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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Underwater photography and maritime archaeology Fascinating images that offer a glimpse into ancient Egypt: Photographer Christoph Gerigk talks about his work in the sunken ancient cities off the coast of Egypt and the challenges and developments in underwater photography. Christoph Gerigk, Damian Robinson 16 Dec 2024
2 Tahrir, Gaza, and beyond: revolution, liberation, and praxis Researcher and writer, Rusha Latif, gives a talk based on her new book ‘Tahrir’s Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution’ Rusha Latif, Walter Armbrust 31 Oct 2024
3 Creative Commons The New Spirit of Islamism: Interactions between the AKP, Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood Journalist and scholar, Dr Ezgi Başaran, presents her book which traces the links between the AKP, Tunisia’s Ennahda, and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood after the Arab Spring. Ezgi Başaran, Michael Willis 22 Oct 2024
4 Underwater archaeology: 20 years of collaboration between OCMA and IEASM Egypt's sunken ancient cities have been the fieldwork project of the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (IEASM) since 1992. Franck Goddio discusses key finds and the creation of Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology. Franck Goddio, Damian Robinson 21 Oct 2024
5 Creative Commons Women’s Movements and Citizenship in the Middle East Women's Rights Research Seminar where guest speaker, Dr Roel Meijer (Guest Lecturer in Islam Studies, Radboud Universiteit) presents on Women’s movements and citizenship in the Middle East. Roel Meijer, Maryam Alemzadeh, Marilyn Booth 09 Aug 2023
6 Creative Commons Slade Lecture Series 2023: Gazbia Sirry and Egyptian artists in the Nasserite State, 1950s-1960s Professor Chika Okeke-Agulu follows the formal and tonal shifts in Gazbia Sirry’s work as it responded to, and was shaped by Nasser’s and post-revolutionary Egypt’s political fortunes. Chika Okeke-Agulu 18 May 2023
7 Creative Commons The struggle for Salafism in Egypt’s post-revolutionary period A Middle East Centre Seminar on Salafism. Stéphane Lacroix, Thomas Hegghammer 21 Feb 2023
8 Creative Commons Book Launch: Pacted Democracy in the Middle East: Tunisia and Egypt in Comparative Perspective A new theoretical framework for how democracy can emerge in the Middle East and wider Muslim world, where political conflicts over religion often predominate. Hicham Alaoui, Michael Willis 23 Dec 2022
9 Creative Commons The Fate of Colonial Elites in Post-Colonial Regimes: Evidence from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution Dr Neil Ketchley in conversation with Professor Walter Armbrust about his current research. Neil Ketchley, Walter Armbrust 03 Feb 2022
10 Islam and the Arab Revolutions – the Ulama between Democracy and Autocracy Join us as we listen to Dr Usaama al-Azami (Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford) in conversation about his new book, 'Islam and the Arab Revolutions, the Ulama between Democracy and Autocracy'. Usaama al-Azami, Michael Willis 31 Jan 2022
11 Graffiti, music, and football ultras: expressing dissent in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Piotr Schulkes, Adam Abdallah, and Kalyani Nedungadi discuss non-official ways in expressing dissent, comparing Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, and Palestine. Kalyani Nedungadi, Piotr Schulkes, Adam Abdalla 17 Dec 2021
12 Togo Mizrahi and the Making of Egyptian Cinema Join us for Booktalk Episode 9, Professor Deborah Starr (Cornell University) in conversation about her new book, Togo Mizrahi and the Making of Egyptian Cinema, published by California Press. Deborah Starr, Walter Armbrust 21 Oct 2021
13 Egypt’s Football Revolution: Emotion, Masculinity, and Uneasy Politics Join us for Booktalk Episode 8, Dr Carl Rommel (University of Helsinki) in conversation about his new book Egypt’s Football Revolution: Emotion, Masculinity, and Uneasy Politics, published by University of Texas Press in July 2021. Carl Rommel, Walter Armbrust 29 Sep 2021
14 Making Film in Egypt Join us as we listen to Dr Chihab El Khachab (King’s College, Cambridge) in conversation about his new book – Making Film in Egypt: How Labor, Technology, and Mediation Shape the Industry. Published by American University in Cairo Press. Chihab El Khachab 18 May 2021
15 Creative Commons Apocalymbo: Trickster Politics in the Age of the Pandemic (and Other Crises) Walter Armbrust (St Antony’s College, Oxford), author of Martyrs and Tricksters: An Ethnography of the Egyptian Revolution (2019), gives a talk for the Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series on 20th November 2020. Walter Armbrust, Michael Willis 25 Nov 2020
