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The mission of COMPAS is to conduct high quality research in order to develop theory and knowledge, inform policy-making and public debate, and engage users of research within the field of migration.
The mobility of people is now firmly recognised as a key dimension shaping society today, but the relationship between migration and societal change is only partly understood. Research at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), core funded by the Economic and Social Research Council is geared to deepen the understanding of this relationship.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
40 | Creative Commons | Gender and interventions in integration | Eleonore Kofman discusses gender's role in relation to integration discourses, policies and practices. Part of the Interrogating Integration: Discourses, Policies and Everyday Practices (COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2010) Series. | Eleonore Kofman | 06 Aug 2012 |
39 | Creative Commons | The national integration paradigm: where are we now? | Adrian Favell discusses his book 'Philosophies of Integration', taking a theoretical and philosophical approach to integration. | Adrian Favell | 06 Aug 2012 |
38 | Creative Commons | When is an asylum seeker not an asylum seeker? The representation of immigration in the UK press 1996-2005 | Paul Baker talks about how asylums seekers and refugees were presented in the national press and the variations in discourses over time and across types of press. | Paul Baker | 06 Aug 2012 |
37 | Creative Commons | UK Immigration Policy and the Political Functions of Research | Talk looking at the ways in which public administration and policy makers make use of academic research immigration policy making, looking at the British Home Office, the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the European Commission. | Christina Boswell | 06 Aug 2012 |
36 | Creative Commons | Immigration and Political Trust in Europe | Lauren McLaren looks at immigration and political trust, with focus on recent research data. Part of the Public Opinion, Media and the Politics of Migration(COMPAS Seminar Series Hilary 2011) series. | Lauren McLaren | 06 Aug 2012 |
35 | Creative Commons | Numbers and Needs - the urban and the rural: Immigrant settlement in Shropshire and Tower Hamlets | Anne Kershen discusses the comparisons between immigrant settlements in Shropshire and London's Tower Hamlets, exploring different issues of the migrant experience arising in the two areas. | Anne Kershen | 06 Aug 2012 |
34 | Creative Commons | Between strategic nostalgia and banal nomadism: Arab diaspora watching satellite and digital television across Europe | Myria Georgiou talks about uses of transnational television among Arab speaking populations in Europe to explore questions around citizenship. | Myria Georgiou | 06 Aug 2012 |
33 | Creative Commons | The politics of migration in the UK: Catering to a public of (at least) two minds | Scott Blinder discusses the portrayal of the British public's opinion on migration, and the reality behind it. Part of the Public Opinion, Media and the Politics of Migration(COMPAS Seminar Series Hilary 2011) series. | Scott Blinder | 06 Aug 2012 |
32 | Creative Commons | 'Integration' as Illiberal Exceptionalism in Migration Law: The Role of the European Union | Sergio Carrera examines how the process of Europeanization, the development of the European Union, has played a role in migration law and on the meaning and mechanisms of integration. | Sergio Carrera | 06 Aug 2012 |
31 | Creative Commons | Immigrant Integration and Human Rights: Lessons from the US-Mexico Border | Discussion on the problematic of discussing integration in a context of security enforcement policies in the US and neoliberal policies, with a focus on immigrants in the US/Mexico border region and in the US as a whole. | Neil Harvey | 06 Aug 2012 |
30 | Creative Commons | What is the role of schooling in the integration and settlement process of new Polish migrants to the UK? | The EU Enlargement of 2004 entailed an intensive large-scale migration wave from Eastern European countries to the UK, in particular from Poland. | Pauline Trevena | 16 Jul 2012 |
29 | Creative Commons | Migration policy and skills policy: substitutes or complements? | There is a very significant tension at the heart of UK immigration policy. Basic economic intuition, as well as considerable empirical evidence, suggests that skilled immigrants will benefit the economy. | Jonathan Portes | 09 Jul 2012 |
28 | Creative Commons | The right to participate: law, equality, and the prospective impact on immigrant integration in Europe and abroad | Thomas Huddleston discusses European integration policies and access to health care and other benefits, in light of recent MPG research. | Thomas Huddleston | 08 May 2012 |
27 | Creative Commons | Shifts in the Public/Private Divide as mode of inclusion and exclusion | Sarah van Walsum discusses Dutch and EU law's approach to care work and protection of rights. | Sarah van Walsum | 08 May 2012 |
26 | Creative Commons | Migrants' access to goods and services in the context of international human rights law | Aoife Nolan (Durham Law School) takes us through the relationship between migrants' rights and international human rights instruments. | Aoife Nolan | 16 Apr 2012 |
25 | Creative Commons | What is the impact of new migration on cohesion and integration? | The government and the media regularly make the case that migration must be restricted in order to ensure community cohesion and encourage integration. | Robert Ford, Will Somerville, Shamit Saggar | 16 Apr 2012 |
24 | Creative Commons | Civic Stratification and Migrants Rights | Lydia Morris discusses the stratification of rights as a way to explain rights given or constrained by the state, in the migration context. | Lydia Morris | 05 Mar 2012 |
23 | Creative Commons | Between welfare states and markets: the migrant-policy nexus in comparative perspective and reflections on social rights and antidiscrimination law | Virginie Guiraudon takes an interdisciplinary look at social and human rights and anti-discrimination laws, giving a historical, legal and sociological perspective, as well as considering the European situation. | Virginie Guiraudon | 05 Mar 2012 |
