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Kathryn Barush

Series featuring Kathryn Barush

  • La Bella Principessa: A Leonardo Discovered
# Episode Title Description People Date
5 La Bella Principessa - who was the eponymous princess? Martin Kemp discusses 'La Bella Principessa', a profile portrait of a Milanese lady, a newly rediscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci. He discusses the painting's subject, the Viennese princess and the possible identity of the eponymous princess. Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush, Maya Corry 01 Mar 2010
4 Verifying La Bella Principessa - The science behind the art Martin Kemp discusses 'La Bella Principessa', a profile portrait of a Milanese lady, a newly rediscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci. In this podcast, Martin Kemp discusses the science of verifying the painting as a genuine Leonardo painting. Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush, Maya Corry 01 Mar 2010
3 What makes La Bella Principessa a genuine Leonardo Da Vinci portrait? Martin Kemp discusses 'La Bella Principessa', a profile portrait of a Milanese lady, a newly rediscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci. In this podcast, Martin Kemp discusses some of the characteristics of the painting that make it a Leonardo. Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush, Maya Corry 01 Mar 2010
2 Discovering 'La Bella Principessa' Martin Kemp discusses 'La Bella Principessa', a profile portrait of a Milanese lady, a newly rediscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci. In this podcast, Martin Kemp discusses the discovery of the painting itself and how he felt at the time. Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush, Maya Corry 01 Mar 2010
1 A Leonardo Discovered. La Bella Principessa. Discussion with Martin Kemp Martin Kemp discusses 'La Bella Principessa', a profile portrait of a Milanese lady, a newly rediscovered work by Leonardo Da Vinci Martin is interviewed by Kathryn Barush and Maya Corry. Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush, Maya Corry 01 Mar 2010