16 Illiberal Liberals and the Future of Dictatorship in Egypt Dalia Fahmy (Long Island University) editor of Egypt and the Contradictions of Liberalism: Illiberal Intelligentsia and the Future of Egyptian Democracy (2017), gives a talk for the Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series. Dalia Fahmy, Daanish Faruqi, Usaama al-Azami 10 Nov 2020
17 The Dictatorship Syndrome Alaa Al Aswany, author of The Dictatorship Syndrome (2019), gives a talk for the Middle East Centre seminar series. Chaired by Professor Eugene Rogan (St Antony's College, Oxford) Alaa Al Aswany, Eugene Rogan 23 Oct 2020
18 Female Entrepreneurship in the Middle East Frederike Brockhoven sits down with Rania Ayman of Entreprenelle, Yasmeen Mjalli of Babyfist, and Lina Khalifeh of Shefighter to discuss female entrepreneurship in the Middle East. Frederike Brockhoven, Rania Ayman, Lina Khalifeh 07 Oct 2020
19 Martyrs and Tricksters: An Ethnography of the Egyptian Revolution Professor Walter Armbrust (St. Antony's College, Oxford) gives a talk for the Middle East Studies Centre seminar series. Chaired by Professor Eugene Rogan (St. Antony's College, Oxford). Walter Armbrust 22 Oct 2019
20 The Rise of the Egyptian Middle Class: Socio-Economic Mobility and Public Discontent from Nasser to Sadat Relli Shechter (St Antony’s College) gives a talk for the Middle East Centre, on 29th January 2019. Relli Shechter 08 Mar 2019
21 Endowment, Enterprise and Emendation: The History of Egyptology at Queen's Clare Lewis, UCL, gives a talk on endowment, enterprise and emendation and egyptology at Queen's College. With Richard Parkinson. Clare Lewis, Richard Parkinson 18 Feb 2019
22 Rami Ginat - Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958) Rami Ginat discusses the Egyptian Communist Party's stance on Israel in its formative first decade of statehood. Rami Ginat, Yaacov Yadgar 30 May 2018
23 A View of Globalisation from its Margin: Searching for Karate’s Budo Roots in Contemporary Egypt Dr Hatsuki Aishima (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka) gives a talk for the Middle East Studies Centre seminar series. Hatsuki Aishima 11 Dec 2017
24 Governing Divided Egypt Professor Robert Springborg (Italian Institute of International Affairs, Rome), gives a talk for the Middle East Centre seminar series. Robert Springborg 17 Nov 2017
25 Lion Statue On whether there were ever lions in Egypt. Today, there are no lions roaming wild in north Africa, but evidence from ancient Egypt suggests that lions once did. David Whyte Macdonald 23 Jan 2017
26 Book launch: Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt Roundtable Discussion and Launch of Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt by Hatsuki Aishima (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka) with Morgan Clarke (University of Oxford). The event will be chaired by Laurent Mignon (University of Oxford). Hatsuki Aishima 09 Jan 2017
27 Humanitarian non-state actors and the delocalised EU border of the Central Mediterranean Paolo Cuttitta looks at how different humanitarian non-state actors (from large-scale international organisations to small local NGOs) operate in different spaces of the delocalised EU border Paolo Cuttitta 04 Nov 2016
28 Business and Human Rights in Transition from Conflict to Peace A panel discussion among an academic, a company representative and practitioners, held on 21 June 2016, hosted by the Oxford Business and Human Rights Research Network and the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre. Sabine Michalowski, Irene Pietropaoli, Jo Zaremba, Yves Nissim 08 Jul 2016
29 Creative Commons Emigration and the distribution of income per natural: Evidence from Egypt Joachim Jarreau investigates whether the benefits of migration actually reach the poorest households Joachim Jarreau 09 May 2016
30 Creative Commons Beyond Uprising: Inside Egypt's Unfinished Revolution Lecture given by Dr HA Hellyer on "Beyond Uprising: Inside Egypt's Unfinished Revolution" at Middle East Centre, St Antony's College on 25th January 2016. HA Hellyer 01 Feb 2016
31 Creative Commons The Automobile Club of Egypt A Conversation with Alaa Al Aswany with Eugene Rogan at the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College on 19th January 2016. Alaa Al Aswany, Eugene Rogan 01 Feb 2016
32 Creative Commons 'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 4: Who is Sovereign, God or the People? Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. Malise Ruthven, Hazem Kandil 16 Sep 2015
33 Creative Commons 'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 3: Regional Consequences of the Suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. Dr Ewan Stein, Dr Omar Ashour 16 Sep 2015
