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The European Union |
How does the European Union conduct its foreign policy in a turbulent world? |
Jan Eijking, Nicholas Westcott |
11 Nov 2024 |
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Creative Commons |
All Necessary Measures? The United Nations and International Intervention in Libya |
Ian Martin presents his latest book on Libya: All Necessary Measures? The United Nations and International Intervention in Libya. |
Ian Martin |
29 Nov 2022 |
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2022 New Year’s Episode |
The entire Almanac team gets together to discuss what they believe was the most important event in the region over the past year, something they are watching for in the region in 2022, and their favorite book on the Middle East. |
Piotr Schulkes, Guy Fiennes, Isabella Cibelli Du Terroil, Oliver Franks |
17 Jan 2022 |
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Libya: Past, Present and Future |
Anas El Gomati (Sadeq Institute) and Mary Fitzgerald (King's College London) give a talk on Libya for the Middle East Centre seminar series. Chaired by Dr Usaama al-Azami (St Antony's College). |
Anas El Gomati, Mary Fitzgerald |
09 Mar 2021 |
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Using the EAMENA methodology to record endangered archaeological sites in Libya |
Emhemed Gerjebo talks about their group's projects in the final part on the second day of the conference; Training projects in Heritage documentation: challenges and first results: Libya. |
Emhemed Gerjebo |
21 Feb 2018 |
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Recording and monitoring archaeological sites through satellite imagery |
Dawoud Husayn talks about their group's projects in the final part on the second day of the conference; Training projects in Heritage documentation: challenges and first results: Libya. |
Dawoud Husayn |
21 Feb 2018 |
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Endangered Archaeology in North Africa: site identification, monitoring and intervention |
David Mattingly (EAMENA, University of Leicester), gives a talk in the first panel of the second day of the conference, The challenges and opportunities for protecting the past in Libya. |
David Mattingly |
08 Jan 2018 |
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Documentation as a tool for the protection of Libyan heritage: Cyrenaica as a model |
Hanan Abdalrahaman Benshkban (Department of Antiquities, Libya) and Saleh Abdalha (Department of Antiquities, Libya) give a talk for the first panel on the second day, The challenges and opportunities for protecting the past in Libya. |
Hanan Abdalrahaman Benshkban, Saleh Abdalha |
08 Jan 2018 |
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Transitional Justice in Libya |
Elham Saudi gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 1st February 2017. |
Elham Saudi |
10 Feb 2017 |
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The Conflict in Libya |
Lydia Sizer (Libya Analyst MENAS), Mary Fitzgerald (Journalist and Author) and John Hamilton (Cross Border Information) discuss the conflict in Libya on 27th January 2017. |
Lydia Sizer, Mary Fitzgerald, John Hamilton |
01 Feb 2017 |
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The ICC, The African Court, and Libya: the case of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi |
Aidan Ellis, Haydee Dijkstal, Dr Mishana Hosseinioun and Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, give a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 9th Novemebr 2016. |
Sir Geoffrey Nice, Mishana Hosseinioun, Aidan Ellis, Haydee Dijkstal |
15 Nov 2016 |
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Humanitarian non-state actors and the delocalised EU border of the Central Mediterranean |
Paolo Cuttitta looks at how different humanitarian non-state actors (from large-scale international organisations to small local NGOs) operate in different spaces of the delocalised EU border |
Paolo Cuttitta |
04 Nov 2016 |
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The creation of governments-in-waiting: the Arab Uprisings and legitimacy in the international system |
Lecture given at St Antony's Middle East Centre on Friday 20th November 2015 by Dr Glen Rangwala (Trinity College, University of Cambridge). |
Glen Rangwala |
24 Nov 2015 |
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The ICC and 'Non'-Sense Non-State Parties, Non-Interventions and Non-Targets |
Dr. Mark Kersten gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 9th February 2015 at 5pm |
Mark Kersten |
26 May 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
THEMIS: Remaining subjects despite structural constraints: migratory strategies among refugees hosted in Italy after their expulsion from Libya |
Gabriele Tomei presents his paper 'Remaining subjects despite structural constraints: migratory strategies among refugees hosted in Italy after their expulsion from Libya' in parallel session IV (C) of the Examining Migration Dynamics conference |
Gabriele Tomei |
23 Jan 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
THEMIS: Violence, surveillance and agency experiences of the women refugees in the Italian reception camps |
Barbara Pinelli presents her paper 'Violence, surveillance and agency experiences of the women refugees in the Italian reception camps' in Parallel session IV(C) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Barbara Pinelli |
20 Jan 2014 |
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From the Arab Spring to the Syrian War: Regional, international and humanitarian impact |
This session will examine the political and humanitarian dynamics behind the Arab Spring and the Syrian War. Starting with a long view of the events leading to the Arab Spring, it will analyse the regional and international repercussions of the uprisings. |
Hugo Slim, Louise Fawcett |
08 Oct 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 An asylum spring in the new Libya? |
An asylum spring in the new Libya? |
