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Creative Commons |
Municipal IDs and Local Citizenship |
For irregular migrants, the inability to provide proof of identity affects nearly every aspect of life. We explore cities that have introduced municipal ID cards to enhance social integration and enable access to key services. |
Myriam Cherti, Albert Gamarra, Rob McNeil, Jacqui Broadhead |
18 Jan 2024 |
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The Aftermath of Forced Return |
With the help of our panel, we discuss forced return migration and the different power dynamics at play. What are the difficulties of forced returnees to home countries and what are the differences between the wealth and influence of certain states? |
Matthew Gibney, Guadalupe Chavez, Maggie Loredo, Delphine Boagey |
27 Jun 2023 |
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Creative Commons |
Russia and Christian nationalism: the background of a conflict |
How the global resurgence of traditionalist, religion-based nationalism relates to the specifics of the present conflict between Russia and Ukraine. |
Rowan Williams |
12 May 2023 |
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4 - Dr Natasha Robinson |
Post-doc researcher and education consultant Natasha Robinson talks about cultural identity, feminist turmoil in relationships and the constant fluctuation between drive and angst in academic work. |
Dr Natasha Robinson |
26 Oct 2022 |
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The Diasporic Quartets: Identity and Aesthetics |
Keynote lecture in the Diversity and the British String Quartet Symposium, day 3, held on 16th June 2021. Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme, one of the founding stones for the future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities. |
Des Oliver, Nina Whiteman |
02 Sep 2021 |
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Towards a plasticity of the mind – New-ish ethical conundrums in dementia care, treatment, and research |
A New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar with Dr David M Lyreskog. |
David M Lyreskog |
01 Mar 2021 |
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Transnational Francoism |
Bàrbara Molas discusses Transnational Francoism: The British and The Canadian Friends of National Spain as part of the TORCH Network Conversations in Identity, Ethnicity and Nationhood. Bàrbara Molas is a PHD Candidate in History at York University |
Bàrbara Molas |
23 Oct 2020 |
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Ibrahim Khatib - Identity, Conflict perception and Reconciliation in the shadow of the Arab-Israeli conflict |
Ibrahim Khatib discusses the correlations between identity, conflict perception, and willingness to reconcile. |
Ibrahim Khatib |
27 Feb 2019 |
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Making Somaliland: Popular culture, identity and national consciousness |
ASC seminar by Yusuf Kajura Serunkuma (Makerere University) |
Yusuf Kajura Serunkuma |
05 Nov 2018 |
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2018 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (1/3): Dementia and the Social Scaffold of Memory |
Lecture 1 of 3. Who we are depends in part on the social world in which we live. In these lectures I look at some consequences for three mental health problems, broadly construed: dementia, addiction, and psychosomatic illness. |
Richard Holton |
05 Jun 2018 |
11 |
Me and My Beliefs: Challenges of Identity and Society |
Me and My Beliefs: Challenges of Identity and Society held on 28 November 2017 |
Libby Lane, Jas' Elsner, Shaista Aziz, Elleke Boehmer |
06 Dec 2017 |
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Readers and Readings |
Prof. Elleke Boehmer and Dr Erica Lombard consider how our reading experiences are shaped by various factors, from publishers’ decisions about book covers to the text itself. |
Elleke Boehmer, Erica Lombard |
25 Aug 2017 |
13 |
Migration, Memory and Identity |
Part of the Humanities & Identities Lunchtime Seminar Series |
Laura van Broekhoven, Elleke Boehmer, Karma Nabulsi, Gayle Lonergan |
07 Jul 2017 |
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Words Matter: The Politics of Identity in Increasingly Harsh Migration and Crime Control Policies |
Yolanda Vazquez, University of Cincinnati - 24 Nov 2016 |
Yolanda Vazquez |
12 Apr 2017 |
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Merchants’ Marks in Medieval English Books |
Merchants’ marks were used initially as a tool of commerce, on consignments of goods, in the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth century, however, they became more like a coat of arms for people who didn’t have one – a form of professional identity. |
Thomas Kittel |
03 Apr 2017 |
16 |
Creative Commons |
Miles Hewstone - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities' |
Miles Hewstone |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Maria Misra - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities' |
Maria Misra |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Marvin Rees - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities' |
