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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Rethinking planetary prosperity: are we measuring what we value? Professor Dame Henrietta L. Moore and Professor Sir Charles Godfray discuss how we can rebuild new economies in a way that ensures global prosperity. Henrietta Moore, Charles Godfray 25 Jun 2021
2 Creative Commons Are we bigger than the biosphere? An ecologist's examination of our human dominated planet. Prof Yadvinder Malhi delivers the 2nd School of Geography and the Environment Annual Lecture at the Royal Geographical Society on 12 February 2015. Yadvinder Malhi 24 Mar 2015
3 "Origins" Part 2 - Origins of Earth and the Solar System Professor Alex Halliday explains how planets form from nothing but an area of space full of dust. Tiny differences between the elements that make up meteorites can give you an idea of how old they are and which part of the solar system they came from. Alex Halliday, Chris Lintott 07 Oct 2014
4 Atmospheres in the solar system ... and beyond! What is it like on the planets in our solar system? How hot are they? Is there any water? Jo Barstow explains this and more in her talk. Jo Barstow 30 Jan 2014
5 Creative Commons Spin Doctors: Creating a planet's atmosphere in the lab Roland Young discusses his work on studying and recreating the atmospheres of different planets in our solar system. Roland Young 30 Jan 2014
6 Creative Commons Sustainable mental health An introduction to key aspects of sustainable mental health, and how this can be applied across the NHS more widely. Daniel Maughan 21 Jan 2014
7 Rogue planet Oxford Sparks presents a journey around the planets. Find out more and read about the science behind the animation at www.oxfordsparks.net/planet. Chris Lintott 15 Apr 2013
8 Creative Commons Planets, Planets Everywhere! Dr Chris Lintott, University of Oxford, gives an overview of the discoveries made about the many billions of exo-planets - the planets that surround stars. Chris Lintott 17 Jan 2013
9 Creative Commons Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? Special seminar from the James Martin 21st Century School: Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? Ove Hoegh-Guldberg 07 Sep 2010
10 Creative Commons The Plundered Planet Paul Collier, Oxford Professor and author of The Bottom Billion, launched a discussion based on his latest publication, The Plundered Planet. Paul Collier, Charles Badenoch, Jamie Drummond, Gideon Rachman 17 Jun 2010