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public health

# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Doctor Anthony Fauci, former Chief Scientific Advisor to the President of the United States Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group at the University of Oxford and one of the country’s foremost immunologists, chats with Doctor Anthony Fauci, Chief Scientific Advisor to seven US presidents. Andrew Pollard, Anthony Fauci 17 Sep 2024
2 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Sir Pascal Soriot Sir Andrew Pollard talks to Sir Pascal Soriot, the CEO of AstraZeneca about their pandemic partnership to develop the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine. Over three billion vaccines have been delivered, saving six and a half million lives. Andrew Pollard, Pascal Soriot 27 Nov 2023
3 Creative Commons September 2023 Andrea Leinberger-Jabari Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Nicola Lindson discuss emerging evidence in e-cigarette research and Ailsa Butler interviews Andrea Leinberger-Jabari from the Public Health Research Center at New York University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Andrea Leinberger-Jabari, Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Nicola Lindson, Ailsa Butler 26 Sep 2023
4 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Prof. Maheshi Ramasamy Andrew Pollard talks to Professor Maheshi Ramasamy about her pandemic work as a hospital consultant treating extremely sick patients in intensive care. They also discuss her research career in vaccines and infectious diseases. Maheshi Ramasamy, Andrew Pollard 21 Sep 2023
5 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Shabir Madhi Shabir Madhi Professor of Vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg, South Africa discusses the effect of the global pandemic on Africa and his work on COVID-19 vaccines. Andrew Pollard, Shabir Madhi 07 Sep 2023
6 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Professor Adam Finn Sir Andrew and Professor Adam Finn discuss his work as paediatrician specialising in infectious diseases. They discuss the pandemic as it affected children and the different responses to the disease in adults and children. Andrew Pollard, Adam Finn 16 Aug 2023
7 Professor Trudie Lang Georgina Ferry interviews Trudie Lang, Professor of Global Health Research and Head of the Global Health Network, 13 April 2023. Trudie Lang, Georgina Ferry 01 Aug 2023
8 Professor David Eyre Georgina Ferry interviews David Eyre, Professor of Infectious Diseases, 28 March 2023. David Eyre, Georgina Ferry 01 Aug 2023
9 Dr Claas Kirchhelle Georgina Ferry interviews Claas Kirchhelle, former Honorary Fellow in Vaccine History (Oxford Vaccine Group/Oxford Martin School), 22 March 2023. Claas Kirchhelle, Georgina Ferry 01 Aug 2023
10 Dr Andrew Brent Georgina Ferry interviews Andrew Brent, Consultant in Infectious Diseases & General Internal Medicine and Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), 17 March 2023. Andrew Brent, Georgina Ferry 01 Aug 2023
11 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Sir Patrick Vallance Sir Andrew Pollard & Sir Patrick Vallance discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares insights into his medical career and vital work during the pandemic as Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK government. Patrick Vallance, Andrew Pollard 20 Jul 2023
12 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Dame Sarah Gilbert Dame Sarah Gilbert, Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University, talks about her life in science and her work with a talented and dedicated team at Oxford in developing and testing the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19. Sarah Gilbert 30 Jun 2023
13 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Dame Louise Richardson DBE FRSE Dame Louise Richardson, discusses navigating Oxford University through the tumultuous peak of the global pandemic and her career as an Irish political scientist whose expertise lies in the study of terrorism. Louise Richardson 23 Jun 2023
14 Dr Helen Salisbury Georgina Ferry interviews Helen Salisbury, GP and Senior Medical Education Fellow, 19 January 2023. Helen Salisbury, Georgina Ferry 12 Jun 2023
15 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Professor Neil Ferguson Sir Andrew Pollard's podcast features Professor Neil Ferguson, an expert in the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. They discuss how mathematical models help understand disease transmission, vaccines, and immunity. Andrew Pollard, Neil Ferguson 28 May 2023
16 Dr Raha West Georgina Ferry interviews Raha West, Principal Investigator on the RECOVERY Trial, 10 November 2022. Raha West, Georgina Ferry 22 May 2023