Jean-François Durieux, Violeta Moreno-Lax, Marina Sharpe |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 Protection for migrants after the Libyan Revolution |
Irregular and mixed migration is still of great concern in post-revolutionary Libya, made more complex by the securitisation of border control issues and the inherent challenges of an interim government consolidating its authority. |
Samuel Cheung |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 Protecting and assisting migrants caught in crises |
The 2011 Libya crisis brought into sharp focus how global migration patterns are re-defining the range and type of needs and vulnerabilities of persons affected by a humanitarian crisis. |
Mohammed Abdiker, Angela Sherwood |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 Dispossession and displacement in Libya |
Inability to access pre-displacement housing, land and property poses a significant obstacle to the achievement of durable solutions for most IDPs in Libya. Displacement and dispossession cannot be separated from the legacy of the Gaddafi era. |
Rhodri C Williams |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 Local hosting and transnational identity |
Tunisian people, rather than their government, led the response to the humanitarian crisis when Libyans started their own revolt and people starting fleeing across the border. |
Katherine E Hoffman |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 The bittersweet return home |
Migrants left Libya in haste and in fear for their lives. A rapid international response saved lives and facilitated the return home but a premature return may have some unwelcome repercussions. |
Asmita Naik, Frank Laczko |
08 May 2013 |
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Revolution and Jihad in North Africa and the Sahel |
Professor Jean-Pierre Filiu uses his diplomatic experience and research to discuss Revolution and Jihad in North Africa and the Sahel. |
Jean-Pierre Filiu |
02 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
The 'Arab Spring' and Future Humanitarian Challenges |
25 April 2013, Special lecture co-hosted by ELAC, the new Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations and the Oxford Humanitarian Group by Yves Daccord (Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC). |
Yves Daccord |
30 Apr 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Panel 2 | Movements and Mobilisation: Managing the Transition in the Arab Spring: A Comparative Perspective |
Mustapha al-Sayyid of Cairo University compares different cases in the Arab uprisings of 2011. |
Mustapha al-Sayyid |
25 May 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Intervention in Libya: A Humanitarian Success? |
Professor Alan Kuperman (Texas) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 24th April 2012. |
Alan Kuperman |
30 Apr 2012 |
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Facebook Resistance? Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Arab Revolutions |
Revolutions are currently sweeping the Arab world, from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya to Bahrain. The Internet has been reported as a key factor, but we in fact know little of its role in these revolutions. |
Miriyam Aouragh, Noha Atef, Khaled Hroub, George Weyman |
12 Mar 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Revolution in Libya - what happened and how the media reported it |
Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4 international editor and author of 'Sandstorm: Libya in the Time of Revolution' gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series. |
Lindsey Hilsum |
22 Feb 2012 |
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The Responsibility to Protect in modern international relations |
Jennifer Welsh and Hugo Slim from the Oxford Centre for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict discuss "The Responsibility to Protect" in contemporary international relations, and its role in key cases such as Libya and the post-election violence in Kenya. |
Jennifer Welsh, Hugo Slim |
28 Sep 2011 |
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Migration, Digital Images and the Future of Insurgency |
Dr John Mackinlay (King's College London) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW lunchtime seminar series. |
John Mackinlay |
09 Aug 2011 |
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Intervention in Libya and Implications for European and Transatlantic Defence Cooperation |
Camille Grand (Director Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS, Paris) gives a talk for the ELAC/OHG (Oxford Humanitarian Group) on 31st May 2011. |
Camille Grand |
13 Jun 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Intervening to Protect Civilians: Debating the NATO-led mission in Libya |
Professor Jennifer Welsh, Dr David Rodin, Dr Cheyney Ryan and Dapo Akande (ELAC) debate the recent NATO led mission in Libya. |
Jennifer Welsh, David Rodin, Dapo Akand, Cheyney Ryan |
13 Jun 2011 |
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North Africa in Transition: Mobility, Forced Migration and Humanitarian Crises: Session 2 |
This workshop provided a space for interested academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically engage with the evolving contemporary crises in North Africa. |
Dawn Chatty, Julien Brachet, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Philip Marfleet |
11 May 2011 |
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North Africa in Transition: Mobility, Forced Migration and Humanitarian Crises: Session 1 |
This workshop provided a space for interested academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically engage with the evolving contemporary crises in North Africa. |
Dawn Chatty, Julien Brachet, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Philip Marfleet |
11 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Does the Internet Help People Power? |
Evgeny Morozov, author of "The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom", delivers a lecture on the political use of the internet, particularly during protests and demonstrations. |
Evgeny Morozov, John Lloyd, Timothy Garton Ash |
23 Feb 2011 |