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A free one-day conference held at OUCS, University of Oxford on 26th May 2011. Our 'Beyond' conference this year celebrates the joys and challenges of community collections. It was hosted by the RunCoco project and sponsored by JISC. The conference will be of interest to learning technologists, librarians, museums, community groups, archivists and researchers.
Through 'crowdsourced' community collections the general public or members of a particular group are invited to contribute to a project by uploading their own content or adding information to existing resources. This event was an opportunity to reflect upon the range of models of crowdsourcing and community engagement projects in higher education.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
10 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - The Sequel | Debate and discussion about academic crowdsourcing and community content in the UK and beyond, with highlights and interesting ideas from the day. | Alastair Dunning, Stuart Lee, Chris Batt | 27 May 2011 |
9 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - A Nursery Rhyme | Melissa Highton (Oxford University Computing Services) examines how Oxford's crowdsourced and community collections of open educational resources are supported and embedded in practice for sustainability. | Melissa Highton | 26 May 2011 |
8 | Beyond 2011 - A Saga of Creativity | Gail Durbin (Victoria and Albert Museum) examines how a nationally focused museum can use its web presence to foster the interest and expertise of users, as well as sharing its own authoritative information? | Gail Durbin | 26 May 2011 | |
7 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - A Cautionary Tale | Arfon Smith (University of Oxford) presents the experience of the Zooniverse team with their citizen science and crowdsourcing efforts and the changing role of the citizen scientist. | Arfon Smith | 26 May 2011 |
6 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - A Road Movie | Alun Edwards and Stuart Lee (Oxford University Computing Services) present their experiences of running public participation days in Germany to gather everyday objects from World War I. | Alun Edwards, Stuart Lee | 26 May 2011 |
5 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - Choose Your Own Adventure | 'Time Travels' from the creator of How To Be A Retronaut and inventor of the Retroscope, and a leader of Museumpreneurs. | Chris Wild | 26 May 2011 |
4 | Beyond 2011 - Character Journey | The story of the super-transcribers involved in the project to understand the thousands of manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham. | Valerie Wallace, Tim Causer | 26 May 2011 | |
3 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - "...apart from that he was completely naked" and other stories of the amazing everyday in the community | Chris Morgan 'Mog' (University of Glamorgan, GEECS) presents on the Communities 2.0 digital inclusion project and the collection of digital stories that community members make. | Chris Morgan | 26 May 2011 |
2 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - Keynote: Tales of Big Society | Beyond 2011 Keynote presentation from Robert Ashton, author of The Barefoot Entrepreneur. | Robert Ashton | 26 May 2011 |
1 | Creative Commons | Beyond 2011 - Introduction: Once Upon a Time... | Melissa Highton, Head of the Learning Technologies group at Oxford University Computing Services opens the conference. She referred to the themes of earlier Beyond conferences, and introduced today's theme "Beyond Collections". | Melissa Highton | 26 May 2011 |