Wolfson College
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Wolfson is the largest graduate college in Oxford. Their diverse student body has a wide spread of disciplines and nationalities. The College, founded in 1966 by Isaac Wolfson under the presidency of Isaiah Berlin, is both traditional and unconventional, forward-thinking and friendly.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
31 | Creative Commons | The closest exit may be behind you | The British-Libyan author Hisham Matar describes to a packed audience at Wolfson College the 'existential crisis' at the heart of contemporary Libyan national identity. The talk is introduced by Hermione Lee. | Hisham Matar | 24 Feb 2012 |
30 | Creative Commons | Trying to do more good than harm in health care | The 2012 Wolfson College Haldane Lecture was given by leading health services researcher Sir Iain Chalmers, currently Coordinator of the James Lind Initiative, Oxford, UK. | Iain Chalmers | 21 Feb 2012 |
29 | Creative Commons | Where may truth lie? Fiction in memory, memory in fiction | The award-winning author and memoirist Candia McWilliam attests to the edifying power of fiction and biography in the third lecture in the Weinrebe series from the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing. | Candia McWilliam | 20 Feb 2012 |
28 | Creative Commons | What can I say? Secrets in fiction and biography | Booker Prize winning novelist Alan Hollinghurst discusses fiction and biography in conversation with Hermione Lee at Wolfson College's Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW). | Alan Hollinghurst, Hermione Lee | 08 Feb 2012 |
27 | Creative Commons | The Work of Music: Music and Mathematics | A talk given at Wolfson College as part of a lecture series entitled "The Work of Music". | Timothy Gowers | 06 Feb 2012 |
26 | Creative Commons | The Work of Music: Music and Psychology | A talk given at Wolfson College as part of a lecture series entitled "The Work of Music". | Eric Clarke | 06 Feb 2012 |
25 | All About His Mother: Reading Proust's Letters | The inaugural lecture of the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing was delivered by Micahel Wood, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Princeton University. He was introduced by Hermione Lee, President of Wolfson College and Director of the Centre. | Michael Wood | 16 Nov 2011 | |
24 | Creative Commons | Sir Anthony Caro in conversation with Tim Marlow | Wolfson College was privileged to welcome back esteemed honorary fellow Sir Anthony Caro on 2nd November, who, 'in conversation' with art historian Tim Marlow, recounted his fifty-year career as one of the key figures in contemporary sculpture. | Sir Anthony Caro, Tim Marlow | 08 Nov 2011 |
23 | The contact zone: the creation of a Roman literature | The 2011 Wolfson College Syme Lecture was given by Denis Feeney, Giger Professor of Latin and Professor of Classics, Princeton University. The speaker is introduced by College President Prof. Hermione Lee. | Denis Feeney | 08 Nov 2011 | |
22 | CLAROS - A virtual Greek and Roman Art collection | CLAROS is an international federation of European universities, museums and archives led by Oxford. 2,000,000 records and images of Greek and Roman art held at six sites in four European countries are linked virtually, using semantic web tools. | Donna Kurtz, Sebastian Rahtz | 29 Jun 2011 | |
21 | Reasoning and Disagreement | Nobel Prize winner Amaryta Sen delivers theh 2011 Isaiah Berlin Lecture on Reasoning and Disagreement. | Amartya Sen | 08 Jun 2011 | |
20 | Creative Commons | Applied Logic | The 2011 Wolfson College Haldane Lecture was given by Sir Tony Hoare, Emeritus Professor at Oxford University Computing Laboratory and a principal researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK. | Sir Tony Hoare | 14 Mar 2011 |
19 | Empire, Empires, and the End of Antiquity | The 2010 Wolfson College Syme Lecture was given by Oxford Professor of Late Antique and Byzantine History, Dame Averil Cameron. The speaker is introduced by College President Prof. Hermione Lee. | Dame Averil Cameron | 14 Mar 2011 | |
18 | Creative Commons | Senses of Reality: Writing the Biography of a Revolutionary Generation | The annual Isaiah Berlin Lecture given at Wolfson College on May 27th 2010. | Roy Foster | 08 Jun 2010 |
17 | Creative Commons | War and Civilization Series Lecture 4: War and Liberation | Ian Buruma is a writer and lecturer focussing on Asian (esp. Japanese) culture. He is currently Henry R. Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights and Journalism at Bard College, New York. | Ian Buruma | 24 May 2010 |
