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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons John Fox on R software for teaching quantitative methods to social science students John Fox discusses his experiences and views of what works well when teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate social science students, especially focusing on the choice of software with a demonstration of R and R Commander. John Fox 28 Jul 2014
2 Robert Johns on SPSS and Stata software for teaching quantitative methods to social science students Robert Johns (Essex University) discusses his experiences and views of what works well when teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate social science students, focusing on comparing the use of SPSS and Stata. Robert Johns 28 Jul 2014
3 The Life Story of a Pioneer: From Hi-tech to Philanthropy The OII's Founding Donor Dame Stephanie Shirley speaks about the sources of her innovation, the software house she founded back in 1962 and why she has already given away £65M to IT and autism projects. Stephanie Shirley 02 Jan 2013
4 Creative Commons Image Matching on Printed Images in Bodleian Collections Giles Bergel and Andrew Zisserman from the Broadside Ballad Connections project demonstrate new image matching software that allows researchers to track images across early forms of printed literature. Visit http://ballads.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/. Giles Bergel, Andrew Zisserman, Relja Arandjelovic 13 Dec 2012
5 The Changing Business of Software Michael Cusumano focuses on how both the enterprise and consumer software businesses have been changing over the past decade, building on observations made in his 2004 book, The Business of Software. Michael Cusumano 08 May 2009