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St Anne's stands out in Oxford as a college that is down to earth, modern, informal and open to the world. It also has a determined sense of its academic purpose.
It began in 1879 offering a university education to women who otherwise would have found it unaffordable. It became a full College of the University in 1952. It has taken both men and women since 1979, and is now one of Oxford's largest colleges, with over 400 undergraduates and 150 graduates.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
28 | How bad is the current crisis of American democracy? | Professor Adam Smith gives a talk to alumni entitled "How bad is the current crisis of American democracy?" | Adam Smith | 04 Oct 2019 | |
27 | Creative Commons | At the Frontlines of Change: Feminist Leadership Transforming Lives - Devaki Jain Lecture | Noeleen Heyzer gives the 2016 Devaki Jain Lecture. | Noeleen Heyzer | 10 Mar 2017 |
26 | Our built heritage: a gem or a millstone? What's worth keeping and why? - St Anne's Gaudy Seminar 2016 | The 2016 St Anne's Gaudy Seminar. | Helen Ghosh, Caroline Stanford, Liane Hartley, Michael Fradley | 15 Nov 2016 | |
25 | The UK, Germany, and the European Union | Talk given by the former German Ambassador, Georg Boomgaarden, at St Anne's College in November 2014. Part of the inaugural international seminar and dinner at the College. | Georg Boomgaarden | 11 Mar 2015 | |
24 | Is the printed word dead? | Kathryn Sutherland, Drummond Moir and Sara Lloyd give talk for the St Anne's college Alumni Weekend 2014 | Kathryn Sutherland, Drummond Moir, Sara Lloyd | 15 Oct 2014 | |
23 | Diseases of Modern Life | Professor Sally Shuttleworth, Head of the Humanities Division, gives a talk for the St Anne's Alumni Weekend 2014 | Sally Shuttleworth | 15 Oct 2014 | |
22 | Mathematics in Medicine and Biology | Dr Sarah Waters (Fellow and Tutor in Applied Mathematics) gives a talk for the St Anne's College Maths reunion | Sarah Waters | 03 Feb 2014 | |
21 | A History of Maths at St Anne's | Dr Graham Nelson (Supernumerary Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics), gives a talk for the St Anne's College Maths reunion | Graham Nelson | 03 Feb 2014 | |
20 | Scaling Hilary: A world-class maths education for all | Junaid Mubeen (Mathematics, 2004), gives a talk for the St Anne's College MAthematics reuion | Junaid Mubeen | 03 Feb 2014 | |
19 | Creative Commons | Translation as Literature | Matthew Reynolds, Fellow and Tutor in English Language and Literature, Oxford, gives a talk for the 2013 Oxford Alumni Weekend. | Matthew Reynolds | 29 Oct 2013 |
18 | Creative Commons | Where will Tomorrow's Food Come From - and What will be the Consequences? | The St Anne's Gaudy Seminar explores the topic of food security, focusing in particular on sustainability, supply and demand, and aid and trade. How will science, ecology and consumers have an impact on how food is produced and distributed? | Tim Benton, Mary Atkinson | 30 Sep 2013 |
17 | Creative Commons | Rich and Poor in Britain in the Age of Dickens and Today | A lecture exploring the differences and similarities between the rich and poor of Dickens' era and that of today. Alison Jackson, Jane Humphries, Helen Small and Paul Donovan bring forward their views in a panel discussion. | Alison Jackson, Jane Humphries, Helen Small, Paul Donovan | 15 Oct 2012 |
16 | Creative Commons | Military Ethics Ancient and Modern | A talk from Matthew Leigh, Fellow and Tutor from St Anne's College, Oxford University, on Military Ethics; taken from the Alumni Weekend 2012. | Matthew Leigh | 15 Oct 2012 |
15 | St Anne's and the Sciences | A discussion with Professor Dame Linda Partridge and Professor Jean Golding which took place on Saturday 19th May as part of St Anne's 60th anniversary celebrations. | Linda Partridge, Jean Golding, Nina Alphey | 30 Jul 2012 | |
