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Creative Commons |
Nidhi (treasure) in the Jayadrathayāmala, a 10th century tantric compendium from Kashmir (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Olga Serbaeva describes how the Jayadrathayāmala envisaged magically discovered nidhi (treasure) as an integral part of its soteriological program. |
Olga Serbaeva, Robert Mayer |
04 Mar 2025 |
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Creative Commons |
The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Turkey |
A launch event for ‘The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Turkey’ (OUP), jointly convened by the MEC and SEESOX, with panellists Caroline Tee, Fabio Vicini, Sertaç Sehlikoğlu, and Stefan Williamson Fa. |
Caroline Tee, Fabio Vicini, Sertac Sehlikoğlu, Stefan Williamson Fa |
30 Jan 2025 |
3 |
Writing Middle Eastern Lives: Biography in Modern Arab History |
Sonja Mejcher-Atassi, author of ‘An Impossible Friendship’, Marilyn Booth, author of ‘The Career and Communities of Zaynab Fawwaz’, and Peter Hill, author of ‘Prophet of Reason’, discuss the writing of biography in modern Middle Eastern history. |
Sonja Mejcher-Atassi, Marilyn Booth, Peter Hill, Eugene Rogan |
29 Nov 2024 |
4 |
The Brazilian Kafka: Clarice Lispector |
Dubbed "the Brazilian Kafka", the writer Clarice Lispector wrote an experimental text that seems to echo the "Metamorphosis" in a number of ways. |
Claire Williams, Karen Leeder |
03 Jun 2024 |
5 |
'The hooly blisful martir for to seke' Manuscripts with Chaucer’s pilgrims |
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales tell the story of pilgrims 'from every shires ende / Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende’. Experience these journeys, both real and imagined, through medieval manuscripts from the Bodleian collection live under the visualiser. |
Alison Ray, Andrew Dunning |
03 Apr 2024 |
6 |
Helen Parish |
Meet Worcester's Senior Tutor. |
Helen Parish, David Isaac |
15 May 2023 |
7 |
Jihad, Radicalism, and the New Atheism |
Professor Mohammad Khalil scrutinises the claim by New Atheists like Richard Dawkins that Islam is a fundamentally violent religion |
Mohammad Khalil, Eugene Rogan |
07 Feb 2023 |
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Creative Commons |
Book Launch: Pacted Democracy in the Middle East: Tunisia and Egypt in Comparative Perspective |
A new theoretical framework for how democracy can emerge in the Middle East and wider Muslim world, where political conflicts over religion often predominate. |
Hicham Alaoui, Michael Willis |
23 Dec 2022 |
9 |
Collapsing Time with Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz |
The 2022 Terra Lectures in American Art centre on Latinx art, with an emphasis on Chicanx (Mexican American) artists, and the theme of migration – of people, ideas, and artworks, from the seventeenth century to today. |
Charlene Villaseñor Black |
17 May 2022 |
10 |
Episode 8: Liberatory orientations in African(a) and South Asian philosophies |
In this episode, Aamir Kaderbhai (Mst Study of Religions), Heeyoung Tae (BA Philosophy, Politics, & Economics), and alicehank winham (MPhil Buddhist Studies) converse with Dr. Anatanand Rambachan (Professor of Religion at St. Olaf College), |
Aamir Kaderbhai, Heeyoung Tae, alicehank winham, Anatanand Rambachan |
08 Dec 2021 |
11 |
Michael Karayanni - Religion and State among the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel: A Multicultural Entrapment |
Michael Karayanni considers how the Israeli construction of religion and politics shapes the live Palestinian-Arabs in the state. |
Michael Karayanni |
18 Nov 2021 |
12 |
Episode 5: A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor and cross-cultural philosophy with Dr. Roy Tzohar |
In this episode, MPhil Buddhist Studies students Cody Fuller and alicehankwinham interview Professor Tzohar (associate professor in the East and South Asian Studies Department at Tel Aviv University). |
