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Between strategic nostalgia and banal nomadism: Arab diaspora watching satellite and digital television across Europe

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Between strategic nostalgia and banal nomadism: Arab diaspora watching satellite and digital television across Europe
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Duration: 0:42:27 | Added: 06 Aug 2012
Myria Georgiou talks about uses of transnational television among Arab speaking populations in Europe to explore questions around citizenship.

As migration to the UK has increased in number over the past decade or more, it has become a highly salient, heavily contested political issue as well. Migration as an 'issue' is now a focal point for British public opinion, media coverage, and political debate. This term's seminar examines the relationships among these elements. We will examine how migration is represented in the media, and how media consumption can in turn construct the migrant experience as well. We will examine how various segments of the British public understand migration as a political issue, and how migration may be in turn transforming British politics. We will also take revealing looks at how migration policy and migration-related media coverage are generated, from both insiders' and outsiders' perspectives.

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