34 Creative Commons 'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 2: Religiosity, Activism and Mobilization Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. Gamal Soltan, Samir Morcos 16 Sep 2015
35 Creative Commons 'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 1: Religion and Politics in Egyptian Public Opinion Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. Mazen Hassan, Hisham Hellyer, Stephen Whitefield 16 Sep 2015
36 Creative Commons 'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Keynote: Religiosity and Politics in Egypt His Grace Bishop Angaelos delivered this address as part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. Bishop Angaelos, Elisabeth Kendall 16 Sep 2015
37 Climate Change and the fall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt Is Climate Change responsible for the downfall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt Michael Dee 11 Jun 2015
38 Trade Unions and North Africa's Arab Spring What role did trade unions play in the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings of 2010/2011? Dina Bishara 11 Jun 2015
39 Creative Commons Title: Why Egypt’s 2011 Uprising Has Failed to deliver on its Promise? A talk given as part of the Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Tarek Osman 27 Mar 2015
40 Creative Commons Black Land, Red Land: The Nile Valley and Egypt’s Western Desert Illustrated with photographs from previous trips, this talk by Professor Mark Smith contrasts the Nile Valley and the desert and explore how the relationship between them developed over the course of Egyptian history. Mark Smith 02 Oct 2014
41 Egypt and the Ashmolean – 5 millennia of collections care part two Mark Norman, Head of Conservation, Ashmolean Museum, concludes his talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference Mark Norman 17 Sep 2014
42 Bringing it all together in the Artifact Lab: Conservation, research, display, interpretation Molly Gleeson, Rockwell Project Conservator, Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Molly Gleeson 17 Sep 2014
43 Reflecting on Egyptian Pigments: the use of Fibre Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) for pigment analysis at the Fitzwilliam Museum Jennifer Marchant, Antiquities Conservator and Abigail Granville, Pigment Analyst, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, give a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Jennifer Marchant, Abigail Granville 17 Sep 2014
44 On not exhibiting a corpse: the Mummy Chamber, Brooklyn Museum Lisa Bruno, Head Objects Conservator, Brooklyn Museum, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Lisa Bruno 17 Sep 2014
45 King Menkaure in Motion: the metamorphosis of a Monolithic royal sculpture from the Old Kingdom Susanne Gänsicke, Conservator; Matthew Siegal, Chair of Conservation and Collections Management, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, gives a talk for the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference Susanne Gänsicke 17 Sep 2014
46 Problems and possibilities for the Petrie Museum’s pottery display Susanna Pancaldo, Senior Conservator, UCL Museums and Collections, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Susanna Pancaldo 17 Sep 2014
47 The importance of technical analysis and research for the conservation and display of archaeological garments Anne Kwaspen, Conservator of the Archaeological Textile Collection, Katoen Natie, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference Anne Kwaspen 17 Sep 2014
48 Mummy case saved by LEGO: a collaborative approach to conservation of an Ancient Egyptian cartonnage Sophie Rowe, Conservator; Julie Dawson, Senior Assistant Keeper, Conservation, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Sophie Rowe 17 Sep 2014
49 Evolving Attitudes: past and present treatment of Egyptian Collections of the Oriental Institute Alison Whyte, Associate Conservator, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Alison Whyte 17 Sep 2014
50 The Stair of Glory: The Meet‐and‐Greet Gallery – a unique dramatic gallery at the Grand Egyptian Museum Mohamed Gamal Rashed, Curator, Museum Display and Research Director, The Grand Egyptian Museum, Giza, Egypt, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. Mohamed Gamal Rashed 17 Sep 2014
51 The APPEAR Collaboration: a comparative study of ancient mummy portraits Maria Svoboda, Associate Conservator of the Antiquities Department, J. Paul Getty Museum, California gives a talk for the Maria Svoboda 17 Sep 2014
52 Seeing Mummy Portraits: preparation for display in 2011 and recent collaborative investigation Jevon Thistlewood, Paintings Conservator, Ashmolean Museum, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections Jevon Thistlewood 17 Sep 2014