Cody Fuller, alicehankwinham, Roy Tzohar |
04 Nov 2021 |
13 |
Episode 4: Academic, Moral, and Spiritual Philosophy from the Ramakrishna Order |
Dylan Watts (UG physics and philosophy) and Aamir Kaderbhai (MSt study of religion) interview Swami Medhananda, ordained monk of the Ramakrishna Order and Senior Research Fellow at the Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, Mysore, India |
Dylan Watts, Aamir Kaderbha, Swami Medhananda |
04 Nov 2021 |
14 |
Episode 3: Approaches to South Asian philosophies |
Aamir Kaderbhai and Heeyoung Tae interview Mini Chandran, Professor in the department of humanities and social sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and Parimal Patil, Professor of Religion and Indian Philosophy at Harvard University. |
Aamir Kaderbhai, Heeyoung Tae, Mini Chandran, Parimal Patil |
04 Nov 2021 |
15 |
Episode 2: How students grapple with specialising in marginalised philosophies |
How do you make marginalised philosophies accessible? What are the challenges to South Asian and African(a) philosophy specialists within Anglo-European universities? Find out more in this episode. |
Srutokirti Basak, Aamir Kaderbhai, Jonathan Egid |
20 Oct 2021 |
16 |
Dostoevsky at 200: A roundtable |
An event with leading scholars and the novelist Alex Christofi, to mark the bicentenary of Dostoevsky's birth by discussing new approaches to the work and life of this titanic figure. |
Yuri Corrigan, Lynn Ellen Patyk, Alex Christofi, Caryl Emerson |
28 May 2021 |
17 |
The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands |
In this seminar we hosted David Anderson of Warwick University as he presented on "The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands". |
David Anderson |
12 Mar 2021 |
18 |
The Place of Religion After the Uprisings |
Dr. Shadi Hamid (Brookings Institution; contributing writer, The Atlantic) and Professor Nadia Oweidat (Kansas State University) give a talk for the Middle East Centre Friday seminar series. Chaired by Dr Usaama al-Azami (St Antony's College). |
Shadi Hamid, Nadia Oweidat, Usaama al-Azami |
26 Feb 2021 |
19 |
Iraq and Lebanon – Revolt Against Sectarianism? |
Maha Yahya (PhD, Director, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre) Maysoon Pachachi (Film director) give a talk for the Middle East Studies Centre. Chaired by Professor Eugene Rogan (St. Antony's College, Oxford). |
Maha Yahya, Maysoon Pachachi, Eugene Rogan |
23 Feb 2021 |
20 |
Forcing the End Times: US Christian Zionism and Israel |
Breakout session on 'Religion, Peace and Conflict.' First talk: Carlo Aldrovandi, Ph.D. candidate, Peace Studies, Univ. of Bradford, on 'Forcing the End Times: US Christian Zionism and Israel'. |
Carlo Aldrovandi |
11 Jan 2021 |
21 |
Challenging the Limited View - The Case of the Women in Mosques Movement |
Part of the Middle East Centre Women's Rights Research Seminars. With Dr Mine Yildirim Chair: Dr Nazila Ghanea (Department for Continuing Education,University of Oxford). |
Mine Yildirim, Nazila Ghanea |
06 Nov 2020 |
22 |
Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation |
For this seminar today we hosted Kwasi Konadu (Colgate University). Professor Konadu, Colgate University, spoke about his book, Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation. |
Kwasi Konadu |
23 Oct 2020 |
23 |
Live Event: Imagined Journeys: Pilgrimage, Diplomacy, and Colonialism in Medieval Europe |
TORCH Goes Digital! presents a series of weekly live events Big Tent - Live Events!. Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme, one of the founding stones for the future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities. |
Marion Turner, Matthew Kneale |
21 Oct 2020 |
24 |
Justice and Islamic Law: Mazalim Courts and Legal Reform |
Professor Jonathan Brown, Georgetown University, gives a talk for the Middle East seminar series. Chaired by Dr Usaama al-Azami (St Antony's College). |
