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Andrew Hughes

Series featuring Andrew Hughes

  • Behind the Scenes at the Oxford University Museums
  • TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
  • Messy Realities - the Secret Life of Technology
# Episode Title Description People Date
3 Living objects - ageing bodies Researchers and community members go behind the scenes at the Pitt Rivers Museum to learn more about the care and ethics involved in conservation. Caitlin Pilbeam, Jozie Kettle, Jem Uden, Andrew Hughes 12 Nov 2019
2 Creative Commons Lost and Found: The story of a Museum store Andrew Hughes gives a short talk on the discovery unusual things lost and found during a move of 100,000 Pitt Rivers Museum objects. Andrew Hughes 06 Jun 2018
1 Transportation Transformation Andrew Hughes, Move Project Team Leader, Pitt Rivers Museum, gives a short talk for the Oxford University Museums Staff Conference. Andrew Hughes 21 Oct 2016