17 The Pandemic People: Fergus Walsh Journalist Fergus Walsh talks about covering disease outbreaks & his medical journalism career. Accuracy, fact-checking, and communicating complex scientific findings are important to him. He discusses this passion for reliable information with Sir Andrew Andrew Pollard, Fergus Walsh 19 May 2023
18 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Dame Jennifer Margaret Harries DBE Dame Jennifer Harries shares insights on her career, family influence, and managing public health threats with Sir Andrew Pollard. Highlights include Salisbury novichok incident preparedness, COVID19 response efforts. Andrew Pollard, Jennifer Harries 19 May 2023
19 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Professor Wendy Barclay In conversation with Sir Andrew Pollard, Professor Wendy Barclay, a renowned virologist, discusses viruses' crucial role in pandemics. Andrew Pollard, Wendy Barclay 17 Apr 2023
20 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Sir John Irving Bell Sir Andrew Pollard & Sir John Bell discuss COVID-19 pandemic in China, Oxford Univ. & AstraZeneca's vaccine efforts. Bell highlights global response, data sharing, Oxford's vaccine expertise & diagnostic testing. Andrew Pollard, John Bell 16 Apr 2023
21 Creative Commons The Pandemic People: Dame Catherine Elizabeth Bingham Kate Bingham, a British venture capitalist, discussed her role in the UK's COVID-19 vaccine rollout and her leadership of the vaccine task force and the importance of diplomacy in the global fight against COVID-19. Andrew Pollard, Kate Bingham 15 Apr 2023
22 Professor Martin Landray Georgina Ferry interviews Sir Martin Landray, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, 27 October 2022. Martin Landray, Georgina Ferry 30 Mar 2023
23 Professor Carl Heneghan Georgina Ferry interviews Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence Based Medicine, 4 July 2022. Carl Heneghan, Georgina Ferry 04 Jan 2023
24 Professor Meghana Pandit Georgina Ferry interviews Meghana Pandit, Chief Executive Officer at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 7 April 2022. Meghana Pandit, Georgina Ferry 04 Jan 2023
25 Assessing public attitudes to both the pandemic and the government's response (Sarah Cunningham Burley) At the start of the covid pandemic there was little time for officials to consult the public. Sarah Cunningham Burley oversaw some public dialogues to assess public attitudes to the pandemic, and to the government’s response. Sarah Cunningham Burley, David Edmonds 05 Dec 2022
26 Dr Samantha Vanderslott Georgina Ferry interviews Samantha Vanderslott, University Research Lecturer (Oxford Vaccine Group), 18 March 2022. Samantha Vanderslott, Georgina Ferry 02 Nov 2022
27 Dr Elizabeth Greenhall Georgina Ferry interviews Elizabeth Greenhall, retired GP, 11 March 2022. Elizabeth Greenhall, Georgina Ferry 02 Nov 2022
28 Series 2 Episode 4 - Newborn genome screening What sort of findings might we get from newborn genome screening? What might this mean for the NHS? Rachel Horton talks to Gabby Samuel and Lisa Ballard. Rachel Horton, Gabrielle Samuel, Lisa Ballard 20 Oct 2022
29 Creative Commons Public health through a small Island’s lense This week Kaitlyn Neises-Macano talks with Andreas Finzel about her work in public health on Saipan, a tiny island in the Pacific. Kaitlyn Neises-Macano, Andreas Finzel 02 Aug 2022
30 Professor Richard Hobbs (part two) Georgina Ferry interviews Richard Hobbs, Head of Department at the Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences and Nuffield Professor of Primary Care, 29 November 2021. Richard Hobbs, Georgina Ferry 29 Jul 2022
31 Professor Richard Hobbs Georgina Ferry interviews Richard Hobbs, Head of Department at the Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences and Nuffield Professor of Primary Care, 29 November 2021. Richard Hobbs, Georgina Ferry 29 Jul 2022
32 Professor Trisha Greenhalgh (part three) Georgina Ferry interviews Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, 5 November 2021. Trish Greenhalgh, Georgina Ferry 29 Jul 2022
33 Professor Trisha Greenhalgh (part two) Georgina Ferry interviews Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, 5 November 2021. Trish Greenhalgh, Georgina Ferry 29 Jul 2022
34 Professor Trisha Greenhalgh Georgina Ferry interviews Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, 5 November 2021. Trish Greenhalgh, Georgina Ferry 29 Jul 2022
35 Creative Commons Defending the selective restriction of liberty during pandemics Katrien Devolder and Julian Savulescu discuss the ethics of lockdowns Katrien Devolder, Julian Savulescu 10 May 2022
36 BHM Lecture 2021: COVID and disproportionality and what does it mean for health disparities moving forward? The 2021 Black History Month Lecture delivered by Professor Kevin Fenton, Public Health England's Regional Director of Public Health for London and statutory advisor to the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. Kevin Fenton, Gill Aitken, Alexander Gordon, Machilu Zimba 09 Nov 2021
