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# Episode Title Description People Date
101 Societies in Transition: Becoming Roman in Britain Lecture on Britain under Roman rule and the incorporation of Britain into the Roman world. Professor Gosden also talks about the significance of our environment, the outside, material world, and how it influences historical events in ancient history. Chris Gosden 24 Mar 2009
102 Societies in Transition: Volcanogenic Origins of the Classical World A lecture on the origins of the classical world: from the growth of Minoan Crete during the Bronze Age, 2000 BCE, where a possible volcanic eruption on Santorini led to the destruction of Minoan Crete and a catalyst to the creation of the Classical world. Stuart Manning 24 Mar 2009
103 Societies in Transition: Early Metallurgy Around the World Professor David Killick (Dept. Anthropology, University of Arizona) talks about the invention of metallurgy and the transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and what the social roles of emerging metallurgy were in societies throughout the world. David Killick 24 Mar 2009
104 Societies in Transition: Farming in Island Southeast Asia Professor Graeme Barker talks about the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies in the Stone Age in South East Asian Islands. He discusses the various reasons why this transition took place and the advantages it brought to people. Graeme Barker 24 Mar 2009