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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Slade Lecture Series 2023: To speak in Parables: Dumile Feni in Hendrik Verwoerd’s South Africa, 1960s Chika Okeke-Agulu examines art & politics in 1960s South Africa paying particular attention to Hendrik Verwoerd, the self-styled “Great Induna,” & architect of Apartheid, whose assassination in 1966 slowed the triumphant march of Afrikaner racist ideology Chika Okeke-Agulu 18 May 2023
2 'Regression and Resistance: The Struggle for Women's Rights in Afghanistan' Shaharzad Akbar in conversation with Shazia Choudhry; convened by Mansfield College Principal, Helen Mountfield KC. Shaharzad Akbar, Shazia Choudhry, Helen Mountfield 08 Nov 2022
3 A Tale of Two Women: Sally Bassett, Mary Prince and the True Story of Slavery in Bermuda Second talk on the 1612 - 1834 Founding of Bermuda and the Fight for Freedom panel, with ajala omodele. Ajala Omodele 25 Jan 2022
4 Writing and Resistance – The White Rose Pamphlets: A Live Reading At around 11am on Thursday 18 February 1943 two students in Munich were arrested for distributing anti-Nazi pamphlets. By Monday they had been interrogated, tried, and executed along with another member of the resistance circle. Alexandra Lloyd, Eve Mason, Sophie Caws, Sam Thompson 01 Mar 2021
5 Live Event: White Rose - Voices of the German Resistance TORCH Goes Digital! presents a series of weekly live events Big Tent - Live Events! Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme, one of the founding stones for the future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities. Alex Lloyd, John Herring 19 Oct 2020
6 Varieties of Resistance, Professor Margaret MacMillan: Adam von Trott Memorial Lecture 2015 Professor Margaret MacMillan's Lecture, Varieties of Resistance was held at Mansfield College, Oxford on the 19th of November 2015 and was introduced by the Principal of Mansfield College, Baroness Helena Kennedy. Margaret MacMillan 25 Nov 2016
7 Sharing data to fight malaria Over 250 Institutions participate in the effort of sharing data on the efficacy of antimalarial drugs, which involves standardising and re-analysing data. Philippe Guérin 02 Dec 2015
8 Creative Commons Sharing data to fight malaria Over 250 Institutions participate in the effort of sharing data on the efficacy of antimalarial drugs, which involves standardising and re-analysing data. Philippe Guérin 02 Dec 2015
9 Creative Commons Race and Resistance Across Borders in the Long Twentieth Century Elleke Boehmer and Imaobong Umoren talk about their research network which is investigating how twentieth-century activists, artists and intellectuals challenged racially oppressive hierarchies and sought to achieve equality. Elleke Boehmer, Imaobong Umoren 24 May 2013
10 Creative Commons Intervention in Libya: A Humanitarian Success? Professor Alan Kuperman (Texas) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 24th April 2012. Alan Kuperman 30 Apr 2012