16 | Creative Commons | War and Civilization Series Lecture 3: War and Pity | Marina Warner is a writer of fiction, criticism and history; her works include novels and short stories as well as studies of myths, symbols, and fairytales. She is currently Professor at Essex University. | Marina Warner | 24 May 2010 |
15 | Creative Commons | War and Civilization Series Lecture 2: War and Poetry | Geoffrey Hill is currently Professor of Literature and Religion at Boston University and in 2009 his Collected Critical Writings won the Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism. | Geoffrey Hill | 24 May 2010 |
14 | War and Civilization Series Lecture 1: War and Finance | Niall Ferguson is currently Professor of History at Harvard University and Professor of History and International Affairs at the London School of Economics. | Niall Ferguson | 24 May 2010 | |
13 | Acrylic Variations 5-8 | Parts 5-8 of a short film, featuring Mark Rowan-Hull and Neil Heyde and Christopher Regate of the Royal Academy of Music. The film shows a collaborative art project of Rowan-Hull's painting and Heyde and Regate's music. Produced by Rowan-Hull and Heyde. | Mark Rowan-Hull, Neil Heyde, Christopher Regate | 27 Jan 2010 | |
12 | Acrylic Variations 1-4 | Part 1 to 4 of a short film, featuring Mark Rowan-Hull and Neil Heyde and Christopher Regate of the Royal Academy of Music. The film shows a collaborative art project of Rowan-Hull's painting and Heyde and Regate's music. Produced by Rowan-Hull and Heyde. | Mark Rowan-Hull, Neil Heyde, Christopher Regate | 27 Jan 2010 | |
11 | Correspondence: Performance, Visual Art and the Senses | Recently appointed Creative Arts Fellow at Wolfson College, artist Mark Rowan-Hull, gives a talk on his work, in particular, the collaborative works between him and musicians. | Mark Rowan-Hull | 27 Jan 2010 | |
10 | A Very Personal Impression: Isaiah Berlin | This talk was given at Wolfson College on 28 May 2009 as part of the 'Lives and Works' series of lectures | Alan Ryan | 03 Jun 2009 | |
9 | Editing early Eliot | The 1995 Isaiah Berlin Lecture given at Wolfson College on May 18th by CB Ricks, Professor of English at Boston University. | Christopher Ricks | 19 May 2009 | |
8 | From Communism to Zionism: Moses Hess (1957) | 1957 Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture. Lecture on the Jewish philosopher Moses Hess, one of the founders of Zionism and a committed Socialist. Berlin also discusses Hess’s evolution as a philosopher, from International Socialism to Zionism. | Isaiah Berlin | 15 Apr 2009 | |
7 | A Fire at Sea (1957) | Isaiah Berlin introduces and reads his translation of Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev's short story 'A Fire at Sea', in which Turgenev recounts an embarrassing episode from his youth. Originally broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on 23 July 1957. | Isaiah Berlin | 15 Apr 2009 | |
6 | Alexander Herzen: His Opinions and Character (1955) | Lecture on Alexander Herzen, philosopher and founder of Russia’s first free press. Berlin discusses Herzen’s passionate belief in individual liberty and his distaste for the new violent radicalism in the Russia of his time. | Isaiah Berlin | 15 Apr 2009 | |
5 | Freedom and Its Betrayal: 2 – Jean Jacques Rousseau (1952) | Berlin lectures on Rousseau's 'On the Social Contract' and discusses his anti-intellectualism, his idealism of Nature, and the worryingly authoritarian implications of his philosophy. Originally broadcast on the BBC Third Programme in 1952. | Isaiah Berlin | 14 Apr 2009 | |
4 | The East Side story: How executive uncertainty created an accession conditionality that never was | A presentation given by Research Fellow Cristina Parau at Wolfson College on February 24th 2009. Dr Parau is also a member of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in Oxford. | Cristina Parau | 19 Mar 2009 | |
3 | The long hard road to democracy and social justice | A lecture given by retired Labour MP Tony Benn at Wolfson College, Oxford. The lecture is introduced by Prof Richard Sorabji. | Tony Benn | 11 Dec 2008 | |
2 | Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism Part 2 | Professor Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford and Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford gave a lecture entitled 'Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism'. | Timothy Garton Ash | 03 Jul 2008 | |
1 | Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism Part 1 | Professor Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford and Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford gave a lecture entitled 'Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism'. | Timothy Garton Ash | 03 Jul 2008 |
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