Jonathan Brown, Usaama al-Azami |
29 Jan 2020 |
25 |
Creative Commons |
Sensing the Sacred: The Materiality and Aurality of Religious Texts |
Laetitia Pilgrim, a final year history student at Queen's, gives a talk to accompany her exhibition at The Queen's college. |
Laetitia Pilgrim |
20 Nov 2019 |
26 |
‘Arriving before us’: seeing, ingenuity and imagination in Dante: Simon Gilson's Inaugural lecture |
During his inaugural lecture, Professor Gilson will show how ideas about vision and cognate faculties such as the wits and the imagination are central to Dante’s masterpiece, the Commedia. |
Simon Gilson |
22 Oct 2019 |
27 |
Creative Commons |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
Diarmaid MacCulloch speaks with Stanley Ulijaszek |
Diarmaid MacCulloch, Stanley Ulijaszek |
02 Sep 2019 |
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Religion, War and Terrorism |
In this New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar, Professor Tony Coady argues that religion does not have an inherent tendency towards violence, including particularly war and terrorism. |
Professor Tony Coady |
01 May 2019 |
29 |
Inside Tunisia's al-Nahda: Between Politics and Preaching |
Rory McCarthy (Magdalen College, Oxford) gives a talk for the Middle East Centre seminar series, chaired by Michael Willis (St Antony's College). |
Rory McCarthy, Michael Willis |
01 May 2019 |
30 |
Creative Commons |
The Folly of Secularism Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context. Session 3: Israel: a dialogue between Yehouda Shenhav (Tel Aviv) and Yaacov Yadgar (Oxford) |
Yehouda Shenhav and Yaacov Yadgar discuss the uses and misuses of a discourse on “Judaism” in Israel. Session 3 in a series of three. |
Yehouda Shenhav, Yuval Evri, Yaacov Yadgar |
03 Apr 2019 |
31 |
Creative Commons |
The Folly of Secularism Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context. Session 1 Religion and Politics: a dialogue between William Cavanaugh (DePaul) and Timothy Fitzgerald (Centre for Critical Research on Religion) |
Timothy Fitzgerald and William Cavanaugh discuss the politics and history of the conceptual duality and its current usages. First session in a series of three |
Timothy Fitzgerald, William Cavanaugh |
03 Apr 2019 |
32 |
Theologians and their audience: persuasion or advocacy? |
Fourth and final video of the 2019 Hensley Henson series, with Prof Morwenna Ludlow, The University of Exeter. |
Morwenna Ludlow |
07 Mar 2019 |
33 |
Making and being made: the craft of words as discipleship |
Third lecture in the 2019 Hensley Henson series, with Prof Morwenna Ludlow, The University of Exeter. |
Morwenna Ludlow |
21 Feb 2019 |
34 |
The theologian as wordsmith: a 'good man expert in speaking'? |
Second lecture in the 2019 Hensley Henson series, with Prof Morwenna Ludlow, The University of Exeter. |
Morwenna Ludlow |
08 Feb 2019 |
35 |
Good words: for profit or for pleasure? |
First lecture in the 2019 Hensley Henson lecture series. With Prof Morwenna Ludlow, The University of Exeter. |
Morwenna Ludlow |
24 Jan 2019 |
36 |
David Nicholls Memorial Annual Lecture, 2018: Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch: 'The Politics of Sex and Gender in Christian History' |
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, Kt, FBA, FSA, FRHistS, gives the 2018 David Nicholls Lecture, on the theme: 'The Politics of Sex and Gender in Christian History'. |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
22 Oct 2018 |
37 |
Creative Commons |
Computational Literary Studies and Mental Health |
A project combining English literature, experimental psychology, and computational linguistics, with a focus on entropy, abstraction, and mental health. |
James Carney, Emily Troscianko |
12 Sep 2018 |
38 |
Creative Commons |
John Dunston speaks to Kate McLoughlin |
John Dunston and Kate McLoughlin explore varieties of religious silence and the relationship between silence and commemoration. |
