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Professor Mark Roseman is an historian of modern Europe, with particular interests in the History of the Holocaust and in modern German history. His publications have covered a wide range of topics in German, European and Jewish history, including life-reform and protest in 1920s and 1930s Germany; Holocaust survival and memory; Nazi policy and perpetrators; the social impact of total war; post-1945 German and European reconstruction; generation conflict and youth rebellion; Jewish and other minorities in modern German history. Professor Roseman also has an interest in comparative history and in particular in German-Japanese comparisons. His current research projects include a critical synthesis of recent work on Nazi perpetrators, and a project looking at a life-reform and resistance group in Germany 1920-2000.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
3 | Creative Commons | The Holocaust, Narrative and Remembrance - Part Two | Part 2/2. Workshop with Prof Dan Stone (RHUL), Paul Salmons (the IOE's Centre for Holocaust Education) and Prof Mark Roseman (Indiana University). | Dan Stone, Paul Salmons, Mark Roseman | 19 Jun 2012 |
2 | Creative Commons | The Holocaust, Narrative and Remembrance - Part One | Part 1/2. Workshop with with Prof Dan Stone (RHUL), Paul Salmons (the IOE's Centre for Holocaust Education) and Prof Mark Roseman (Indiana University). | Dan Stone, Paul Salmons, Mark Roseman | 19 Jun 2012 |
1 | Creative Commons | Saul Friedländer in conversation | A discussion forum on writing Holocaust history with Prof Jane Caplan (St Antony's College, Oxford), Prof Mark Roseman (Indiana University) and Prof Nicholas Stargardt (Magdalen College, Oxford). | Saul Friedländer, Jane Caplan, Mark Roseman, Nicholas Stargardt | 19 Jun 2012 |