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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 A Good Science Read: The importance of Mathematics and Engineering Professor Marcus du Sautoy joins Professor Frances Ashcroft to discuss A Mathematician’s Apology by GH Hardy and Exactly: How Engineers Created the Modern World by Simon Winchester. Frances Ashcroft, Marcus du Sautoy 18 Mar 2024
2 Creative Commons Anthropology, Philosophy and Symmetrisation Philippe Descola, one of Anthropology's most influential figures, invites us to go beyond the traditional boundaries of nature and culture and redefine our understanding of humanity's relationship with the world around us. Philippe Descola, Luise Eder 02 Oct 2023
3 Strachey Lecture: Symmetry and Similarity An introduction to algorithmic aspects of symmetry and similarity, ranging from the fundamental complexity theoretic "Graph Isomorphism Problem" to applications in optimisation and machine learning Martin Grohe 16 Feb 2023
4 The Sound of Symmetry - Marcus du Sautoy Symmetry has played a role both for composers and in the creation of musical instruments. Marcus du Sautoy 24 May 2017
5 Topology and the Classification of Matter: New Physics Hidden in Plain Sight Third lecture "More is different" - how states of matter emerge from quantum theory Saturday morning of Theoretical Physics. With Professor Steve Simon, introduction by Professor John WheelerThird Steve Simon 01 Nov 2016
6 Fermionic Exchange Symmetry: Quantifying its Influence beyond Pauli’s Exclusion Principle The Pauli exclusion principle has a strong impact on the properties and the behavior of most fermionic quantum systems. Remarkably, even stronger restrictions on fermionic natural occupation numbers follow from the fermionic exchange symmetry. Felix Tennie 11 Oct 2016
7 Creative Commons Symmetry, Spaces and Undecidability - Martin Bridson The understanding of the possible geometries in dimension 3 is one of the triumphs of 20th century mathematics. In this talk Martin Bridson explains why such an understanding is impossible in higher dimensions. Martin Bridson 07 Dec 2015
8 Give us a hand Oxford Sparks explore what chirality is. Jo Dunkley, Alain Goriely, Robert Llewellyn 18 May 2015
9 Forbidden Crystal Symmetry: Mathematics and architecture - Roger Penrose World-renowned mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford University, describes how crystalline symmetries are necessarily 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, or 6-fold. Roger Penrose 04 Dec 2014
10 Forbidden Crystal Symmetry: Mathematics and architecture World-renowned mathematician Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford University, describes how crystalline symmetries are necessarily 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, or 6-fold. Roger Penrose 02 Oct 2014
11 Symmetry: a talk based on his second book, Finding Moonshine - Marcus du Sautoy Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about symmetry and how the rules of symmetry influences our lives and the choices we make. Marcus du Sautoy 14 Jan 2014