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Social Sciences Division

Series associated with Social Sciences Division

1909: The People's Budget
4 Degrees and Beyond International Climate Conference
Academic Blogging: Political Analysis in the Digital Age
Afghanistan's displaced people (Forced Migration Review 46)
African Studies Centre
Annual Oxford Fulbright Distinguished Lectures in International Relations
Beyond boundaries: research worth sharing
Big Questions For The Future
Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
Border Criminologies
Building a Business
Business and the Environment - A conference from the Said Business School, University of Oxford
Can emerging technologies save the world? Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012
Centre for Global Higher Education
Centre for International Studies Podcasts
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Centre for the Study of African Economies - Seminars & Workshops
Centre for the Study of African Economies Conference
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
Certification and Sustainability
Children and Youth in a Changing World
Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49)
Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective
Comparative Methods Workshop
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010
Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme (CSASP)
Conversations in Med Ed
Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45)
CSAE Research Podcasts
Dayton +20 (Forced Migration Review 50)
Dean's Seminar Series: Saïd Business School
Deanery Digests
Demographic Trends and Problems of the Modern World
Department of Education Public Seminars
Department of Education Research Seminars
Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures
Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Department of Sociology Podcasts
Destination: Europe (Forced Migration Review 51)
Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44)
Dialogues on Educational Justice: Brought to you by the Repair-Ed project
Digging for Meaning: Research from the Oxford School of Archaeology
Digital Visual Cultural
Disability and displacement (Forced Migration Review 35)
Disobedient Buildings
Distinguished Speakers Seminar
DRC: Past. Present. Future? (Forced Migration Review 36)
Drought and Water Scarcity
Economies: rights and access to work (Forced Migration Review 58)
Education: needs, rights and access in displacement (FMR 60)
Energy, Climate Change, Social Entrepreneurship and Gender
Environmental Change Institute
Environmental Change Institute: Introductions to Research
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lectures
Ethics and displacement (Forced Migration Review 61)
Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict
Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48)
Foundation for Law, Justice and Society
From the Cherwell to the Yangtze: The Oxford China Centre Alumni Podcast
Future of Business
Geographies of the World's Knowledge
German Politics: An Introduction
Getting to Zero: Michaelmas Term Seminar Series 2009
Global Catastrophic Risks Conference 2008
Global insights in impact investing
Global Shocks
Hegemonic Narratives
Human Rights and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Challenges and prospects
Humanitarian Innovation Conference 2015: Facilitating Innovation
ICT for Development Seminar Series
Impact - Making a Difference
Impact in an evolving research environment
In conversation: Energy research at Oxford
Innovation and refugees (Forced Migration Review, supplement 2014)
Institute for Science, Innovation and Society
Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations?: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2011
International Migration Institute
Is the planet full? Seminar Series 2011
Israel Studies Seminar
Judgement and Justice: The Life and Diary of William Godwin
Latin America and the Caribbean (Forced Migration Review 56)
Latin American Centre
Law Faculty Podcasts
LGBTQI and forced migrants (Forced Migration Review 42)
Local communities: first and last providers of protection (Forced Migration Review 53)
Louwes Lectures
Maritime Archaeology: Research from the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology (OCMA)
Medical Innovation
MSc Migration Studies
Musical Abstracts
New Thinking: Advances in the Study of Human Cognitive Evolution
Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies
North Africa and displacement (Forced Migration Review 39)
ODID Distinguished Speaker Lectures
OII Bellwether Lectures
Oxford Anthropology Podcast 2023
Oxford Diasporas Programme
Oxford Food Governance Group: The Politics and Practices of Food
Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars
Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars
Oxford Kafka24
Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Cooling
Oxford Martin School Series: Food Futures
Oxford Martin School: Interviews and Commentaries
Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities
Oxford Said Entrepreneurship Forum
Oxford Saïd Entrepreneurship Forum 2020
Oxford Symposium On The August 2011 Riots: Context And Responses
Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) conference podcasts
Oxford Transitional Justice Research Conference - Justice and Self-Determination in West Papua
Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars
OxPeace (Oxford Network of Peace Studies) Conference 2021. Peace in the Nuclear Era: threats, treaties and public understanding
OxPeace Conference 2009: The Serious Study of Peace
OxPeace Conference 2022: Who Builds Peace?
