 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 3 | Chipo Chung gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace | Chipo Chung | 02 Jun 2014 | |
66 | OxPeace 2017: Business: A Powerful Force for Supporting Interfaith Understanding and Peace | Business, Peace and Interfaith Understanding; Concepts and Practice of Positive Peace: Overview of the Conference, | Brian Grim | 12 Jun 2017 | |
65 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: The study of war in Afghanistan: understanding the routes to peace in an era of 'perpetual war' | Dr Robert Johnson (Oxford) gives a talk for the first breakout session - Studying Conflict to Build Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Robert Johnson | 30 Jun 2016 |
64 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2a: Arts, Culture and Peace part 4 | Dr Rami Mani gives a talk for the OxPeace 2014 conference session 2a; Arts, Culture and Peace | Rami Mani | 02 Jun 2014 | |
63 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016:Violent Non-state Groups as Peace Spoilers: Designing A Post-conflict Strategy for Colombia | Dr Annette Idler (Oxford) gives a talk for the first breakout session - Studying Conflict to Build Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Annette Idler | 30 Jun 2016 |
62 | Creative Commons | Oxpeace 2015: ISIL and Islamic responses to extremism | Imam Monwar Hussain give a talk for Session B of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Religion in peace and conflict: extreme war-making, didcated peacebuilding. | Monawar Hussain | 16 Jun 2015 |
61 | OxPeace 2017: Devolving Power to Citizens: A Path to Positive Peace in Colombia? | Discussion on whether offline and online participatory budgeting processes could foster positive peace in Colombia and, if so, under what circumstances. | Diana Dajer | 12 Jun 2017 | |
60 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: The Production of Verification | Rupert Burridge (DPhil student, Lincoln College, Oxford) gives a talk parallel session B 'Verification in arms control; Issue-linkage in peace missions; Winning control after civil wars'. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Rupert Burridge | 30 Jun 2016 |
59 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2b: Role of media in fragile states: some trends and implications | James Deane gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 2b; Peace, Conflict and New Media: Current Examples, Old Practices? | Jmes Deane | 02 Jun 2014 | |
58 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Talks, negotiations and efforts to end Syria’s conflict: missed opportunities? | Richard Barltrop gives a talk in parallel session C - Syria: governance, conflict and peace – two practical perspectives. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Richard Barltrop | 30 Jun 2016 |
57 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015: Themes in the relationship between development and peace | Jonathan Granoff gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. | Jonathan Granoff | 16 Jun 2015 |
56 | OxPeace 2014: Session 2b: Beyond war: Peace journalism approaches to conflict issues in wider society | Dr Jake Lynch gives a talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference session 2b; Peace, Conflict and New Media: Current Examples, Old Practices? | Jake Lynch | 02 Jun 2014 | |
55 | OxPeace 2017: ‘Peace doesn’t exist’: Marginalised youths’ disengagement from Colombia’s peace process threatens the achievement of a lasting peace | Young participants from a conflict-affected town express their ideas about peace, which contrast starkly with the country’s dominant optimism. | Elena Butti | 12 Jun 2017 | |
54 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: State Building in the midst of conflict: lessons from Syria’ on evaluating DFID’s programme for capacity-building during conflict | Jon Bennett gives a talk in parallel session C - Syria: governance, conflict and peace – two practical perspectives. Part of the 2016 OxPeace conference. | Jon Bennett | 30 Jun 2016 |
53 | OxPeace 2014: Closing plenary | Dr Monica Toft gives the final talk for the 2014 OxPeace Conference | Monica Toft | 02 Jun 2014 | |
52 | OxPeace 2016: Faith, Environment and Development: From Conflict to Cooperation | Dr Shonil Bhagwat gives a talk in parallel session D - Environmental Peace and Conflict. Part of the 2016 Oxpeace conference. | Shonil Bhagwat | 30 Jun 2016 | |
51 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015: Key concerns in peace and security: building more peaceful and inclusive societies | Sunil Suri gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. | Sunil Suri | 16 Jun 2015 |
50 | Ingrid Betancourt: Thoughts on Peacebuilding | Ingrid Betancourt gives a keynote talk for the 2013 Oxford Peace Building on the nature of peace and reflections of her time as a hostage of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for 6 years. | Ingrid Betancourt | 21 May 2013 | |
49 | OxPeace 2017: Chocolate, Politics and Peace-Building: An Ethnography of the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado | On peace-building in The Peace Community of San Joseì de Apartadó | Gwen Burnyeat | 12 Jun 2017 | |
48 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Ecocide Law: the missing Crime against Peace | Polly Higgins gives a talk in parallel session D - Environmental Peace and Conflict. Part of the 2016 Oxpeace conference. | Polly Higgins | 30 Jun 2016 |
47 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Evolving an Integrated Approach to Peacebuilding in the UN | Dr Carolyn McAskie OC, University of Ottawa, first UN Asst SG for Peacebuilding and head of the UN Peacebuilding Commission gives the first keynote on how the UN has spent over a decade and a half realizing an integrated approach to peacebuilding. | Carolyn McAskie | 21 May 2013 |
46 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: What is Peace? | Professor Peter Wallensteen (Uppsala, Notre Dame) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. | Peter Wallensteen | 30 Jun 2016 |
