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Department of Education

Oxford has been making a major contribution to the field of education for over 100 years and today this Department has a world class reputation for research, for teacher education and for its Masters and doctoral programmes. Much has changed at this Department over the years, particularly recently, with a range of excellent new and refurbished buildings and with expanded staff numbers. What has not changed is our commitment to excellence and to relevance in all that we do. Our aim is to provide an intellectually rich but supportive environment in which to study, to research and to teach and, through our work, to contribute to the improvement of all phases of public education, both in the UK and internationally.

Series associated with Department of Education

Centre for Global Higher Education
Conversations in Med Ed
Deanery Digests
Department of Education Public Seminars
Department of Education Research Seminars
Dialogues on Educational Justice: Brought to you by the Repair-Ed project
Impact in an evolving research environment
# Episode Title Description People Date
60 Religion and belief in Britain: The Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life Dr Edward Kessler, University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series on 7th November 2016. Edward Kessler 08 Nov 2016
59 Does market competition and/or the growth of participation foster diversity in higher education systems? Professor Simon Marginson, ULC Institute of Education, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series. Simon Marginson 01 Nov 2016
58 Education in divided societies: The role of school collaboration Professor Tony Gallagher, University of Belfast, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series on 24th October 2016. Tony Gallagher 31 Oct 2016
57 Making use of international large- scale assessment data in national contexts: PIRLS for Teachers Dr Therese N Hopfenbeck, Department of Education, Oxford, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series on 17th October 2016. Co-written with Dr Jenny Lenkeit Jenny Lenkeit, Therese N Hopfenbeck 31 Oct 2016
56 Creative Commons What Can We Learn from students' reports of their secondary school experiences and their role in shaping academic outcomes at GCSE? This lecture discusses the development of various measures of students experiences and views of their secondary schools based on self report questionnaires taken at ages 14 & 16. Pamela Sammons 02 Jun 2016
55 Measuring and developing second language fluency Professor Judit Kormos, Lancaster University, gives a talk for the Department of Education seminar series. Judit Kormos 02 Jun 2016
54 Promoting quality in education: A dynamic approach to school improvement Professor Leonidas Kyriakides, Department of Education, University of Cyprus, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. Leonidas Kyriakides 09 Mar 2016
53 Closing the Gap: Issues, challenges and impact of the implementation of a national experiment in educational research Dr Ann Childs, Dr Nigel Fancourt, Dr Roger Firth, Professor Ian Menter and Dr Ian Thompson, Department of Education, Oxford, give a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar series. Ann Childs, Nigel Fancourt, Roger Firth, Ian Menter 04 Mar 2016
52 The sociolinguistic and pedagogic implications of the spread of English as global language Dr Heath Rose, Department of Education, Oxford, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. Heath Rose 26 Feb 2016
51 Silence in Japan’s second language classrooms The dynamic interplay between context and learners Dr Jim King, University of Leicester, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public seminar series on 15th February 2016. Jim King 18 Feb 2016
50 Social and emotional early development: A programme to develop children’s social skills and help prevent bullying Daniel Muijs, Professor of Education at the University of Southampton, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. Daniel Muijs 09 Feb 2016
49 Reimagining liberal education: Affiliation and inquiry in democratic schooling Professor Hanan Alexander, Haifa University, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series. Hanan Alexander 03 Feb 2016
48 Clever Classrooms: Evidence for the impacts of classroom design on learning Professor Peter Barrett, University of Salford, gies a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series on 25th January 2016. Peter Barrett 27 Jan 2016
47 Research into the links between language teacher development and working with children as co- researchers Dr Annamaria Pinter, Warwick University, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. Annamaria Pinter 21 Jan 2016
46 The educational progress of looked after children in England: linking care and educational data Professor David Berridge University of Bristol, Professor Judy Sebba, Dr Nikki Luke and Professor Steve Strand, Department of Education give a talk for the Education Seminar Series. The respondent is Ms Emma Ing, Senior HMI Ofsted. David Berridge, Judy Sebba, Nikki Luke, Steve Srand 03 Dec 2015
45 The Education Endowment Foundation Challenges for the future Sir Kevan Collins, Education Endowment Foundation, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series on 23rd Novemner 2015. Sir Kevan Collins 03 Dec 2015
44 The scare tactic: Does it work? Motivating students for test and examinations Professor David Putwain (Edge Hill University) gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. David Putwain 20 Nov 2015
43 How well are children in Sudan taught to read compared to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa? Results of a National Learning Assessment. Seminar looking at education in Sudan and other North African countries. David Johnson 12 Nov 2015
