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Lunchtime talks delivered during the social media term at Oxford University covering a wide variety of social media topics.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
18 | Creative Commons | Crowdsourcing- The Oxford Community Collection Model | The Oxford Community Collection Model brings together online crowdsourcing with personal, face-to-face interaction. It has been used successfully in a range of ways from collating Anglo-Saxon teaching resources to memories of WW1. | Ylva Berglund Prytz | 13 Mar 2015 |
17 | Creative Commons | Widening Access to the British Library's Collections and Services | Dr Aquiles Alencar-Brayner walks through some of the extraordinary projects led at the British Library which aim to engage and encourage interaction with the general public. | Aquiles Alencar-Brayner | 16 Feb 2015 |
16 | Creative Commons | Exploring the Learning Benefits of Lecture Capture | Jill Fresen and Debra Garretson discuss the Lecture Capture project led at Oxford and the how the software can be used to offer students various benefits. | Jill Fresen, Debra Garretson | 16 Feb 2015 |
15 | Creative Commons | Tracking Your Impact | Dr Kathryn Eccles discusses her knowledge exchange work with TORCH and comments on the various ways you can monitor the impact of your projects. | Kathryn Eccles | 16 Feb 2015 |
14 | Creative Commons | IWM's 'Computer Club': Engaging staff with Digital Technologies | Simon Delafond and Jesse Alter explore the exciting staff initiative ('Computer Club') led at the Imperial War Museums which encourages colleagues to use digital technologies to support and enhance their work. | Simon Delafond, Jesse Alter | 16 Feb 2015 |
13 | Creative Commons | Livestreaming Events to Reach Global Audiences | Peter Robinson and Josh Carr explore the benefits of using Livestream to reach out to large audiences. | Peter Robinson, Joshua Carr | 16 Feb 2015 |
12 | Creative Commons | Bringing WW1 History into the Present with Twitter | Mechthild Herzog discusses how Twitter can be harnessed to engage large audiences with WW1 history in a range of creative ways. | Mechthild Herzog | 16 Feb 2015 |
11 | Creative Commons | Facebook Pages that Work | Liz McCarthy discusses a range of strategies for maximising the reach and effectiveness of your Facebook page. | Elizabeth McCarthy | 16 Feb 2015 |
10 | Creative Commons | Using Social Media to Extend the Reach of your Projects | Professor David Pyle discusses his public engagement work for the Department of Earth Sciences with specific reference to the London Volcano and Volcano top trumps project. | David Pyle | 16 Feb 2015 |
9 | Blogging and Twitter | Elizabeth Eva Leach, Tutorial Fellow in Music at Oxford, disseminates her research through her blog as well as using Twitter to encourage succinct scholarly exchange. | Elizabeth Eva Leach | 26 Nov 2012 | |
8 | Creative Commons | Social Media and your Career | How can social media become career tools? In this talk Lucy Hawkins, Careers Adviser at the University of Oxford, reveals the techniques of how to use social media for information gathering, active self-marketing and networking. | Lucy Hawkins | 26 Nov 2012 |
7 | Creative Commons | Copyright in the Digital Age | Emily Goodhand is the Copyright and Compliance Officer at the University of Reading. She has a strong Twitter presence as @copyrightgirl and is Vice-Chairman of the Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance (LACA). | Emily Goodhand | 26 Nov 2012 |
6 | Creative Commons | Rethinking impact with social media | Oxford-based researcher Nando Sigona started his blog "Postcards from..." in 2008. Since then his use of social media has expanded into Twitter and Podcasting to engage wider communities in his research on migration, asylum and minority issues. | Nando Sigona | 26 Nov 2012 |
5 | Creative Commons | Which technologies do Oxford University students use? | Melissa Highton, University of Oxford, presents the findings of the DIGE Project which investigated the use of technology by students from Oxford. | Melissa Highton | 26 Nov 2012 |
4 | Creative Commons | Is blogging and tweeting about research papers worth it? | Does using social media have an impact on disseminating your research papers? Dr Melissa Terras, UCL, gives her experiences and opinions on this question through her own personal findings. | Melissa Terras | 21 Nov 2012 |
3 | Creative Commons | Some people visit the Web. Other people live there. | Using his own research on what motivates individuals to become more 'Resident' online, David White will explore the pros and cons of developing a professional online persona and what it takes to get started. | David White | 18 Oct 2012 |
2 | Creative Commons | Would you blog the truth? | Peter Gill discusses the power of the blog for knowledge exchange and communicating the truth behind health research findings to wider audiences. | Peter Gill | 18 Oct 2012 |
1 | Creative Commons | What does Marcus du Sautoy do with Social Media? | At the launch of the 'Engage' programme, Professor Marcus du Sautoy discusses the role that digital technologies play in his work as the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. | Marcus du Sautoy | 18 Oct 2012 |