45 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015: Closing Remarks | Dr Liz Carmichael closes the 2015 OxPeace Conference. | Liz Carmichael | 16 Jun 2015 |
44 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: The Economic Dynamics of Conflict in Somalia 1993-2009 Session 1A: Counter Terrorism and Peacebuilding | Anja Shortland, University of Rome, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Anja Shortland | 21 May 2013 |
43 | OxPeace 2017: Sovereign Terrain? Explosive Remnants of War | Outline some of the conceptual and practical difficulties regarding the clearance of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and reflect on the implications for states and populations in transformation. | Rupert Burridge | 12 Jun 2017 | |
42 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Reconciliation and Scale | Dr Denisa Kostovicova (LSE) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. | Denisa Kostovicova | 30 Jun 2016 |
41 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Peacebuilding and the 'unmanned' military drones Session 1A: Counter-Terrorism and Peacebuilding | Alexander Leveringhaus gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Alexander Leveringhaus | 21 May 2013 |
40 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2016: Measuring Peace | Professor Richard Caplan (Oxford) gives a talk in the final plenary - Conceptualizing Peace. Part of the 2016 OxPeace Conference. | Richard Caplan | 30 Jun 2016 |
39 | OxPeace 2014: No Wars? New Wars? Peacemaking in new contexts | Professor Mary Kaldor, LSE, gives the first talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference; No Wars? New Wars? Peacemaking in new contexts | Mary kaldor | 02 Jun 2014 | |
38 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Illicitily Governed Spaces: drugs, conflict and peace in Columbia Session 1A: Counter-Terrorism and Peacebuilding | Annette Idler, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Annette Idler | 21 May 2013 |
37 | OxPeace 2017: What prospects for restoring cultural heritage in Iraq? | John Curtis will describe the destruction of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Iraq, beginning with the first Gulf War in 1991 and continuing to the ravages of ISIS in 2014-2017. | John Curtis | 12 Jun 2017 | |
36 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2015 Keynote: Peace and the UN at 70 | Mark Maloch-Brown gives the keynote address at the 2015 OxPeace conference. | Mark Maloch-Brown | 16 Jun 2015 |
35 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: University cooperation to promote reconciliation Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding | Massimo Caneva, University of Rome, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Massimo Caneva | 21 May 2013 |
34 | OxPeace 2013: Peace education for exchange students: Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding | Koji Nakamura, Konan University, Japan, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Koji Nakamura | 21 May 2013 | |
33 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Olive Tree Scholarship Program: Session 1B: Universities and Peacebuilding | Yoav Bornstein and Elizabeth Jadon (Israel/Palestine) gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Yoav Bornstein, Elizabeth Jadon | 21 May 2013 |
32 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: UN Peacekeeping Radio: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding | Sacha Meuter gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Sacha Meuter | 21 May 2013 |
31 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Local Ownership of UN Peacebuilding in the DRC: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding | Sarah von Billerbeck gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Sarah von Billerbeck | 21 May 2013 |
30 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: African Peacebuilding Network: Session 2A UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding | Cyril Obi gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Cyril Obi | 21 May 2013 |
29 | OxPeace 2013: Birds as Peacemakers in the Middle East: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding | Yossi Leshem, Israel, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Yossi Leshem | 21 May 2013 | |
28 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Tigris and Euphrates as intruments of peace: the Marshes, Iraq: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding | Azzam Alwash, Iraq, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Azzam Alwash | 21 May 2013 |
27 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2013: Peacebuilding through Biodiversity: Session 2B Environmental Peacebuilding | Chris Naylor, A Rocha, gives a talk for the OxPeace 2013 conference: The Future of Peace Building. | Chris Naylor | 21 May 2013 |
26 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2012: Challenging traditional attitudes in Parliament towards conflict | Simon Hughes; MP and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues gives the keynote address at Rewley House for the start of the 2012 OxPeace Conference: Disciplines of Peace. | Simon Hughes | 21 May 2012 |
25 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2012: Defining Peacemaking, Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping | Richard Caplan, Professor of International Relations, Oxford, gives a keynote talk at StnJohn's college for the 2012 Oxpeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. | Richard Caplan | 21 May 2012 |
24 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2012: Peace Making and Peace Building: What can research and practice learn from each other? | Dan Smith OBE, Secretary General of International Alert, gives a keynote talk on the relationship between researchers and practitioners for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. | Dan Smith | 21 May 2012 |
23 | Creative Commons | OxPeace 2012: Law, Human Rights, Theology and Religion in Peacebuilding Part 1 | Professor Malcolm Evans OBE, Public International Law, Bristol, gives a talk for the 2012 OxPeace Conference; Disciplines of Peace. | Malcolm Evans | 21 May 2012 |
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