37 Connection and conflict: hHw neoliberal healthism and inequity shape bariatric surgery support forum dynamics This UBVO seminar was presented by Zoe Meleo-Erwin (William Paterson University of New Jersey) on 19 November 2020 Zoe Meleo-Erwin 22 Oct 2021
38 Voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention in Kenya: Anthropology and ethics in the pursuit of public health This UBVO seminar was presented by Adam Gilbertson (University of North Carolina) on 12 November 2020 Adam Gilbertson 22 Oct 2021
39 Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: an industry and occupation perspective In this recorded talk, Professor Doyne Farmer and Maria del Rio-Chanona talk about their new paper on supply and demand shocks, and the impacts on society, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic Doyne Farmer, Maria del Rio-Chanona, Ian Goldin 17 Nov 2020
40 Creative Commons If biodiversity is the medicine, then what are its active ingredients? In this year's Haldane lecture, Professor Kathy Willis examines the newly emerging 'green health' scientific evidence-base. The lecture is introduced by the College President, Sir Tim Hitchens. Kathy Willis 18 Feb 2020
41 Public health and gender: Assumptions, disjunctures in practice, and implications for HIV prevention within marriages in Kenya ASC seminar by Roseanne Njiru Roseanne Njiru 16 Feb 2019
42 The application of realist approaches at the research/policy/practice interface: NICE work if you can do it Professor Mike Kelly, Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Evidence Based Healthcare seminar series. Mike Kelly 12 Dec 2018
43 Global Legal Epidemiology: Developing a Science Around Whether, When and How International Law Can Address Global Challenges Professor Steven Hoffman discusses legal mechanisms available for coordinating international responses to transnational problems, their prospects, and their challenges. Steven J Hoffman 23 Oct 2018
44 Creative Commons Why Public Health Needs Narrative An introduction to an often overlooked context for using narrative in healthcare: public health. Lise Saffran, Emily Troscianko 12 Sep 2018
45 Creative Commons Gender and Health Aye Aye Chit speaks at the 'Gender, Rights and Justice in a Transitioning Myanmar' conference on 13 November 2017. Aye Aye Chit 04 Jul 2018
46 Research Behind... The Great Vape Debate A podcast about a song about vaping based on the latest evidence from research from Dr Jamie Hartmann-Boyce at the University of Oxford Jamie Hartmann-Boyce 09 Jan 2018
47 OxPeace 2017: Peace Education in Central Africa: A public health intervention Increasing resilience against violence is the aim of Aegis Trust’s peace education programme in Rwanda. James Smith 12 Jun 2017
48 Professor John Brodersen Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, in conversation with Professor John Brodersen, General Practitioner and associate research professor in the area of medical screening at University of Copenhagen. John Brodersen, Carl Heneghan 15 May 2017
49 Creative Commons Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, speaks to Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, about the importance of medical statistics. David Spiegelhalter, Carl Heneghan 28 Mar 2017
50 Creative Commons Poor quality medicines LOMWRU researchers conduct clinical research to help improve global, regional and Lao public health. They focus on infectious diseases, and also investigate diseases of nutrition and poverty. Paul Newton 30 Nov 2016
51 Creative Commons Poor quality medicines LOMWRU researchers conduct clinical research to help improve global, regional and Lao public health. They focus on infectious diseases, and also investigate diseases of nutrition and poverty. Paul Newton 30 Nov 2016
52 Creative Commons Using IDEAL within commissioning in the UK Regulation, Commissioning, HTA and Policy daphne austin 21 Jun 2016
53 Reducing HIV Men who have sex with men (MSM) are a stigmatised group in Africa, but a predominant actor in the transmission of HIV. Eduard Sanders 04 Feb 2016
54 Creative Commons Reducing HIV Men who have sex with men (MSM) are a stigmatised group in Africa, but a predominant actor in the transmission of HIV. Eduard Sanders 04 Feb 2016
55 Creative Commons Science and Society In settings with high level of poverty and over-stretched health services, researchers have even greater responsibilities to the communities and study participants. Vicki Marsh 05 Oct 2015
56 Creative Commons Science and Society In settings with high level of poverty and over-stretched health services, researchers have even greater responsibilities to the communities and study participants. Vicki Marsh 05 Oct 2015
57 Creative Commons FMR 45 Health crises and migration Individual and collective responses to health crises contribute to an orderly public health response that most times precludes the need for large-scale displacements. Michael Edelstein, David Heymann, Khalid Koser 07 Apr 2014
