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Chris Gosden

Series featuring Chris Gosden

  • Keble College
  • Anthropology
  • Societies in Transition
  • Digging for Meaning: Research from the Oxford School of Archaeology
  • Archaeology
  • Beyond boundaries: research worth sharing
  • 'Magic and the Sense of Place' Conference
# Episode Title Description People Date
10 'Magic and the Sense of Place' Conference Day 1: Opening Session, plus 'Who Owns This Place?' and 'The New World'. Opening Session featuring Ronald Hutton and Chris Gosden, plus talks under the topics 'Who Owns This Place?' and 'The New World'. Andrew Chesnut, Dan Kline, Will Badger, Ronald Hutton 20 Apr 2023
9 The History of Magic What is magic, when did it begin, and does it still have a place in the modern world? Professor Chris Gosden discusses the long history of magic from the Ice Age, through antiquity, to the present. Chris Gosden 29 Sep 2020
8 English landscapes and identities Prof Chris Gosden explains what his research tells us about regional developments and variations in English settlement and landscape changes over time. Chris Gosden 18 Apr 2017
7 Is the universe sentient, and what implications might that have for archaeology? Seminar given by Professors Gosden and Pollard of the School of Archaeology that probes the outer edges of archaeological enquiry. Chris Gosden, Mark Pollard 14 Jun 2016
6 The Other Within: An Anthropology of Englishness Professor Chris Gosden talks about what it means to be English with reference to a project at the Pitt Rivers Museum called 'The Other Within'. Chris Gosden 27 Feb 2012
5 The Anthropology of Production In this lecture for anthropologsts and archaeologists, Professor Chris Gosde, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford, examines the history and theory of production across different cultures and the difference between production and ownership. Chris Gosden 18 Mar 2011
4 Creative Commons Understanding Creativity Dr Chris Gosden gives a talk on creativity and artefacts and the development of tools and objects throughout human history. Delivered in Keble College as part of the OXford Alumni Weekend 2010. Chris Gosden 20 Oct 2010
3 Interview with Professor Chris Gosden Interview with Professor Chris Gosden; Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford. Chris Gosden, Megan Price 30 Jul 2009
2 Societies in Transition: Becoming Roman in Britain Lecture on Britain under Roman rule and the incorporation of Britain into the Roman world. Professor Gosden also talks about the significance of our environment, the outside, material world, and how it influences historical events in ancient history. Chris Gosden 24 Mar 2009
1 Societies in Transition: Becoming Roman in Britain Lecture on Britain under Roman rule and the incorporation of Britain into the Roman world. Professor Gosden also talks about the significance of our environment, the outside, material world, and how it influences historical events in ancient history. Chris Gosden 24 Mar 2009