53 Raising the Dead: bringing design concepts to display Daniel Bone, Deputy Head of Conservation, Ashmolean museum, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference. The co-author is Sue Barker, Preventative Conservator, Ashmolean Museum. Daniel Bone 17 Sep 2014
54 Vertically Challenging: the investigation and conservation of a deteriorated coffin for vertical display Bronwen Roberts, Conservator, British Museum, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections. The Co-Author is Nicky Lobaton, Objects Conservator, Ashmolean Museum Bronwen Roberts 17 Sep 2014
55 The Redevelopment of the Ashmolean’s Egypt and Nubia Galleries – designing and building the new galleries Stuart Cade, Partner in Charge, Rick Mather Architects, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections Stuart Cade 17 Sep 2014
56 Egypt and the Ashmolean – 5 millennia of collections care part one Mark Norman, Head of Conservation, Ashmolean Museum, gives a talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference Mark Norman 17 Sep 2014
57 Introduction to the Egyptian Collections Liam McNamara, Assistant Keeper for Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Ashmolean Museum, gives the first talk at the Understanding Egyptian Collections conference Liam McNamara 17 Sep 2014
58 Creative Commons One Connected Vision of Ancient Egypt: A launch of the digitised Topographical Bibliography Richard Parkinson, Professor of Egyptology, gives a talk about the new digital Topographical Bibliography from the Griffith Institute at Oxford. Richard Parkinson 23 Jun 2014
59 Monopolizing God: The Politics of Religion and Citizens' Rights Today Is the discourse of God getting monopolized for political reasons? How are citizens’ rights to be safeguarded if the will of the people and the interpretations of the will of God are not always aligned? Nelufar Heyadar, Tariq Ramadan, Anicée Van Engeland, Monica Toft 24 Mar 2014
60 Creative Commons THEMIS: Egypt: Migration, revolution, and social change Philip Marfleet presents his paper 'Egypt: Migration, revolution, and social change' in Parallel session VI(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 Philip Marfleet 24 Feb 2014
61 Creative Commons FMR 39 We are not all Egyptian For many refugees in Egypt the weeks of the revolution were marked by isolation, fear and brutality. In the aftermath of the revolution, the promise of greater freedom has not yet been extended to refugees. Martin Jones 08 May 2013
62 Creative Commons The 'Arab Spring' and Future Humanitarian Challenges 25 April 2013, Special lecture co-hosted by ELAC, the new Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations and the Oxford Humanitarian Group by Yves Daccord (Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC). Yves Daccord 30 Apr 2013
63 Creative Commons Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Facebook Revolution? Social Media as Orientalist Mediation Miriyam Aouragh examines the useful and useless roles of the internet in the Arab revolutions by critically revisiting mainstream narratives on its role. Miriyam Aouragh 25 May 2012
64 Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Fear of Tahrir: Turkish Perspectives on the Egyptian Revolution Kerem Öktem presents a critical reading of Turkish public debates and the policies of the ruling party in Turkey on the Egyptian revolution. Kerem Öktem 25 May 2012
65 Creative Commons Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Contesting Democracy: Discursive Patterns Before and After the Egyptian Uprising Andrea Teti critiques European discourses on democracy promotion in Egypt and their alienation of Egyptian pro-democracy opposition groups. Andrea Teti 25 May 2012
66 Creative Commons Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Revolutionary Egypt's Relations with Surrounding States: Internal Transformation, External Realignment and Regional Security Fred Lawson examines the reconfiguration of Egyptian foreign policy since the revolution, particularly with respect to relations with Iran and Ethiopia. Fred Lawson 25 May 2012
67 Creative Commons Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: Trickster: Taufiq 'Ukasha, the Perpetuation of Liminal Crisis, and the Shaping of Counter-revolutionary Discourse Walter Armbrust examines the 'counter-revolution' through the lens of television talk show host Taufiq 'Ukasha, a 'trickster' prone to generating perverted forms of social knowledge. Walter Armbrust 25 May 2012
68 Creative Commons Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: In Search of Antistructure: The Meaning of Tahrir Square in Egypt's Ongoing Social Drama Mark Peterson examines meaning construction and the 'iterations' of Tahrir Square gatherings in the unfolding experience of the ongoing revolution. Mark Peterson 25 May 2012