John Dunston, Kate McLoughlin |
30 Jul 2018 |
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Creative Commons |
Why I Am a Hindu |
Shashi Tharoor speaks at St Antony's College on 6 June 2018 |
Shashi Tharoor |
20 Jun 2018 |
40 |
The Religion of Thomas Cromwell (part 2) |
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church, gives the fourth and final lecture in the Hensley Henson 2018 series. |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
12 Jun 2018 |
41 |
Cromwell and the Monasteries (part 2) |
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church, gives the third lecture in the Hensley Henson 2018 series. |
Professor of the History of the Church |
12 Jun 2018 |
42 |
Cromwell and the Monasteries (part 1) |
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church, gives the second lecture in the Hensley Henson 2018 series. |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
12 Jun 2018 |
43 |
The Religion of Thomas Cromwell (part 1) |
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church, gives the first lecture in the Hensley Henson 2018 series. |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
12 Jun 2018 |
44 |
Thomas Aquinas on Bodily Identity |
Book at Lunchtime, Thomas Aquinas on Bodily Identity |
Philip Bullock, Antonia Fitzpatrick, Cecilia Trifogli, William Wood |
12 Jun 2018 |
45 |
Pfarrerin Dr Cornelia Kulawik speaks to Kate McLoughlin |
Pfarrerin Dr Cornelia Kulawik, Pastor of Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Berlin-Dahlem, and Kate McLoughlin discuss changing modes of commemoration in Germany and the role of the church in reconciliation past and present. |
Cornelia Kulawik, Kate McLoughlin |
24 Apr 2018 |
46 |
The Very Revd John Witcombe speaks to Rita Phillips |
The Very Reverend John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry Cathedral, talks to Rita Phillips about the Coventry Cross of Nails and the power of such symbols in building solidarity in post-conflict societies around the world. |
John Witcombe, Rita Phillips |
24 Apr 2018 |
47 |
Religious Freedom in Turkey |
Alexandre Toumarkine (INALCO, Paris) talks about religious freedom in Turkey. |
Alexandre Toumarkine |
03 Apr 2018 |
48 |
Grave Stones: Panel-led Workshop 2 |
This workshop explored the significance of plastic commemoration, both sacred and secular, focusing on places of worship, funerary sites and sculpture, and memorial monuments. |
Cornelia Kulawik, John Witcombe, Silke Arnold-de Simine, Charles Gurrey |
28 Mar 2018 |
49 |
Ethnicised Religion and Sacralised Ethnicity in the Past and the Present |
An expert panel discusses the phenomenon of ethnicisation of religious identifications focussing especially on the nexus of religious, ethnic and national identifications in colonial, anti-colonial and postcolonial settings from Ireland to South Asia. |
Elisabeth Bolorinos Allard, Faisal Devji, Peter Leary, Ilya Afanasyev |
22 Feb 2018 |
50 |
What does it mean to be LGBT+ today? |
2018's annual lecture, organised by the LGBT+ Staff Network, will be delivered by Asad Dhunna, a London based marketing and communications director. Asad has written for various publications including the Guardian and the Huffington Post. |
Asad Dhunna |
21 Feb 2018 |
51 |
Listeneth now and beth not deaf! |
A travelling preacher recites a poem, warning about the horrors of death. MS. Add. E. 6 (R). Copied in the late 1200s. Read by Daniel Wakelin. |
Daniel Wakelin |
16 Jan 2018 |
52 |
VoxPop 2: Christmas |
Episode 2 of VoxPop, the Oxford Classics Podcast |
Gail Trimble, Emma Searle, Jas Elsner, Dominic Dalglish |
05 Jan 2018 |
53 |
Mediatising religious education: BBC radio and television for children and schools, c.1920s-1970s |
Professor Stephen G Parker, University of Worcester, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by Department of Education's Philosophy, Religion and Education Forum. |
Stephen Parker |