Marvin Rees |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Deborah Cameron - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities |
Deborah Cameron |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Ellah Wakatama Allfrey - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities' |
Ellah Wakatama Allfrey |
28 Mar 2017 |
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Jay Stewart - What Does Diversity Mean to Me? |
Opening event in TORCH Headline Series exploring 'Humanities & Identities' |
Jay Stewart |
28 Mar 2017 |
22 |
The Concept of 'Umma' in Early Islam |
Fred Donner (University of Chicago) addresses the nebulous, often misunderstood concept of 'umma' in early Islam |
Fred Donner |
07 Jul 2016 |
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Empire and Identity: Imperial Rule and Peoplehood across Time and Place |
A round table discussion of empire's role in identity formation across time and place. |
Miles Larmer, Elisabeth Bolorinos Allard, Bryan Ward-Perkins, Florian Schwarz |
25 May 2016 |
24 |
Framing the Past through Suffering and Victimhood – Kurdish Discourses of Identity |
Christine Allison gives a talk as part of The Long History of Identity, Ethnicity, and Nationhood workshop |
Christine Allison |
05 Jan 2016 |
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Iranian ‘Identities’ in Pre-Modern Times – Reality or Myth? |
Speaker: Bert Fragner (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna). |
Bert Fragner |
18 Dec 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
Avoiding Its Own Identity Crisis: the International Criminal Court and Human Rights Considerations |
Dr Brianne McGonigle Leyh gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on the International Criminal Courts and Human Rights on 4th November 2015. |
Brianne McGonigle Leyh |
25 Nov 2015 |
27 |
'The Resurgence of Identity Politics' Session 4: Keynote Presentation |
The launch of the tenth edition of St Antony’s International Review includes panels and presentations on the theme of the resurgence of identity politics. |
Craig Calhoun, Katharine Brooks |
01 Sep 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
'The Resurgence of Identity Politics' Session 3: The Role of Identity in International and Regional Relations |
The launch of the tenth edition of St Antony’s International Review includes panels and presentations on the theme of the resurgence of identity politics. |
Bettina Schorr, Erika Harris, Emily Tamkin, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
01 Sep 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
'The Resurgence of Identity Politics' Session 1: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and New Political Identities |
The launch of the tenth edition of St Antony’s International Review includes panels and presentations on the theme of the resurgence of identity politics. |
Aurelien Mondon, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Alexander Betts, Katharine Brooks |
01 Sep 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
Reid on Personal Identity |
The sixth part of Professor Dan Robinson's series on Reid's critique of David Hume. |
Dan Robinson |
14 May 2014 |
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Strengths and constraints of the prison life: Identity and sense of belonging of imprisoned maras in Honduras |
Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera |
Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera |
31 Mar 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 42 Identity and integration in Israel and Kenya |
Expression of non-conforming sexual orientation and gender identity depends on social, legal, cultural and political opportunities which provide space for exploration and the emergence of new identities. People's protection will also depend on these. |
Yiftach Millo |
10 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 39 Proud to be Tunisian |
Proud to be Tunisian. |
Elizabeth Eyster, Houda Chalchoul, Carole Lalève |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 38 'Identity unknown': migrant deaths at sea |
Political unrest in North Africa has led to a resurgence in irregular migration to Europe and an increase in migrant deaths at sea, yet there is still no framework for identifying those who die or recording their numbers. |
Stefanie Grant |
08 May 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
The citizenship market: trading identities in East Africa and the Great Lakes |
Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2012. Seminar by Dr Katy Long (London School of Economics and Political Science) recorded on 24 October 2012 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Dr Katy Long |
26 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The Irish Soldier in India, 1857-1922: The Formation and Negotiation of Stereotypes and Identities - Oxford Transnational and Global History Seminar |
Alexander Bubb, DPhil Candidate, English Faculty, Oxford, gives a talk for The Oxford Transnational and Global History Seminar series. |
Alexander Bubb |
02 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: The resistance of the Erased: "You cannot fight the system alone" |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's last Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Jelka Zorn |
