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Dr Nando Sigona is Senior Research Officer at the Refugee Studies Centre, currently working on research on statelessness, diasporas and immigration and citizenship regimes in the EU (with Dr Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh), and on transitions to adulthood of former unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Europe (with Dr Elaine Chase and Professor Robert Walker). He teaches on the MSc in Migration Studies. He has taught sociology of migration and forced migration at Oxford Brookes University and City University London.
His main research interests include: irregular and child migration; governance and governmentality of forced migration in the EU; and the intersection of rights, citizenship and belonging. Nando is a leading expert on Romani politics and anti-Gypsyism in Europe.
Video interviews: No way out, no way in: Irregular migrant children in the UK | Public policy and irregular child migration
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
9 | Creative Commons | Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Young Undocumented Migrants | Seminar given on 19 November 2014 by Dr Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham) and Professor Roger Zetter (Refugee Studies Centre), part of the RSC Michaelmas term 2014 Public Seminar Series. | Nando Sigona, Roger Zetter | 08 Dec 2014 |
8 | Migration and revolution (The Arab Uprisings – Part 3) | Part 3 of 3 of a series of podcasts from the special workshop 'The Arab Uprisings: Displacement and Migration', held at the Oxford Department of International Development on 16 May 2014 | Nando Sigona, Nicholas Van Hear, Philip Marfleet, Marta Bellingreri | 14 Aug 2014 | |
7 | Creative Commons | Campzenship: rethinking the camp as a political space | Nando Sigona, University of Birmingham, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series. | Nando Sigona | 29 May 2013 |
6 | Creative Commons | FMR 39 Migration and revolution | The Arab Spring has not radically transformed migration patterns in the Mediterranean, and the label 'migration crisis' does not do justice to the composite and stratified reality. | Hein de Haas, Nando Sigona | 08 May 2013 |
5 | Creative Commons | Rethinking impact with social media | Oxford-based researcher Nando Sigona started his blog "Postcards from..." in 2008. Since then his use of social media has expanded into Twitter and Podcasting to engage wider communities in his research on migration, asylum and minority issues. | Nando Sigona | 26 Nov 2012 |
4 | Creative Commons | Rethinking impact with social media | Oxford-based researcher Nando Sigona started his blog "Postcards from..." in 2008. Since then his use of social media has expanded into Twitter and Podcasting to engage wider communities in his research on migration, asylum and minority issues. | Nando Sigona | 26 Nov 2012 |
3 | Creative Commons | Deportation, non-deportability and precarious lives: the contemporary status-less child in Britain | Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2012. Seminar by Dr Nando Sigona (University of Oxford) recorded on 14 November 2012 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. | Nando Sigona | 22 Nov 2012 |
2 | RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Stateless diasporas and immigration and citizenship regimes in the EU | This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's first Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. | Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Nando Sigona | 18 Oct 2011 | |
1 | Creative Commons | The Population Paradox | Professor David Coleman, Dr George Leeson and Dr Nando Sigona discuss the global issues relating to the world's rising population at the Alumni Weekend Conference 2011. | David Coleman, George Leeson, Nando Sigona | 11 Oct 2011 |