22 | Creative Commons | Entitlement, belonging and outsiderness: Britain's Gypsy Travellers in the twentieth century | Becky Taylor discusses issues of entitlement, belonging and outsiderness for Britain's Gypsy travellers in the 20th century, with a focus on housing, education and perception. | Becky Taylor | 05 Mar 2012 |
21 | What does new Home Office evidence on the Migrant Journey and family migration tell us about migration in the UK? | Jon Simmons, Director for Migration and Border analysis in the Home Office Science Directorate gives a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series. | Jon Simmons | 02 Feb 2012 | |
20 | Creative Commons | What is migration policy for? | Sarah Spencer, COMPAS, Oxford University, gives a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series. | Sarah Spencer | 13 Dec 2011 |
19 | Creative Commons | Immigration and welfare chauvinism: Britain since 1800 | Professor David Feldman, historian, describes the "welfare chauvinism" existing in Britain since the 18th century. | David Feldman | 01 Dec 2011 |
18 | Creative Commons | Identification and mobility Control: Police sciences, technology, and international cooperation in West Europe, 1900-1930 | Dr. Ilsen About takes us through the fascinating development of technology used by police in the early 1900's to allow for the identification of criminals internationally, known as 'distant identification'. | Ilsen About | 01 Dec 2011 |
17 | Creative Commons | What are the impacts of restrictions on participation in the labour market and civic life on young migrants? COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Part of the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series. | Les Back | 01 Dec 2011 |
16 | Creative Commons | How will climate change impact on migration? | Allan Findlay, Professor of Population Geography, School of Geography and Geosciences, University of St. Andrews, gives a talk for the COMPAS breakfast briefing series. | Allan Findlay | 18 Nov 2011 |
15 | Creative Commons | Where's your bloody pigtail?: Liberalism, Empire and the Chinese Labour Question | David Glover, University of Southampton, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series on 10th November 2011. | David Glover | 18 Nov 2011 |
14 | Creative Commons | No rights for the wicked; human rights and foreign national prisoners | Retired immigration lawyer Fran Webber goes through case law pre and post the entry into force of the Human Rights Act. | Frances Webber | 02 Nov 2011 |
13 | Punishment and Migration between Europe and the United States: A Gllobalized 'Less Eligibility'? | Dario Melossi, University of Bologna, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Dario Melossi | 26 Oct 2011 | |
12 | Creative Commons | Introduction to the Seminar Series 'A Chrysalis for every kind of criminal? Mobility, Crime and Citizenship' | Bridget Anderson, COMPAS, Oxford University, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series entitled' 'A Chrysalis for every kind of criminal? Mobility, Crime and Citizenship'. | Bridget Anderson | 26 Oct 2011 |
11 | Creative Commons | What does migration mean for the 'white working class' in the UK? | Podcast on what migration means for 'White Working Class' in the UK, Ben Rogaly and Becky Taylor present their research findings. | Ben Rogaly, Becky Taylor | 12 Sep 2011 |
10 | Creative Commons | Who are the UK's new citizens? | This briefing presents a profile of Britain's new citizens, and what we can learn from them about the relationship between settlement, citizenship and integration. | Ben Gidley | 16 Aug 2011 |
9 | Creative Commons | Where is the UK going on migrant integration policy? A comparison to Europe and North America - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Exactly how does the UKís policy framework measure up to other countries in Europe and North America? What has changed? | Thomas Huddleston | 16 Aug 2011 |
8 | Creative Commons | What are the key evidence gaps in Britain's migration debate, and what are the implications for policy? COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Informed public debate and evidence-based policy-making on immigration requires clarity and transparency about what we know and don't know about migration and its impacts. | Martin Ruhs, Scott Blinder | 16 Aug 2011 |
7 | Creative Commons | What does the "Big Society" mean for migrant communities? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | The Coalition government's policy agenda on 'the Big Society' marks a major shift in the landscape. It has been described as radically passing power from the state to citizens and civil society. | Vaughan Jones | 16 Aug 2011 |
6 | Creative Commons | Mapping Turkish International Migration Studies: Old Questions, New Challenges | Prof Dr. Ahmet Icduygu, Migration Research Centre, Koc University, Istanbul, gives the first in a new series on Turkish Migration for COMPAS. | Ahmet Icduygu | 08 Aug 2011 |
5 | Creative Commons | The Immigrant Divide: How Cuban Americans are Changing the US and their Homeland | Immigrant studies contrasts between foreign-born and their progeny born where they resettle. Eckstein shows how analyses leave undocumented and unexplained differences among first generation immigrants, rooted in different pre-migration experiences. | Susan Eckstein | 10 May 2011 |
4 | Creative Commons | Political Organizing of Temporary Migrants in Asia | Michele Ford explores international organizing around temporary labour migration in Southeast Asia, while Nicola Piper examines temporary contract migration in Asia, revisited from an integrated rights perspective. | Nicola Piper, Michele Ford | 09 May 2011 |
3 | Creative Commons | What are the latest trends in migration into and out of the UK? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Sarah Croft (Office for National Statistics) gives a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series on December 10th, 2010. | Sarah Croft | 11 Mar 2011 |
2 | Creative Commons | Who Needs Migrant Workers? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Martin Ruhs and Bridget Anderson (COMPAS, University of Oxford) give a COMPAS Breakfast Briefing on 11th November 2010. | Martin Ruhs, Bridget Anderson | 11 Mar 2011 |
1 | Creative Commons | What Could be the Impact of a cap on overseas Higher Education students? - COMPAS Breakfast Briefing | Ursula Kelly, University of Strathclyde delivers a COMPAS Breakfast Briefing on 8th October 2010. | Ursula Kelly | 11 Mar 2011 |
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