OxPeace Conference 2023: Learning from Ukraine
OxPeace Conference 2024: New Actors and the Changing Field of Peace-making and Peace-building
Podcasts From The Extra-legal Governance Institute (Exlegi)
Political Demonology: The Logic of Evil in Contemporary Literature and Theology
Politics and International Relations Podcasts
Preventing displacement (Forced Migration Review 41)
Protecting the Past 2 - Towards a better future with cultural heritage
Protecting the Past 3: Documentation as a Tool for Heritage Protection
Protecting the Past: Archaeology, Conservation and Tourism in the North of Jordan
Public International Law Discussion Group (Part I) and Annual Global Justice Lectures
Public International Law Discussion Group (Part II)
Public International Law Part III
Refugee Studies Centre
Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54)
Return (Forced Migration Review 62)
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
RightsUp - Global perspectives on human rights law
School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts
Science - Post-Normal Perspectives - Jerry Ravetz at 90
Shelter in displacement (Forced Migration Review 55)
Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures
Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford
Skills for Young Lives Podcast
Smith School Seminars
Spain: 1959 - 1992
States of fragility (Forced Migration Review 43)
Statute Law: Making Legislation
Syrians in displacement (Forced Migration Review 57)
Technology and Management for Development
The Egyptian Revolution, One Year On
The Emerging Middle Class in Latin America: Causes, Challenges and Opportunities
The Engagement of Theory
The Fairwork Podcast
The Global Thinkers Series, Oxford
The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher
The Migration Oxford Podcast
The OII Podcast (Oxford Internet Institute)
The Oxford Saïd Entrepreneurship Forum
The Oxford Seminars in Cartography: Women and Maps
The State of the State
The Syria crisis (Forced Migration Review 47)
The technology issue (Forced Migration Review 38)
The Theory and Practice of Immigration Detention Workshop
The Young Lives Podcast
Thinking ahead: displacement, transition, solutions (Forced Migration Review 52)
Transformations: Economy, Society, and Place
Transport Studies Unit Podcasts
Twenty Years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (Forced Migration Review 59)
UK Climate Impacts Programme
UK Climate Impacts Programme Training
UKERC Energy Workshops
Understanding Adolescence in African Contexts
Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars
US China Relations: An Introduction
Water Security, Risk and Society Conference
Water: Perspectives from Science and Industry
Wildlife Trade Symposium: Evolving Perspectives on the demand for illegal wildlife products
Young Lives' Longitudinal Methodological Learning Series
# Episode Title Description People Date
4854 Sugarcoated: Sugar tax and media discourses on the context of policymaking Dr Esther Gonzalez-Padilla asks what is sugar? Why should we study it? And how much sugar should we be eating? Esther Gonzalez-Padilla 30 Apr 2024
4853 Sweetness as an aesthetic relationship Dr Maddalena Borsato, senior researcher at Ritsumeikan University examines the ambiguities and of the contradictions of sweetness. Maddalena Borsato 30 Apr 2024
4852 Outwitting the temporalities of ‘control’ for Type 2 diabetes in urban India Pallavi Laxmikanth speaks about her PhD research examining understandings and practises of diabetes management in middle class communities in Hyderabad’s High-Tech City. Pallavi Laxmikanth 30 Apr 2024
4851 Chatting with Danelle Hess In episode two we chat to Dr Danelle Hess from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. Danelle Hess, Danica Sim 17 Apr 2024
4850 Chatting with Danica Sims This is the first episode of “Conversations in Med Ed”. Podcast host, Dr Danica (’Nici’) Sims, plays the role of the guest, as her colleague, Dr Liam Guilfoyle, asks her, “Why start a podcast?” Danica Sims, Liam Guilfoyle 08 Apr 2024
4849 Creative Commons Diaspora Communities: Powerful Partners Driving Change What makes diaspora communities unique? We learn about the roles of diasporas, contributions to development and humanitarian initiatives across the globe and unpack how people living in diaspora drive change in their communities. Alan Gamlen, Larisa Lara, Martin Russell, Rob McNeil 20 Mar 2024
4848 From grassroots to platforms. The reconfiguration of alternative food provisioning in an online world Dr Francesca Forno, Associate professor at the University of Trento discusses how new, grassroots food movements are using online platforms and how their online platforms are being appropriated by bigger businesses. Francesca Forno, Stanley Ulijaszek, Tanja Schneider 13 Mar 2024