69 Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: Contesting Visions and Public Spaces in Cairo Aya Nassar examines the imagery and negotiation of place membership unfolding in public spaces such as Tahrir Square. Aya Nasar 25 May 2012
70 Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: From War of Manoeuvre to War of Position Nicola Pratt discusses the competing wars of position being waged against the hegemonic system of authoritarianism in post-Mubarak Egypt, focusing on the realm of gender. Nicola Pratt 25 May 2012
71 Creative Commons Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: Praetorian Parliamentarism: The Contradictions of Egypt's Post-revolutionary Experiment Alexander Kazamias conceptualises the Egyptian revolution as an incomplete process of socio-political transformation, having so far only partially changed the postcolonial Egyptian state. Alexander Kazamias 25 May 2012
72 Creative Commons Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: New Logics of Popular Sovereignty and Subaltern Alternatives to the Egyptian 'Baltagi State' Paul Amar discusses subaltern forms of sovereignty and autonomous organisation that have been emerging in Egypt since the January uprising. Paul Amar 25 May 2012
73 Creative Commons Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation part 3 Marwa Sharafeldin of Oxford University and Musawah describes her experience as a women's activist and the position of women in the Egyptian revolution through a series of slides. Marwa Sharafeldin 25 May 2012
74 Creative Commons Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation part 2 Amr Salah, member of the Executive Board of the Revolutionary Youth Coalition, describes his role in the Coalition since 2011 and in the anti-Mubarak movement's organisations before the revolution. Amr Salah 25 May 2012
75 Creative Commons Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation Heba Raouf Ezzat of Cairo University reflects on the past year and the search for scholarly concepts with explanatory value in new political and social contexts. Heba Raouf Ezzat 25 May 2012
76 Creative Commons Panel 3: The Language of Revolution: University on the Square Documentation Project: A glimpse into the Economic and Business History Research Center's Contribution Randa Kaldas of the American University in Cairo discusses the unfolding oral history project on the Egyptian revolution based at the American University in Cairo. Randa Kaldas 25 May 2012
77 Creative Commons Panel 3 | The Language of Revolution: Poetry as Archive: Egypt's Revolution and Archival Poetics Tahia Abdel Nasser of the American University in Cairo analyses Egyptian poetry from the 2011 revolution and its role as archive and political site. Tahia Abdel Nasser 25 May 2012
78 Creative Commons Panel 3: The Language of Revolution: Narrating the Egyptian Revolution through Jokes: Is it Still a Laughing Revolution? Hebatallah Salem of the American University in Cairo explains the role of political jokes and satire during the past year in Egypt. Hebatallah Salem 25 May 2012
79 Creative Commons Panel 2 | Movements and Mobilisation: Unusual Suspects: "Ultra's" as Political Actors in the Revolution Robbert Woltering of the University of Amsterdam examines Egyptian football supporters, the 'ultras', as political actors in the Egyptian context. Robbert Woltering 25 May 2012
80 Creative Commons Panel 2 | Movements and Mobilisation: Managing the Transition in the Arab Spring: A Comparative Perspective Mustapha al-Sayyid of Cairo University compares different cases in the Arab uprisings of 2011. Mustapha al-Sayyid 25 May 2012
81 Creative Commons Panel 2 | Movements and Mobilisation Horizontalism on the Nile: what does it mean to say that the Egyptian uprising of 2011 was leaderless/or leaderful? And does it matter? John Chalcraft of the London School of Economics examines horizontalist mobilisation and questions of ideological programme in the Egyptian revolution of 2011. John Chalcraft 25 May 2012
82 Creative Commons Panel 1 | Preludes and Explanations Re-scaling Egypt's Political Economy: Neoliberalism and the Transformation of the Regional Space Adam Hanieh of the School of Oriental and African Studies considers the connection between international and regional patterns in Egypt's neoliberal order under Mubarak. Adam Hanieh 25 May 2012
83 Panel 1 | Preludes and Explanations What Did Mubarak Actually Do?: The Causes of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution according to Egyptian Intellectuals Amr Osman of the Gulf University of Science and Technology looks at the debate and consensus among Egyptian intellectuals critical of the rule of Hosni Mubarak. Amr Osman 25 May 2012
