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John Broome

Series featuring John Broome

  • Wolfson College Podcasts
  • Alumni Weekend
  • Uehiro Lectures: Practical solutions for ethical challenges
  • Humanitas - Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge
  • Uehiro Oxford Institute
  • Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
  • Interviews with Oxonians
  • Interviews with Philosophers
# Episode Title Description People Date
8 Creative Commons 2013 Annual Uehiro Lecture (3): Equal Opportunity Third and final lecture from Professor Tim Scanlon in which he talks about the philosophical justifications for equalitiy of opportunity. Includes a roundtable discussion with Professors John Broome, Janet Radcliffe Richards and David Miller Tim Scanlon, John Broome, Janet Radcliffe-Richards, David Miller 24 Aug 2017
7 Creative Commons Debate: The Value of Life John Broome, the White's Professor of Moral Philosophy, debates the value of life with Jeff McMahan, focussing on McMahan's time-relative account of the value of life, which Broome has criticised. John Broome, Jeff McMahan 15 Feb 2013
6 Creative Commons Masterclass - Climate Change: Justice and Benefit Final of four masterclass sessions on Economic Thought. With Professor John Broome (White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford University). John Broome 18 Jun 2012
5 Creative Commons The public and private ethics of climate change This first lecture of a series entitled 'Climate Connections' is presented by John Broome, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. John Broome 02 May 2012
4 Creative Commons The Ethics of Climate Change Professor John Broome discusses the moral and ethical issues that coincide with the whole topic of climate change and challenges us as to how we should be acting. John Broome 14 Oct 2011
3 Weaknesses of the Current System Second panel discussion on 'Economics and the Idea of Justice'. Discussing questions such as do we need a new economic framework? And should economics change fundamentally in light of the financial crisis? Ngaire Woods, John Broome, Stefan Dercon, James Purnell 03 Dec 2009
2 John Broome on Rationality John Broome, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford, gives an explanation of reason and rationality, and then discusses his understanding of the 'the normative question'. John Broome, Oliver Lewis 12 Sep 2008
1 Creative Commons John Broome on Rationality John Broome, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford, gives an explanation of reason and rationality, and then discusses his understanding of the 'the normative question'. John Broome, Oliver Lewis 10 Sep 2008