4847 Curating good choice, digital marketplace platforms and the framing of eating Dr Jeremy Brice explores how consumer choice is governed, protected, and cared for by firms which operate digital marketplace platforms from the likes of Deliveroo to Amazon Fresh. Jeremy Brice, Stanley Ulijaszek, Tanja Schneider 13 Mar 2024
4846 Creative Commons Excess as entertainment: Mukbang and the theatrics of eating for an online audience Dr Thao Dam explores how food is experienced digitally, through the Korean-originated practice of mukhbang, where people pay to watch others eat inline. Thao Dam, Stanley Ulijaszek, Tanja Schneider 13 Mar 2024
4845 Creative Commons Personalised nutrition and dietary behaviour change in an online study across 7 European countries Dr Anna Macready, associate professor in the School of Agriculture Policy and Development at the University of Reading, takes us through personalised nutrition and asks, ‘is there a right or wrong diet?’ Anna Macready, Stanley Ulijaszek, Tanja Schneider 13 Mar 2024
4844 The International Monetary Fund How does the global financial system cope with a turbulent world? Jan Eijking, Maurice Obstfeld 28 Feb 2024
4843 Creative Commons An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan How can different kinds of policy help refugees and other displaced populations find work? This project focuses on three interventions designed to improve formal employment outcomes for Syrian refugees and local jobseekers in Jordan. Stefano Caria, Max Kasy, Simon Quinn 22 Feb 2024
4842 United Nations Peacekeeping UN peacekeeping expert Renata Dwan shares first-hand experience with peacekeeping in Mali, peacekeeping after the Arab Spring, and how peacekeeping was affected by the 2008 financial crisis. Renata Dwan, Jan Eijking 20 Feb 2024
4841 Creative Commons Artivism and Migration Intersections of art and activism are used as a tool to promote diversity, address human rights and make calls to action in contexts of migration. What is artivism and how can it support individuals to tell their own stories? Salma Zulfiqar, Natalia Federenko, Ruth Nyabuto, Rob McNeil 20 Feb 2024
4840 The International Committee of the Red Cross In this first episode of Global Shocks, we speak to humanitarian leader Yves Daccord, former Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva. Yves Daccord, Jan Eijking 07 Feb 2024
4839 Supporting children’s skills development – what works Growing up in poverty affects children’s skills development. In Episode 3, Kath Ford and Sarah Lane Smith discuss what policies and programmes can make a real difference to children’s future opportunities. Cath Porter, Kath Ford, Sarah Lane-Smith 06 Feb 2024
4838 Creative Commons The Moral Economy of Infrastructures in Everest Tourism As social media posts from the slopes of Mount Everest become almost commonplace Dr Jolynna Sinanan (University of Manchester) focuses on digital media use amongst guides and porters and the impact of digital infrastructures in the area. Jolynna Sinanan, Peyton Cherry 06 Feb 2024
4837 Creative Commons Pentecostalism, Deliverance and Queer Sexuality in Nigeria: Literary Representations Professor Adriaan van Klinken takes us to the epicentre of Pentecostalism. Adriaan van Klinken, Olivia Elizabeth Freidinger 06 Feb 2024
4836 Trailer: Global Shocks In a world facing multiple overlapping crises and wars, understanding how existing international institutions can tackle mounting global challenges is more crucial than ever. Jan Eijking 31 Jan 2024
4835 Stepping in, helping out, competing with…? State and civic actors in Ukraine’s wartime heritage work Dr. Vonnak reflects on how socio historical events impact the definition, preservation, and sometimes neglect of cultural heritage. She draws from her extensive field work in Ukraine over the past eight years. Diana Vonnak, Dora Duo 25 Jan 2024
4834 How to keep girls in high school in India Why do more girls in India drop out of higher education, despite having similar skills to boys? Cath Porter, Renu Singh 23 Jan 2024
4833 Unpacking gender and social and emotional skills in the Global South Children’s skills are a broad field and consistent terminology is elusive. In this episode, Matthew Jukes focuses on social and emotional skills, in particular how they are valued in the Global South. Cath Porter, Matthew Jukes, Julia Tilford 23 Jan 2024
