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Richard Sharpe

Series featuring Richard Sharpe

  • The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts)
# Episode Title Description People Date
8 Decay and closure of libraries - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (6) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019 gives the sixth and final lecture in the 2019 Lyell series. Part of the series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy. Richard Sharpe 16 May 2019
7 Growth, competition, stability, loss, renewal - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (5) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019 gives the fifth lecture inthe 2019 Lyell series. Part of the lecture series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy. Richard Sharpe 14 May 2019
6 Turnover in libraries - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (4) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019 gives the fourth lecture in the 2019 Lyell series. Part of the series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy Richard Sharpe 09 May 2019
5 Library books and personal books - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (3) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019, gives the third lecture in the 2019 Lyell series. Part of the lecture series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy. Richard Sharpe 07 May 2019
4 English medieval library catalogues - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (2) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019 gives the second lecture in the 2019 Lyell series. Part of the series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy. Richard Sharpe 02 May 2019
3 Medieval libraries of Great Britain - The Lyell Lectures 2019 (1) Professor Richard Sharpe, Lyell Reader in Bibliography 2018-2019, gives the first of the 2019 Lyell lecture series. Part of the lecture series; Libraries and books in medieval England: the role of libraries in a changing book economy. Richard Sharpe 30 Apr 2019
2 Launch of the 15th Century Booktrade Cristina Dondi and her colleagues launch the 15th Century Booktrade. Cristina Dondi, Kristian Jensen, Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Simon Walton 21 Jul 2016
1 Magna Carta at Oxford Richard Sharpe explains that the seventeen surviving manuscripts on the Magna Carta are engrossments, not copies: official documents from Royal Chancery bearing the ruler's seal. Prof. Sharpe also reveals why so many examples of the Magna Carta survive. Richard Sharpe 29 Apr 2008