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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Animal Eyes on the Planet (3/3): The Aesthetics of an Intangible World In this third and last podcast Berlin and the Oxford creative collaboration on Climate Crisis Thinking we work with the Japan’s indigenous Ainu culture and history to explore how artists can respond to intangible aspects of the world and express them. Amanda Power, Nina Fischer, Hana Yoo, Eiko Soga 12 Apr 2021
2 Animal Eyes on the Planet (2/3): The Felt Knowledge of a More-Than-Human-World In this second podcast from the Berlin and the Oxford creative collaboration on Climate Crisis Thinking we acquaint ourselves with the Japan’s indigenous Ainu culture and history. Amanda Power, Nina Fischer, Eiko Soga, Lisa Maria Steppacher 18 Mar 2021
3 Behind The Scenes of The Sound of Contagion The “Sound of Contagion” explores what a society of contagion can sound like and how technology can illuminate 2020 pandemic and others throughout history. Rob Laidlow, Wenzel Mehnert, Chelsea Haith 18 Dec 2020
4 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: New politics for surviving the Anthropocene Professor Mark Maslin (UCL) presents 'New politics for surviving the Anthropocene' at OxPeace 2019. Mark Maslin 08 Jul 2019
5 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Options for a Global Food System Professor Sir Charles Godfray (Oxford Martin School) presents 'Options for a Global Food System' at OxPeace 2019. Charles Godfray 08 Jul 2019
6 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Global Heating: too big for politics? Professor Franz Baumann (NYU) presents 'Global Heating: too big for politics?' at OxPeace 2019. Franz Baumann 08 Jul 2019
7 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: A kaleidoscope of problems and responses Reverend Dr Liz Carmichael chairs 'Building peace in the anthropocene? A kaleidoscope of problems and responses' with Prof. Heather Bouman (Oxford), Prof. Romola Davenport (Cambridge), Dr Coline Covington, Dr Daniel Ruiz and Oluwasolape Onafowora. Liz Carmichael, Heather Bouman, Romola Davenport, Coline Covington 08 Jul 2019
8 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Feeding the World, Happily, Equitably and Sustainably Federica d'Allessandra chairs a plenary session on 'Feeding the World, Happily, Equitably and Sustainably', featuring Professor Sir Charles Godfray (Oxford Martin School), Brian Lander (Deputy Director, WFP, Geneva) and Professor Mark Maslin (UCL). Federica d'Allessandra, Charles Godfray, Brian Lander, Mark Maslin 08 Jul 2019
9 OxPeace 2019: Peace in the Anthropocene: Opening Plenary: The situation we are in Dr Isabella Bunn (Human Rights law, Regent's Park College) chairs the opening plenary with Professor Franz Baumann (NYU) and Professor Henry Shue (Oxford). Isabella Bunn, Franz Baumann, Henry Shue 08 Jul 2019
10 Creative Commons The metabolism of a human-dominated planet Yadvinder Malhi, Director of the Oxford Centre ofr Tropical Forests, gives a talk for the Oxford Martin School. Yadvinder Malhi 18 Aug 2015
11 Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Conservation after Nature An interdisciplinary discussion of Jamie Lorimer's book Jamie Lorimer, William Beinart, Daniel Grimley, Nikolaj Lübecker 06 May 2015
12 Creative Commons Are we bigger than the biosphere? An ecologist's examination of our human dominated planet. Prof Yadvinder Malhi delivers the 2nd School of Geography and the Environment Annual Lecture at the Royal Geographical Society on 12 February 2015. Yadvinder Malhi 24 Mar 2015
13 Creative Commons Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Environmentalism without nature This lecture by Jamie Lorimer explores new ways of thinking and doing environmentalism that need not make recourse to nature. Jamie Lorimer 02 Oct 2014