58 Creative Commons Can kindness save the NHS? Mr John Ballatt, Director of The Openings Consultancy gives a talk for the HEXI - MiM Speaker Series John Ballatt 27 Nov 2013
59 Creative Commons Network mathematics in the social sciences: concepts, applications, and perspectives into obesity and public health Mariano Beguerisse-Diaz,Department of Mathematics and Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, gives a talk for the UBVO Seminar Series on 31st January 2013. Mariano Beguerisse-Diaz 25 Mar 2013
60 Creative Commons Social marketing and public health with Change4Life Podcast looking at the way in which public health campaigns, in particular the Change4Life campaign are marketed. By Kevin Chan, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge. Kevin Chan 21 Jan 2013
61 Creative Commons Trying to do more good than harm in health care The 2012 Wolfson College Haldane Lecture was given by leading health services researcher Sir Iain Chalmers, currently Coordinator of the James Lind Initiative, Oxford, UK. Iain Chalmers 21 Feb 2012
62 Medical Anthropology at Oxford: Beyond Language - Public Health Policy and Cultural Competency This presentation by Hannah Graff, a previous MPhil student at Oxford, was delivered at the conference Medical Anthropology at Oxford: 10 Years at the Intersections on 23 June 2011. Hanna Graff 25 Jul 2011
63 Systems Science and Inequalities in Obesity in England - Findings from an Agent-Based Model Abdulrahman El-Sayid, DPhil Student, British Heart Foundation, Oxford, gives a talk for the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminar series. Abdulrahman El-Sayid 27 May 2011
64 Fizzyology: genetics, metabolic effects health outcomes and politics of high sugar Michael Goran gives a talk for the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminar series. Michael Goran 06 Apr 2011
65 The phenomenology of binge eating in anorexia and bulimia Karin Eli, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. Karin Eli 06 Apr 2011
66 Digital image capture in public health surveillance for physical activity and food behaviour assessment Paul Kelly and Aiden Doherty give a talk for the UBVO seminar series. Paul Kelly, Aiden Doherty 06 Apr 2011
67 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 8 Financing Innovation: How can we utilise novel mechanisms to fund innovation? Rob James, Shelagh Wilson, Javier Guzman, Adrian Towse 02 Aug 2010
68 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 7 Evaluating Innovation: How do we evaluate innovation appropriately? Stephen Richards, Kalipso Chalkidou, Robyn Norton, Paul Glasziou 02 Aug 2010
69 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 6 Clinical Entrepreneurship. Oliver Bernath, Jake Arnold-Forster, Richard Darch, Mike Stein 02 Aug 2010
70 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 5 Entrepreneurship in the Community. Pamela Hartigan, Joop Tanis, Andrea Coleman, Deborah Szebeko 02 Aug 2010
71 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 4 Change and Innovation: What are the obstacles to change in complex health organisations in the UK? Sue Dopson, Keith Ruddle, Andrew Pettigrew, Allan Cole 02 Aug 2010
72 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 2 Healthcare Service Innovations: How do we provide high quality healthcare with decreased resources globally? Steve Fairman, Keith Willet, Thulsi Ravilla, Peter McCulloch 02 Aug 2010
73 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 1 Innovation to Practice: What are the challanges to bringing innovative drugs and devices into healthcare delivery and practice globally? Lionel Tarassenko, Constantin Coussios, Peter Dobson, Christopher Elias 02 Aug 2010
74 Medical Innovation 2010: Opening Remarks and Keynote Address Opening remarks for the Medical Innovation 2010 Conference and a Keynote Address given by Prof Baron Peter Piot, The Institute for Global Health, Imperial College London, 'Harnessing Innovation to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Global Health Landscape' Sue Dopson, Andrew Hamilton, Peter Piot 02 Aug 2010
75 The Kadoorie Study in China Zhengming Chen, Professor of Epidemiology, gives a talk on the Kadoorie Biobank study, a joint Chinese and British study looking at the lifestyles of 500,000 people and presents some of the findings that can be used to influence public health policy. Zhengming Chen 29 Apr 2009
76 Richard Doll: his revolutionary life Conrad Keating, biographer of Richard Doll, lectures on the life of the cancer epidemiologist and lifelong socialist who contributed much to our understanding of the effects of smoking and changed the way we regard smoking and public health. Conrad Keating 28 Apr 2009
77 Chris Patten on Politics and Public Health Lord Patten, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, discusses his political perceptions of epidemiology in the UK, and in developing and emerging countries. Chris Patten 23 Apr 2009