14 | Creative Commons | St Anne's and the Imagination | A discussion with Dame Penelope Lively and Professor Patrick McGuinness which took place on Saturday 19th May as part of St Anne's 60th anniversary celebrations. | Penelope Lively, Patrick McGuinness, David Smith | 30 Jul 2012 |
13 | Introduction to Project Management | Samantha Ackermere, a student at St Anne's College, Oxford, gives a talk on project management relative to large, complex projects. | Samantha Ackermere | 26 Apr 2012 | |
12 | Creative Commons | Metaphor and Synesthesia: Some Considerations on Expressive Blending | April Pierce, DPhil Researcher at St Anne's College, Oxford, gives a talk on Metaphor and Synesthesia, a neurological condition. | April Pierce | 26 Apr 2012 |
11 | Creative Commons | Philosophy Reunion Seminar: Emotion, Imagination and Education | Kathleen Lennon, Philosophy, University of Hull gives a Special Philosophy Seminar at St Anne's. Introduced by Roger Crisp, Oxford and featuring responses from Constantine Sandis and Dawn Wilson. | Kathleen Lennon, Roger Crisp, Constantine Sandis, Dawn Wilson | 05 Mar 2012 |
10 | An interview with Gabriele Taylor by Dr Nigel Bowles | An interview with the philosopher Gabriele Taylor (Senior Research Fellow at St Anne's) conducted by Dr Nigel Bowles (Director of the Rothermere American Institute). | Gabriele Taylor, Nigel Bowles | 20 Sep 2011 | |
9 | Creative Commons | International Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect | Professor Neil MacFarlane, Fellow in International Relations gives a talk on Humanitarian aid, the responsibility of the international community to protect individuals and groups on 18th June 2011. | Neil MacFarlane | 28 Jun 2011 |
8 | Creative Commons | Costume in Roman Comedy | From the St Anne's Classics Reunion. The role of costume in Roman comedy by Professor Matthew Leigh. | Matthew Leigh | 09 Mar 2011 |
7 | Creative Commons | Costume in Greek Tragedy | From the St Anne's Classics Reunion. The role of swords in Greek tragedy by Dr Rosie Wyles. | Rosie Wyles | 09 Mar 2011 |
6 | Creative Commons | A Florence Nightingale for the 21st Century | From the 2010 Alumni Weekend. Marjorie Reeves Memorial lecture given in St Anne's College. Mark Bostridge, author of the first major biography of Florence Nightingale in 50 years talks about the great woman's life and character. | Mark Bostridge | 25 Oct 2010 |
5 | Creative Commons | In Defense of Business Ethics - Said Business School Centre for Corporate Reputation | Roger Crisp gives a talk on business ethics as part of the Said Business School's Seminar - The ethics of reputation and the reputation of ethics: oxymoron or research subject? | Roger Crisp | 27 May 2010 |
4 | Creative Commons | Legal issues in state censorship | Peter McDonald and Liora Lazarus discuss the legal issues of state censorship especially in Apartheid era South Africa. | Peter McDonald, Liora Lazarus | 17 Nov 2009 |
3 | Interview with Frances Cairncross, Rector of Exeter College | Frances Cairncross, Rector of Exeter College and former managing editor of The Economist talks about the role of a College in teaching and research. | Frances Cairncross, Denis Noble | 26 May 2009 | |
2 | Genetics of Common Human Diseases | Peter Donnelly, one of the UK's leading statisticians and geneticists, discusses his involvement in recent projects aimed at understanding the genetics of common human diseases. | Peter Donnelly | 29 Apr 2009 | |
1 | Roger Crisp on Aristotle's Ethics | Roger Crisp, Uehiro Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, discusses the ethics of Aristotle. | Roger Crisp, Oliver Lewis | 12 Sep 2008 |