11 Dec 2017 |
54 |
Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions |
Book at Lunchtime held on 8th November 2017. |
Gervase Rosser, Georgi Parpulov, Stefanie Lenk, Kate Cooper |
27 Nov 2017 |
55 |
Singing the Reformation in English |
A Historical and Practical Introduction to Miles Coverdale’s Goostly Psalmes and Spirituall Songes by Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics and Fellow of St Edmund Hall. |
Henrike Lähnemann |
15 Nov 2017 |
56 |
Lincoln Leads in History |
This Lincoln Leads instalment debates a long standing historical inquiry: 'Is revolution always about religion?' |
Samuel Brewitt-Taylor, George Artley, Richard Spencer, Sarah Bochicchio |
22 Sep 2017 |
57 |
A Brilliant Jewel: Celibacy and its Malcontents in the Brazilian Catholic Church |
In this Departmental Seminar, Maya Mayblin (University of Edinburgh) discusses the relatively late and most challenged rule in the Brazilian Catholic Church - celibacy. 4 November 2016. |
Maya Mayblin |
31 Jul 2017 |
58 |
Transformation through Ritual: Bodies as Sacred Space |
A seminar of the Anthropology Research Group at Oxford on Eastern Medicines and Religions. Dr Ann R. David (University of Roehampton) focuses on Tamil worshippers in the UK to discuss the role of ritual in religion and dance. 18 January 2017. |
Ann R. David |
26 Jul 2017 |
59 |
Representing the Muslim in America |
Linda Moreno gives a talk for the Mansfield College seminar series. |
Linda Moreno |
14 Jul 2017 |
60 |
Creative Commons |
Literature and Silence |
Research into multiple Quaker congregations. |
Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Kate McLoughlin |
23 Jun 2017 |
61 |
Book Launch: Islam: The Essentials |
Professor Tariq Ramadan (St Antony's College) launches his new book; Islam: The Essentials on May 9th 2017. |
Tariq Ramadan |
12 Jun 2017 |
62 |
Murder or a Legitimate Medical Procedure: the Withdrawal of Artificial Nutrition & Fluids from a Patient in a Persistent Vegetative Condition |
In this talk, Professor John Paris asks "What is the historical meaning of "ordinary means" to sustain human life? And what has been the understanding for over 500 years of Catholic moral analysis of the obligation to sustain life?" |
Fr. John Paris |
06 Jun 2017 |
63 |
The Remedy: Introduction |
In this short podcast, Naomi Richman introduces the series, 'The Remedy' by offering some history and context to contemporary discussions about health and healing. |
Naomi Richman |
08 May 2017 |
64 |
Creative Commons |
Transforming Memory: Community Recollections of Inter-Religious Peace and Conflict in Myanmar |
Phyu Phyu Thi and Matthew J. Walton speak at the Southeast Asia Seminar on 1 March 2017. |
Phyu Phyu Thi, Matthew J. Walton |
10 Apr 2017 |
65 |
Freedom of Religion and Belief: John Milton Lecture |
Professor Lord (David) Alton of Liverpool gives the 2017 John Milton Lecture. |
Lord David Alton |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Creative Commons |
Islam in Europe |
Part of the Middle East Centre Seminar Series, with Nilüfer Göle, Tariq Modood and Tariq Ramadan (chair). Held on 17th February 2017. |
Nilüfer Göle, Tariq Modood, Tariq Ramadan |
28 Feb 2017 |
67 |
Henry VIII Renaissance Medal |
On Henry VIII and the Founding of the Church of England Minted at London in 1545, this medal shows a bust of Henry VIII, with inscriptions in Hebrew and Greek on the reverse. |
Diarmaid MacCulloch |
23 Jan 2017 |
68 |
Book launch: Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt |
Roundtable Discussion and Launch of Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt by Hatsuki Aishima (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka) with Morgan Clarke (University of Oxford). The event will be chaired by Laurent Mignon (University of Oxford). |
Hatsuki Aishima |
09 Jan 2017 |
69 |
The Remedy: Humanism |
