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We each live according to our own personal code of ethics but what moral principles guide our work? The 19 feature theme articles in this issue debate many of the ethical questions that confront us in programming, research, safeguarding and volunteering, and in our use of data, new technologies, messaging and images. Prepare to be enlightened, unsettled and challenged. This issue is being published in tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond, founder of the Refugee Studies Centre and FMR, who died in July 2018: www.fmreview.org/ethics
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
29 | FMR 61 - From the Editors | What moral principles guide our work? This issue debates many of the ethical questions that confront us in programming, research, safeguarding and volunteering, and in our use of data, new technologies, messaging and images. | Marion Couldrey, Jenny Peebles | 20 Jun 2019 | |
28 | FMR 61 - Big data, little ethics: confidentiality and consent | Donors’ thirst for data is increasingly undermining security and confidentiality, putting both survivors of violence and staff at risk. | Nicole Behnam, Kristy Crabtree | 20 Jun 2019 | |
27 | FMR 61 - New technologies in migration: human rights impacts | States are keen to explore the use of new technologies in migration management, yet greater oversight and accountability mechanisms are needed in order to safeguard fundamental rights. | Petra Molnar | 20 Jun 2019 | |
26 | FMR 61 - Social media screening: Norway’s asylum system | The growing use of data gathered from social media in asylum claim assessments raises critical yet underexplored ethical questions. | Jan-Paul Brekke, Anne Balke Staver | 20 Jun 2019 | |
25 | FMR 61 - Developing ethical guidelines for research | The IASFM has agreed an international code of ethics to guide research with displaced people. Challenges that arose during its development merit continued discussion. | Christina Clark-Kazak | 20 Jun 2019 | |
24 | FMR 61 - ‘Over-researched’ and ‘under-researched’ refugees | A number of ethical issues emerge from working with ‘over-researched’ and ‘under-researched’ refugee groups. | Naohiko Omata | 20 Jun 2019 | |
23 | FMR 61 - Research fatigue among Rwandan refugees in Uganda | Refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement demonstrate research fatigue, yet a return visit by one particular researcher reveals an interesting twist to the tale. | Cleophas Karooma | 20 Jun 2019 | |
22 | FMR 61 - Over-researching migration ‘hotspots’? Ethical issues from the Carteret Islands | The situation of the Carteret Islanders, often characterised as the first ‘climate change refugees’, has attracted much research interest. What is the impact of such interest? And are standard ethics compliance processes appropriate? | Johannes M Luetz | 20 Jun 2019 | |
21 | FMR 61 - Ethics and accountability in researching sexual violence against men and boys | Researching sexual violence against men and boys in humanitarian settings requires navigating multiple ethics- and accountability-related tensions. | Sarah Chynoweth, Sarah Martin | 20 Jun 2019 | |
20 | FMR 61 - Ethics and consent in settlement service delivery | Service providers working in settlement contexts could draw more on research principles in order to better enable new arrivals to understand questions of rights and consent. | Carla Nayton and Sally Baker | 20 Jun 2019 | |
19 | FMR 61 - Ethical primary research by humanitarian actors | As humanitarian agencies increasingly follow the example of academia in establishing ethics review committees, one such agency reflects on the benefits and drawbacks. | Prisca Benelli, Tamara Low | 20 Jun 2019 | |
18 | FMR 61 - EU migration strategy: compromising principled humanitarian action | EU migration policies are undermining basic humanitarian principles and making it more difficult for humanitarian actors to uphold their ethical commitments. | Anaïs Faure Atger | 20 Jun 2019 | |
17 | FMR 61 - A humanitarian approach to travel medicine? | When MSF recently piloted travel medicine services for people travelling along migration routes in Greece, various ethical challenges and moral dilemmas emerged. | Marta Aleksandra Balinska | 20 Jun 2019 | |
