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Duration: 1:27:14 | Added: 03 Dec 2015
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Duration: 1:27:12 | Added: 03 Dec 2015
What is the impact we create? How is it measured, justified, used? Three speakers from a social, historical and professional background examine what impact means in different scenarios, both for academics themselves, and the public at large.

We are delighted to welcome as speakers Gorgi Krlev (DPhil student in Social Impact Measurement at OUDCE), Matt Smart (Project Officer, Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team (KEIT) at the University of Oxford) and Dr Jon Healey (University Lecturer in English Local and Social History). Our speakers will lead a multidisciplinary discussion on the theme of 'Impact', drawing inspiration from their own research and experiences. This seminar will also include a discussion of the funding and other assistance available at the University of Oxford, in support of the Impact agenda.

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