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The Pandemic People: Fergus Walsh

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Duration: 0:44:49 | Added: 19 May 2023
Journalist Fergus Walsh talks about covering disease outbreaks & his medical journalism career. Accuracy, fact-checking, and communicating complex scientific findings are important to him. He discusses this passion for reliable information with Sir Andrew

Sir Andrew Pollard sat down with, British journalist Fergus Walsh the medical editor of the BBC. The episode delved into Fergus’s early days at the BBC and how his career in medical journalism has developed over the years.

Fergus shared insights on how he approaches health stories and makes complex health information understandable to the public. They talk about his work on reporting various disease outbreaks over the years that has earned him recognition as a trusted source of information during times of health crises.

One notable experience Fergus shared was his journey to Vietnam to report on the H5N1 virus, commonly known as bird flu. He recounted the challenges he faced while covering the outbreak and the importance of providing accurate information to the public during such critical situations.

The conversation also touched on how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of journalism, and the challenges of providing a balanced perspective without succumbing to biases. He emphasized the importance of fact-checking and verifying information, especially in the era of social media where misinformation can easily spread.

His in-depth conversation with Fergus Walsh provided a fascinating insight into the challenges and nuances of reporting on health and science news, and the evolving role of journalists in disseminating accurate information in an era of fast-paced media consumption has evolved over the years.

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