42 ‘Online all the time’ Teachers’ work in the digital age Professor Neil Selwyn, Professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminars series. Neil Selwyn 05 Nov 2015
41 Parenting support Evidence, policy and practice Professor Geoff Lindsay, University of Warwick, gives a talk for the department of education public seminar series. Geoff Lindsay 28 Oct 2015
40 Assessment and learning: Fields Apart? Professor Jo-Anne Baird, Department of Education, gives a talk for the Department of Education Seminar series on 19th October 2015. Co-written by Professor David Andrich. Introduced by Dr Therese Hopfenbeck. Jo-Anne Baird 22 Oct 2015
39 Impact and Knowledge Exchange in an Evolving Research Environment A panel session reflecting on research impact and knowledge exchange from different angles, from user perspectives and wide public debates, through institutional contexts and the interfaces with different funding bodies, and to international experiences Andrew Dilnot, Claire Donovan, Colette Fagan, Roger Goodman 21 Sep 2015
38 Approaches to facilitating research impact The talk will reflect on ways in which research can lead to impact and how this can be evidenced. The main focus will be on approaches and strategies for increasing impact with respect to the next REF. Simon Kerridge 21 Sep 2015
37 Competing for excellence: Perverse and constructive effects of evaluation machines in academia Professor Paul Wouters discusses the current tensions in the way researchers are being evaluated and assessed and introduces the concept of "evaluation machines" to understand the dynamics behind disconnected assessment practices. Paul Wouters 21 Sep 2015
36 What was I thinking?! - being an academic in the age of impact Reflecting on experience as academic lead for the Warwick Commission for the Future of Cultural Value, Dr Eleonora Belfiore explores the possibilities and challenges that developing a collaborative approach to generating fresh policy thinking entails. Eleonora Belfiore 21 Sep 2015
35 Understanding research impact: analysis of the REF impact case studies Delivering impact from research has become a central feature of the research policy landscape in the UK and beyond, in this seminar Dr Stephen Hill considers what is meant by ‘research impact’ and examines recent impact case studies. Steven Hill 21 Sep 2015
34 In metrics we trust? Impact, indicators & the prospects for social science over the next five years James Wilsdon talks about the role of metrics in researcg assessment and the opportunities & dilemmas for the social sciences & humanities. James Wilsdon, David Walker 21 Sep 2015
33 Design and practice: a study of the design, build and occupation of new schools Prof. Harry Daniels & Hau Ming Tse present an account of ways in which the discourses and practices of school design produce educational spaces which mediate and shape the discourses and practices of teaching and learning when the building is occupied. Harry Daniels, Hau Ming Tse 22 Jun 2015
32 Creative Commons Questioning the UK government’s vision of higher education and social mobility A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Dr Susan James Relly, Assistant Director of SKOPE. Susan James Relly 09 Jun 2015
31 What Kind of Learning do we want? 21st Century Learning, the Standards Agenda and Expert Learners How can we help students move from being novices to proficient apprentices to experts in the domain? Gordon Stobart 08 Jun 2015
30 Predictability in High-Stakes Assessment: Students’ Approach to Learning This study investigated the predictability of the Leaving Certificate examination in Ireland, where public accusations of predictable exams are of serious concern. Jo-Anne Baird, Therese Hopfenbeck, Daniel Caro 22 May 2015
29 Does being in care provide protection or increase risk? Understanding the outcomes of children in care A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Professor Janet Boddy, University of Sussex and Professor Donald Forrester, University of Bedfordshire. Janet Boddy, Donald Forrester 13 Apr 2015
28 Education, language and the social brain A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Dr Neil Mercer, University of Cambridge. Neil Mercer 02 Mar 2015
27 Mobile learning in global health training. What about social justice? Niall discusses emerging findings from the ESRC/DFID­funded project "mCHW: a mobile  learning intervention for community health workers”.  Niall Winters 19 Feb 2015
26 Modalities and mechanisms of effective school inspections A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Dr Melanie Ehren, senior lecturer at the London Centre for Leadership and Learning. Melanie Ehren, Pamela Sammons 06 Feb 2015
25 The death of human capital: why there are no exceptions A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Professor Hugh Lauder, University of Bath. Hugh Lauder 05 Feb 2015
24 Production tasks underestimate the grammatical abilities of sequential bilingual children Department of Education Public Seminar delivered by Professor Theodoros Marinis on sequential bilingual children. Theodoras Marinis 21 Jan 2015
23 Contrasting the dynamics of English  and Finnish education policy­making A public seminar from the Department of Education, delivered by Dr Jaakko Kauko, University of Helsinki. Jaakko Kauko 05 Dec 2014
22 English language policy and educational planning: Issues and concerns in Asian contexts A public seminar from the Department of Education, delivered by Dr Roger Barnard. Roger Barnard 01 Dec 2014
21 Effects of pre-school education on outcomes at age 16 and predicted lifetime earnings: Findings from the mixed method EPPSE study A public seminar from the Department of Education, delivered by Professors Pam Sammons and Kathy Sylva. Pat Sammons, Kathy Sylva 01 Dec 2014