4832 Creative Commons Municipal IDs and Local Citizenship For irregular migrants, the inability to provide proof of identity affects nearly every aspect of life. We explore cities that have introduced municipal ID cards to enhance social integration and enable access to key services. Myriam Cherti, Albert Gamarra, Rob McNeil, Jacqui Broadhead 18 Jan 2024
4831 What should we expect from journalism in 2024? In this episode of Future of Journalism we discuss what the biggest trends are shaping journalism in 2024. Nic Newman, Federica Cherubini 18 Jan 2024
4830 Excess as entertainment: Mukbang and the theatrics of eating for an online audience Dr Thao Dam explores how food is experienced digitally, through the Korean-originated practice of mukhbang, where people pay to watch others eat inline. Thao Dam 15 Dec 2023
4829 From grassroots to platforms. The reconfiguration of alternative food provisioning in an online world Dr Francesca Forno, Associate professor at the University of Trento discusses how new, grassroots food movements are using online platforms and how their online platforms are being appropriated by bigger businesses. Francesca Forno 15 Dec 2023
4828 Curating good choice, digital marketplace platforms and the framing of eating Dr Jeremy Brice explores how consumer choice is governed, protected, and cared for by firms which operate digital marketplace platforms from the likes of Deliveroo to Amazon Fresh. Jeremy Brice 15 Dec 2023
4827 Personalised nutrition and dietary behaviour change in an online study across 7 European countries Dr Anna Macready, associate professor in the School of Agriculture Policy and Development at the University of Reading, takes us through personalised nutrition and asks, ‘is there a right or wrong diet?’ Anna Macready 15 Dec 2023
4826 How newsrooms are meeting the challenges of AI, diversity and flexible working In this episode of our podcast we explore our latest report on how news organisations around the world are adapting their working practices to external changes and internal dynamics including AI, diversity and flexible working. Gretel Kahn, Ramaa Sharma , Federica Cherubini 15 Dec 2023
4825 Cash Transfer Grants in South Africa during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Work Behind the ESRC Outstanding Public Policy Impact Award 2023 The CSAE's Kate Orkin has won the ESRC award for Outstanding Public Policy Impact 2023. Stefan Dercon talks to Kate about the work behind the cash grant programme in South Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic that reached an extra 26.2 million people. Stefan Dercon, Kate Orkin 28 Nov 2023
4824 Human security versus national security: have we lost our capacity for collective action? Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, explores the implications of growing paralysis, polarisation and uncertainty for a world in a race against time to achieve systemic and transformational change. Achim Steiner 24 Nov 2023
4823 The United Nations and the prevention of mass atrocities in the 21st Century: some challenges and opportunities Adama Dieng, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, July 2012 to July 2020, discusses the UN's role in the global collective responsibility to prevent genocide and other mass atrocities. Adama Dieng 24 Nov 2023
4822 From protests to politics: How people engage with news about climate change We explore our latest report on how people access news about climate change, which we are publishing two weeks before COP28 kicks off and in a year when the news has been dominated by so many effects of the climate crisis Mitali Mukherjee, Waqas Ejaz, Gretel Kahn 10 Nov 2023
4821 Emptiness, War and Migration In the UK, migration debates tend to be about the idea of fullness – concepts of arrivals, overcrowding, competition for resources – but what about emptiness? We learn why it is such an important part of understanding migration. Maria Gunko, Volodymyr Artiukh, Rob McNeil, Jacqui Broadhead 07 Nov 2023
4820 Time To Look Up – in conversation with Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma about the climate crisis After a summer of extreme heatwaves, devastating wildfires and deadly flooding across the world, all made worse by climate change, the Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma, President of COP26 in Glasgow 2021, will discuss the ongoing climate crisis. Alok Sharma, Charles Godfray 31 Oct 2023
4819 Creative Commons Watts up with EV charging: An entrepreneur’s view from ground zero Leye (Cornelius) Makanjuola, Oxford Saïd MBA and host discusses the EV charging market with Folasade Ayoola, a fellow student and entrepreneur. Folasade Ayoola, Leye Makanjuola 05 Oct 2023