In this episode, Naomi Richman interviews David Flint, Vice-Chair of the North London Humanists to find out what humanism can offer the sick. They discuss the role of modern medicine and the possibilities of living forever. |
Naomi Richman, David Flint |
16 Nov 2016 |
70 |
The Remedy: Christianity |
In this episode, Naomi Richman interviews Rev. Jody Stowell about Christian attitudes to health and understandings of healing. Starting by looking at Jesus' treatment of the sick, they move on to discussing the role of faith-healing in today's context. |
Naomi Richman, Jody Stowell |
16 Nov 2016 |
71 |
Religion and belief in Britain: The Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life |
Dr Edward Kessler, University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series on 7th November 2016. |
Edward Kessler |
08 Nov 2016 |
72 |
The Concept of 'Umma' in Early Islam |
Fred Donner (University of Chicago) addresses the nebulous, often misunderstood concept of 'umma' in early Islam |
Fred Donner |
07 Jul 2016 |
73 |
The Role of Religion in Identity |
Julia Bray (University of Oxford) delivers a keynote lecture on the role of religion in identity |
Julia Bray |
07 Jul 2016 |
74 |
Creative Commons |
Political wisdom and deep devotion: The introduction of the Reformation in Southern Lower Saxony by Elisabeth of Brandenburg, Duchess of Calenberg-Gottingen |
Ruth Gornandt gives a talk for the Women's responses to the Reformation, held in Oxford on 23rd June 2016. |
Ruth Gornandt |
28 Jun 2016 |
75 |
Creative Commons |
Danish Noblewomen's Use of Manuscript Prayer Books c. 1550-1600 |
Marie Møller Christensen gives a talk for the Women's responses to the Reformation, held in Oxford on 23rd June 2016. |
Marie Møller Christensen |
28 Jun 2016 |
76 |
Creative Commons |
Textual Negotiation and Resistance of Female Religious Communities Facing Reformation |
Elizabeth Goodwin gives a talk for the Women's responses to the Reformation, held in Oxford on 23rd June 2016. |
Elizabeth Goodwin |
28 Jun 2016 |
77 |
Creative Commons |
Should Europe introduce a ‘right to blaspheme’? |
Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’. |
Alain Bouldoires |
16 Jun 2016 |
78 |
Creative Commons |
Giles Fraser on free speech and religion |
Giles Fraser, commentator and Anglican priest, talks with Free Speech Debate about the relationship between free speech and religion, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. |
Giles Fraser |
16 Jun 2016 |
79 |
Creative Commons |
Mark Thompson on the BBC and religion |
The director general of the BBC explains why it aired Jerry Springer: The Opera, and talks about different responses to Christianity and Islam. |
Mark Thompson |
16 Jun 2016 |
80 |
The charm of 'things': ethnography and performance |
Marta Rosa Jardim (UNIFESP, Brazil) examines the role of sculptures of Hindu gods in Mozambique and the influence of art history on her anthropological research (20 May 2016) |
Marta Rosa Jardim |
15 Jun 2016 |
81 |
Profane relations: the irony of offensive jokes in India |
Andrew Sanchez (Kent) discusses why a multi-ethnic workforce in eastern India exchanges jokes about each other's religion and cultures as a form of irony (19 February 2016) |
Andrew Sanchez |
15 Jun 2016 |
82 |
Early Christian Gold Glass |
Prof. Alison Cooley and Dr Jane Masséglia from the Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project, talking about the symbols and celebrations of early Christians in the Roman Empire. |
Alison Cooley, Jane Masséglia |
26 Apr 2016 |
83 |
Birds in heaven: social positioning of lost babies and their mothers in Qatar |
In this Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group seminar, Susie Kilshaw (UCL), discusses the impact of pregnancy and loss on mothers and fathers, and other family members, in Qatar, 2 November 2015 |
Susie Kilshaw |
14 Mar 2016 |
84 |
Creative Commons |
Microbes and other spirits |