19 Dec 2011 |
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RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: The re-invention of the Kurdishness through the transnational Kurdish media |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's fifth Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Janroj Keles |
19 Dec 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
The persistence of identity in the digital age: Living in social networks on and offline |
Social networks are now culturally bound to online software such as Facebook and Twitter, with a trend in personal persistent content. Bernie Hogan will review new empirical research on social networks and conclude with advice on future online policy. |
Bernie Hogan |
26 Sep 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
What does migration mean for the 'white working class' in the UK? |
Podcast on what migration means for 'White Working Class' in the UK, Ben Rogaly and Becky Taylor present their research findings. |
Ben Rogaly, Becky Taylor |
12 Sep 2011 |
41 |
Body Arts: The Panará People |
Dr Elizabeth Ewart of the University's Institute of Anthropology and Jaanika Vider, a former student, discuss body adornment and identity in Amazonia,. |
Elizabeth Ewart, Jaanika Vider |
22 Aug 2011 |
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Body Arts: Feathers, Beads and Paint |
Professor Peter Rivière and Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Dr Mike O'Hanlon, discuss decorative applications of feathers, beads and paint to the body,. |
Peter Rivière, Mike O'Hanlon |
22 Aug 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
On the very idea of criteria for personhood (4 Nov 2010) |
Timothy Chappell, Professor of Philosophy, Open University, gives a talk for the Ian Ramsay Seminar series on 4th November, 2010. |
Timothy Chappell |
18 Apr 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Neurosociety part 2: Who do you think you are? Managing Personhood in a Neurobiological Age |
Nikolas Rose (BIOS Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science) gives a keynote speech for the Neurosociety conference. |
Nikolas Rose |
10 Mar 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
8.4 Persons, Humans and Brains |
Part 8.4. The final part of this series. Explores the distinction between mind and body and whether this makes a difference to the idea of personal identity. |
Peter Millican |
01 Dec 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
8.3 Problems for Locke's View of Personal Identity |
Part 8.3. Criticisms of Locke's view of personal identity; if personal identity is dependent on memory then how does forgetting personal history and the concept of false memory change Locke's view of personal identity. |
Peter Millican |
01 Dec 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
8.2 John Locke on Personal Identity |
Part 8.2. Looks at John Locke's view of personal identity; how consciousness and 'personal history' distinguish personal identity and the idea of memory as crucial for personal identity. |
Peter Millican |
01 Dec 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
8.1 Introduction to Personal Identity |
Part 8.1. Introduces the concept of personal identity, what is it to be a person, whether someone is the same person over time and Leibniz's law of sameness. |
Peter Millican |
01 Dec 2010 |
49 |
Relationships and the Internet |
This forum looks at the state of the art of academic research on relationships and the Internet and how this research informs research on the social aspects of the Internet in general, such as issues of trust and identity. |
William Dutton, Nicole Ellison, Bernie Hogan, Joseph B. Walther |
08 Mar 2010 |
50 |
League of Nations; Minority Regime as Anthropological Object |
Jane K Cowan (Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Sussex) on rethinking minority, nationality, the international and international governance through history in an effort to understand the League of Nations in terms of anthropology. |
Jane K. Cowan |
18 Feb 2010 |
51 |
People Losing Credit: Models and Innovation in Finance |
Dr Gillian Tett, Assistant Editor of the Financial Times gives a talk as part of the Ethnicity and Identity Seminar series on her experience of working for the Financial Times and how her background in Anthropology helps her in her journalistic work. |
Gillian Tett |
18 Feb 2010 |
52 |
Internet Governance and Regulation: The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop It |
What lies around the corner for the Internet .. and how do we avoid it? How can we study and affect the future of the Internet using the distributed power of the network itself? This is Jonathan Zittrain's inaugural lecture at the University of Oxford. |
Jonathan Zittrain |
09 Oct 2009 |
53 |
Internet Governance and Regulation: The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop It |
What lies around the corner for the Internet .. and how do we avoid it? How can we study and affect the future of the Internet using the distributed power of the network itself? This is Jonathan Zittrain's inaugural lecture at the University of Oxford. |
Jonathan Zittrain |
09 Oct 2009 |