4818 Creative Commons Parasites, Invention, and Grace: Taking Turns in a Streetcorner Bureaucracy Michael Degani analyzes the styles of work and conflict amongst electrical contractors who congregate across the street from a power utility office in urban Tanzania. Michael Degani, Peyton Cherry 02 Oct 2023
4817 Creative Commons Anthropology, Philosophy and Symmetrisation Philippe Descola, one of Anthropology's most influential figures, invites us to go beyond the traditional boundaries of nature and culture and redefine our understanding of humanity's relationship with the world around us. Philippe Descola, Luise Eder 02 Oct 2023
4816 Intimate Rites: Ancestors and Queer Kinship in Zimbabwe Raffaela Taylor-Seymourn examines the engagements with ancestral spirits among young queer Zimbabweans Raffaela Taylor-Seymourn, Peyton Cherry 02 Oct 2023
4815 Creative Commons Nutritional Anthropology Stanley Ulijaszek discusses human dietary evolution, dietary flexibility and present day undernutrition and infection Stanley Ulijaszek, Jacob Evans 02 Oct 2023
4814 Creative Commons How to Stitch Ethnography Feminist anthropologist Tania Perez-Bustos discusses how immersion in the act of embroidery affects the body and enables collective reflection and listening. Tania Perez-Bustos, Malin Schlode 02 Oct 2023
4813 The Rise and Fall of Generations Does life take you any nearer to your ancestors or does it draw you ever further away from them? Tim Ingold, Luise Eder 02 Oct 2023
4812 Creative Commons Living in Tide: The Climate of the Urban Sea How do fishers and scientists read the uncertain terrain of the city in the sea? What stories does the urban sea hold for the futures of the city? Lan Duo, Nikhil Anand 02 Oct 2023
4811 Creative Commons Crude Sonics: Field Recordings from an Extractive Zone Zsuzsanna Ihar leads us through field recordings captured in the marginal settlements of Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. She traces sounds that haunt, interrupt, and resist processes of gentrification, displacement, and capitalist profiteering. Zsuzsanna Ihar, Eben Kirksey 02 Oct 2023
4810 Automating Immigration in the Digital Age What do advancements in AI mean for immigration? We discuss the current and emerging practices of new technologies in the field, and explore developments in the use of predictive analytics, automated risk assessment and profiling. Derya Ozkul, Caterina Rodelli, Rob McNeil, Jacqui Broadhead 29 Sep 2023
4809 Creative Commons AI and Services-led Growth: Evidence from Indian Job Adverts Online job adverts show that the demand for AI related skills has grown rapidly in countries around the world since 2015. This project examines the demand for AI skills in India's service sector, using a new dataset of online job adverts. Alex Copestake, Max Marczinek, Ashley Pople, Katherine Stapleton 30 Aug 2023
4808 Digital News Report 2023. Episode 6: The importance of public service media for individuals and for society In this episode of our #DNR23 podcast we look at how important news audiences feel public service media is, both for themselves and wider society. Richard Fletcher, Federica Cherubini 13 Jul 2023
4807 Creative Commons Cheaters Dilemma: Iraq, WMD and the path to the 2003 war Why did Iraq fail to prove its WMD absence before the 2003 invasion? This seminar examines new evidence from Iraq and United Nations sources to shed light on the internal debates leading up to the 2003 war. Målfrid Braut-Hegghammer, Neil Ketchley 10 Jul 2023
4806 Creative Commons The Popular Mobilisation Units and their Pursuit of Power and Legitimacy within the Iraqi State This talk examines the Shi‘ite political parties linked to Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU) and their influence over the state, exploring their strategies for legitimacy in politics, religion, and society. Inna Rudolf, Maryam Alemzadeh 10 Jul 2023
4805 Creative Commons The Iraq Invasion and Transnational Jihadism This talk explores the impact of the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 on militant Islamism using new evidence. Thomas Hegghammer, Neil Ketchley 10 Jul 2023
4804 Creative Commons Digital News Report 2023. Episode 5: News podcasts: who is listening and what formats are working? In this episode of our #DNR23 podcast we look at the world of news podcasts and why they're popular with listeners and publishers. Federica Cherubini, Nic Newman 07 Jul 2023
4803 Digital News Report 2023. Episode 4: Attitudes towards algorithms and their impact on news In this episode of our #DNR23 podcast series we explore people’s attitudes towards algorithmic selection of news and the correlation with attitudes towards editorial selection. Federica Cherubini, Richard Fletcher 28 Jun 2023