20 Are there some questions that can’t be answered? The limits of research in teacher education A public seminar from the Department of Education, delivered by Dr Katharine Burn and Trevor Mutton. Katharine Burn, Trevor Mutton, Harry Daniels 01 Dec 2014
19 The rise and rise of testing and use of assessment data in Australia A public seminar from the Department of Education, delivered by Professor Val Klenowski, Queensland University of Technology. Val Klenowski, Jo-Anne Baird 01 Dec 2014
18 The Class: Connections and Disconnections in the Digital Age This talk by Prof. Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics, reflects on a recent ethnographic study of a year 9 class – researched at school and at home over an academic year. Sonia Livingstone, Chris Davies 27 Jun 2014
17 From Multiversity to Postmodern University This seminar presentation traces the emergence of postmodernist models of higher education institutions (HEIs) from Clark Kerr’s 1963 idea of the American multiversity to Zygmunt Bauman’s more recent notion of the postmodern university. Claire Donovan 17 Jun 2014
16 Developing a Dialogic Approach to Early Secondary School Science and Mathematics Teaching: insights and findings from the epiSTEMe project. Prof. Kenneth Ruthven gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series Kenneth Ruthven 17 Jun 2014
15 Pronoun Interpretation in the Second Language A talk from the Department of Education Public Seminar series given by Prof. Roumyana Slabakova (Universities of Southampton and Iowa) and Prof. Lydia White (McGill University). Roumyana Slabakova, Lydia White 15 May 2014
14 Creative Commons Multi-Word Vocabulary and literacy development in children with English as an Additional Language Dr Vicky Murphy talks on research examining figurative vocabulary knowledge in primary school children with EAL, examining collocations (multiword phrases) and idioms and the relative contribution this type of word knowledge makes to literacy development. Vicki Murphy 24 Mar 2014
13 Creative Commons Can Psychological Research Improve Selection of Teachers? In this talk, Prof. Klassen, University of York, considers how psychological research can inform how teachers are selected for training and practice, leading to new selection approaches that can strengthen the quality of schools in the UK and elsewhere. Robert Klassen 14 Mar 2014
12 Heritage Speaker Bilingualism: Input Issues in Grammatical Outcomes Professor Jason Rothman presents a survey of experimental research examining the grammatical knowledge and performances of heritage speaker bilinguals, most of which demonstrate that as a group they differ significantly from monolingual counterparts. Jason Rothman 28 Feb 2014
11 The Impact of the Social Sciences Patrick Dunleavy, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, explains how the impacts of university social science have been under-researched, and their effectiveness often decried. Patrick Dunleavy 28 Feb 2014
10 Creative Commons Educational Testing as an Accountability Measure A public seminar given by Dr Christian Ydesen who is a researcher at Aalborg University, Denmark Christian Ydesen 07 Feb 2014
9 Creative Commons Can a single model of task complexity differentiate between the difficulty of writing and speaking tasks? Dr Parvaneh Tavakoli is Lecturer in TESOL & Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading. In this presentation the existing models of task difficulty will be introduced and their applicability to L2 writing and speaking modes will be examined. Parvaneh Tavakoli 07 Feb 2014
8 Creative Commons A Sociocultural Imagination: Studying the Formative Effects of 'Everydayness' Harry Daniels is Professor of Education at the University of Oxford. He previously held Chairs at the Universities of Bath and Birmingham. He is co-convener and Research Director of the Oxford Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research (OSAT). Harry Daniels 13 Dec 2013
7 English as an Additional Language: Talking to Learn? Prof. Leung (King's College London) has worked for many years in the field of second/additional language education. His academic and research interests include classroom pedagogy, content and language-integrated curriculum development, language assessment Constant Leung 03 Dec 2013
6 Creative Commons The Attraction of Psychology and the Rhetoric of Neuroscience: on 'Knowing How to Go On' in the Educational Field Paul Smeyers is Research Professor for Philosophy of Education at Ghent University, Extraordinary Professor at K.U.Leuven, and Honorary Extraordinary Professor at Stellenbosch University. Paul Smeyers 20 Nov 2013
5 Creative Commons Student Evaluations of University Teaching: Recommendations for Policy and Practice Professor Herb Marsh is a world-leading researcher in Educational Psychology. He is the author of internationally recognised psychological tests that measure self-concept, motivation and university students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness. Herb Marsh 12 Nov 2013
4 Creative Commons Doing practical work: rationality and heuristics in teaching A public seminar given by Professor Walter Doyle, University of Arizona, at the Oxford University Department of Education. Walter Doyle 29 Oct 2013
3 Creative Commons Does it matter what 'validity' means? In this seminar Paul E Newton, Professor of Education Assessment University of London, Institute of Education talks about how scholars have been trying to agree on a meaning of validity. Paul E Newton 25 Feb 2013
2 Creative Commons Exploring the meanings of standards in language testing Public Seminar delivered by Professor Barry O'Sullivan from the British Council on 11/02/2013. Barry O'Sullivan 12 Feb 2013
1 Creative Commons Task as Workspace for Language Learning and Teaching Public Seminar delivered by Prof. Martin Bygate, University of Lancaster on 28/01/2013. A focus for Task Based Language Teaching research which might help the development of TBLT. Martin Bygate 07 Feb 2013