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Episode 4: Reflections on COP29, what’s next for addressing climate change within cities? |
As COP29 ends, what do the negotiations mean for climate change within cities? |
Katherine Maxwell, Mark Watts |
19 Dec 2024 |
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Episode 3: What role does climate finance play in enabling cities to reach their climate targets? |
Billed as the ‘Finance COP’, this episode explores the scale of climate finance needed, to understand how we can improve the quality of finance delivered and access more diverse financial instruments to ensure greater financial predictability. |
Katherine Maxwell, Sustain Aitken |
19 Dec 2024 |
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Episode 2: Why do cities need collaboration and partnerships to meet climate commitments? |
This episode explores the outcomes from the mitigation and adaptation commitments at COP29. |
Katherine Maxwell, Michele Acuto |
19 Dec 2024 |
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Episode 1: What role do cities play in delivering climate action? |
This year’s COP priority is ‘enhancing ambition and enabling action’. This episode explores how cities are working with national governments to meaningfully develop and deliver on agreed NDCs and aligning with global climate targets. |
Katherine Maxwell, Anaclaudia Rossbach |
19 Dec 2024 |
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Is climate conflict inevitable? |
In this Futuremakers episode we ask experts the question - is climate conflict inevitable? |
Peter Millican, Kate Guy, Troy Sternberg |
13 Dec 2019 |
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Climate change - who should we sue? |
In this episode of Futuremakers, we’re asking what does a rise in litigious climate action mean for society as we race to meet climate targets? |
Peter Millican, Fredi Otto, Liz Fisher, Myles Allen |
13 Dec 2019 |
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Can we be green AND capitalist? |
In this episode we ask; can we be green AND capitalist? |
Peter Millican, Ben Caldecott, Thomas Hale, Charmain Love |
28 Nov 2019 |
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Should nuclear power be part of our energy system? |
Should nuclear power be part of our energy system? Join our host, philosopher Peter Millican, as he explores this topic with experts from Oxford. |
Peter Millican, Nick Eyre, Sarah Darby, James Marrow |
28 Nov 2019 |
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Climate change: do individual actions matter? |
Is there still potential for actions on an individual level to shape the future of the planet? |
Peter Millican, Susan Jebb, Tina Fawcett, Tristram Walsh |
28 Oct 2019 |
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Creative Commons |
Climate change: what science and the IPCC report has to say |
Nick Eyre and Myles Allen give a talk for the Oxford Martin School on climate change and the IPCC report. |
Myles Allen, Nick Eyre |
18 Aug 2015 |
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How Can We Institutionalize Concern for Future Generations? |
A talk given by Professor Simon Caney at a climate change panel discussion organised by Global Directions and the Oxford Centre for International Studies |
Simon Caney |
28 Jan 2015 |
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Masters of Nature? - The physics of trying to control the climate |
The Earth's climate is changing; but what are we doing about it? The frustration felt all around the world at the inability to agree a meaningful deal on global carbon dioxide emission leaves people looking for alternatives. |
Richard Millar |
04 Jun 2013 |
13 |
Creative Commons |
Who's to Blame for the Weather? |
Professor Allen of the Oxford University Environmental Change Institute discusses one of the most pressing issues of the modern day - Climate Change. |
Myles Allen |
08 Apr 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
How to eat an Elephant: Why Climate Change Policy is in a Mess and How to Fix it |
For more than two decades, Professor Steve Rayner has led interdisciplinary research programmes on science technology and environment, specifically on global climate change. |
Steve Rayner |
09 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Why is biodiversity so important for humanity? |
The biological diversity of life on earth provides all that is essential to the planet as we know it. But there are pressures on that biodiversity, including changing land use and global warming. |
Katherine Willis |
20 Aug 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Climate change and two concepts of liberty |
The final lecture in the series entitled Climate Connections was presented by Dr Myles Allen who currently heads the Climate Dynamics Group in the Department of Physics, University of Oxford. |
Myles Allen |
24 May 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Climate change: making the best use of scientific information |
Thomas Stocker discusses the challenges that are posed to climate scientists when communicating with the public. Professor Stocker is at the laboratory for Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Berne, Switzerland. |
Thomas Stocker |
11 May 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Why is climate change so difficult to understand? |
The second lecture of a series entitled 'Climate Connections' was presented by Carl Wunsch, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physical Oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
Carl Wunsch |
04 May 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The public and private ethics of climate change |
This first lecture of a series entitled 'Climate Connections' is presented by John Broome, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. |
John Broome |
02 May 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The People's Planet: Reconnecting climate science, climate policy and reality |
Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011. |
Myles Allen |
07 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The People's Planet: Reconnecting climate science, climate policy and reality |
Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011. |
Myles Allen |
07 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Energy in the Future: Brenda Boardman |
Part 3 of 3. Some of Oxford's leading experts discuss the issue of energy in the future, one of the greatest challenges facing the world as we move through the 21st century. |
Brenda Boardman |
30 Sep 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Energy in the Future: Nick Eyre |
Part 2 of 3. Some of Oxford's leading experts discuss the issue of energy in the future, one of the greatest challenges facing the world as we move through the 21st century. |
Nick Eyre |
30 Sep 2011 |
24 |
Creative Commons |
Energy in the Future: James Marrow |
Part 1 of 3. Some of Oxford's leading experts discuss the issue of energy in the future, one of the greatest challenges facing the world as we move through the 21st century. |
James Marrow |