4802 Creative Commons The Aftermath of Forced Return With the help of our panel, we discuss forced return migration and the different power dynamics at play. What are the difficulties of forced returnees to home countries and what are the differences between the wealth and influence of certain states? Matthew Gibney, Guadalupe Chavez, Maggie Loredo, Delphine Boagey 27 Jun 2023
4801 Digital News Report 2023. Episode 3: Unpacking news participation and online engagement over time In this episode of our #DNR23 podcast we look at levels of news participation across the world. We also look at whether people have positive experiences of engaging in news online and offline. Kirsten Eddy, Federica Cherubini 22 Jun 2023
4800 Digital News Report 2023. Episode 2: Sources and drivers of news media criticism In this episode of our #DNR23 podcast we look at how people say they encounter criticism of the news media, who’s saying it and where, critical differences between countries and how age plays a part. Federica Cherubini, Craig T. Robertson 16 Jun 2023
4799 Digital News Report 2023. Episode 1: What you need to know In this opening episode of our series, we’ll explore the key findings from our Digital News Report 2023, the most comprehensive study of news consumption worldwide. Nic Newman, Rasmus Nielsen, Federica Cherubini 12 Jun 2023
4798 Authentic Leadership - Episode 5 - Authenticity and Solidarity: "We are more united" In the final episode of our Authentic Leadership series we hear from two women leaders from Latin America who have each had to find strategies for dealing with some very tough challenges in journalism. Fernanda Delmas, Marcela Turatio, Ramaa Sharma 05 Jun 2023
4797 Creative Commons Anticipatory Cash Transfers in Climate Disaster Response Billions of dollars are spent annually on humanitarian support to households in crisis. Researchers discuss a large-scale evaluation that tests the impact of anticipatory cash transfers in response to floods in Bangladesh. Ben Brunckhorst, Stefan Dercon, Ruth Hill, Ashley Pople 02 Jun 2023
4796 Authentic Leadership: Episode 4 - Authenticity and resilience: "You don't want rage to define you" In this episode of our Authentic Leadership podcast series we hear from a senior editor in India on how her upbringing led her to find the resilience and self-confidence to progress in challenging newsroom environments. Rupa Jha, Ramaa Sharma 26 May 2023
4795 Precarious Migrants We often think of migration in binary terms of regular or irregular migration; legal or illegal, but often people move in between these states and are left in an insecure status. How does this precarity effect a migrant’s access to services in cities? Marie Mallet-Garcia, Shams Asadi, Wanjiku Ngotho-Mbugua, Delphine Boagey 19 May 2023
4794 Authentic Leadership: Episode 3 - Authenticity and perseverance: "It became clear it wasn't about me" In this episode, we look at how one young woman leader found the courage to negotiate an array of challenges in the newsroom and how the stories we craft for ourselves can help us persevere through challenging times. Ramaa Sharma, Yvette Dimiri 19 May 2023
4793 Authentic Leadership: Episode 2 - Authenticity and honesty: "It was a big moment for me to say that I was struggling" In this episode of our Authentic Leadership podcast we look at how newsroom environments can foster or hinder the search for authenticity. We explore the importance of finding allies and being honest with yourself on the journey. Ramaa Sharma, Anup Kaphle 15 May 2023
4792 Creative Commons Russia and Christian nationalism: the background of a conflict How the global resurgence of traditionalist, religion-based nationalism relates to the specifics of the present conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Rowan Williams 12 May 2023
4791 Creative Commons Exiting Russia: the effects of multinational withdrawal Can corporate action contribute to human rights, peace, and conflict prevention? Bennett Freeman 12 May 2023
4790 Creative Commons The Global Food Crisis and the Ukraine War Exploring the three elements that intersect and contribute to the global food crisis. Alex de Waal 12 May 2023
4789 Creative Commons The early medieval history of Ukraine: mythology and historical logics The history of early Slavs as a point for debunking historical misconceptions that benefit one state at the expense of another. Andrii Pastushenko 12 May 2023
4788 Creative Commons Ukraine and the fragmentation of world order Using the unfolding crisis of the Ukraine war as a lens to consider the drivers of conflict and transformation in the contemporary world order. Luke Cooper 12 May 2023
