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Creative Commons |
Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? |
Special seminar from the James Martin 21st Century School: Climate change and marine ecosystems: have dangerous changes already begun? |
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg |
07 Sep 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
The Plundered Planet |
Paul Collier, Oxford Professor and author of The Bottom Billion, launched a discussion based on his latest publication, The Plundered Planet. |
Paul Collier, Charles Badenoch, Jamie Drummond, Gideon Rachman |
17 Jun 2010 |
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Cooperation, Norms and Conflict: Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society |
In order to understand social systems, it is essential to identify the circumstances under which individuals spontaneously start cooperating or developing shared behaviors, norms, and culture. |
Dirk Helbing |
05 Mar 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Predicting the Behaviour of Techno-Social Systems: How Informatics and Computing Help to Fight Off Global Pandemics |
We live in an increasingly interconnected world of 'techno-social' systems, where infrastructures composed of different technological layers are interoperating within the social component that drives their use and development. |
Alessandro Vespignani |
25 Feb 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean |
The oceans are a critical component of the climate system, storing roughly 1000 times as much heat, and 50 times as much carbon, as the atmosphere. |
David Marshall |
18 Feb 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Anticipating Future Complexity: Are Systems Such as Cities Getting More Complex? |
Cities are getting more complex as their residents acquire more and more ways in which they can interact with one another. |
Mike Batty |
17 Feb 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? |
Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? |
Geoffrey West |
05 Feb 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
Stability and Complexity in Model Banking Systems |
The recent banking crises have made it clear that increasingly complex strategies for managing risk in individual banks and investment funds (pension funds, etc) has not been matched by corresponding attention to overall systemic risks. |
Robert May |
22 Jan 2010 |
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Creative Commons |
A Panel Discussion with George Soros |
Lessons from Financial Crises: Paradigm Failure and the Future of Financial Regulation. |
Paul Beaudry, Ian Goldin, Roger Goodman, Anatole Kaletsky |
17 Dec 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Global Eradication of Infectious Diseases: Can 'Not Very Much' undermine the goal of 'None at All'? |
Despite the well-publicised success of global smallpox eradication, 'zero' remains an elusive goal for the majority of vaccine-preventable diseases, making reduced pathogen circulation, or direct protection of the vulnerable more achievable strategies. |
Jodie McVernon |
27 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
A New Approach to Nuclear Disarmament: Learning from International Humanitarian Law Success |
Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. |
Patricia Lewis |
25 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Dealing with doctrines: time to outlaw nuclear weapon use? |
Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. |
Rebecca Johnson |
24 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Geoengineering the climate |
Geoengineering the climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty: The Royal Society Study - John Shepherd (NOCS). |
John Shepherd |
19 Nov 2009 |
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The End of Business as Usual |
Distinguished Public Lecture: The end of business as usual by Dr Mohamed El-Erian, Co-CIO of PIMCO. |
Mohamed El-Erian |
18 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Dealing with doctrines: time to outlaw nuclear weapon use? |
Achieving an end-state of "zero" has emerged as an important policy goal for a number of 21st Century challenges. The most prominent example is the "Global Zero" campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. |
Rebecca Johnson |
11 Nov 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Bottom billion or bottom zero? Policies for international poverty reduction |
Some developing countries have achieved rapid economic growth and poverty reduction while others have stagnated. This talk will review the determinants of success and the prospects for lagging regions to improve performance and eliminate poverty. |
Tony Venables |
30 Oct 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Eliminating Nuclear Weapons |
The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP on how, in the 21st century, nuclear weapons pose a greater danger than ever before and their possession is less necessary. The time has come to forge agreement on a process of multilateral disarmament. |
Malcolm Rifkind |
28 Oct 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Repairing Economic Governance |
Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and internationally renowned economic advisor, talks about the need to take a systematic long view in repairing international economic governance structures. |
Jeffrey Sachs |
23 Oct 2009 |
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Creative Commons |
Zero chance? Aiming for zero in weapons control |
These seminars were run by the Oxford Martin School (formerly the James Martin 21st Century School) in association with the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. |
Richard Price |
21 Oct 2009 |
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Economics of Climate Change |
Professor Sir Nicholas Stern, HM Treasury: The economics of climate change Introduced by: Dr John Hood, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Chaired by: Dr Ian Goldin, Director of the James Martin 21st Century School. |
Nicholas Stern |
14 Apr 2008 |