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Will future communications technologies lead to cyber wars or a better world?

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Duration: 0:50:43 | Added: 22 May 2017
Communications technology has enabled massive social change over the past decades. However, the many benefits that we enjoy are accompanied by challenges - cyber security, inadequate coverage, the ease of spreading fake news,

Naomi Climer will talks about where communications technology is heading including 5G and the internet of things (IoT) - what will be the ‘killer apps’ of the IoT? What could we do when everything is connected to the internet? How will we use all this extra bandwidth and speed? How could communications technology improve life for everyone on the planet? Naomi will cover the technical challenges still to be overcome and discuss some of the social challenges and spectacular opportunities that 5G and the internet of things will create. The 43rd Maurice Lubbock Memorial Lecture.

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