4787 Creative Commons Being a Social Entrepreneur in a War Zone How did I evacuate over 30,000 women and children from the warzone, not knowing Ukraine and not speaking a word of Ukrainian? I drew on my business, political and organisation skills to move quickly to save thousands of lives. This is my story. Brooks Newmark 12 May 2023
4786 Creative Commons The work of the media during the Russian-Ukrainian war How the media in Ukraine transitioned to covering the war with the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. Yaroslava Bukhta 12 May 2023
4785 Creative Commons Understanding the Ukraine's Grassroots in the Russia-Ukraine War The need to consider grassroots nuances in Ukraine in order to understand the Russia-Ukraine war, and possible strategies for peace going forward. Marnie Howlett 12 May 2023
4784 Creative Commons Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large Scale Randomised Trials in Five Countries Education systems need to withstand shocks that routinely close schools. Researchers discuss results from randomised trials evaluating the provision of education in emergency settings across 5 countries. Noam Angrist, Claire Cullen, Thato Letsomo, Michael Ainomugisha 11 May 2023
4783 Creative Commons Not Getting Tangled The importance of red tape in growing economies. Nattawan Kularbkeo, Jordan Zele 10 May 2023
4782 Creative Commons International crimes in Ukraine Who can be held accountable and how? Federica D’Alessandra 04 May 2023
4781 Creative Commons Components for Sustainable Peace in Ukraine What are the necessary components of a peace process for Ukraine? Carne addresses that any such process must involve groups on the ground, such as those from the Donbass or Crimea, if it is to be effective and sustained in the long term. Carne Ross 04 May 2023
4780 Authentic Leadership: Episode 1 - what does 'authenticity' mean? Discussing what authenticity means in the context of newsroom leadership, host Ramaa Sharma speaks to two experts with backgrounds in journalism, Ruchika Tulshyan and Stéphane Mayoux. Ramaa Sharma, Ruchika Tulshyan, Stéphane Mayoux 03 May 2023
4779 Can international humanitarian organisations adapt to face the challenges of this century? Yves Daccord, former CEO of the International Committee of the Red Cross, joins us at the Oxford Martin School. Yves Daccord 26 Apr 2023
4778 Founding a Fintech: The story of a financial inclusion startup in Latin America Katherine Dellar and Oxford MBA classmate Diego Rojas discuss Diego's experience starting a Fintech business. Katherine Dellar, Diego Rojas 26 Apr 2023
4777 Anat Scolnicov - The Israel Supreme Court Religion and the Relationship of State and Religion in Israel On judicial independence in Israel Anat Scolnicov 23 Mar 2023
4776 Amos Morris-Rich - The Fusion of Zionism and Science: The First Two Decades - And the Present Day? On Zionism's relation to Science Amos Morris-Reich 23 Mar 2023
4775 Pursuit of Purpose: Stories in impact through an African lens In this episode, Angus Macdonald sits down with Grace Njunge to delve a bit deeper into what a career in impact consulting may look like on the African continent. Grace Njunge 08 Mar 2023
4774 Creative Commons Frida's Fight: Examining the Gender Gap in the Art Industry In this episode of season 5, Susheel Siram, an Oxford Saïd MBA and host, discusses gender inequity in the art market with fellow student Brooke Reese. Brooke Reese, Susheel Siram 06 Mar 2023
4773 Creative Commons A Weapon Is No Subordinate. Autonomous Weapons and the Scope of Superior Responsibility Dr. Alessandra Spadaro of Utrecht University outlines several challenges to the applicability of the doctrine of superior responsibility in the context of the use of autonomous weapons systems. Alessandra Spadaro 24 Feb 2023
4772 Creative Commons One Hundred Years of International Administrative Law: Is the Employment Law at International Organizations Working? Peter Quayle argues employment law of international organizations tends towards incoherence, however, mapping international administrative law onto a larger framework of international organizations law can realize a more workable version of the law. Peter Quayle 24 Feb 2023
4771 Creative Commons Politics of Emigration In this episode of The Migration Oxford Podcast, we are discussing the politics of emigration. All countries are countries of immigration and of emigration, yet the politics of emigration are often less obsessed over as attitudes toward immigration. Anna Kyriazi, Julia Rone, Madeleine Reeves, Rob McNeil 21 Feb 2023