84 Creative Commons Panel 1 | Preludes and Explanations: The Egyptian Labour Movement and the Politics of Visibility Marie Duboc of the American University in Cairo looks at the Egyptian labour movement in the years preceding the Egyptian revolution. Marie Duboc 25 May 2012
85 Creative Commons Opening Remarks: Examining a Revolution in Progress Reem Abou-El-Fadl, conference convener from the University of Oxford, explains the conference rationale and aims in examining the revolution 'in progress'. Reem Abou-El-Fadl 25 May 2012
86 Welcome Speech Stephen Whitefield, Head of Oxford's Department of Politics and International Relations, introduces the conference in the context of the Department's existing research. Stephen Whitefield 25 May 2012
87 Abbe Sieyes, Guttenberg, and Habermas: Constitutional Revolutions in Egypt and the Arab World This discussion assesses why the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt took constitutional form, given the previous constitutional histories and discussions. And second, can the revolutionary impulse to constitutionalize political authority succeed? Nathan Brown, Denis Galligan, Mila Vorsteeg 26 Mar 2012
88 Facebook Resistance? Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Arab Revolutions Revolutions are currently sweeping the Arab world, from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya to Bahrain. The Internet has been reported as a key factor, but we in fact know little of its role in these revolutions. Miriyam Aouragh, Noha Atef, Khaled Hroub, George Weyman 12 Mar 2012
89 Creative Commons Behind the Arab Awakening: Dynamics of Civil Resistance Far more important than poverty or deprivation is prolonged sharing of knowledge and skills from other movements, translated publications, and distillation of researchers' insights. Mary Elizabeth King 07 Mar 2012
90 Migration, Digital Images and the Future of Insurgency Dr John Mackinlay (King's College London) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW lunchtime seminar series. John Mackinlay 09 Aug 2011
91 Creative Commons Reporting the Arab Spring Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4 International Editor, gives a talk on the Arab Spring revolutions and insurrections in Syria, Egypt and Tunisia. Lindsey Hilsum 22 Jul 2011
92 Al-Jazeera in North Africa and the MIddle East: the biggest media story ever? Richard Gizbert, Host and Producer, The Listening Post, Al-Jazeera English, gives a talk for the Reuter Institute seminar series on 4th May 2011. Richard Gizbert 07 Jun 2011
93 Creative Commons Technology and Power: Use of New Media in the Middle East. OxPeace 2011 Miriyam Aouragh, Oxford Internet Institute, gives the second talk in the third of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Miriyam Aouragh 17 May 2011
94 Creative Commons The Arab Democracy Uprisings and the Prospects for Peace in the Middle East. OxPeace 2011 Did the Western Media (And Everyone Else) get it Wrong? Reflections from an American Journalist. Andrew Lee Butters, Reuters Institute Fellow, Oxford, gives the third talk in session two of the 2011 OxPeace Conference. Andrew Lee Butters 17 May 2011
95 Collaboration as the future of news generation and distribution Turi Munthe, CEO of Demotix, a citizen journalism website, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism Hilary term 2011 seminar series on 2nd March 2011. Turi Munthe 19 Apr 2011
96 Creative Commons Does the Internet Help People Power? Evgeny Morozov, author of "The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom", delivers a lecture on the political use of the internet, particularly during protests and demonstrations. Evgeny Morozov, John Lloyd, Timothy Garton Ash 23 Feb 2011
97 Creative Commons Percy Bysshe Shelley - Draft of 'Ozymandias' Part of the Shelley's Ghost Exhibition. 'Ozymandias' is the Greek name for Ramses II, who ruled Egypt for sixty-seven years from 1279 to 1213 BC. Christopher Adams 02 Dec 2010
98 Creative Commons Percy Bysshe Shelley - Draft of 'Ozymandias' Part of the Shelley's Ghost Exhibition. 'Ozymandias' is the Greek name for Ramses II, who ruled Egypt for sixty-seven years from 1279 to 1213 BC. Christopher Adams 02 Dec 2010
99 The Ashmolean Collection and the Formation of Ancient Egyptian Art Part of the 2010 Alumni Weekend. Professor john Baines gives a talk on the Ashmolean Museum and its collection of ancient Egyptian art. John Baines 02 Nov 2010
100 Creative Commons A Woman's place: The transformation of female power in first millennial BC Egypt A talk assessing the role of women in ancient Egypt - looking at the changes in female religious roles in ancient Egyptian society as a barometer for wider social, cultural and political transformation. Elizabeth Frood 28 Oct 2009