16 | FMR 61 - Principled humanitarian assistance and non-State armed groups | The humanitarian community needs to develop a better shared understanding of how to provide principled assistance in areas controlled by proscribed groups. | Ruta Nimkar, Viren Falcao, Matthew Tebbutt, Emily Savage | 20 Jun 2019 | |
15 | FMR 61 - Ethical dilemmas posed by unethical behaviour by persons of concern | What ethical dilemmas affect humanitarian agencies’ responses to fraudulent behaviour by persons of concern? And how might refugee community structures be more involved in defining responses? | Anna Turus | 20 Jun 2019 | |
14 | FMR 61 - Ethical quandaries in volunteering | Volunteers in Greece who are filling gaps in service provision can encounter complex ethical situations for which they may be insufficiently trained and supported. | Ashley Witcher | 20 Jun 2019 | |
13 | FMR 61 - The ethical use of images and messaging | NGOs, international organisations and donors alike must consider the impact of the images and messaging they use in seeking to raise funds for humanitarian assistance. | Dualta Roughneen | 20 Jun 2019 | |
12 | FMR 61 - Representing refugees in advocacy campaigns | The representations of refugees created by advocacy and solidarity groups must be devised in partnership with those whose stories are being told. | Natalie Slade | 20 Jun 2019 | |
11 | FMR 61 - Putting safeguarding commitments into practice | Aid organisations have to go further if they are to meet commitments to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, listen to survivors, and remove barriers to reporting. | Agnes Olusese, Catherine Hingley | 19 Jun 2019 | |
10 | FMR 61 - Safeguarding in conflict and crisis | Robust, comprehensive safeguarding measures, including those used in crisis- and conflict-affected contexts, need to take appropriate account of local contexts in order to adhere to the highest international standards, including in safeguarding children. | Sarah Blakemore, Rosa Freedman | 19 Jun 2019 | |
9 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - A life not ordinary: our colleague Barbara Harrell-Bond | During Refugee Week 2018, the Refugee Studies Centre showed a new film entitled A Life Not Ordinary, a documentary about Barbara Harrell-Bond, OBE, Emeritus Professor, founder of the RSC, and our colleague. | Dawn Chatty, Matthew Gibney and Roger Zetter | 19 Jun 2019 | |
8 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - A lifelong commitment to justice | Barbara Harrell-Bond’s work had a radical impact on the lives of the uprooted and on people’s attitudes towards them. | HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan | 19 Jun 2019 | |
7 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - A refugee-centered perspective | Part of Barbara’s legacy is her refugee-centred approach to forced migration and refugee studies. | Anita H Fábos | 19 Jun 2019 | |
6 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - Building expert witness reports: Barbara’s legacy | The importance of rigour and detail in preparing expert witness reports cannot be overstated. | Maja Grundler | 19 Jun 2019 | |
5 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - The helpfulness of Imposing Aid: a tribute from the Refugee Law Project | Twenty years after Barbara Harrell-Bond co-founded the Refugee Law Project in Uganda, its current director considers the continuing legacy of the principles that run through her book. | Chris Dolan | 19 Jun 2019 | |
4 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - Barbara’s ethics of antagonism | Barbara Harrell-Bond’s approach stemmed from her core belief that we are all adults, all equal, all responsible. | Joshua Craze | 19 Jun 2019 | |
3 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - AMERA: delivering a refugee-centred approach to protection | Former AMERA staff and advisers reflect on the impact this NGO had in advancing refugee protection and how it embodied Barbara Harrell-Bond’s philosophy. | Sarah Elliott, Megan Denise Smith | 19 Jun 2019 | |
2 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - From a critique of camps to better forms of aid | What insights can the pre-eminent critic of camp-based aid provision, Barbara Harrell-Bond, offer contemporary practitioners? | Alyoscia D’Onofrio | 13 Jun 2019 | |
1 | FMR 61 - Tribute to Barbara Harrell-Bond - Resist injustice | The assistance that I, as a refugee, received from Barbara Harrell-Bond shows that her defence of refugees went far beyond the preparation of asylum applications. | Olivier Rukundo | 13 Jun 2019 |