4770 Creative Commons One year after Putin's invasion, how is Ukrainian journalism faring? In this episode we discuss the tremendous toll that Russia's full-scale invasion has had on journalists and the news media in the country. Olga Tokariuk, Mitali Mukherjee 14 Feb 2023
4769 Creative Commons It runs in the family: How to navigate various crises in the world of family business In this episode of season 5, Sandhya Sridhar, Oxford Saïd MBA and host, discusses the world of family business with fellow student Shwe Yee Win. Sandhya Sridhar, Shwe Yee Win 09 Feb 2023
4768 What should we expect from journalism in 2023? In this episode of our podcast we speak with the author of a report tracking the fundamental trends shaping journalism in the year ahead. Federica Cherubini, Nic Newman 20 Jan 2023
4767 Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea: Informal Lawmaking in Action? Natalie Klein, Professor at UNSW Sydney, presents on the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea, adopted in March 2022 as an initiative of UK charity Human Rights at Sea, and on the Declaration's lawmaking potential. Natalie Klein 20 Jan 2023
4766 Violent environments? Towards a political ecology of international law Dr Eliana Cusato, postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, presents an overview of the key arguments in her book, 'The Ecology of War and Peace: Marginalising Slow and Structural Violence in International Law'. Eliana Cusato 20 Jan 2023
4765 Creative Commons Climate Litigation in International Organs and Courts: The Torres Strait Islanders case Monica Feria-Tinta discusses a landmark 2022 decision of the UN Human Rights Committee which found that Australia failed to protect indigenous Torres Strait Islanders against adverse impacts of climate change, in breach of human rights law. Monica Feria-Tinta 20 Jan 2023
4764 Creative Commons Complicity in a War of Aggression Dr Nikola Hajdin outlines an analytical framework for criminal complicity in a war of aggression Nikola Hajdin 20 Jan 2023
4763 Who Counts? Data and Migration We discuss the role of data science in migration studies, joined by Dr. Emre Korkmaz, lecturer in migration and co-author of Data Science for Migration and Mobility and Christina Pao, PhD student and co-organiser of the Measuring Migration Conference 2022 Emre Korkmaz, Christina Pao, Rob McNeil, Jacqui Broadhead 19 Jan 2023
4762 Creative Commons Trash Talk: How to transform our approach to waste management Host Katherine Dellar discusses all things trash, garbage and rubbish with Oxford MBA classmate Ryan Caplin. Ryan Caplin, Katherine Dellar 19 Jan 2023
4761 Creative Commons Paying to Play: How to fund the Arts from a pianist's perspective Happy New Year from the Future of Business Podcast! In this season's second episode, Jordan Zele, Oxford Saïd MBA and host, discusses funding of the arts with pianist, actor, and fellow student Helen Kashap. Helen Kashap, Jordan Zele 10 Jan 2023
4760 On Purpose: How businesses and individuals can create impact This episode explores how business and impact have become interwoven over time and how that shapes companies' strategic objectives. Susheel Siram, Christen Brandt 08 Dec 2022
4759 Panel Discussion 'The age of the strongman: populism and authoritarianism in global politics' A discussion on leaders and populism with Lord Patten, Gideon Rachman, Margaret MacMillan and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira Lord Patten of Barnes, Gideon Rachman, Margaret MacMillan, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira 07 Dec 2022
4758 The state of the African state: Where has it come from and where is it going Nick Westcott, Director of the Royal African Society, discusses the African State. Nick Westcott, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira 07 Dec 2022
4757 Book talk: 'Butler to the world: how Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals' In this event chaired by Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Oliver Bullough discusses his best selling and critically acclaimed book, 'Butler to the World: How Britain Became the Servant of Tycoons, Tax Dodgers, Kleptocrats and Criminals'. Oliver Bullough, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira 07 Dec 2022
4756 Creative Commons Neta Schramm - Zionist Neutral? The Sardonic Zionism of Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Ovadia Yosef Neta Schramm discusses the (non-ideological) "think Zionism" stances of two leading Israeli figures. Neta Schramm 05 Dec 2022
4755 Creative Commons Maya Mark - Menachem Begin’s stand on the imposition of the Military Government, 1948- 1966 Maya Mark discusses Menachem Begin's commitment to Liberalism Maya Mark 30 Nov 2022