In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, César Enrique Giraldo Herrera (Oxford) discusses the role of hallucinogenics in interpreting reality and the role of visions in Lowland South America, 23 October 2015 (the opening few seconds are missing) |
César Enrique Giraldo Herrera |
14 Mar 2016 |
85 |
Creative Commons |
Crossing religious borders: Jewish Cabo Verdeans |
In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Alma Gottlieb (Illinois) discusses the blend of religious traditions that have developed on the Cape Verde islands, particularly early Jewish settlers, 6 November 2015 |
Alma Gottlieb |
14 Mar 2016 |
86 |
Is Religion Really Violent? |
Lecture given by Karen Armstrong (author of 'Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence') at St Antony's Middle East Centre on 13th November 2015. |
Karen Armstrong |
03 Dec 2015 |
87 |
'David Miller’s Political Philosophy' Panel 2 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Religious Freedom, Public Space and Democratic Self-Determination' and 'Fertility, Mortality, and National Responsibility.' This conference was held to honour David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Cécile Laborde, Andrew Williams, Simon Caney |
14 Oct 2015 |
88 |
Creative Commons |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 1: Religion and Politics in Egyptian Public Opinion |
Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Mazen Hassan, Hisham Hellyer, Stephen Whitefield |
16 Sep 2015 |
89 |
Creative Commons |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Keynote: Religiosity and Politics in Egypt |
His Grace Bishop Angaelos delivered this address as part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Bishop Angaelos, Elisabeth Kendall |
16 Sep 2015 |
90 |
A Dose of Wittgenstein |
Mark Siderits (Seoul National University emeritus) gives the eleventh talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Mark Siderits |
13 Aug 2015 |
91 |
Linguistic and Philosophical Integration of Madhyamaka: Some Reflections |
Mattia Salvini (Mahidol University) gives the tenth talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Mattia Salvini |
13 Aug 2015 |
92 |
Ninth talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop |
Parimal Patil (Harvard University), gives the ninth talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Parimal Patil |
13 Aug 2015 |
93 |
Quantum Mechanics and Deep Interconnectness |
Michel Bitbol (Centre Nationale de la Recherce Scientifique, Paris), gives the eighth talk in the New Madhaymaka workshop. |
Michel Bitbol |
13 Aug 2015 |
94 |
Perspectivalism and Madhyamaka |
Charles Goodman, (Binghampton University), gives the sixth talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Charles Goodman |
13 Aug 2015 |
95 |
The Fifth Corner of Four |
Graham Priest, (Graduate Centre, City University of New York), gives the fourth talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Graham Priest |
13 Aug 2015 |
96 |
Madhyamaka, Consciousness and Mental Causation |
Sonam Thakchoe (University of Tasmania), gives the third talk in the New Madhymaka workshop |
Sonam Thakchoe |
13 Aug 2015 |
97 |
Modern Philosophical Tools and Classic Madhyamaka Texts |
Jay Garfield (Yale/National University of Singapore) gives the second talk in the New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Jay Garfield |
13 Aug 2015 |
98 |
Introduction to the New Madhyamaka workshop |
Jan Westerhoff, Associate Professor of Religious Ethics at the University of Oxford, introduces The New Madhyamaka workshop. |
Jan Westerhoff |
13 Aug 2015 |
99 |
John Milton Fellowship Annual Lecture - Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence |
The fourth in our lecture series for Hilary Term 2015, given in the JCR at Mansfield College by Karen Armstrong -- Author and commentator. |
Karen Armstrong |
07 Aug 2015 |
100 |
Reasoning with Plenitude |
Roger White (MIT) gives the final talk in the New Insights in Religious Epistemology International Conference, held in Oxford in June 2015. |
Roger White |
14 Jul 2015 |