30 Sep 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Climate and Weather: The Ends of Acts of God? |
Professor Myles Allen explains how research at Oxford allows us to quantify just how much climate change caused by past emissions is costing individuals, corporations and potentially entire countries. |
Myles Allen |
28 Sep 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Rethinking Geoengineering and the Meaning of the Climate Crisis |
Professor Clive Hamilton delivers a critique of the consequentialist approach to the ethics of geoengineering, the approach that deploys assessment of costs and benefits in a risk framework to justify climatic intervention. |
Clive Hamilton |
02 Aug 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Creativity Lecture 4: Two Sides of the Creativity Coin - Innovation and Lock-in |
Professor Steve Rayner (University of Oxford) presents creative and innovative potential solutions to the energy crisis and problems caused by climate change. |
Steve Rayner |
07 Jul 2011 |
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The Future of Africa: Challenges and Opportunities |
Former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, gives the first in the 700th Exeter College Anniversary lecture series at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford on Africa; the challenges it faces and the opportunities it has. |
Kofi Annan |
21 Feb 2011 |
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Ways out of the Climate-Finance-Energy Triple Crunch |
Jeremy Leggett (Founder and CEO, Solar Century) presents the closing keynote speech for the Oxford Climate Forum 2010. |
Jeremy Leggett |
14 Apr 2010 |
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Panel debate: Have activists added to the climate change problem? |
Neil Bowerman gives the opening talk to the debate, have activists added to the climate change problem? |
Neil Bowerman |
14 Apr 2010 |
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After Copenhagen: Change Politics, not the Climate |
Pam Giddy, director of Power 2010, gives a talk for the 2010 Oxford Climate Forum. |
Pam Giddy |
14 Apr 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
The Politics of Climate Change: Problems and Solutions |
Lord Anthony Giddens gives the opening keynote address to the Oxford Climate Forum, talking about the politics of climate change. |
Anthony Giddens |
14 Apr 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Introduction to the 4 Degrees and Beyond Conference |
Mark New, Reader in Climate Science at the School of Geography and the Environment, introduces the 4 Degrees and Beyond conference, its main themes and why it was important. |
Mark New |
14 Apr 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
American-Sino Relations: Cooperation |
First part of the three part series on US - China relations, Rosemary Foot talks about the need for cooperation, especially within the current financial recession, global warming and nuclear non-proliferation. |
Rosemary Foot |
07 Jan 2010 |
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4 plus degrees: a drastic reduction in the renewable energy potential of sugarcane |
Fourth presentation of session 2 (Agriculture, Food and Water Security) of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Rasack Nayamuth |
05 Nov 2009 |
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What would happen to barley production in Finland if the global temperature increases above 4 degrees? |
Third presentation of session 2 (Agriculture, Food and Water Security) of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Reimund Rotter |
05 Nov 2009 |
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Adapting African food systems to a 4 degree world |
Second presentation of session 2 (Agriculture, Food and Water Security) of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Polly Ericksen |
05 Nov 2009 |
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4 degrees plus: what might this mean for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa? |
Second keynote address from session 2 (Agriculture, Food and Water Security) of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Philip Thornton |
05 Nov 2009 |
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Beyond 4 degrees: impacts across the global scale |
Third presentation from session 1 of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Nigel Arnell |
05 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
4 degrees of global warming: regional patterns and timing |
Second presentation from session 1 of the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
Richard Betts |
05 Nov 2009 |
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Terra quasi-incognita: beyond the 2 degree line |
First keynote address from the 4degrees International Climate Conference. |
John Schellnhuber |
05 Nov 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: Questions and Answers |
Part six. Q and A session following the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Chris West, Roger Street, Richard Lamb |
11 Aug 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: Where do we go from here |
Part five. UKCIP science officer Anna Steynor speaking at the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Anna Steynor |
11 Aug 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: Projections in Practice and eLearning |
Part four. UKCIP senior training officer Richard Lamb speaking at the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Richard Lamb |
11 Aug 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: User Interface |
Part three. UKCIP training officer Peter Walton and science officer Anna Steynor speaking at the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Peter Walton, Anna Steynor |
11 Aug 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: How to use the Projections |
Part two. UKCIP technical director Roger Street speaking at the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Roger Street |
11 Aug 2009 |
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UK Climate Projections: Launch |
Part one. UKCIP director Dr. Chris West speaking at the launch of the 2009 UK Climate Projections in Oxford. |
Chris West |
11 Aug 2009 |
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Greening the full lifecycle - going the extra mile. |
Greening the full lifecycle - going the extra mile. |
Jürgen Heidegger |
28 Apr 2008 |
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Why Oxford University must respond to the challenge. |
Why Oxford University must respond to the challenge. |
Daniel Curtis, Nick Eyre |
28 Apr 2008 |
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Welcome to the Towards Low Carbon ICT conference at Oxford |
Welcome to the Towards Low Carbon ICT conference at Oxford. |
Paul Jeffreys |
28 Apr 2008 |
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Economics of Climate Change |
Professor Sir Nicholas Stern, HM Treasury: The economics of climate change Introduced by: Dr John Hood, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Chaired by: Dr Ian Goldin, Director of the James Martin 21st Century School. |
Nicholas Stern |
14 Apr 2008 |