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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Historian and trip scholar for Spectacular Ceylon, Dr Maria Misra (Christ Church, 1982) Dr Maria Misra shares her experiences as both a student and academic at Oxford University, as well as her love of South Asia, in this podcast. Maria Misra 26 Oct 2015
2 Creative Commons Foreign correspondent Bethany Bell (Keble, 1987) BBC journalist Bethany Bell shares her love of Vienna and talks about her experiences as a reporter in this first interview in a new podcast series. Bethany Bell 19 May 2015
3 Partial Differential Equations: Origins, Developments and Roles in the Changing World - Gui-Qiang George Chen Professor Gui-Qiang G. Chen presents in his inaugural lecture several examples to illustrate the origins, developments, and roles of partial differential equations in our changing world. Gui-Qiang George Chen 15 Jan 2014
4 Delete: Forgetting in the Digital Age Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute Viktor Mayer-Schönberger gives the Keble London lecture 2012. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger 11 Jan 2013
5 Creative Commons Creativity Lecture 8: Creativity as a neuroscientific mystery Prof. Margaret Boden (Philosophy, Sussex) delivers a lecture as part of the Keble College Creativity series. Margaret Boden 28 May 2012
6 Creative Commons Distributed Creativity in Musical Performance Professor Eric F. Clarke gives a talk for the Keble College Creativity series on creativity in musical performances. Eric F Clarke 17 May 2012
7 The Other Within: An Anthropology of Englishness Professor Chris Gosden talks about what it means to be English with reference to a project at the Pitt Rivers Museum called 'The Other Within'. Chris Gosden 27 Feb 2012
8 Creativity Lecture 5: The Neuroscience of Creativity Professor Susan Greenfield explains how neuroscience can make innovative contributions to creativity by offering a perspective at the level of the physical brain. Susan Greenfield 06 Feb 2012
9 Partial Differential Equations: Origins, Developments and Roles in the Changing World Professor Gui-Qiang G. Chen presents in his inaugural lecture several examples to illustrate the origins, developments, and roles of partial differential equations in our changing world. Gui-Qiang George Chen 22 Dec 2010
10 Creative Commons Understanding Creativity Dr Chris Gosden gives a talk on creativity and artefacts and the development of tools and objects throughout human history. Delivered in Keble College as part of the OXford Alumni Weekend 2010. Chris Gosden 20 Oct 2010
11 Creative Commons Carbon Dating: The Science of When Things Happen Dr Thomas Higham gives a talk on Carbon Dating; the way in which scientists establish the age of ancient and prehistoric artefacts. This lecture was delivered at Keble College as part of the Oxford Alumni Weekend 2010. Thomas Higham 20 Oct 2010
12 Science and multivocal practice at Catalhoyuk Professor Ian Hodder (Stanford University) talks to the School of Archaeology, University of Oxford. Ian Hodder 25 Mar 2010